Issue running juypter notebook after installing Anaconda - jupyter-notebook

I recently installed the latest version of Anaconda which i require for a course i am doing in data analytics.
I need to use jupyter notebook but it won't run for me ..i keep getting an error jupyter notebook not found.
In the anaconda prompt i ran command conda list and juypter is in the list. The version of juputer showing is version 4.4.0.
I tried then to launch jupyter notebook through anaconda navigator but no luck either. I did notice though that in Anaconda navigator the version of juypter notebook shows as 5.6.0. The conda list command shows version 4.4.0. Strange. I then decided from navigator to install version 4.4.0 of jupyter. This has allowed me to run jupyter notebook but i cant code in the notebook and it says kernel not connected. A lot of errors also showing in command prompt.
Any help would be much appreciated as i have uninstalled and reinstalled Anaconda over 14 times and im getting nowhere. Two assignments due in on the 11th November so getting quite worried. Im very new to programmjng and from a finance background.
Im running windows 7.
Kind regards


Confusing Jupyter Notebook packages on Anaconda: jupyter or notebook?

I have been wondering about this for a while and cannot seem to find a reliable source to explain this.
I want to install Jupyter Notebook to my Conda environment, and when I search for it on, there are 2 very popular packages available and both of them can open a working Jupyter Notebook with no problem.
However, according to the Project Jupyter's official documentation, the pip command to install Jupyter Notebook is:
pip install notebook
And nowhere in the documenation, it mentions anything about this jupyter package.
So what exactly is this jupyter package?
It does not have any license, no description, no references to the Project Jupyter website, and the package just looks unmaintained with version 1.0.0 for a while now.
Yet it has > 200k total downloads and when installed, it is able to open Jupyter Notebook properly.
I find it very confusing and easy to lead to dependencies problem in the future in Conda environment.
It's clear from the Project Jupyter instructions that the canonical package name for installing Jupyter Notebook is notebook. There are parallel jupyter and notebook packages in PyPI as well as the anaconda channel you mention. However, it is clear that notebook is regularly updated (as of writing, notebook on anaconda was last updated on 30 July 2022, jupyter on 22 January 2017!) The jupyter package on PyPI has the description "Jupyter metapackage. Install all the Jupyter components in one go." (However, I tested the jupyter anaconda package and it only runs notebook, not eg Jupyterlab.)
I would guess that the jupyter package is left over from when Project Jupyter was just notebooks, without other projects like Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Hub. Of course in installing one should follow the official instructions, since the older package is not kept up to date. The fact that it has a lot of downloads only shows (as does this question) that python package management and the Jupyter ecosystem are confusing for many...

Cannot start jupyter notebook after deleting anaconda

What happened:
I have had Pip and Anaconda installed on my Mac. I tried to tidy up and decided to delete Anaconda since I assumed I only needed Pip for my Python programming.
My question:
I have been using jupyter notebook for my university project. Apparently, it had been installed by me using anaconda. Now that anaconda is gone, when I try running jupyter notebook, it is still looking in the deleted anaconda directory and throws the following error in the command line
/Users/username/anaconda3/bin/jupyter: No such file or directory
Furthermore, I now get this error when installing jupyter using pip3:
WARNING: The scripts jupyter, jupyter-migrate and jupyter-troubleshoot are installed in '/Users/username/Library/Python/3.8/bin' which is not on PATH.
Unfortunately, I barely have an idea of what I am doing when installing anything using the command line. Could you help me out in fixing the issue?

Jupyter notebook view missing in Spyder ide even after install

Help, I am trying to use jupyter notebook in spyder , I've already installed the jupyter plugin via conda install spyder-notebook -c spyder-ide upon installation I restarted jupyter but the notebook tab is missing under the view tab in spyder.
Message of installation of notebook:
Screenshot of my views and panel tabs in spyder:
The Spyder notebook plugin is not yet compatible with Spyder 5 [...]. The latest version of spyder-notebook is compatible with Spyder 4.2[...]
See here. So either you can revert to Spyder 4.2 or wait for a solution. The issue is tracked here.

Not a conda environment

i am trying to launch conda from the terminal on windows.
From the relevant folder ('Desktop > Course'), i installed the jupyter notebook ('pip install jupyter notebook') and 'nb_conda' ('conda install nb_conda'). Then i open the jupyter notebook by entering the command 'jupyter notebook'.
So far so good.
But when i go in the 'Conda' tab on the jupyter notebook, after 2 second i get the message ''EnvironmentLocationNotFound: Not a conda environment: Desktop > Course'
Why is that ?
It worked for me as well on Windows 10.
Some time ago, I installed Python. Later on, I installed Anaconda to run pandas_datareader, etc. It didn't work. Reinstallation didn't help, either. Then I cleaned all installation of Python and Anaconda and started from scratch.
I made a fresh new installation of Anaconda:
Then I ran the command line as admin
I proceed:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda-navigator
I went to "Environments" in the Anaconda Navigator
Then clicked on "Update Index" in the middle top
I waited for it to finish
Then, I went back to "Home" and launched the Jupyter
It seems like the environment was inconsistent, at least that was the message of conda update.
Not saying this is the right answer but this worked for me:
I went to "Environments" in the Anaconda Navigator
Then clicked on "Update Index" in the middle top
Waited for it to finish and went back to "Home"
Was able to launch Jupyter Notebook just fine.
There are two solutions-
1 - (not personally recommended) This is because you have probably not created the conda environment. For creating a new environment with all the dependencies look here-
2 - (personally recommended) Install the complete anaconda distribution from here- (check for windows and download for the python of your choice). After that either you can create a virtual environment and launch your jupyter from there or directly launch from the base environment. This will take care of all the dependencies and also it will help in all your future endeavors.
While following 2nd suggestion, make sure to uninstall all your previous python installations. Give it a fresh installation and while installation make sure to tick the box where it asks for adding conda to the system path.
Good Luck.
You could try using the command prompt from anaconda. This might solve your problem
I had the Not a conda environment error when re-installing conda while having the environment activated.

Installed package on Anaconda not accessible in Jupyter Notebook

I installed Anaconda on an external drive inode/directory/0C707E95707E84EC. I opened Anaconda-Navigator to install r-aer in base(root). So far so good. Then I start Jupyter Notebook from inode/directory/0C707E95707E84EC and am unable to access the aer library.
This all started last week. when I was unable to install aerand after a circus of affairs I finally ended up updating Anaconda and then having to delete and reinstall it. All I want to do is access aeron Jupyter Notebook. The image below (last image) shows library(raer); I have tried many different command versions, e.g. library("Raer")and variations thereof.
I know that AER is installed in Anaconda . Could this be a path issue?
calling library in Jupyter Notebook
for any file on desktop (win 10) Jupyter Notebook can see that file without specifying the path, try putting that file on desktop.
see this it could help:
specifying R library path for RKernel in Anaconda Jupyter notebook_Stack OverFlow
