JUpyterLab Rstudio Installation and configuration - rstudio-server

I was trying to Install Rstdio with JupyterHUb and it works fine. But when I am switching to JupYterLab and I am not able to launch the RStudio sessions. Anybody has a quick forx or working solution for the same.


Unable to install the Rahlir/theme-gruvbox to JupyterLab due to conflicting dependencies

I am currently facing a problem installing a jupyterlab theme that is called rahlir/theme gruvbox.
Since I have installed the jupyterlab extensions and numerous other custom themes I thought that this shouldn't be a
Although, after many tries, I haven't managed to install it.
The message im getting is this:
Dependency confliction
I have tried using the instructions straight from the github repo but didn't seem to work.
First I tried to install via pip in the command prompt like that:
jupyterlab extension install #ahlir/theme-gruvbox
Unfortunately this didn't work!
After that I tried installng via the extension manager from jupyterlab itself but unfortunately I got the same message!
Note that I have already installed the latest version of jupyterLab and also I have recently update all the packages in my
Anaconda distribution and anaconda itself!
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

Jupyter notebook stopped on [*]

I was working on gremlin-python. My jupyter notebook was working fine before stopping my instance. When restarted it got stuck [*] here. Tried restarting/ reseting but nothing worked. Although I don't have enough permission so that I can check with SSH console.
gremlin python uses tornado library which is also used by jupyter and I installed lower version of gremlin python which downgraded tornado library. I tried "jupyter notebook" command in the terminal. It gave me error and suggested to install tornado library with version >=6.1. Installed it and restarted jupyter notebook instance. It worked for me

Not a conda environment

i am trying to launch conda from the terminal on windows.
From the relevant folder ('Desktop > Course'), i installed the jupyter notebook ('pip install jupyter notebook') and 'nb_conda' ('conda install nb_conda'). Then i open the jupyter notebook by entering the command 'jupyter notebook'.
So far so good.
But when i go in the 'Conda' tab on the jupyter notebook, after 2 second i get the message ''EnvironmentLocationNotFound: Not a conda environment: Desktop > Course'
Why is that ?
It worked for me as well on Windows 10.
Some time ago, I installed Python. Later on, I installed Anaconda to run pandas_datareader, etc. It didn't work. Reinstallation didn't help, either. Then I cleaned all installation of Python and Anaconda and started from scratch.
I made a fresh new installation of Anaconda:
Then I ran the command line as admin
I proceed:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda-navigator
I went to "Environments" in the Anaconda Navigator
Then clicked on "Update Index" in the middle top
I waited for it to finish
Then, I went back to "Home" and launched the Jupyter
It seems like the environment was inconsistent, at least that was the message of conda update.
Not saying this is the right answer but this worked for me:
I went to "Environments" in the Anaconda Navigator
Then clicked on "Update Index" in the middle top
Waited for it to finish and went back to "Home"
Was able to launch Jupyter Notebook just fine.
There are two solutions-
1 - (not personally recommended) This is because you have probably not created the conda environment. For creating a new environment with all the dependencies look here- https://github.com/Anaconda-Platform/nb_conda
2 - (personally recommended) Install the complete anaconda distribution from here- https://github.com/Anaconda-Platform/nb_conda (check for windows and download for the python of your choice). After that either you can create a virtual environment and launch your jupyter from there or directly launch from the base environment. This will take care of all the dependencies and also it will help in all your future endeavors.
While following 2nd suggestion, make sure to uninstall all your previous python installations. Give it a fresh installation and while installation make sure to tick the box where it asks for adding conda to the system path.
Good Luck.
You could try using the command prompt from anaconda. This might solve your problem
I had the Not a conda environment error when re-installing conda while having the environment activated.

Installing R Language on Jupyter Notebook

I've checked all the resources and tutorials from the internet and it seems all are requiring to install Anaconda just to build the R kernel.
Is there a way to add R kernel to my jupyter notebook without installing Anaconda? If so, how?
I've solved my problem, by installing R into my machine. Upon installing, run the application and I follow this tutorial, by just copying the stated command.
Here's the link for the installation of native R.

Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10

I am trying to open Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10 and I am having trouble. I already downloaded and installed it. When I click on the Jupyter Notebook icon in my start menu, a black terminal appears titles Jupyter Notebook. Then I just disappears after that like nothing happened.
Things I have done to combat this issue:
I downloaded VirtualBox with Ubuntu and downloaded the Linux version there. However, it stated it could not be installed since it was not a 64-bit system. I tried to download the 32 bit version but the download always failed.
Next I add the the link http://localhost/* to my Kapersky Internet anti-virus exceptions page thinking it was preventing Jupyter from opening. This didn't work and turning off the firewall completely also didn't work.
Any help would be great help!
There are several ways to use jupyter notebook under windows, especially windows 10 professional.
My favorite way is the lovely ubuntu subsystem of windows 10. You can install it directly from the app store, which is free for all windows 10 users. Then install jupyter notebook from the subsystem:
apt install python3-dev python3-pip
pip3 install jupyter
or you can just do
apt install python3-dev python3-pip jupyter
then just run
jupyter notebook
open any windows browser, copy paste the localhost.... thing from ubuntu terminal
then you can using jupyter notebook with a linux core.
As mentioned by #cricket_007, you have to run jupyter first before opening notebooks. From the terminal, run:
> jupyter notebook
After a few seconds, a server will start. If your dashboard does not open automatically, point your browser to http://localhost:8888. Note: if you installed Jupyter with Anaconda, there should be a shortcut you can click to do all of the above.
The dashboard will point to your default working directory. Place notebooks in this directory or navigate to your notebook's directory to open it through the browser.
Should you wish to change the default working directory, see more on configuring notebook paths in the docs.
