I'm able to find all of my tag vertex points which have an edge labeled tagged using:
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('tag').inE().hasLabel('tagged')
Now, I would like to remove all of the tag vertices which do not have an edge labeled tagged. When I use this command to find these vertices:
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel('tag').inE().hasNot('label', 'tagged')
I get the error message No signature of method: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.DefaultGraphTraversal.hasNot() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [label, tagged]
How would I phrase this query?
Use the not() filter step:
Assume we want to retrieve all in-coming and out-going edges for some specific vertex and have the result include from_vertex, edge and to_vertex.
The following should give us the result.
==>path[v[...], e[...][...-...->...], v[...]]
The following adds .elementMap() for vertices and edge.
==>path[{...} {...} {...}]
Now, we want to retrieve the properties, where we want to use .elementMap() for the vertices and .valueMap() for the edges. My first guess is the following
which just returns
==>path[null, null, null]
Any ideas?
Further, how to get the path output for an entire subtree starting from some specific vertex.
Your path will be an alternating list of node-edge-node etc. To get the desired results you just need to use two by modulators.
Given a set of vertices (say, for simplicity, that I start with one: G.V().hasId("something")), I want to obtain all outgoing edges and their target vertices. I know that .out() will give me all target vertices, but without the information about the edges (which have properties on them, too). On the other hand, .outE() will give me the edges but not the target vertices. Can I obtain both in a single Gremlin query?
Gremlin is as much about transforming graph data as it is navigating graph data. Typically folks seem to understand the navigation first which got you to:
You then need to transform those edges into the result you want - one that includes the edge data and it's adjacent vertex. One way to do that is with project():
Each by()-modulator supplied to project() aligns to the keys supplied as arguments. The first applies to "e" and the second to "v". The first by() is empty and is effectively by(identity()) which returns the same argument given to it (i.e. the current edge in the stream).
Never mind. Figured this out.
G.V().hasId("something").outE().as("E").otherV().as("V").select("E", "V")
I have a simple graph with two vertices, having ids 'a' and 'b'.
I have assigned two edges from 'a' to 'b' where each edge has the label = "foo"
[1] gremlin> g.V('a').outE()
Each of the edges has a property with key = "committed".
[2] gremlin> g.E().properties()
My question: I want to enumerate the edges and return their respective properties as in step [2], but how can I match the edge-properties in the results back to their respective edges (ids)? All I get back are the property key-value assignments; nothing that relates to an edge id.
Joel Stevick
You should avoid returning graph elements like vertices and edges and instead transform your result to the specific form in which you need it. You could do that in a number of ways. In this case project() works nicely:
gremlin> g.V().outE().project('id','weight').by(id).by('weight')
or you could use valueMap() - on 3.4.0 you have the with() syntax:
gremlin> g.V().outE().valueMap('weight').with(WithOptions.tokens)
I have a graph, and I want to follow the edges that contain a property that matches one on the vertex. E.g.
vertex -------edge ---------> vertex
vertValue: 123 vert: 123 vertValue: 463
So in the above case, say I'm starting at the first vertex, I want to follow the edges that has the property 'vert' equal to it's 'vertValue'.
I've manage to make a query using where that manages to follow the edge:
Problem, is I want to return the actual edge object. However, as I need to do the 'where' on the 'vert' value of the edge, in the query I'm doing a values('vert') so the result I get is just the value I'm testing, not the edge object. I want to do something like:
To compare the 'vertValue' on the vertex, to the 'vert' value on the edge. But I can't seem to find a way to specify by on the 'input' values of the where.
Edit: Trying:
Returns an error:
Gremlin Query Execution Error: Select One: Get Projection: The provided traversal or property name of path() does not map to a value.
returns an empty array!
You got really close to the solution. It's:
Using TinkerPop 3 Java APIs:
My graph looks like this:
james {risk: 'n'} --> chris {risk: 'n'} --> raj {risk: 'n'} --> joanne {risk: 'y'}
The edge label is 'travelledWith' and a property called 'pnrLocator'
Now, I want to traverse from james till a vertex where the risk is set to 'y'. Along the way, I'd want to collect the vertex and edge properties.
This is what I have which only works for vertex properties. How can I add a 'by' and collect the 'pnrLocator' too?
GraphTraversal<Vertex, ?> values =
.has("personId", "james")
.until(has("risk", "y"))
values.forEachRemaining(v -> System.out.println(v));
The path() step is going to output any elements Gremlin traverses given the steps you provided so, using the "modern" TinkerPop toy graph:
gremlin> g.V().repeat(out()).emit().path().by("name")
I traversed out() which returns vertices so that's the only output I see in the path output. If I change my traversal a little to explicitly traverse the edges (i.e. out() to outE().inV()) then I can do this:
gremlin> g.V().repeat(outE().inV()).emit().path().by("name").by('weight')