Puzzling results for Julia typeof - julia

I am puzzled by the following results of typeof in the Julia 1.0.0 REPL:
# This makes sense.
julia> typeof(10)
# This surprised me.
julia> typeof(function)
ERROR: syntax: unexpected ")"
# No answer at all for return example and no error either.
julia> typeof(return)
# In the next two examples the REPL returns the input code.
julia> typeof(in)
julia> typeof(typeof)
# The "for" word returns an error like the "function" word.
julia> typeof(for)
ERROR: syntax: unexpected ")"
The Julia 1.0.0 documentation says for typeof
"Get the concrete type of x."
The typeof(function) example is the one that really surprised me. I expected a function to be a first-class object in Julia and have a type. I guess I need to understand types in Julia.
Any suggestions?
Per some comment questions below, here is an example based on a small function:
julia> function test() return "test"; end
test (generic function with 1 method)
julia> test()
julia> typeof(test)
Based on this example, I would have expected typeof(test) to return generic function, not typeof(test).

To be clear, I am not a hardcore user of the Julia internals. What follows is an answer designed to be (hopefully) an intuitive explanation of what functions are in Julia for the non-hardcore user. I do think this (very good) question could also benefit from a more technical answer provided by one of the more core developers of the language. Also, this answer is longer than I'd like, but I've used multiple examples to try and make things as intuitive as possible.
As has been pointed out in the comments, function itself is a reserved keyword, and is not an actual function istself per se, and so is orthogonal to the actual question. This answer is intended to address your edit to the question.
Since Julia v0.6+, Function is an abstract supertype, much in the same way that Number is an abstract supertype. All functions, e.g. mean, user-defined functions, and anonymous functions, are subtypes of Function, in the same way that Float64 and Int are subtypes of Number.
This structure is deliberate and has several advantages.
Firstly, for reasons I don't fully understand, structuring functions in this way was the key to allowing anonymous functions in Julia to run just as fast as in-built functions from Base. See here and here as starting points if you want to learn more about this.
Secondly, because each function is its own subtype, you can now dispatch on specific functions. For example:
f1(f::T, x) where {T<:typeof(mean)} = f(x)
f1(f::T, x) where {T<:typeof(sum)} = f(x) + 1
are different dispatch methods for the function f1
So, given all this, why does, e.g. typeof(sum) return typeof(sum), especially given that typeof(Float64) returns DataType? The issue here is that, roughly speaking, from a syntactical perspective, sum needs to serves two purposes simultaneously. It needs to be both a value, like e.g. 1.0, albeit one that is used to call the sum function on some input. But, it is also needs to be a type name, like Float64.
Obviously, it can't do both at the same time. So sum on its own behaves like a value. You can write f = sum ; f(randn(5)) to see how it behaves like a value. But we also need some way of representing the type of sum that will work not just for sum, but for any user-defined function, and any anonymous function. The developers decided to go with the (arguably) simplest option and have the type of sum print literally as typeof(sum), hence the behaviour you observe. Similarly if I write f1(x) = x ; typeof(f1), that will also return typeof(f1).
Anonymous functions are a bit more tricky, since they are not named as such. What should we do for typeof(x -> x^2)? What actually happens is that when you build an anonymous function, it is stored as a temporary global variable in the module Main, and given a number that serves as its type for lookup purposes. So if you write f = (x -> x^2), you'll get something back like #3 (generic function with 1 method), and typeof(f) will return something like getfield(Main, Symbol("##3#4")), where you can see that Symbol("##3#4") is the temporary type of this anonymous function stored in Main. (a side effect of this is that if you write code that keeps arbitrarily generating the same anonymous function over and over you will eventually overflow memory, since they are all actually being stored as separate global variables of their own type - however, this does not prevent you from doing something like this for n = 1:largenumber ; findall(y -> y > 1.0, x) ; end inside a function, since in this case the anonymous function is only compiled once at compile-time).
Relating all of this back to the Function supertype, you'll note that typeof(sum) <: Function returns true, showing that the type of sum, aka typeof(sum) is indeed a subtype of Function. And note also that typeof(typeof(sum)) returns DataType, in much the same way that typeof(typeof(1.0)) returns DataType, which shows how sum actually behaves like a value.
Now, given everything I've said, all the examples in your question now make sense. typeof(function) and typeof(for) return errors as they should, since function and for are reserved syntax. typeof(typeof) and typeof(in) correctly return (respectively) typeof(typeof), and typeof(in), since typeof and in are both functions. Note of course that typeof(typeof(typeof)) returns DataType.


Pipe with additional Arguments

I read in several places that pipes in Julia only work with functions that take only one argument. This is not true, since I can do the following:
function power(a, b = 2) a^b end
3 |> power
> 9
and it works fine.
However, I but can't completely get my head around the pipe. E.g. why is this not working?? :
3 |> power()
> MethodError: no method matching power()
What I would actually like to do is using a pipe and define additional arguments, e.g. keyword arguments so that it is actually clear which argument to pass when piping (namely the only positional one):
function power(a; b = 2) a^b end
3 |> power(b = 3)
Is there any way to do something like this?
I know I could do a work-around with the Pipe package, but to honest it feels kind of clunky to write #pipe at the start of half of the lines.
In R the magritrr package has convincing logic (in my opinion): it passes what's left of the pipe by default as the first argument to the function on the right - I'm looking for something similar.
power as defined in the first snippet has two methods. One with one argument, one with two. So the point about |> working only with one-argument methods still holds.
The kind of thing you want to do is called "partial application", and very common in functional languages. You can always write
3 |> (a -> power(a, 3))
but that gets clunky quickly. Other language have syntax like power(%1, 3) to denote that lambda. There's discussion to add something similar to Julia, but it's difficult to get right. Pipe is exactly the macro-based fix for it.
If you have control over the defined method, you can also implement methods with an interface that return partially applied versions as you like -- many predicates in Base do this already, e.g., ==(1). There's also the option of Base.Fix2(power, 3), but that's not really an improvement, if you ask me (apart from maybe being nicer to the compiler).
And note that magrittrs pipes are also "macro"-based. The difference is that argument passing in R is way more complicated, and you can't see from outside whether an argument is used as a value or as an expression (essentially, R passes a thunk containing the expression and a pointer to the parent environment, and automatically evaluates and caches it if you use it as a value; see substitute)

Parameters of function in Julia

Does anyone know the reasons why Julia chose a design of functions where the parameters given as inputs cannot be modified?  This requires, if we want to use it anyway, to go through a very artificial process, by representing these data in the form of a ridiculous single element table.
Ada, which had the same kind of limitation, abandoned it in its 2012 redesign to the great satisfaction of its users. A small keyword (like out in Ada) could very well indicate that the possibility of keeping the modifications of a parameter at the output is required.
From my experience in Julia it is useful to understand the difference between a value and a binding.
Each value in Julia has a concrete type and location in memory. Value can be mutable or immutable. In particular when you define your own composite type you can decide if objects of this type should be mutable (mutable struct) or immutable (struct).
Of course Julia has in-built types and some of them are mutable (e.g. arrays) and other are immutable (e.g. numbers, strings). Of course there are design trade-offs between them. From my perspective two major benefits of immutable values are:
if a compiler works with immutable values it can perform many optimizations to speed up code;
a user is can be sure that passing an immutable to a function will not change it and such encapsulation can simplify code analysis.
However, in particular, if you want to wrap an immutable value in a mutable wrapper a standard way to do it is to use Ref like this:
julia> x = Ref(1)
julia> x[]
julia> x[] = 10
julia> x
julia> x[]
You can pass such values to a function and modify them inside. Of course Ref introduces a different type so method implementation has to be a bit different.
A variable is a name bound to a value. In general, except for some special cases like:
rebinding a variable from module A in module B;
redefining some constants, e.g. trying to reassign a function name with a non-function value;
rebinding a variable that has a specified type of allowed values with a value that cannot be converted to this type;
you can rebind a variable to point to any value you wish. Rebinding is performed most of the time using = or some special constructs (like in for, let or catch statements).
Now - getting to the point - function is passed a value not a binding. You can modify a binding of a function parameter (in other words: you can rebind a value that a parameter is pointing to), but this parameter is a fresh variable whose scope lies inside a function.
If, for instance, we wanted a call like:
x = 10
change a binding of variable x it is impossible because f does not even know of existence of x. It only gets passed its value. In particular - as I have noted above - adding such a functionality would break the rule that module A cannot rebind variables form module B, as f might be defined in a module different than where x is defined.
What to do
Actually it is easy enough to work without this feature from my experience:
What I typically do is simply return a value from a function that I assign to a variable. In Julia it is very easy because of tuple unpacking syntax like e.g. x,y,z = f(x,y,z), where f can be defined e.g. as f(x,y,z) = 2x,3y,4z;
You can use macros which get expanded before code execution and thus can have an effect modifying a binding of a variable, e.g. macro plusone(x) return esc(:($x = $x+1)) end and now writing y=100; #plusone(y) will change the binding of y;
Finally you can use Ref as discussed above (or any other mutable wrapper - as you have noted in your question).
"Does anyone know the reasons why Julia chose a design of functions where the parameters given as inputs cannot be modified?" asked by Schemer
Your question is wrong because you assume the wrong things.
Parameters are variables
When you pass things to a function, often those things are values and not variables.
for example:
function double(x::Int64)
2 * x
Now what happens when you call it using
What is the point of the function modifying it's parameter x , it's pointless. Furthermore the function has no idea how it is called.
Furthermore, Julia is built for speed.
A function that modifies its parameter will be hard to optimise because it causes side effects. A side effect is when a procedure/function changes objects/things outside of it's scope.
If a function does not modifies a variable that is part of its calling parameter then you can be safe knowing.
the variable will not have its value changed
the result of the function can be optimised to a constant
not calling the function will not break the program's behaviour
Those above three factors are what makes FUNCTIONAL language fast and NON FUNCTIONAL language slow.
Furthermore when you move into Parallel programming or Multi Threaded programming, you absolutely DO NOT WANT a variable having it's value changed without you (The programmer) knowing about it.
"How would you implement with your proposed macro, the function F(x) which returns a boolean value and modifies c by c:= c + 1. F can be used in the following piece of Ada code : c:= 0; While F(c) Loop ... End Loop;" asked by Schemer
I would write
function F(x)
boolean_result = perform_some_logic()
return (boolean_result,x+1)
flag = true
c = 0
(flag,c) = F(c)
while flag
(flag,c) = F(c)
"Unfortunately no, because, and I should have said that, c has to take again the value 0 when F return the value False (c increases as long the Loop lives and return to 0 when it dies). " said Schemer
Then I would write
function F(x)
boolean_result = perform_some_logic()
if boolean_result == true
return (true,x+1)
return (false,0)
flag = true
c = 0
(flag,c) = F(c)
while flag
(flag,c) = F(c)

dealing with types in kwargs in Julia

How can I use kwargs in a Julia function and declare their types for speed?
function f(x::Float64; kwargs...)
kwargs = Dict(kwargs)
if haskey(kwargs, :c)
c::Float64 = kwargs[:c]
c::Float64 = 1.0
return x^2 + c
f(0.0, c=10.0)
ERROR: LoadError: syntax: multiple type declarations for "c"
Of course I can define the function as f(x::Float64, c::Float64=1.0) to achieve the result, but I have MANY optional arguments with default values to pass, so I'd prefer to use kwargs.
Related post
As noted in another answer, this really only matters if you're going to have a type instability. If you do, the answer is to layer your functions. Have a top layer which does type checking and all sorts of setup, and then call a function which uses dispatch to be fast. For example,
function f(x::Float64; kwargs...)
kwargs = Dict(kwargs)
if haskey(kwargs, :c)
c = kwargs[:c]
c = 1.0
return _f(x,c)
_f(x,c) = x^2 + c
If most of your time is spent in the inner function, then this will be faster (it might not be for very simple functions). This allows for very general usage too, where you have have a keyword argument be by default nothing and do and if nothing ... which could setup a complicated default, and not have to worry about the type stability since it will be shielded from the inner function.
This kind of high-level type-checking wrapper above a performance sensitive inner function is used a lot in DifferentialEquations.jl. Check out the high-level wrapper for the SDE solvers which led to nice speedups by insuring type stability (the inner function is sde_solve) (or check out the solve for ODEProblem, it's much more complex since it handles conversions to different pacakges but it's the same idea).
A simpler answer for small examples like yours may be possible after this PR merges.
To fix some confusion, here's a declaration form:
function f(x::Float64; kwargs...)
local c::Float64 # Ensures the type of `c` will be `Float64`
kwargs = Dict(kwargs)
if haskey(kwargs, :c)
c = float(kwargs[:c])
c = 1.0
return x^2 + c
This will force anything that saves to c to convert to a Float64 or error, resulting in a type-stability, but is not as general of a solution. What form you use really depends on what you're doing.
Lastly, there's also the type assert, as #TotalVerb showed:
function f(x::Float64; c::Float64=1.0, kwargs...)
return x^2 + c
That's clean, or you could assert in the function:
function f(x::Float64; kwargs...)
kwargs = Dict(kwargs)
if haskey(kwargs, :c)
c = float(kwargs[:c])::Float64
c = 1.0
return x^2 + c
which will cause convertions only on the lines where the assertion occurs (i.e. the #TotalVerb form won't dispatch, so you can't make another function with c::Int, and it will only assert (convert) when the keyword arg is first read in).
The first solution will dispatch to be type stable in _f no matter what type the user makes c, and so if _f is a long calculation, this will get pretty much optimal performance, but for really quick calls it will have dispatch overhead.
The second solution will fix any type stability by forcing anything you set c to be a Float64 (it will try to convert, and if it can't, error). Thus this gets speed by forcing type stability, or erroring.
The assert in the keyword spot (#TotalVerb's answer) is the cleanest, but won't auto-convert later (so you could get a type-instability. But if you don't accidentally convert it later, then you have type stability, types can be inferred, and so you'll get optimal performance) and you can't extend it to cases where the function has c passed in as other types (no dispatch).
The last solution is pretty much the same as 3, except not as nice. I wouldn't recommend it. If you're doing something complicated with asserts, you likely are designing something wrong or really want to do something like the first (dispatch in a longer function call which is type stable).
But note that dispatch with version 3 may be fixed in the near future, which would allow you to have a different function with c::Float64 and c::Int (if necessary). Hopefully your solution is in here somewhere.
Note that declaring types does not give you increased performance; you may wish to relax the type constraints on x and c for your code to be more generic. Anyway, this is probably what you want:
function f(x::Float64; c::Float64=1.0, kwargs...)
return x^2 + c
See the keyword arguments section of the manual.

How can I dispatch on traits relating two types, where the second type that co-satisfies the trait is uniquely determined by the first?

Say I have a Julia trait that relates to two types: one type is a sort of "base" type that may satisfy a sort of partial trait, the other is an associated type that is uniquely determined by the base type. (That is, the relation from BaseType -> AssociatedType is a function.) Together, these types satisfy a composite trait that is the one of interest to me.
For example:
using Traits
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
#traitdef IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M} begin
#constraints begin
measurements(X) -> M
#Maybe some other stuff that dispatches on (X,M), e.g.
#fits_in(X,M) -> Bool
#how_many_fit_in(X,M) -> Int64
#But I don't want to implement these now
Now here are a couple of example types. Please ignore the particulars of the examples; they are just meant as MWEs and there is nothing relevant in the details:
type Rope
type Paper
function isnew(x::Rope)
(x.age_in_years < 10.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Rope)
if x.color=="Orange"
return 2.0::Float64
elseif x.color!="Taupe"
return 1.0::Float64
return 0.0::Float64
function isnew(x::Paper)
(x.age_in_years < 1.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Paper)
(x.content=="StackOverflow Answers" ? 1000.0 : 0.0)::Float64
Since I've defined these functions, I can do
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Rope})
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Paper})
And now if I define
function measurements(x::Rope)
function measurements(x::Paper)
Then I can do
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Rope,Float64})
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Paper,Tuple{Float64,Float64}})
So far so good; these run without error. Now, what I want to do is write a function like the following:
#traitfn function get_measurements{X,M;IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Generically, this function is meant to be an example of "I want to use the fact that I, as the programmer, know that BaseType is always associated to AssociatedType to help the compiler with type inference. I know that whenever I do a certain task [in this case, get_measurements, but generically this could work in a bunch of cases] then I want the compiler to infer the output type of that function in a consistently patterned way."
That is, e.g.
will always spit out Array{AssociatedType}, and
will always spit out Tuple{Int64,BaseType,AssociatedType}.
AND, one such relationship holds for all pairs of <BaseType,AssociatedType>; e.g. if BatmanType is the base type to which RobinType is associated, and SupermanType is the base type to which LexLutherType is always associated, then
will always output Tuple{Int64,BatmanType,RobinType}, and
will always output Tuple{Int64,SupermanType,LexLutherType}.
So, I understand this relationship, and I want the compiler to understand it for the sake of speed.
Now, back to the function example. If this makes sense, you will have realized that while the function definition I gave as an example is 'correct' in the sense that it satisfies this relationship and does compile, it is un-callable because the compiler doesn't understand the relationship between X and M, even though I do. In particular, since M doesn't appear in the method signature, there is no way for Julia to dispatch on the function.
So far, the only thing I have thought to do to solve this problem is to create a sort of workaround where I "compute" the associated type on the fly, and I can still use method dispatch to do this computation. Consider:
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Rope)
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Paper)
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
M = get_measurement_type_of_product(similar_items[1]::X)
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Then indeed this compiles and is callable:
julia> get_measurements(Array{Rope,1}([Rope("blue",1.0,1.0,1.0),Rope("red",2.0,2.0,2.0)]))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
But this is not ideal, because (a) I have to redefine this map each time, even though I feel as though I already told the compiler about the relationship between X and M by making them satisfy the trait, and (b) as far as I can guess--maybe this is wrong; I don't have direct evidence for this--the compiler won't necessarily be able to optimize as well as I want, since the relationship between X and M is "hidden" inside the return value of the function call.
One last thought: if I had the ability, what I would ideally do is something like this:
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
∃ ! M s.t. measurements(X) -> M
and then have some way of referring to the type that uniquely witnesses the existence relationship, so e.g.
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X},IsWitnessType{IsProduct{X},M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
because this would be somehow dispatchable.
So: what is my specific question? I am asking, given that you presumably by this point understand that my goals are
Have my code exhibit this sort of structure generically, so that
I can effectively repeat this design pattern across a lot of cases
and then program in the abstract at the high-level of X and M,
do (1) in such a way that the compiler can still optimize to the best of its ability / is as aware of the relationship among
types as I, the coder, am
then, how should I do this? I think the answer is
Use Traits.jl
Do something pretty similar to what you've done so far
Also do ____some clever thing____ that the answerer will indicate,
but I'm open to the idea that in fact the correct answer is
Abandon this approach, you're thinking about the problem the wrong way
Instead, think about it this way: ____MWE____
I'd also be perfectly satisfied by answers of the form
What you are asking for is a "sophisticated" feature of Julia that is still under development, and is expected to be included in v0.x.y, so just wait...
and I'm less enthusiastic about (but still curious to hear) an answer such as
Abandon Julia; instead use the language ________ that is designed for this type of thing
I also think this might be related to the question of typing Julia's function outputs, which as I take it is also under consideration, though I haven't been able to puzzle out the exact representation of this problem in terms of that one.

What is this functional "pattern" called?

I was fooling around with some functional programming when I came across the need for this function, however I don't know what this sort of thing is called in standard nomenclature.
Anyone recognizes it?
function WhatAmIDoing(args...)
return function()
return args
Edit: generalized the function, it takes a variable amount of arguments ( or perhaps an implicit list) and returns a function that when invoked returns all the args, something like a curry or pickle, but it doesn't seem to be either.
WhatAmIDoing is a higher-order function because it is a function that returns another function.
The thing that it returns is a thunk — a closure created for delayed computation of the actual value. Usually thunks are created to lazily evaluate an expression (and possibly memoize it), but in other cases, a function is simply needed in place of a bare value, as in the case of "constantly 5", which in some languages returns a function that always returns 5.
The latter might apply in the example given, because assuming the language evaluates in applicative-order (i.e. evaluates arguments before calling a function), the function serves no other purpose than to turn the values into a function that returns them.
WhatAmIDoing is really an implementation of the "constantly" function I was describing. But in general, you don't have to return just args in the inner function. You could return "ackermann(args)", which could take a long time, as in...
function WhatAmIDoing2(args...)
return function()
return ackermann(args)
But WhatAmIDoing2 would return immediately because evaluation of the ackermann function would be suspended in a closure. (Yes, even in a call-by-value language.)
In functional programming a function that takes another function as an argument or returns another function is called a higher-order function.
I would say that XXXX returns a closure of the unnamed function bound on the values of x,y and z.
This wikipedia article may shed some light
Currying is about transforming a function to a chain of functions, each taking only one parameter and returning another such function. So, this example has no relation to currying.
Pickling is a term ususally used to denote some kind of serialization. Maybe for storing a object built from multiple values.
If the aspect interesting to you is that the returned function can access the arguments of the XXXX function, then I would go with Remo.D.
As others have said, it's a higher-order function. As you have "pattern" in your question, I thought I'd add that this feature of functional languages is often modelled using the strategy pattern in languages without higher-order functions.
Something very similar is called constantly in Clojure:
Only the function that constantly returns takes an arbitrary amount of arguments, making it more general (and flexible) than your pattern.
I don't know if this pattern has a name, but would use it in cases where normally functions are expected, but all I care for is that a certain value is returned:
(map (constantly 9) [1 2 3])
=> (9 9 9)
Just wondering, what do you use this for?
A delegate?
Basically you are returning a function?? or the output of a function?
Didn't understand, sorry...
