Xamarin AppUriHandler - xamarin.forms

I've been struggling with the APPUriHandler to work correct using Xamarin.Forms for building a multi platform app. I am not getting the AppHandler to work correct using the "Shared pages"
Following https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/launch-resume/web-to-app-link i have managed to open the appif i launch the app manual, when using a link I get stuck on the SplashScreen
which throws an error :
Its just when using the handler that it fails. I have identified that if I add a new page on the UWP project, and navigate to that page, it works fine. My problem is using the .Net standard (Old PCL) method as it is using multi platform. Is there a way to get past this or call the LoadApplication a different way from UWP MainPage as that is where it breaks
or anything that can steer me in the right direction?


Camera flash always ON - Xamarin Forms

I am working on a cross platform application that needs to keep the flashlight always ON while the camera is operated. Is there any particular way to do it?
I tried using the CrossLamp.Current.TurnOn(); but it throws error as the two plugins are not working together.

LoadApplication(new App()) fails TypeLoadException in Xamarin Forms Acr.UserDialog

I migrated my Xamarin.Forms app from Portable to .NET Standard because I need to add a function that requires the upgrade. I [finally] got everything to build, now when I start up either the Droid or iOS project, my app throws a
I was under the impression this worked a lot smoother than it actually does. I need to get back to my original task which was adding the new functionality but I have to get the thing running first. I could really use, and appreciate the help.

MvvmCross Sqlite UWP

I have created Android application using MvvmCross now I would like to add UWP project also. First thing which stopped me is SQLite. While app start I have following error:
MvvmCross.Platform.Exceptions.MvxIoCResolveException: 'Failed to
resolve parameter for parameter factory of type
IMvxSqliteConnectionFactory when creating
I am reading google since 2 hours and adding wierd references but still nothing works. Did somone faced the problem ?

Error coming up when trying to open up file browser

Currently on my website i am trying to get it so that a user can upload an image from their local images. I have followed a tutorial, but when i debug it and try to open up my images folder i get this error message:
"Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process."
Please can someone help me here, i have read a few posts; but seen as this is my first time doing this; i dont really understand them.
Thanks for any response!
You are trying to use Windows Forms functionality in a ASP.NET Web Page. Line 140:
FileDialog fldlg = new OpenFileDialog();
Windows Forms is desktop technology. You can't mix that with a ASP.NET web app. You can use the FileUploadControl to enable file uploads in your web application:

Using flash builder 4.5 for php wizard for remote object

I'm fairly new to Flex\AS3
I'm using flash builder 4.5 for php and I'm trying to connect to my DB via remote objects.
I'm following adobes instructions as listed here:
I've created the php service, and successfully finished the wizard.
I've tested my service with the Test tool and it is indeed returning my results.
My problem is that it seems that flash builder didn't create the service's files(super+base) at all. For example, when I drag the service into a dropdown component I get an error saying that the service component can't be found.
Does anyone know this issue happens? how can the test tool work if the service classes don't exist?
Thanks in advance,
The problem was that I didn't checkout the files before using the wizard so flash builder didn't have write permissions on the files and therefore didn't create the necessary files.
once he had the write permissions - everything worked just fine
