handlebar template looping over json data - handlebars.js

So I have these two data structures that I need to loop over and both of these will output the expected values
{{#each viewData.activity}}
{{#each viewData.maxActivity}}
But I need to perform the following loop but it's not working as I have it below:
{{#each viewData.activity}}
The ../ should be working but it isn't. What am I missing?
I found in another SO post (https://stackoverflow.com/a/26341035/483140) and have the following working but doesn't seem efficient:
{{#each .}}

Okay, so I tried this in my code and it's working great.
{{#each .}}
In a small code sample, this looks odd but in a larger form, it actually makes more sense, visually which might have been my hang up to begin with.


How to make an inline `if` condition in handlebars partials?

I have a partial like
{{> form/my-form value=form.value.someValue}}
I want to send someValue to my-form only if a condition is true. Something like
{{> form/my-form value={{#if (condition)}}form.value.someValue{{/if}}}}
But this syntax seems to be wrong.
How to achieve it?

How do I include a variable in an "ifequal" handlebar?

I'm using Foundation for Sites which uses Panini and Handlebars for JS templating. I need an {{#ifequal}} statement that includes a js variable so that I can compare a URL parameter to a JSON
What I have right now:
{{#ifequal "Canada" this.destination}}
//do the thing
What I need is something like this:
{{#ifequal <script>document.write(destId)</script> this.destination}}
//do the thing
The js var "destId" is assigned earlier in the page when it's pulled out of the URL parameters, but of course I can't include the script inside the handlebars. If there's a way to pass a URL parameter directly into a handlebar that would also work.
as noted before on this question (link is here):
Handlebars partials take a second parameter which becomes the context for the partial:
{{> person this}}
In versions v2.0.0 alpha and later, you can also
pass a hash of named parameters:
{{> person headline='Headline'}}
You can see the tests for these

How do you nest two of Polymer's firebase-collection elements inside dom-repeat?

I have a problem of looping two of Polymers firebase-collection elements.
With my database structure i first have to check which events the user has access to, then get the information on that event from events.
The problem with this code is that when i loop the second firebase-collection the data-binding on "events" will be the same on all that repeats and therefore it will be the same name on every h4.
So is there a way of having a unique variable in data="{{ }}".
or is there a better way of writing out the data?
<firebase-collection data="{{userData}}" location="{{_getCorrectUrl()}}"></firebase-collection>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{userData}}" as="user">
<firebase-collection data="{{events}}" location="{{_getCorrectEventsUrl(user.__firebaseKey__)}}" ></firebase-collection>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{events}}" as="event">
I have a solution which I consider not the best way to solve this issue, but it works for me. I created another element called 'my-user, I exposed an attribute called user which is assigned the value of user from the first dom-repeat. Everything works, however, I am not satisfied with this solution. I am still looking for a solution which doesn't involve creating a dedicated element for that.
<firebase-collection data="{{userData}}" location="{{_getCorrectUrl()}}">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{userData}}" as="user">
<my-user user="[[user]]"></my-user>
and the other 'my-user':
<dom-module id="my-user">
<firebase-collection data="{{events}}" location="{{_getCorrectEventsUrl(user)}}" ></firebase-collection>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{events}}" as="event">
(function () {
is: 'my-user',
_getCorrectEventsUrl: function(obj) {
return 'https://app.firebaseio.com/users/' + obj.__firebaseKey__;
properties: {
Now after sometime of answering this question I came to realize that when someone face such a situation with NoSQL database, it usually highlights a problem in the design. Data should be de-normalized and one should avoid joining like what is normally done in SQL databases. Watch the The Firebase Database For SQL Developers on youtube.

How to access JavaScript object other members data whilst iterating over array in handlebars each statement

I have a JavaScript object like this
Object {all: Array[5], cattype: "sometype"}
My question is, how to write cattype in the code below
I do this
{{#each all}}
<li><a href="#{{cattype}}/{{ id }}" >{{{title}}}</a></li>
This code is working, just cattype is not written. Outside {{#each}} it's working of course.
Thank you very much for your attantion ! :)
I found solution
solved my problem

Handlebars: recursive tree structure

I have a tree structure of arbitrary depth that I want to display with Handlebars. I don't see any way to recurse. If I knew the depth, I could hard code it I suppose, but it can be arbitrarily deep.
Something like this, but it needs to recurse at the display children part.
...spew this same template with each member of {{#children}}...
Handlebars has ways to iterate collections, but no way that I can see to recurse into the children
Found that you can do it with a delegation/embedded file technique. So, it'd look like this:
spew_a_node.mustache (I'm using the Mustache implementation):
{{> spew_a_node}}
Here's a nice article and jsfiddle describing exactly how to do it (which is more or less what Chris Kessel has described in his answer):
