how to fix missing transport error in wordpress? - wordpress

Whenever I try to Install any plugin or theme WordPress gives an error as:
Installation failed: Download failed. No working transports found
Please Help!

This error message occurs when there are missing extensions on a development server, so the WordPress is unable to make external HTTP requests.
The solution is pretty simple. The missing extensions that make those HTTP requests possible are already installed with Wamp Server, By default,they are just disabled. To enable them, we need to edit the php.ini configuration file.
Editing php.ini file
The php.ini file contains a list of many extensions with some of them disabled by default. The only one I had to enable was the openssl extension.
Here are the steps to enable that extension:
Start Wamp Server.
click on Wamp Server Icon and move to PHP->php.ini option.
double click on php.ini. so, it will open php.ini file in your default Text Editor.
search for php_openssl.dll in php.ini file. ->You Will see that the extension is commented out: ;extension=php_openssl.dll
Uncomment that line by removing semicolon(;)
Save the changes.
Restart Wamp Server.


Getting error while installing the setup of magento2 on ubuntu?

when i'm entering the domain-name or IP on the browser for setup of magento2, then its shows me this error.
please check htaccess file. Rename htaccess file then again check.
check your php install or not. If installed then check its version beacuse magento 2.0 version working on 7.0.2 php.
check here requirement

Can not download wordpress themes locally

I have installed wordpress in my xampp server.
everything looks great.
I am using proxy so i have added below snippet in wp_config.php to use proxies.
/* Configure proxy Server */
define('WP_PROXY_HOST', '');
define('WP_PROXY_PORT', '5656');
define('WP_PROXY_USERNAME', 'xxxx');
define('WP_PROXY_PASSWORD', 'xxxx');
when i try to INSTALL any theme. It shows following Error.
Installation failed: Download failed. cURL error 56: Proxy CONNECT aborted Like this_Error image
I couldn't find much on this.Any help please?

Wordpress Database Connection Error - PHP7 using MAMP

I have a localhost development environment using MAMP Pro, with a Wordpress website working successfully using PHP 5.6.8. Changing the host to PHP 7.0.13 (and changing nothing else) results in the error:
Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or
directory in [edited path]/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1538
Error establishing a database connection
This either means that the username and password information in your
wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database
server at localhost:3306. This could mean your host’s database server
is down.
Screenshot of Complete Error
wp-config.php definitely has correct username, password, hostname and the database is running. Solutions to similar issues/warnings suggest the MySQL socket path in php.ini file could be wrong, but I have compared that file across the two php versions and they are the same.
I am using the latest versions of MAMP Pro (4.1) and Wordpress (4.7.4), as well as OS X (10.12.4). Also, the website works fine again when changing the host back to PHP 5.6.8.
No idea what else to do/check. Any thoughts are much appreciated.
Wordpress 4.6 later version is not supported in Php 7.0 So please Reinstall Php 5.6 and check .so working
After updating to PHP7 you need to check the path to the mysql.sock.
Open the php.ini file and correct the path
mysql.default_socket = /Applications/MAMP/bin/IDONTKNOW...../mysql.sock

Can't install Themes in Wordpress 4.1 (cURL failure)

In Wordpress V4.1 I am trying to install a new Theme. Wordpress throws the following error message:
Download failed. error:0D0C50A1:asn1 encoding
routines:ASN1_item_verify:unknown message digest algorithm
I think it is the cURL transport which is failing. I installed the "Core Control" plugin and tested the curl functionality. This test tells me, that cURL and PHP-Stream is working.
I now found out that SSH2 is not available on the server.
Is it possible to use Wordpress without SSH2?
You could switch the installations and updates to using FTP rather than the built in downloader. Because of the way the server is setup, some of my sites automatically use it unless overridden.
You can force wp to use FTP for installing/updating plugins and themes by adding this line into the wp-config.php file:
define('FS_METHOD', 'ftpext');

Symfony PDOException could not find driver

I have a problem with symfony2.3, today I have this error message : "PDoException could not find driver" while yesterday everything worked perfectly.
When I run this command line : php app/check.php All is ok :
OK PDO should be installed
OK PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: sqlite)
In my file parameters.yml all is correctly.
I do not understand why it worked yesterday and today I have this error.
Best regards,
First of all, verify your php.ini file: the extensions (php_pdo_pgsql or php_pdo_mysql) and php_pdo must be enabled. Make sure you apply this changes on php.ini file that your symfony project is using, check this on localhost/path_to_your_project/web/config.php. You know if this extensions are enabled executing the function phpinfo().
This command is also helpfull: php -m. It lists on console all the php modules that are loaded.
Tip: check out you Apache error log, there could be something wrong with the load of your extensions. This file is located according to your server configuration.
