Make an unclickable Menu Item - css

I'm doing a Dropdown menu using Ant Design:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Icon, Dropdown, Menu } from "antd";
const { Item } = Menu;
class NotificationBell extends Component {
render() {
const menu = (
<Item><p>You must be connected to get notifications.</p></Item>
return (
<Dropdown overlay={menu} trigger={['click']}>
<Icon type="bell" theme="outlined" />
Ant this is what I get:
But I don't want to just remove the highlight, I also want to make the component unclickable, i.e. instead of a "hand cursor" I want a "normal cursor".
Adding the selectable={false} prop on the Menu component as suggested by the Ant Design documentation doesn't help. What should I do?
Thank you for your help.

The documentation you linked to specifies a disabled prop on Menu.Item which may or may do what you want. If you want to do something other than what the library provides, you can customize the behavior.
You can use the CSS property cursor to specify which cursor you want on hover.
You might want to use not-allowed for a disabled-style cursor, or the default arrow: default.
For future reference, you can't prevent a user from clicking on the element. What you want to do is actually to communicate the affordance (or lack thereof) using visual cues, and potentially alter the behavior of your application when receiving that input.

The CSS property pointer-events set to none makes the component ignore mouse events without altering the style of the cursor.
<Menu.Item key="/">
<Link href="/">Clickable</Link>
<Menu.Item style={{ pointerEvents: 'none' }}>


How to use components in different ways (React)

I want to use simple components in different way and different ui rendering
For example a dropdown rendering a list may have several ui according to the page or context (=> padding, margins, font size and other css properties might change)
should I:
implement it by overwriting in the parent component (target css properties of the child component and apply them my css needs - at cost that if change happens in the child component like change in classname or what might break the parent design)
Pass flags to the component to handle those design and at cost that each component handle the design of each parent
There are different approaches to this and everybody has his own preferences.
I usually solve this by supporting the className property. The class is accepted as a prop and applied to the root. So it is easy to change things like outer margins or the background-color. I usually discourage modifications of deeply nested elements.
import classnames from 'clsx';
import style from './button.module.scss';
export const Button = ({ content, onClick, className }) => {
return (
className={classnames(style.buttonRoot, className)}
and if I want to modify it anywhere I can do it thus:
import { Button } from './Button';
import style from './productView.module.scss';
// ...
<Button content={'Show products'} className={style.showProdButton} onClick={showProd} />
.show-prod-button {
background-color: #562873;
margin-left: 32px;

How do I remove the outline for active state on a button in React Bootstrap?

I am trying to remove the button outline when a button is clicked in React Bootstrap. I managed to remove the outline by using:
.btn:focus, .btn:active {
box-shadow: none;
however this didn't fix the active state, if the button is held down the outline is still visible. I also tried this fix:
.btn.focus,.btn:active.focus, {
box-shadow: none;
outline: none;
The result is the same, the border still appears when the button is held down. Is there anything I can do to remove this?
I recommend not doing this. CSS outlines on hover and focus tend to help with accessibility. See the following post: Quick tip: Never remove CSS outlines
Removing outlines in CSS creates issues for people navigating the web with a keyboard. Using the CSS rule :focus { outline: none; } to remove an outline on an object causes the link or control to be focusable, but removes any visible indication of focus for keyboard users. Methods to remove it such as onfocus="blur()" result in keyboard users being unable to interact with the link or control.
The article provides a few options for handling this issue in a more accessibility-friendly way:
Style the outline
Style the element itself
Move outlines for mouse users only, if you truly must do so
The question is how to do accomplish. Attempting to answer the question ...
I did so within the component itself. I wanted the same thing for a button group that mashed the buttons altogether, which I did not like. Adding a style = { boxShadow: 'none' } in the component itself, did the trick for me.
Also, I wanted my grouped button separated (mr-1) and with rounded corners (borderRadius).
{, index) => (
style = {{ borderRadius: '.2rem', boxShadow: 'none' }}
onClick={() => setStuff(value)}
onSelect={(e) => setStuff(e)}
>, index) => (
<Dropdown.Item key={index} eventKey={value}>

How to add background image on a material ui Dialog component

I'm using material-ui version 3.9.3 in my React application. I want to add a background image on a dialog. I'm using the Dialog component for it but I'm unable to add a background image on the whole dialog.
For example:
{/* some jsx */}
I have tried to add an image using classes and custom CSS but I'm unable to do it.
Can anyone help me out to add it? Thanks in advance :)
First, you can define the background image in a styles object that can be used with the withStyles higher-order component to apply it to the dialog:
const styles = {
dialog: {
backgroundImage: "url("
When you pass this object to the withStyles HOC, it will supply your component with a classes prop containing properties with the same names as the properties on styles that you've defined.
Next, you can apply this class to the Dialog by taking advantage of the classes prop (the specific overrides made available for the Dialog component are detailed here):
<Dialog ... classes={{paper: classes.dialog}}>
{/* ... */}
This is telling material-ui to merge the styles you have defined in styles.dialog with the default styles on the Paper element that is used with the Dialog.
You'll need to make sure that you're wrapping your component in the withStyles HoC. If you have a class component, it will look something like this:
export default withStyles(styles)(DialogWithBackgroundImage);
For functional components, it would look something like:
export default withStyles(styles)(({open, children, classes}) => (<Dialog ...></Dialog>))
Here's a working example that ties everything together:

Override a Material UI style without using an HOC?

Is there any way to override a Material UI components styling without having to create a whole new component using withStyles()?
For instance, say I am rendering the following and I just want to change the color of the "Delete" label:
<div style={styles.rowFooter}>
control={<ClearIcon />}
title="Clear all fields."
control={<DeleteIcon />}
title="Delete this row."
To do this, I'd usually have to:
Create a new styles function that returns { color: "maroon" }.
Create a new component to render the "Delete" button.
Wrap my new component withStyles(newStylesFn)(MyComponent).
But I don't want to do all of that. Is there any way to avoid it?
One way that I know of is to just pass a CSS className. I was looking for something besides that because it doesn't even work in this situation to override the nested element.
What I'd really like to be able to do is just pass style={{ color: "maroon" }}, but that only changes the color of the icon, not the actual label text...
You could use the classes prop to override styles provided by Material UI instead of className.
control={<DeleteIcon />}
title="Delete this row."
label: 'labelStyle'
.labelStyle {
color: maroon !important;
Although it's Not the perfect solution, it still does the job without using withStyles().

material-ui change the height of the drawer

I'm using react and material-ui in my project and I have come across a simple issue that I just dont't know how to solve.
I want to create a drawer and set its height in a way that when it will open, it wont open over the app bar.
There is no parameter in the Drawer component for the height, I also tried to override its style and setting up the height on the style object like this :
<Drawer style={{height:'90%'}} />
But it didn't work.
The only way I can think of, is editing the code of the Drawer component, but ofcourse I want to avoid that.
Any idea on how I can define the height?
Here you go:
<Drawer open={} containerStyle={{height: 'calc(100% - 64px)', top: 64}}>
<MenuItem>Menu Item</MenuItem>
<MenuItem>Menu Item 2</MenuItem>
containerStyle is prohibited in version 1.0 and above
So you need to use props classes instead
Here is an example to this nontrivial case
import {withStyles, createStyleSheet} from 'material-ui/styles'
const styleSheet = createStyleSheet({
paper: {
height: 'calc(100% - 64px)',
top: 64
class CustomDrawer extends Component {
render () {
const classes = this.props.classes
return (
classes={{paper: classes.paper}}
CustomDrawer.propTypes = {
classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired
export default withStyles(styleSheet)(CustomDrawer)
