WooCommerce and Stripe - automatically process payment with no checkout - wordpress

I am building an auction website in WordPress with WooCommerce. I need to be able to automatically process payment using a customer's saved card details when an auction closes.
I already convert the product to an order when the auction ends, but cannot figure out how to process the payment too.
I don't have any code samples to share as I'm not sure where to start with this. I've looked through the Stripe and Woo docs and cannot find anything there. I'm starting to wonder if this is even possible and that perhaps it is not for security reasons.
Any pointers on this would be much appreciated.

Personal opinion says that this is a really bad idea. As someone who has coded many ecommerce solutions in the past, there really should be an 'acceptance of payment' process for any transaction. That is not due to security but to protect both parties in the transaction (the buyer AND the seller).
I would look at token-based payments if you REALLY want to go down this route but I've unfortunately never implemented them with Stripe before.


Send API after payment completed WooCommerce

I have an e-commerce on Wordpress where I put my products for sale through WooCommerce and a demand arose for an advantage club where, after payment was made, it would send data to an API to create an account on a platform and when is no longer paid to be deactivated by the same API. How can I do this? Is there any way?
I looked for documentation on the internet but I couldn't find much.
You can use, a hook that runs when an ordered is marked as completed:
if that doesnt work for you, you need to check the payment gateway provider, to see what hooks they offer

Wordpress How to make a custom walllet system in wordpress?

I am working on a college project which is a website in which i am buying some products from customer or user. So i want to pay them for the stuff that i buy from them.
But directly providing them cash instead i want a wallet system in which i can transfer money in their wallet so that there will be a proof of our transaction.
Is there any plugin in wordpress which can solve my above problem. Since i am new in wordpress so i don't know how to achieve this.
Please tell me that whether should i be able to achieve this type of wallet system or not?
So essentially you want to buy products from customers and pay them for that but without actually giving them cash.
Here are my thoughts about this and possible solutions:
Without a website:
You can easily use Paypal to do this without any website and therefore you will be able to send money using your Paypal account to their Paypal account with any cash transaction (Paypal keep all records of the transaction so you can use it for finance).
With a website:
You install some plugins that will turn your website into a multi vendors market Where users can sell their products directly inside your website. This solution will offer functionalities similar to famous sites like Amazon and eBay. Choosing this solution will allow your customers to sell you services or products and they get paid to their Paypal account despite the payment method you use (except cash), this way the transactions will be happening using electronic wallets which in this example PayPal and all records for transactions will be logged.
The last note is, depending on how much manual work you want to do the solutions will vary.
You may need some assistance o building such a website. Contact me if you need help.

Purchasing item without registering as a user

I have this site where visitors can pay for certain digital goods, after which they'll be presented with a download link. These downloads links last for a week before they die and become useless
I want to allow users to purchase items without having to create an account first, but just by supplying the payment details and email. I figured I could send the download link to their email once paid, but this is kind of problematic if they accidentally specific an incorrect email when paying.
Any suggestions on how best to accomplish this?
I've made such a purchase on a site called WrapBootstrap (https://wrapbootstrap.com/theme/flatboard-angularjs-admin-frontend-WB0G434G7). It integrates with PayPal in that they are navigated to PayPal, pay, and when they return, PayPal notified the site the payment was successful and then WrapBootstrap displays the download link.
I liked how seamless it was but what I found was if I ever wanted to download an item again, I didn't have a personal record of it (either in email or account). One drawback from a non-account perspective. Check it out and let me know if that answers your question.

"order already paid" with paypal checkout in Woocommerce

You guys are my last hope... I created a website with wordpress and I'm using the woocommerce plugin to sell my book. I set everything up (not my first shop, but my first one with woocommerce), tested it in the sandbox, everything was fine. The website went live, and the problem began...
It occurs with paypal. For half of the users, everything is fine, they check out without problem, I get the money on my paypal account. For the other half, when they want to pay, they get an error message "order already paid" and can't go any further. After a while, the order is automatically canceled.
I can't reproduce the problem, because these buyers have nothing in common. Some have verified paypal adresses, some don't, some were registered users, some weren't. The product is always the same, only the shipping changes, and again, nothing in common there.
I've had to send paypal invoices to the customers, apologising for the bug, but it's not very professional, and I'm going to launch the epub soon, so if somebody goes to the trouble of buying it, they will want it available immediately, not a few hours later after receiving the paypal invoice...
It seems I'm not the only one with this problem, and I've checked everywhere for hours, for most people it was a problem of forgetting to change the sandbox paypal account to their real business account, for others it was because they weren't using a prefix and had more than one shop. All the others never got any answer or help.
Obviously, something is going wrong when the user is redirected to paypal to finish the order, but since I can't reproduce it, it's very difficult for me to troubleshoot the issue.
I enabled the logs, but unfortunately I upgraded to the newest version of woocommerce (available since today) and it erased my log file. I have a new one, from an order which didn't go through, and it's really weird:
11-21-2013 # 21:42:42 - Generating payment form for order n°150. Notify URL: http://mydomain.com/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Paypal
(of course, I changed the website link)
I haven't had any other order since, but when I looked at the log last time before upgrading, an order that went through correctly had at least 20 lines after that one.
I'm getting desperate, especially since the people at woocommerce don't seem to care at all about support.
it sounds like you're having issues with duplicate invoice IDs - I'll assume that you paraphrased the error message and it should be "This invoice has already been paid. For more information, please contact the merchant."
PayPal blocks duplicate payments by means of an invoice ID being sent with every order.
You can try disabling "Block accidental payments:" under
If this helps, then your shop is sending invoice IDs that have already been used on other transactions in your account.
Not sure if this is the cause since you did mention a "prefix" but didn't refer to where you're using it - if you set a "prefix" before the invoice id, e.g. xy-123456, a duplicate will be unlikely.
If the problem continues and you're having trouble with finding log files, do approach paypal.com/mts and provide specific examples. They won't fix your module, but should be able to provide the cause of the error message.
I had a problem with "invoice already paid" IDs over the multiple woocommerce shops I manage. I thought it was a PayPal error but it happened when one of the random order numbers woocommerce generated was the same as a previously generated order number. I got around this by installing the plugin booster tools (was jetpack) and creating my own order number with prefix to make it unique to each store and also made my number sequential. I have not had the same error since.

Wordpress Multisite w/Paid Subscription Options

I have configured my Wordpress site as a multisite using subfolders and I'm considering how to configure it as a monthly subscription site using Paypal where users will be able to sell their own products.
I have 2 ways (so far) of thinking on the subscription model.
1) Users are not able to create a site without being paid first. They can register as Subscribers to the main site. Maybe they can post comments and/or reply to others' comments. If I go this route I'm going to need a way of allowing the registered user to purchase a monthly subscription. At that time I will have to provision their site.
2) Users can create a site without paying, but will not be able to sell their items using their site.
Regardless of which way I go on these 2 options, I want to offer different subscription rates - 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year - each with a price break. On top of the subscription time period, I am considering that there might be other terms. Like they can subscribe to a basic plan where I will get a percentage of their sales (3%-5% maybe), and a more costly plan where there is no percentage to me.
I'm hoping for a subscription plugin that will be smart enough to expire accounts and will be able to send correspondence to the user. Such as a notice of a pending auto-renewal, or that the subscription has actually expired, their credit card could not be charged, a receipt that it was charged, etc.
Is anyone aware of a Wordpress plugin that will do some/most/all of these things? Or does anyone have an idea of how to go about this with multiple plugins?
I'm just researching options right now, so I am all ears to ideas and suggestions!
after a brief research on wordpress.org forums, I think that you should take a look at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/s2member/
