Adding Custom Header to Logout in Icecast - networking

Is it possible to have the log output for icecast read a variable from a header sent to the server? Currently I am setting up an icecast server in Kuberenetes and I'm trying to get source IP preservation onto the stream for analyzing log data. However even with the necessary steps on kubernetes side I am not seeing the logs for icecast have source IP. How ever I was able to sniff incoming request and I am seeing:
X-Real-IP: 142.x.x.x
X-Forwarded-For: 142.x.x.x
As headers coming into the server.
Is it possible to get these into the logs somehow?

Not at the moment.
We plan to support reverse proxying in release 2.5.
Our general recommendation at the moment is to not reverse proxy Icecast due to many possible problems beyond just losing the originating IP address.
Just expose the Icecast ports directly to the Internet, e.g. through port forwarding.
edit: You can just declare protocol: TCP ports for your service. also "Proxy-mode: iptables"

If you don't mind a little tinkering you can do it.
Clone the source
Find these lines in the source files, which define what is logged as listener ip:
./src/logging.c:159: client->con->ip,
./src/admin.c:700: xmlNewTextChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR(mode == OMODE_LEGACY ? "IP" : "ip"), XMLSTR(client->con->ip));
Add this snippet to define a new variable, this will be set to value of X-Real-IP header if present or client IP if not:
const char *realip;
realip = httpp_getvar (client->parser, "x-real-ip");
if (realip == NULL)
realip = client->con->ip;
Change the previously mentioned lines to reference the new variable:
./src/logging.c:163: realip,
./src/admin.c:700: xmlNewTextChild(node, NULL, XMLSTR(mode == OMODE_LEGACY ? "IP" : "ip"), XMLSTR(realip));
Build Icecast from source as per the instructions


ESP32 how do I add a Host header with http.addHeader()

I'm debugging some DNS issues on a WiFi access point I'm setting up. I am connecting an ESP32 to my network so it can output what it's up to. I want to get my Public IP address as a test and I want to use to go and get it. This is superb when DNS is working, but as per standard HTTPS stuff, I can use the Host: name header in a call to the IP address to test connectivity to determine if it's just a DNS failure I'm seeing. If I set up the following in Postman, everything is super...
When I do the following on the ESP32, which should mimic the above, I get a 404 - which happens when the Host header is not sent or is incorrect.
String new_url = "";
String host = "";
HTTPClient http;
http.addHeader("Host", host.c_str());
int httpResponseCode = http.GET();
What am I doing wrong? I've tried the addHeader() call either side of the begin()
I've tried collectHeaders() call, but that only keeps the response headers so I can't see what I'm actually sending.
On the positive note, the fact I'm getting a 404 does mean connectivity is fine, and the issue is my DNS as expected, but why can't I (allegedly) send the Host header?
The HTTPClient library adds the Host header for you automatically.
The library is written to silently ignore attempts to add your own Host field (along with Connection, UserAgent and Authorization):
// not allow set of Header handled by code
if(!name.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Connection")) &&
!name.equalsIgnoreCase(F("User-Agent")) &&
!name.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Host")) &&
!(name.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Authorization")) && _base64Authorization.length())){
String headerLine = name;
Unfortunately it doesn't currently offer a method to tell it to use a particular Host with an IP address that's not resolved from it.
You could copy the library into your project and just delete the check that stops it from using your Host field. Or (I hate suggesting this because I usually push people to use the HTTPClient library rather than roll their own) you could do your own simple HTTP implementation using WiFiClient.
It sounds like you understand this already but for others who may read this, HTTP allows one IP address to serve multiple domains (back in the old days it didn't but as we ran low on IP addresses this became critical). The server uses the Host field to decide which domain to direct traffic to. It's likely that the server you're connecting to is accepting the connection but without the Host field being set properly the request isn't making it to the correct server and is failing with a 404.

Lua - Obtain my local/external IP and my VPN tunnelled external IP via an HTTP Proxy

I have a VPN Docker container set up using Gluetun, which is running an HTTP Proxy, I’m trying to see if it’s possible to do a Lua http.request to retrieve both my direct (local) external IP, AND my tunnelled external IP too?
I’ve found a few pages that help explain how I might do this, but I’m not sure how to retrieve both continuously. (Main page being)
Fetching page of url using luasocket and proxy
Here is my current code.
local url = require "socket.url"
local http = require "socket.http"
print("----------EXTERNAL IP DIRECT---------------")
local result, status = http.request("")
print(result, status)
print("---------EXTERNAL IP VIA PROXY-------------")
http.PROXY="" -- locally hosted http proxy, no name/password
local result1, status1 = http.request("")
print(result1, status1)
When I run this first, I get the following.
---------EXTERNAL IP DIRECT--------------- 200
---------EXTERNAL IP VIA PROXY------------- 200
Which provides my external IP fine, but the bottom proxy IP listed is the local IP of the machine I’m running the code on, which surprised me, also every subsequent running of the code returns my local IP for both.
----------EXTERNAL IP DIRECT--------------- 200
---------EXTERNAL IP VIA PROXY------------- 200
When I set the http.proxy value, that seems to be retained for all subsequent requests.
I can see the requests recorded positively on the (Gluetun) http proxy container logs, so they are being passed ok.
Does anyone have any ideas on how Lua can act as a http client to retrieve my tunnels external IP?

Map DNS entry to specific port

Let's say I have this DNS entry: mysite.sample. I am developing, and have a copy of my website running locally in http://localhost:8080. I want this website to be reachable using the (fake) DNS: http://mysite.sample, without being forced to remember in what port this site is running. I can setup /etc/hosts and nginx to do proxing for that, but ... Is there an easier way?
Can I somehow setup a simple DNS entry using /etc/hosts and/or dnsmasq where also a non-standard port (something different than :80/:443) is specified? Without the need to provide extra configuration for nginx?
Or phrased in a simpler way: Is it possible to provide port mappings for dns entries in /etc/hosts or dnsmasq?
DNS has nothing to do with the TCP port. DNS is there to resolv names (e.g. mysite.sample) into IP addresses - kind of like a phone book.
So it's a clear "NO". However, there's another solution and I try to explain it.
When you enter http://mysite.sample:8080 in your browser URL bar, your client (e.g. browser) will first try to resolve mysite.sample (via OS calls) to an IP address. This is where DNS kicks in, as DNS is your name resolver. If that happened, the job of DNS is finished and the browser continues.
This is where the "magic" in HTTP happens. The browser is connecting to the resolved IP address and the desired port (by default 80 for http and 443 for https), is waiting for the connection to be accepted and is then sending the following headers:
GET <resource> HTTP/1.1
Host: mysite.sample:8080
Now the server reads those headers and acts accordingly. Most modern web servers have something called "virtual hosts" (i.e. Apache) or "sites" (i.e. nginx). You can configure multiple vhosts/sites - one for each domain. The web server will then provide the site matching the requested host (which is retreived by the browser from the URL bar and passed to the server via Host HTTP header). This is pure HTTP and has nothing to do with TCP.
If you can't change the port of your origin service (in your case 8080), you might want to setup a new web server in front of your service. This is also called reverse proxy. I recommend reading the NGINX Reverse Proxy docs, but you can also use Apache or any other modern web server.
For nginx, just setup a new site and redirect it to your service:
location mysite.example {
There is a mechanism in DNS for discovering the ports that a service uses, it is called the Service Record (SRV) which has the form TTL class SRV priority weight port target.
However, to make use of this record you would need to have an application that referenced that record prior to making the call. As Dominique has said, this is not the way HTTP works.
I have written a previous answer that explains some of the background to this, and why HTTP isn't in the standard. (the article discusses WS, but the underlying discussion suggested adding this to the HTTP protocol directly)
Edited to add -
There was actually a draft IETF document exploring an official way to do this, but it never made it past draft stage.
This document specifies a new URI scheme called http+srv which uses a DNS SRV lookup to locate a HTTP server.
There is an specific SO answer here which points to an interesting post here

Faking an HTTP request header

I have a general networking question but it's related with security aspect.
Here is my case: I have a host which is infected by a malware. The malware creates an http packet to communicate with it's command and control server. While constructing the packet, the IP layer contains the correct IP address of the command and control server. The tcp layer contains the correct port number 80.
Before sending the packet out, the malware modifies the http header to replace the host header with “" instead of it's server address. It then attaches the stolen data with the packet and sends it out.
My understanding is that the packet will get delivered to the correct server because the routing will happen based on the IP.
But can I host a webserver on this IP that would receive all packets with header host and parse it correctly?
Based on my reading on the internet, it is possible but if it is that easy then why have malware authors not adopted this technique to spoof the http headers and bypass traditional domain whitelisting engines.
When you make a request to let's say Apache2 server, what actually Apache does is match your "Host" header with any VirtualHost within server's configuration. Only if it cannot be found / is invalid, Apache will route the request to default virtualhost if it's defined. Basically nothing stops you from changing these headers.
You can simply test it by editing your hosts file and pointing to any other IP - you will be able to handle the domain on your server, but only you will be to use it this way - no one else.
Anything you send inside HTTP headers shouldn't be trusted - it just a guide for your server on how to actually handle the traffic.
The fake host header is just there to trick some deep-inspection firewalls ("it's for Google? you may pass..."). The server on that IP either doesn't care about the host header (default vhost) or is explicitly configured to accept it.
Passing the loot on by using fake headers or just as plain data behind the headers is another trick to fool data loss prevention.
These methods can mislead shallow application-layer inspection but won't pass a decent firewall.

Get client's real IP address on Heroku

On any Heroku stack, I want to get the client's IP. my first attempt might be:
This does not work, of course, because all requests are passed through proxies. So the alternative was to use:
But this is not quite safe, is it?
If it contains only one value, I take this. If it contains more than one value (comma-separated), I could take the first one.
But what if someone manipulates this value? I cannot trust request.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] as I could with request.headers['REMOTE_ADDR']. And there is no list of trusted proxies that I could use, either.
But there must be some way to reliably get the client's IP address, always. Do you know one?
In their docs, Heroku describes that X-Forwarded-For is "the originating IP address of the client connecting to the Heroku router".
This sounds as if Heroku could be overwriting the X-Forwarded-For with the originating remote IP. This would prevent spoofing, right? Can someone verify this?
From Jacob, Heroku's Director of Security at the time:
The router doesn't overwrite X-Forwarded-For, but it does guarantee that the real origin will always be the last item in the list.
This means that, if you access a Heroku app in the normal way, you will just see your IP address in the X-Forwarded-For header:
$ curl
"origin": "",
If you try to spoof the IP, your alleged origin is reflected, but - critically - so is your real IP. Obviously, this is all we need, so there's a clear and secure solution for getting the client's IP address on Heroku:
$ curl -H"X-Forwarded-For:"
"origin": ","
This is just the opposite of what is described on Wikipedia, by the way.
PHP implementation:
function getIpAddress() {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$ipAddresses = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
return trim(end($ipAddresses));
else {
I work in Heroku's support department and have spent some time discussing this with our routing engineers. I wanted to post some additional information to clarify some things about what's going on here.
The example provided in the answer above just had the client IP displayed last coincidentally and that's not really guaranteed. The reason it wasn't first is because the originating request claimed that it was forwarding for the IP specified in the X-Forwarded-For header. When the Heroku router received the request, it just appended the IP that was directly connecting to the X-Forwarded-For list after the one that had been injected into the request. Our router always adds the IP that connected to the AWS ELB in front of our platform as the last IP in the list. This IP could be the original one (and in the case where there's only one IP, it almost certainly is), but the instant there are multiple IPs chained, all bets are off. Convention is always to add the latest IP in the chain to the end of the list (which is what we do), but at any point along the chain that chain can be altered and different IPs could be inserted. As such, the only IP that's reliable (from the perspective of our platform) is the last IP in the list.
To illustrate, let's say someone initiates a request and arbitrarily adds 3 additional IPs to the X-Forwarded-For header:
curl -H "X-Forwarded-For:,,"
Imagine this machine's IP was and that it had to pass through a proxy (e.g., a university's campus-wide proxy). Let's say that proxy had an IP of Assuming it wasn't configured to strip X-Forwarded-For headers (which it likely wouldn't be), it would just tack the IP to the end of the list and pass the request on to Google. At this point, the header would look like this:
That request will then pass through Google's endpoint, which will append the university proxy's IP of, so the header will finally look like this in Google's logs:
So, which is the client IP? It's impossible to say from Google's standpoint. In reality, the client IP is The last IP listed is though and the first is All Google would know is that the IP is definitely correct because that was the IP that actually connected to their service – but they wouldn't know if that was the initial client for the request or not from the data available. In the same way, when there's just one IP in this header – that is the IP that directly connected to our service, so we know it's reliable.
From a practical standpoint, this IP will likely be reliable most of the time (because most people won't be bothering to spoof their IP). Unfortunately, it's impossible to prevent this sort of spoofing and by the time a request gets to the Heroku router, it's impossible for us to tell if IPs in an X-Forwarded-For chain have been tampered with or not.
All reliability issues aside, these IP chains should always be read from left-to-right. The client IP should always be the left-most IP.
You can never really trust any information coming from the client. It's more of a question of who do you trust and how do you verify it. Even Heroku can possibly be influenced to provide a bad HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR value if they have a bug in their code, or they get hacked somehow. Another option would be some other Heroku machine connecting to your server internally and bypassing their proxy altogether while faking REMOTE_ADDR and/or HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.
The best answer here would depend on what you're trying to do. If you're trying to verify your clients, a client-side certificate might be a more appropriate solution. If all you need the IP for is geo-location, trusting the input might be good enough. Worst case, someone will fake the location and get the wrong content... If you have a different use case, there are many other solutions in between those two extremes.
If I make a request with multiple X-Forwarded-For headers: curl -s -v -H "X-Forwarded-For:,," -H "X-Forwarded-For:" -H "X-Forwarded-For:"
> X-Forwarded-For:,,
> X-Forwarded-For:
> X-Forwarded-For:
The X-Forwarded-For header passed along to the app will be:,,, <real client IP>,,
so picking the last from that list does not hold up :/
