Is it possible to enable legacy build system for buddy build? - buddy-build

We're trying to build a project on Buddy Build using Xcode 10. The project requires building with "legacy build system," but we can't seem to find how to enable this in the build settings in Buddy Build. Any one know how to do this so we can continue to use CI with Buddy Build?

I'm not aware of any way to explicitly select the legacy build system.
We're running our project on xcode 9.4.1 until react native support for the new build system ships (tracking progress here).
If you're working on a react native project there's also a workaround available if you want to keep your BuddyBuild configured on the latest XCode release.


How do I create an msixbundle for a UWP project?

I have two xamarin forms projects that currently only utilize the UWP platform. One creates msixbundles when publishing and the other creates appxbundles when publishing. I can't seem to find any key difference between the Package.appxmanifest or the uwp project files that would cause this. I would like to make them both produce msixbundles. Does anyone know the key to creating msixbundles vs appxbundles?
The apps targeting Windows 1809 and newer are automatically packaged bundled as msix/msixbundle. And here is official release note.
We added support for creating .MSIX packages for both the Universal
Windows Platform projects, as well as in the Windows Application
Packaging Project template. To create an .MSIX package, the minimum
version of your application must be the latest Windows 10 SDK (build

Creating an MSI installer for a C# SCD Deployment (Visual Studio 2019)

I have a .Net Core 3.1 application that I'd like to deploy as a Self Contained (SCD) Deployment using an MSI Installer in Visual Studio 2019...
I have published the project as an SCD Deployment and I can run this on the target machine just fine
However, I've been asked by IT support to provide an MSI installer for the application as .MSI files work well with some of the admin/control applications they have.
So I created a setup project in my solution and selected 'Publish Items' as the Project Output of the setup project and rebuilt it...
The installer seems to run just fine on the target machine but when we try to run the installed application it says that .Net Core is required ...It's as if the installer has ignored the Self Contained aspect and just installed as a regular Framework Dependent Deployment
Is there a way to create an installer that installs an SCD deployment? Have I made a mistake in my thinking?
Many Thanks in advance,
The VS Setup Project template is quite old. Most likely it was not updated to be "aware" of the SCD support so it resorts to extracting the classic output binaries from your project.
There are other free tools that you can use to create an MSI from VS, which give you more options to customize and correctly configure the package.
If you have time and want to learn a new skill, try WiX Toolset. It is very powerful but you will need some time to get started.
If you wanted to get it done quickly and avoid the hassle, use the free VS Extension from Advanced Installer. Its GUI allows you to easily create your setup package and it has native support for .NET Core packaging too. If you follow the steps from the linked tutorial it should create a working package for your application.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer.

How to fix Xamarin Forms pipeline Target Framework error

Locally, I can build and run my Xamarin Forms application with no issues. In my Azure build pipelines I have my master branch failing because of my target framework version. It says it is 9.0 when it should be at least 10.0.
In my Android project file I have the framework version set to 10.0. I have made sure it is also v10 in the properties tab for the project. Yet I still get the below error.
##[error]C:\Users\VssAdministrator\.nuget\packages\xamarin.forms\\build\Xamarin.Forms.targets(188,5): Error XF005: The $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for MyApp.Android (v9.0) is less than the minimum required $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Xamarin.Forms (10.0). You need to increase the $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for MyApp.Android.
Try to open your .csproj file,and manually modify its targetFrameworkVersion.
Verify that BOTH of the following project properties are set to 10.0:
Application / Compile using Android version (Target Framework).
Android Manifest / Target Android version.
If those are already both 10.0, then make sure the Azure build pipeline has up-to-date versions of Android SDKs and tools.
Another way to fix:
If you are able to create a new sample solution, and successfully build that via Azure, then start a new solution, and add all your files to it.

Build Problems with SQLite-WinRT Wrapper

I am having trouble getting my app to build for ARM target after adding the SQLite-WinRT database wrapper. I could reproduce this with a simple test app as follows:
(This is done in Visual Studio 2013.)
Create an empty Windows 8.1 universal app (WinRT)
Download SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1 and SQLite for Windows Runtime (Windows 8.1) using Tools/Extensions and Updates. Add them to the respective projects' references.
Using NuGet, add SQLite-WinRT package to each project.
Build for x86 (local machine or phone emulator) -> no problems.
Build for ARM (phone device) -> build error shown below (independent of debug or release builds).
There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "ARM" and the processor architecture, "x86", of the implementation file "C:\Users\jr\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\sqlite-test\packages\Sqlite-Winrt.\lib\wpa81\SQLiteWinRT.dll" for "C:\Users\jr\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\sqlite-test\packages\Sqlite-Winrt.\lib\wpa81\SQLiteWinRT.winmd". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project through the Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures between your project and implementation file, or choose a winmd file with an implementation file that has a processor architecture which matches the targeted processor architecture of your project.
I posted a small test project here (Windows Phone 8.1 empty project, added SQLite, added SQLite-WinRT via NuGet).
Go to project properties open build tab and set target platform to ARM
You have added WinRt sqlite. it is buid on x86 and when you want to build it on ARM process Architecture it cannot build you need to remove WinRTSQlite dll than your project will work fine. Here is Code
Hope this helps
One workaround for the problems with the NuGet package is adding the sqlite-winrt sources to your phone or universal app.
install SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1 (and for universal also Windows Runtime (Windows 8.1)) in Tools -> Extensions and Updates if not done already
add references to the respective projects
download the sources for the sqlite-winrt wrapper
copy the SQLiteWinRTPhone81(RT) (and SQLiteWinRT81 if needed) folders to your solution
add the projects to your solution in Visual Studio (right-click on solution -> Add -> Existing Project)
add references to the respective projects
edit the references for the sqlite-winrt project(s) to point to the correct version of SQLite (right-click project -> Properties -> Common Porperties -> References): add a reference to the current SQLite version in your project and remove the old reference
build your solution
I have downloaded your project and on the references i have found that you are using SQLite-WinRT and sqlite for windows phone 8.1, you don't need both.
as soon as you remove SQLite-WinRT your project start compiling.
inside a universal app you have to add only the right references, if is a phone project just add sqlite for windows phone 8.1, instead on the windows 8.1 app add only the SQLite-WinRT

Update folder structure in VS Tools for cordova to support CLI interoperability (VS2015RC)

I see that VS2015RC support the more cordova suggested folder structure, and CLI interoperability. Are there any docs that describe how to modify existing apps to use this new feature? I've build an app based on this the VS2013 ionic starter template and would like to start using the ionic cli.
Thanks for any suggestions.
This documentation describes how you manually convert your existing apps to VS 2105 RC project structure. Let me know if you have problems accessing the documentation.
I don't think the docs for this are available yet, but this post (under Method 2) walks through getting the CLI project into a VS2015RC TACO project...
Using Ionic with Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
In general the steps are...
create a Cordova project using CLI
create a 2nd (empty) project using VS2015 RC Cordova (blank app) template
from the VS project, copy the \merges, .jsproj, and taco.json to the CLI project folder
Open the .jsproj and cross your fingers :)
There is another method I believe, which I have used -
Create a new Blank App using VS 2013/2015
Copy all the contents from your www folder from your existing project and paste it to the www folder of this blank app.
Build and enjoy!
