Merge conflict -strange characters appearing -

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC5 project and using vimdiff as my mergetool.
I am getting a merge conflict on a .csproj. This is not unexpected as files get added in different branches all of the time, however it seems that the process of merging is adding some junk data?
This is the state of the csproj on local, base and remote:
And this is the apparent merge conflict:
As far as git is concerned the whole file is now a conflict...
<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>> develop
This obviously makes performing a proper merge kind of difficult.
I cannot see these characters in either branch before I try the merge.
Any ideas?

This is an UTF-8 BOM, indicating that the file is encoded as UTF-8. It is only recognised at the start of a file, and since <<<<<< HEAD has been inserted before it, it is no longer at the start of the file, and has been made visible by a tool that does not detect / no longer detects the file as UTF-8.
Ensure that all tools you use to modify the file agree on whether the BOM should be there. If they all agree, then it should never cause a conflict. If some add the BOM when it isn't present, and others remove the BOM when it is present, conflicts are unavoidable.

You just remove the lines you would not see in your source. git add the file(s) and make a commit, so you resolved a conflict.


Can a 'linked'-file be renamed programatically via an Extension

I've written an Extension that, among many other things, renames files based on the Types they contain.
This works fine for files in the directory-tree under the csproj-file -- I find the ProjectItem entry for the file and change its name.
For 'linked'-files (those not in the directory-tree) I can rename the file (via File.Move()) but haven't found a way to programatically modify the csproj-file (after the rename the csproj-file has to be modified manually).
If this is something that can be done I'd appreciate a pointer to the docs showing how to implement the functionality.
The easiest solution for me was to modify the csproj-file.
Open, read whole file, close.
Verify that file I want to rename (e.g. xxx.cs) only occurs in 1 directory
(if it occurs in multiple directories the change has to be done manually.)
Make change
Open, write whole file, close
For an SDK project the change is applied immediately.
For a non-SDK project the change is applied after responding to the prompt that the csproj-file has been modified.

Unix touch command usage

I know you can use touch to create a new empty file.
I just learned that touch can be used to update the access and modification time of a file. I don't quite know in what situations and why do you need to update the access and modification time of a file , i.e. the usefulness of this particular function?
Some utility depends on timestamp of the file.
For example, make uses timestamp to check whether it is required to do something (usually build) based on the timestamp of the source code, and output (executable, object files, ...)
By touching followed by make, the source file, you can force rebuild.
In addition, touch has a -d option that can fake the modification time.
If one "knows what he's doing" she can avoid long build time, due to unnecessary re-compilations.
For example, when adding a declaration to a common header file,
that does not change any old API, one can fake the header real modification time,
and bypass Makefile's dependencies.

Change in Binary without change in Source Code

I have the following requirement: To Find if my binary has changed or not.
My source code is unchanged. When I recompile the binary (without change in Source Code), I notice that the Binary is changed. Not in Size, but in Contents.
On debugging a little, I found there is something called "Link Time" inside the binary file. This is the actual timestamp when the binary was linked. Now since each compile will give different timestamps, hence my binary contents are always different. But actually it should be the same.
Can somebody suggest me a way of finding out if the binary has actually changed due to change in source code, and not anything else.
Unlike on Windows (where every .obj file has a compile timestamp in its file header), UNIX object files, and in particular ELF files do not encode any kind of timestamp.
However, if your source uses __TIME__ and __DATE__ macros, then the object file produced by compilation will obviously change. Also, all kinds of information, including compilation timestamp could be recorded as part of the debug info, if you are building -g binaries.
Finally, it's possible that the linker you are using does record the link timestamp (as a vendor extension).
Your fist task should be to understand where the differences from one build to the next come from.
If from __DATE__ and __TIME__, eliminate them from your source.
If from debug info, compare the binaries after passing them through strip -g.
If from vendor linker extension, see if there is a flag to disable such timestamps. If there isn't one, you'll have to write a tool that compares only the parts you are interested in. E.g. you could use readelf -x.text a.out, etc. to compare only the .text section (you'll also want to compare .data, .rodata, and likely many others).

Merge translation files (.ts) with existing .ts files using QT Utilities (lconvert)

Here's my problem: We've got .ts files for nine different languages for our product. We've added about 100 new strings that need to be translated, but some are for our next release, and some are for the release after that. We've run into problems with translators missing strings or translating strings ahead of time. We want to be able to send them smaller .ts file containing only the strings we want translated now, and then merge that .ts file into the larger .ts file containing the rest of the translation.
Our translators are required to use QT Linguist (previously we let them edit the raw XML with less than stellar results).
One solution would be to use contexts, but our dev team is not very keen on that idea. Another would be to merge the .ts files by hand, but that seems like a recipe for cut & paste errors.
Is there a method with lupdate & the project file to add or merge secondary .ts files? I've read through the forums in QT-land w/o finding the answer, but the switches in lupdate allude to being able to point to other translation files. Specifically the -pro switch which says:
-pro <filename>
Name of a .pro file. Useful for files with .pro file syntax but
different file suffix. Projects are recursed into and merged.
Example1: we have a German .ts file, we want to add 20 strings from a separate German translation file such that the primary translation file contains all the strings including the 20 new ones.
Example2: we have a German .ts file, we want to add 20 strings from a separate German translation file such that the secondary translation file will be merged with the primary during lupdate so that the resultant .qm file contains all the strings including the 20 new ones.
Has anyone done either of these (and either would work) and can you give me some insight?
The answer doesn't use lupdate, it lies in another utility called lconvert. It's quite easy to create a secondary file that only contains the strings you're interested in (and delete those same strings from the primary file), then run:
lconvert -i primary.ts secondary.ts -o complete.ts
This will take all the strings from the two input files and put them together into the output file. Using this method I was able to create a zero difference file (other than time stamp) of the original file that I'd split the two primary & secondary files from.
This question didn't get a lot of attention, but maybe someone will have this same problem and this will help.
thanks for this tip. It seems to work properly for my case :
I tried to extract updated and new strings from my project, which is currently under translation in an older version/release that I do not already have translated strings.
The problem was to send the new/updated strings only to translators.
I passed older strings in status resolved, adding new string using Lupdate, make a research using OxygenXML Editor with an XPath "/TS/context/message[not(translation/#type)]" to delete older strings, and clean it from useless blanks and carriage returns.
I tried a merge using lconvert with your solution, in order to merge translated strings : older and newer. It pass correctly lrelease and are displayed properly.

Mass Thunderbird folder to Gnus nnfolder conversions

I'm pondering the idea of importing a few thousand Thunderbird folders, each folder containing many emails of course, as a set of Emacs' Gnus mailgroups. Each mailgroup name would be derived from the folder hierarchy. Because of the quantity, the work is going to be fairly tedious, so I would automate this massive import if possible.
Among the available backends, nnfolder seems the most promising in this case. I presume it would be better to populate the mailgroups from within Gnus. Otherwise, I would have to thoroughly understand the nnfolder format, and this might require many iterations before I really get it right. Moreover, as email continues to flow in, iterations may become difficult to properly organize without loosing anything.
I guess I have to respool everything, under the constraint that the selected mailgroup is a function of the Thunderbird origin, overriding the standard Gnus selection mechanism. I did some Gnus coding in the past, but since I did not touch Emacs for a dozen years, it is all very rusty. I'm a bit lost about how to approach this task as efficiently and quickly as possible. So my question: how would you handle it? Or is there some clever Gnus hidden corner that I should explore more deeply? :-)
P.S. After I wrote this question, I found out that Gnus has a nice, helping function towards this goal. The idea is to first copy all Thunderbird folder files within the ~/Mail directory, as they are for the contents, but properly renamed. Once this done, M-x nnfolder-generate-active-file does at once, for each copied folder, edit the contents, leave a ~ backup, generate NOV data, create one mailgroup and, of course, adjust the ~/Mail/active file.
To copy the folders underneath the ~/.thunderbird/LOGIN/Mail/Local Folders/ directory, I wrote a small Python script. It ignores all .msf files, and recurse within .sbd directories. The folder path name, relative to Local Folders/, has all its .sbd/ strings turned into periods to produce the mailgroup name, also lowering case, turning spaces and underlines to dashes, and handling other special characters appropriately. In particular, non-ASCII characters are not handled properly, nnfolder is confusing UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 here and there. The script also has to skip msgfilterrules.dat and likely drafts, junk and such things.
I notice two details requiring attention :
Thunderbird itself can be used to compact folders before copying them, otherwise one might unwillingly recover messages which were already deleted.
(setq nnmail-use-long-file-names t) is needed in ~/.emacs prior to the whole operation.
The batch transformation aborted, saying it is not able to decrypt one of the message. I moved the offending folder out of the way, and then, the lengthy operation succeeded.
