Google Analytics Segments Recording Data Before Implementation - google-analytics

On Tuesday 23rd, for the first time ever, I made a segment with the following details:
Medium - Exactly Matches - "email"
Source - Exactly Matches - "account_information"
I, made a URL (using Google URL Builder tool) which includes these as UTM parameters:
I have never sent out a link to users with UTM parameters before, and it seems reasonable unlikely that someone would have ever made a custom URL themselves with the parameters.
I am the only person who has tested this link.
When I look at my analytics using my new segment I can see that:
- Thursday 18th Oct had 1 User
- Friday 19th Oct had 1 User
- Monday 22nd Oct had 1 User
How is it possible that there are users popping up before the date I even made the segment or created the link?
Thanks :)


Google Analytics weird User numbers

When I check the website's Users since a certain date it returns a super low value.
The example:
If I want to see the data from 01/01/2016 until 13/06/2021 I get 6 Users, 32.323 New Users, 37.611 Sessions, etc.
The Users number don't make any sense.
However, if I do 01/09/2016 until 13/06/2021 I get 16.849 Users, 16.973 New Users and 22.142 Sessions.
These numbers do make more sense.
So basically, if I consider ANY START DATE before the 01/09/2016 I will always get a super reduced value in the Users part, however, if I consider any start date after, and including, 01/09/2016 I will get reasoable values.
Has anyone ever had this issue?
From 1 September 2016 Google Analytics has brought a new feature, the ability to set the Users metric as the main metric, instead of Sessions. This event has taken the name of Users Everywhere and involves some relationships including Audience Reports and Acquisition Reports.
If the date range includes a period of time, even one day only, prior to 1 September 2016 or around that date, the result is like this:
This is valid, however, if the option to enable the Users metric in the reports , present at the Property level, is active:
Note: Google Analytics Standard properties have aggregated user metrics data since September 1, 2016 while Google Analytics 360 properties started aggregating data from May 1, 2016).

Google Analytics discrepancy - excluding IP address

Friday the 22nd of november we've gotten over the course of 2 hours two different conversion amounts in Google Data studio (=> pulled data from Google Analytics).
At 15.00 pm we hit 22 conversions. Some time later at 17.00 pm we hit 9 conversions.
At 14.45pm the website ( went down. So not willing to corrupt our data a test IP address was excluded from Google Analytics.
With that being said it seems strange that the conversion amount changed during that time window due to an exclusion of 1 IP Address. So I am wondering:
Can an IP exclusion change previously acquired conversions in a short time window?
Perhaps Google Data studio pulled wrong data due to a bug from 14pm to 17pm
Another reason?
Thanks for helping.
In Google Analytics the data can be considered stable after 48 hours (within that time they can be reworked).
If you have converted on the same day that you applied the IP filter (which excludes the network from which you made the conversion) you must consider, i.e., that after midnight Analytics reprocesses the data of the day and therefore applies the filter to the whole day just ended (even if you added the filter only in the afternoon).

I set up Google Analytics to show full url and now my pageview data has been separated

I followed these instructions to show full URL in Google Analytics, because we have multiple third party sites included in our purchase flow...But a big issue I'm noticing now is that pageview data displays separately now.
Eg same month, Year-over-year view:
Aug 1-31 2017 Sessions - 5,000
Aug 1-31 2016 Sessions - 0
Aug 1-31 2017 Sessions - 0
Aug 1-31 2016 Sessions 4,000
Is there some way to combine all this pageview data so that the subpages without the domains in front are combined with the full URL?
It's causing any data analysis to be very difficult.
I tried segments, but segments work by "sessions" and pull in other URL's that are part of the session but not specifically the URL I want to examine.
You can use the second Dimension "Hostname". Combined with the Path you will see the same as with your changes ( + /subpage). If you export the Data you can concat it again and analyze it.
In GA you have no possibility to merge the historical data of this two dimensions.

Link to creating a Google calendar time not lining up with actual time

I have the following link for a user to create a Google calendar event,+link+here:+,+301+Park+Ave+,+New+York,+NY+10022&sf=true&output=xml#eventpage_6
I originally found this out using the example from Link to add to google calendar
The issue I am having is to do with the time part of the URL which is
to break this down the format for this in which Google uses to determine the start/end date and time is
So you understand Google uses GMT as a standard time in the url and converts it correctly according to the users settings in their Google account. For instance (GMT-07:00) Pacific Time
So let's take just the start time of this URL which is
224000 which is Hi00 or Hour:Minutes:Seconds
In my Google calendar, my timezone settings are set to Pacific which is -7. Converting 224000 GMT to -7 Pacific you get 154000 which should be 3:40 PM
Problem is when you click the link, (if you are pacific) it is showing me the start time as 2:40 PM
What's even weirder is the end time which is 221500 shows as 3:15 PM. The end time hour is still the same as the start time but shows 1 hour ahead. I get that Google is probably assuming that I mean 1 hour ahead and makes that change for me, OR by default Google probably adds 1 hour more from the start time automatically.
I am not sure if I am understanding the format Google uses GMT in the URL or there is an issue with my coding and how I am representing that. Anyone have any info on this?
You may want to check this page wherein it discussed how Google Calendar uses time zones. As mentioned,
When you create an event, you'll see it in your local time zone. It will also show up in the local time zones for anyone you invite, even if they're in a different time zone.
And, on Daylight savings time:
Google Calendar uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to help avoid issues with daylight savings time.
When events are created, they're converted into UTC, but you'll always see them in your local time.
If an area switches their time zone, events created before we knew about the change might be in the wrong time zone.
With this, you may want to try the given workarounds in this thread and see if it will help you.

Discrepancy between keyword visits and API keyword visits in Google Analytics API

To Stack Overflow:
I posted the question below on the GAPI Google Group but have failed to get any reply. This is a last ditch attempt for anyone that knows anything about the Analytics API.
I have posted my original question below.
Hi all,
We're having a problem with our of our accounts whereby the data from the Analytics interface isn't matching what we are getting from the API.
We have a website that is split into a number of "subsites" under one GA account. To view data for the subsite, I have setup an advanced segment with the following filters:
To view my keywords in the interface, I select this advanced segment and then navigate to Traffic Sources -> Sources -> Search -> Organic and select May as the date range. I then receive a list of keywords with associated visits. At the top of this list is the (not provided) keyword which has received 157 visits.
To emulate this query in the API, I run the following request...
Filters: ga:medium==organic;ga:pagePath=#/foo/bar/site
Dimensions: ga:keyword
Metrics: ga:visits
Sort: -ga:visits
Start Date: 2013-05-01
End Date: 2013-05-31
I receive a list of keywords back from the API which are (mostly) identical to those in the GA interface. However, the visit counts are much lower. For example, the (not provided) keyword which has 157 visits in the GA interface has only 39 visits in the API.
I have checked (and double checked) my dates and my query and I just can't find a reason for this discrepancy.
The only difference that I can identify is use of the advanced segment but surely this should simply match my API filter.
If anyone could shine some light on this, I would greatly appreciate it!
This is most likely because the queries between the two are not actually the same. If you're using an advanced segment in the UI then you should do the same with the API.
Try this:
Dimensions: ga:keyword
Metrics: ga:visits
Sort: -ga:visits
Start Date: 2013-05-01 End Date: 2013-05-31
Segment: dynamic::ga:pagePath=#/foo/bar/site
Filters: ga:medium==organic
