Deleting photo in Maximo Anywhere - maximo-anywhere

I am working on Maximo Anywhere 7.6.1. I would like to know is there any way in which we can delete attachment from Maximo anywhere? Since its not possible to call doclinks table from anywhere what are the other way to achieve this.

The only option we have right now is the "si.attachment.basedirectory"
Global property in the Anywhere Administration application
The "si.attachment.basedirectory" Global property controls the location of the base directory for attachments.
If a mobile device is shared, attachments are added to multiple user directories,
with one directory per user.
All of the user directories are located under the base directory. To free up the space that is taken up by attachments, delete the attachments within the user directories or delete the default directory.


Alfresco: difference between repository and my files

I don't really see the difference between the "repository" and "my files". They seem to have exactly the same functionalities
My Files is a unique area in Alfresco where you can create and store content, and no other Alfresco users can access it.
So rather than saving content on your laptop or tablet, you can save it in Alfresco and still keep it private until it's ready to be shared.
You can access the My Files area from anywhere in Alfresco by clicking My Files at the top of the screen.Refer this Documentation
The Repository displays all the Alfresco Content Services content that you have access to, including content of all sites that you're a member of. Refer this Documentation
Adding more : Check the same thing without admin user.You will get to know the difference.

How to make files available as a download link in

In my website, users can upload multiple files, which reside in 'upload' folder on server's hard drive. I am saving the files by renaming them with username + original file name
Example : if I upload file 'user.text' and my code is 1000, then the file will be saved in upload folder with name '1000_user.Text'. This is for identification of file against a particular user.
Now, when admin logs in application and selects a user, he should be able to see all files uploaded by him/her. Files should be in downloadable format to him.
How can I achieve the same? I have totally no idea, how to go for it ?
This is not how you ask a question on SO. Anyway already a piece of advice :
Store your files OUTSIDE of the webroot, and use a script in your website to get the files and render it to the user. This is for security reason : if someone manages to upload a malicious file, you don't want him to be able to execute it from the web.
Store file info and upload info in a database : who uploaded what and when ? Relying on file name isn't a good idea. You could also store the file in the database eventually (as a BLOB), but I prefer the good old filesystem
I can suggest you couple of ways based on feasibility. Approach 1 - If you can make database changes, when user is uploading a file you should save dynamically generated filename against the user in database. This way when admin logs in and wants to see all the files uploaded by user, you just need to make a database query and show them in a grid. When user clicks on the file name, you can fetch the file from harddisk and allow it to download to admin.
If database change is not feasible, your task will be more difficult. You will have to query in your directory with username in all the files. You can make use of LINQ to make this task little easier to you. Once you have got all the list, show it to admin.
I would recommend you to save metadata about the file on the database (like original file name and username). Then you could use this metadata to find the files that the user have uploaded. Give the files a file name on disk that is based on a unique ID in the database table. That way a user can upload several files with the same name. Make sure that this folder is not located within you application so that they are accessible with a url for security reasons.
The most recommended way to achieve this is to use a database, it is same as a module of Gallery where a user has albums and some pictures in albums. Admin can view each user's album and pictures in the album. you have to introduce two tables in your database. I having the category information of files being uploaded (master table) and other table having the info about the files itself (details table).
The other way is to create a hierarchal folder directory for each user for file categories in your application and then recursively read the directories and fields and then list them up to show them to application users. this would be costly i guess when number of files will increase.

Prevent users from deleting files uploaded Alfresco

I've been testing Alfresco for a few days but seem not to find a solution for this.
In Alfresco when an user uploads a file to a folder where it has the contributor role everything works nice, but he can delete that file. I want avoid that so I have defined a rule that takes the ownership of every file uploaded. The script is defined as
This way the file can be deleted only by admin. If the rule is active the upload fails for everyother user. Does anybody know what it takes to take ownership of a file in that situation using a script?
I am using Alfresco 4.0a
I guess you can better do the following
Because admin already has full authority in Alfresco.

In which folder can I store user uploaded images

I've a classified ads system on ASP.NET/c#/MS SQL, and I'm trying to figure out where to store the images that people upload when placing an ad. The ad itself is being stored in a SQL server database.
The images are now being stored in a subfolder of my webapp. It seems to work fine, however I only recently discovered a big problem. Everytime a user deletes an ad, the attached images are to be deleted as well including the folder they reside in. This leads to a restart of the application. I searched internet and found that restarting the web-app is actually intended behaviour when a subfolder is being deleted.
Obviously, I need to fix this. But how to do that? Where can I store images in such a way that:
I can remove these images including the folders they are stored in?
I can acces them using a URL (the images need to be shown in the
Without getting the web-app being
Any feedback is appreciated!
See this question Deleting a directory results in application restart
An other alternative would be to store the images in the DB instead.
Another option would be to put the images in a directory completely unrelated to the web site then serve the images through a scripted page or handler. It would make all of your image urls look like mydomaincom/serveimage.aspx?imageid=323422, but unless you're counting on the name somewhere that really shouldn't matter much. Obviously it would require a modification to the page that serves the images in the first place as well, but if sub directories of this unrelated directory are deleted IIS really shouldn't care at all.
maybe you can store the images in SQL (check at the filestream feature in this case)
if not, I suppose you have somewhere in a business facade class, a service class or wherever you want, a methode "DeleteAd".
This method will have to do two things :
-delete the sql data
-delete the file image
also, you may change the image store to another folder, outside the web app. You will probably end with writing a custom handler (myhandler.ashx?fileid=XX) to serve the files, or a custom route and control if you use MVC.

Drupal How to see document attached to Node for anonymous users

I am finishing up a Drupal site and I have attached a word document on one of my page nodes. I want anonymous people to be able to download it, but they don't even see the document. I do as a logged in user.
Any Ideas?
You need to give anonymous users permission to view uploaded files.
I'm guessing that you used the upload module.
The permissions page is at /admin/user/permissions and under the group "upload module" you are looking for "view uploaded files".
Assuming you only want to enable this one particular file to anonymous users, you can do it without touching permissions, which would affect your whole site.
The simplest way, assuming you have configured downloads as "public" instead of "private" is to just add a link to the document in your page node, like Download myfile.doc
