Wordpress doesn't apply CSS changes - css

I was creating a custom template for a wordpress webbsite and for the first time after I add new classes in the style.css and I apply the changes, the website doesn't save them. I tried many times to delete the cache and change browser but nothing. When I open the style sheet from wordpress ACP I can see the changes but from google chrome with the webmaster tool I see nothing, like it shows the old css version. I am using WP Super Cache also.
Anyone knows the solution?

Adding a query killer at the end of the css file might also override any possible caching mechanisms.
Ie: example.com/style.css should be accessed via example.com/style.css?test


Shopify Stylesheet - CodeMirror? 99% unused

I've got this stylesheet loading on the index, but I can't seem to find the source anywhere. After researching CodeMirror, I'm guessing it has to do with the page customizer?
Is there any way to disable this stylesheet?
This stylesheet is not included in the code of theme.liquid
It's loaded via the {{content_for_header}} in the head section.
It is not coming from an app, as one would suggest,
Its coming from Shopify and is only loaded, when previewing a theme.
It is a little misleading when you are trying to get the page-load down and you are using the developer tools from chrome.
Inspect the theme again after it's live or block the requested URL in dev tools.
If the stylesheet is included in the layout/theme.liquid file, then you can comment out or remove it there.
If it is not included in that file, there is a good chance that it is coming from a Shopify app store app. If that is the case, you would have to check that app for settings, or not use that app.

I need to change/remove some CSS call links from wordpress site

I need to change/remove some CSS call links. I can see them in View Page Source. How do I actually get to them to make the changes? In other words, where are they?
Might be This is because of cache plugin in WordPress site. Try to disable CSS minify setting from the plugin.
You can not change those links or remove it but after disabling minify setting you can modify your CSS. You can then find your correct CSS path in view source.
They are either in your theme or in plugins. Most cases it is in themes. open your theme search for the name...there will be a function enque_script with having those file names as parameter. comment the function which is including your unwanted file.

Custom CSS WordPress Theme via cPanel (not updating)

I am wondering why I am not unable to make changes; I already tried several things yet, I don't seem to be able to update the CSS, the following I did already:
There is no Editor, so I am unable to make changes via there.
I am an Administrator and have access to cPanel.
I made changes via ../wp-content/theme/my-theme/style.css and no changes were made.
I empty my cache via plugin and hard reload my Chrome, Firefox and Safari. And no changes were made.
Is there any other solutions? I already found the file which contains all the styles. I would try to add my own class, and see if I am to see if there is any effect.
First thing first, From cPanel you can navigate to your website from the fileManager, use it to make code changes and then save them. You need to clear the cache everytime you make changes (i usually do it from the browser (in chrome, open the dev console, then long press on the refresh button and select the bottom one)
If the changes are still not showing on your site, I think that maybe you are editing the wrong CSS? Is this your theme and are you 100% sure you are editing the right file and, for example, it's not overwritten by a child theme or something else?
If you are using any framework, maybe your property is overwritten by your framework (for example, by bootstrap). To check this, open the console or try to add !important in your CSS file.
Just as an example, when I develop a theme I leave the root style.css with only the theme definitions, and then I create different stylesheets in a different folder. This leads me to the next question: are you enqueue your file correctly? is it even loaded by WordPress?
to check this I usually inspect the code in and search for the id of the file I enqueued from my functions.php.
Unfortunately, without more details, this is the only things I could think of when developing and WordPress theme and make changes from cPanel. Hope some of this can actually help.
Please check following options
Permission of file at ../wp-content/theme/my-theme/style.css.
Grab the css and open in Dream-viewer or sublime is there any css syntax issue.
Also the path of style.css in header is show same by view source.
Even you can use the plugins which allow to add custom css without toching the server check this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/

How to make changes in wordpress template. Css direct edit not working

I want to make small changes in wordpress template css, but despite I change desired values (for instance font-height), changes are not applied on actual page(I've tried multiple browsers, cleaned browser and wordpress cache...).
I've noticed that this theme is using Redux framework, so it seems that this "cause" this problem with all these changes.
I would not mind to delete this (or any other) framework and make all my custom changes directly with css, but I'm not sure how to do it properly.
I have knowledge of html & css, but not wordpress system.
try using this plugin :
Simple Custom Css

Drupal: Multiple Stylesheets

I'm currently creating a custom Drupal theme for my company and I'm having trouble getting multiple stylesheets to load.
I followed the instructions on this page by adding stylesheets to the .info file in the format:
stylesheets[all][] = style.css
stylesheets[all][] = name2.css
However, when I load the page nothing changes and when I view source, it consistently lists style.css but seems to ignore the others. Am I misunderstood in the process of adding additional stylesheets? What could I be doing incorrectly?
Thanks for any help!
Make sure the ‘Optimize CSS files’ and ‘Caching mode’ settings on /admin/settings/performance are disabled. Try clearing the Drupal cache by hitting the ‘Clear cached data’ button on the bottom of that page.
Apart from the mentioned cache clear, You might also need to visit the theme-selection page once:
This is to make sure the .info-file gets read again (it's not read on every pageview if Drupal already read it beforo you modified it).
If you see the .css file in the source as "style.css", the CSS optimization is 'off' (when it's on the files have been aggregated to one or several css file with hashed filenames like 'css_1d74ed895e4b5634b0aa1e99c1d0a174.css').
Also, you don't have to turn CSS-optimization off, clearing the cache rebuilts it. While you develop the css files all the time though, it's best to turn if off so you don't have to clear the cache all the time. Turn it on after you're done, it's a really significant page-load booster (in fact IE css loader can break if you dont use the optimizer and have too many css files).
Just to make sure, the css-files should be in the same folder as the .info file (and not for example the parent theme of a subtheme).
PS: clearing cache is fast and easy with the excellent admin_menu module
( http://drupal.org/project/admin_menu ).
