How to check from within a Rust function if it is called directly or by Invoke() from C# code? - reflection

I am calling a Rust function in a native DLL from C# like this:
public static int Foo(int i);
public static void Invoke() {
typeof(Program).GetMethod("Foo").Invoke(new object[] {null}, new object[] {1});
public static void Call() {
I want to check if a the method is called directly or by using Invoke. If it's invoked the method should print "Invoked", if not it should print "Called". I'm not really sure if you can differentiate between these two things.

No, this is not possible, without doing something very weird, which definitely would not portable, futureproof or in any way robust.
From inside Rust, a function call is a function call, no matter which foreign API was used to call it.


List of Static Methods on Class shows Lambdas using reflection [duplicate]

Lambda translation is a two step process, One: desugaring the lambda into a static method in same class.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("Hello");
[private static void Main.lambda$main$0(), public static void
Two: generation of a class that implements the Functional Interface.
System.out.println("A class has been generated: " + r.getClass());
System.out.println("That implements a Functional Interface: " + Arrays.asList(r.getClass().getInterfaces()));
A class has been generated: class Main$$Lambda$1/149928006
That implements a Functional Interface: [interface java.lang.Runnable]
Question: What is the need of this static method? Why can't the lambda body be put directly into the interface method? Something like:
class Main$$Lambda$1 {
public void run() {
/* Lambda body here */
In addition to the correct answers given here (because the current scheme is more efficient, reducing capture/linkage costs for lambdas and reducing code duplication), there are a few other reasons why your idea simply doesn't make sense.
Where would the bytecode come from in the first place? The lambda proxy class is generated at runtime, not compile time. If we were to stuff the bytecode into the proxy class, it would have to come from somewhere. That would mean we'd have to put it into the capturing class file and then copy it into the proxy class. Here, it just lives in the capturing class and we're done.
Access control. What if the lambda body calls a private method? By desugaring it into the capturing class, it automatically acquires the access control context of the capturing class (which it is logically a part of.) If we put the bytecode in the proxy class, we'd have to do additional magic to give it the right access control context.
Because this way it's actually cheaper. Generating a lambda from the method on the fly during the first invocation is better than loading a separate class via class loader. Internally it uses UNSAFE.defineAnonymousClass which is more light-weight class than normal. Such "lambda-class" is not bound to any class loader, so can be easily garbage-collected when it's no longer necessary. Also I guess there are plans to make this mechanism even more light-weight and faster. For normal anonymous class this would not be possible as from the point of JVM such classes don't differ from usual classes and much more heavy.
Your test is incomplete.
public class Lambda {
private String hello = "Hello from instance";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("Hello");
for (Method m: Lambda.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
public void instanceMethodWithAccessToInstanceVariables(){
Runnable r = () -> System.out.println(hello);
public void instanceMethodWithoutAccessToInstanceVariables(){
Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("Hello from instance");
This results in the following:
public void Lambda.instanceMethodWithAccessToInstanceVariables()
public void Lambda.instanceMethodWithoutAccessToInstanceVariables()
private static void Lambda.lambda$instanceMethodWithoutAccessToInstanceVariables$2()
private void Lambda.lambda$instanceMethodWithAccessToInstanceVariables$1()
private static void Lambda.lambda$main$0()
public static void Lambda.main(java.lang.String[])
This clearly shows several cases:
lambdas in static method declare static method
lambdas in instance methods using instance variables declare instance methods
lambdas in instance methods not using instance variables declare static method
The two first are rather logical. Why would you expect a static member to access an instance member? Same for the instance method.
The real question is why does an instance method not using any instance variables declare a static method?
Well, this is also for performance and safety reasons mentioned by Tagir.

ActionScript passing extra parameter to request when using CallResponder

I am running flex with BlazeDS. My backend is in Java.
I have the following function in actionscript:
override public function execute():void
var responder:CallResponder = new CallResponder();
responder.token =;
responder.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, onDataReceive);
responder.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT , onDataReceiveError);
In Java the function foo looks like this:
public void foo (String param) {
//some code
Is it possible to somehow pass another parameter on the request without changing the java function foo?
I want to do something like this in foo (ignore the syntax):
public void foo (String param) {
I hope that's clear.
Thanks for the help.
It's not possible to do that - you need to change the signature of the java method if you want to pass more parameters. Or, you can use a generic Map as an input parameter and push all the parameters into it.

NVelocity extension method ASP.NET webform

I was wondering if it's possible to use an extension method with webforms and nvelocity. I would like to set some defaults if the string value is null or empty.
Example of .vm file:
Example of my email body...
Billable Status: $billableStatus.Evaluate()
rest of my email body...
Attempted extension method:
public static class Helper
public static string Evaluate(this string value)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return "Not Provided";
return value;
Or is there an alternative to what I'm tryting to accomplish?
I don't think NVelocity can resolve extension methods with C#/VB.NET syntax sugar. What I do is register an instance of a helper in the velocity context:
var context = VelocityContext();
context.Put("helper", new Helper());
context.Put("billableStatus", "something");
and then in your template:
You have to make your helper non-static for this to work, of course.
I came across something similar in past and I was looking for something more sophisticated and with more control. I found that NVelocity does provide a way to intercept the method and property calls but for that you will have to implement certain things. In order to make your custom interceptor you will need to implement NVelocity.IDuck. For example
public class MyClass : NVelocity.IDuck
public object GetInvoke(string propName)
public object Invoke(string method, params object[] args)
public void SetInvoke(string propName, object value)
Now any instance of MyClass will intercept and pass the method and property calls to our these three function implementation and give us a chance to resolve and return the output. You may notice from these three function signatures that in order to implement them we may need some reflection where we can locate respective methods on available extension types and execute them. If needed you can read following blog post for more details about going this way. NVelocity and extension methods

Trying to call a function from another file

I have a function in a class file called auth_user and its in App_code folder.
I am trying to call that function from random pages that are on the website.
Inside the class file is a function that is simple, basicly check for flags in the sessions, i just wanna have it there so i dont have to type it again and again.
I want to be able to call it with one function like auth_user();
How would i do this excetly ?
would the function be public static void or what ?
Static makes sense for this:
public class AuthUtility
public static bool IsUserAuthorized()
return retVal;
And then you would call it:
Edit Based on Comments
So, not to be rude, but that information in your comments would've been pertinent in your original question and saved a fair amount of time.
Regardless, you'll need to pass in either the current HTTPContext or the Current Session into your static method:
public class AuthUtility
public static void AuthorizeUser(HttpSessionState currentSession)
currentSession["whatev"] = "rockin";
And the you would call it:

Setting a generic delegate to a class-level variable

I bumped into an additional question that I needed in regards to this: Using an IEnumerable<T> as a delegate return type
From the above solution, the following was suggested:
class Example
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
//a method to pass to "someMethod<T>"
private IEnumerable<string> methodBeingCalled()
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
//our main program look
static void Main(string[] args)
//create a new instance of our example
var myObject = new Example();
//invoke the method passing the method
Notice that in someMethod, the delegate "method()" is called. Is there anyway to set a class-level delegate that is called later on?
class Example {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this fails because T is never provided
private GetGridDataSource<T> getDS;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDS = method;
public void anotherMethod() {
Depending on what you are trying to achieve and where you have flexibility in your design, there are a number of options. I've tried to cover the ones that I feel most probably relate to what you want to do.
Multiple values of T in a single instance of a non-generic class
This is basically what you seem to want. However, because of the generic nature of the method call, you'll need a class level variable that can support any possible value of T, and you will need to know T when you store a value for the delegate.
Therefore, you can either use a Dictionary<Type, object> or you could use a nested type that encapsulates the class-level variable and the method, and then use a List<WrapperType<T>> instead.
You would then need to look up the appropriate delegate based on the required type.
class Example {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this works because T is provided
private Dictionary<Type, object> getDSMap;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDSMap[typeof(T)] = method;
//note, this call needs to know the type of T
public void anotherMethod<T>() {
object getDSObj = null;
if (this.getDSMap.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out getDSObj))
GetGridDataSource<T> getDS = getDSObj as GetGridDataSource<T>;
if (getDS != null)
Single value of T in a single instance of a non-generic class
In this case, you could store the delegate instance in a non-typed delegate and then cast it to the appropriate type when you need it and you know the value of T. Of course, you'd need to know T when you first create the delegate, which negates the need for a generic method or delegate in the first place.
Multiple values of T in multiple instances of a generic class
Here you can make your parent class generic and supply T up front. This then makes the example you have work correctly as the type of T is known from the start.
class Example<T> {
//the delegate declaration
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetGridDataSource<T>();
//this works because T is provided
private GetGridDataSource<T> getDS;
//the generic method used to call the method
public void someMethod<T>(GetGridDataSource<T> method)
getDS = method;
public void anotherMethod() {
if (getDS != null)
You either need to make the type generic as well, or use plain Delegate and cast back to the right type when you need to invoke it. You can't just use T outside a generic context - the compiler will think you're trying to refer to a normal type called T.
To put it another way - if you're going to try to use the same type T in two different places, you're going to need to know what T is somewhere in the type... and if the type isn't generic, where is that information going to live?
