differences in using or not http.Client - http

going on Flutter documentation I found that fetching data was done, sometimes, by using http.Client and sometimes not (just http.get for example). So I was wondering the purpose of using http.Client.
These are the two sites where I found this:

The http package uses a default IOClient when you use the convenience http.get and http.post methods. However, sometimes you might want to use a specialized Client, for example to change the default HTTPS certificate validation. See this question.
In this circumstance, you can create any Client subclass and use it in the ways shown in your second link. It's rarely necessary, though so the syntax used in your first link is normally sufficient.


Why is Golang's http.DefaultClient exported?

I'm curious about why the variable var DefaultClient in Go's http package is exported. As the comment of the variable suggests, it is used internally by methods such as Get(). If that is the case, why does it have to be exported?
When I first started coding HTTP related stuff, I always thought I could just use the DefaultClient to send all my requests, until I found out it is not a function that returns a new Client every time, but more like a static pointer variable that always points to the same empty Client instance... so if I decided to modify its properties, all subsequent calls with the DefaultClient will be affected.
Again, what's purpose of exporting this variable?
I can't speak definitively (as I didn't design the package), but if it's exported, it can be modified. This means you can set the timeout etc (which isn't specified by default).
Convenience methods like http.Get are just a wrapper around DefaultClient.Get, it would make sense to be able to modify the timeout of DefaultClient beforehand, but to perhaps use all the other defaults - such as the ability to reuse connections/transports.

Use Julia to perform computations on a webpage

I was wondering if it is possible to use Julia to perform computations on a webpage in an automated way.
For example suppose we have a 3x3 html form in which we input some numbers. These form a square matrix A, and we can find its eigenvalues in Julia pretty straightforward. I would like to use Julia to make the computation and then return the results.
In my understanding (which is limited in this direction) I guess the process should be something like:
collect the data entered in the form
send the data to a machine which has Julia installed
run the Julia code with the given data and store the result
send the result back to the webpage and show it.
Do you think something like this is possible? (I've seen some stuff using HttpServer which allows computation with the browser, but I'm not sure this is the right thing to use) If yes, which are the things which I need to look into? Do you have any examples of such implementations of web calculations?
If you are using or can use Node.js, you can use node-julia. It has some limitations, but should work fine for this.
Coincidentally, I was already mostly done with putting together an example that does this. A rough mockup is available here, which uses express to serve the pages and plotly to display results (among other node modules).
Another option would be to write the server itself in Julia using Mux.jl and skip server-side javascript entirely.
Yes, it can be done with HttpServer.jl
It's pretty simple - you make a small script that starts your HttpServer, which now listens to the designated port. Part of configuring the web server is that you define some handlers (functions) that are invoked when certain events take place in your app's life cycle (new request, error, etc).
Here's a very simple official example:
However, things can get complex fast:
you already need to perform 2 actions:
a. render your HTML page where you take the user input (by default)
b. render the response page as a consequence of receiving a POST request
you'll need to extract the data payload coming through the form. Data sent via GET is easy to reach, data sent via POST not so much.
if you expose this to users you need to setup some failsafe measures to respawn your server script - otherwise it might just crash and exit.
if you open your script to the world you must make sure that it's not vulnerable to attacks - you don't want to empower a hacker to execute random Julia code on your server or access your DB.
So for basic usage on a small case, yes, HttpServer.jl should be enough.
If however you expect a bigger project, you can give Genie a try (https://github.com/essenciary/Genie.jl). It's still work in progress but it handles most of the low level work allowing developers to focus on the specific app logic, rather than on the transport layer (Genie's author here, btw).
If you get stuck there's GitHub issues and a Gitter channel.
Try Escher.jl.
This enables you to build up the web page in Julia.

Determine if requester is an Ajax call and/or is expecting JSON (or another content type)

I have solved a problem with a solution I found here on SO, but I am curious about if another idea I had is as bad as I think it might be.
I am debugging a custom security Attribute we have on/in several of our controllers. The Attribute currently redirects unauthorized users using a RedirectResult. This works fine except when calling the methods with Ajax. In those cases, the error returned to our JS consists of a text string of all the HTML of our error page (the one we redirect to) as well as the HTTP code and text 200/OK. I have solved this issue using the "IsAjaxRequest" method described in the answer to this question. Now I am perfectly able to respond differently to Ajax calls.
Out of curiosity, however, I would like to know what pitfalls might exist if I were to instead have solved the issue by doing the following. To me it seems like a bad idea, but I can't quite figure out why...
The ActionExecutingContext ("filterContext") has an HttpContext, which has a Request, which in turn has an AcceptTypes string collection. I notice that on my Ajax calls, which expect JSON, the value of filterContext.HttpContext.Request.AcceptTypes[0] is "application/json." I am wondering what might go wrong if I were to check this string against one or more expected content types and respond to them accordingly. Would this work, or is it asking for disaster?
I would say it works perfect, and I have been using that for years.
The whole point use request headers is to be able to tell the server what the client accept and expect.
I suggest you read more here about Web API and how it uses exactly that technique.

I am implementing partial updates over POST since I cannot use PATCH. Can I do it conditionally?

So the business requires us to implement Partial Updates.
HTTP PUT only caters to the case where the client sends across a complete representation of the resource.
Hence I decided to use the catch-all HTTP POST to implement the same. Question is, can I still safely take care of Conditional Updates using ETags and Last-Modifieds? Or does the Http Spec prevent me from doing so in any way?
a) Why do you think you can't use PATCH?
b) From the HTTP point of view, the conditional headers apply to all methods. However, there may be existing servers not getting this right, so Id be careful with relying on them. (see, for instance, http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/httpbis/trac/ticket/96)

Google Geocoding Recommendation

I am looking into utilizing Google Maps API to do some geocoding. I want to implement client side geocoding, to remove the possibility of request limitation.
I need to do some fairly complex logic on the result set, and I would prefer to do that in C# as it is a ASP.NET MVC application. However part of that logic is possibly makeing subsequent follow up requests and that again would require JavaScript.
So, my first thought is to make a service in my application to pass JSON results to and certain return types to trigger the subsequent request. That seems a little convoluted and want to know from the community if this seems like the best approach and if there are any libraries/third party tools that can help handle this situation.
I've an app that does something similar, with the complexity somewhat decoupled by using standardized events (within this app, not a W3 standard or anything)
Client uses native geolocation, SimpleGeo and Google Loader to guess where the user is and AJAX's that to the server.
Server uses client data, MaxMind, and user preferences to decide where to treat the user as being.
Server response is generic event data (as JSON response) that is converted by a generic AJAX response handler into one or more events triggered against the body element.
Depending on the page, various listeners are bound to the events and or namespaces (see jQuery namespaced events) and they handle the updated location events, e.g., getting different weather data, changing local search results
Some of those listeners in turn trigger other AJAX requests, the responses to those may also carry generic events to triggered...
This way there's no sequential code I have to write, i.e., I can add or remove behaviors (simple or complex) without changing anything else. jQuery Events are all I use, really nothing much to it after you decide how you'll pattern things.
Let me know if that's interesting to you and you want me to expand or clarify a part of it.
You may want to try this API:
It's far more REST like - no Javascript required. May work better with C#
In the end I found the best solution was to do as I stated in my question. Pass the JSON object to controller, do work, then return. Worked pretty well.
