Embedding Google Calendar Containing Imported Calendars that are not Public - iframe

I am trying embed three calendars (Homeaway, Trip Advisor and Airbnb) onto my website, however none of the three have explicit widget functionality to enable them to be embed.
All three do however allow you to add the calendar's to your own google calendar, so I figured the best way around this would be to add them to google calendar then embed the google calendar onto my website.
I have set the permission settings to 'Anyone can' see all event details after importing these into google calendar.
Upon exporting and adding the iframe to the website, the event calendar produces the following error which I believe is due to the calendars I've imported not being enabled to publically be shared from the source they have been imported: Error Message
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this issue?

I discussed this with a representative from Homeaway and Trip Advisor if anyone was looking for an answer to this same issue.
They have permissions for their calendars set so that this is not possible. Unfortunately linking to their website for the calendar seems to be the best way to do this.


How to show list View in Google Calendar for day's events?

I'm new in google calendar integration and apologize if this is asked earlier:
I have created four resources for Google Calendar from my Gsuite account, as I want the column layout in frontend using the
<iframe src=''></iframe>
generated from integrate calendar but on frontend only the month week and agenda is showing. I have tried different solution but all of them displaying the week & month if I combined all the calendar to one, than also the view is the same
I want to integrate this only with google Iframe, although using full calendar it is also possible.
Please, kindly check the attachment: I want this backend layout, and to the frontend with an additional option of the list view.
If I did understand it correctly what you want here is to have exactly this view as an iframe embedded on your website.
I'm afraid this is not possible to get that view using the iframe you can obtain following this steps:
If you want another view you'll have to build it yourself retrieving the data using Google Calendar API and building the view yourself, or you can also use other existing libraries, like:
It may have a nicer view and the functionalities you are missing, take a look at it!

GTM + Gravity Forms Goal tracking in Google Analytics

I have a Gravity Form with a text confirmation page, not a redirect confirmation. I would like to track this form through Google Tag Manager to display a goal conversion in Google Analytics (Universal Analytics).
I've followed the steps here: http://www.notesonclick.com/blog/gravity-form-event-tracking-via-tag-manager/
No conversions are being recorded. However when using GTM-debug mode, all the triggers are firing, even the gform.submit.success tag is being fired after clicking the submit button.
Could someone please help?
We've had the same issue. The only way we've been able to get GTM to record conversions is to remove validation. We'd rather it validate, but we haven't found any other workarounds.
I have implement that code in multiple site and it is working fine, Since you are not getting conversion then there might be issue with form Goal Creation in google analytics. or some time i have noticed this things happening when google analytics have been implement directly on the site and event tracking setup through tag manager..
if you still need some more help leave comment in comment box of same blog
I saw the excellent and elegant solution by Dinesh but was not able to implement it on the site I was working with. I put a hack together that work correctly. For detailed instructions, please see here.

Time to Click (seconds) in Google Analytics

I want to display with a widget in Google Analytics after which amount of seconds users are clicking a link.
How many users and click on external links is already tracked with the google tag manager.
I know it is possible, but I don't know how. I saw it in a video (https://gyazo.com/ea04edaf30af80611e5eabeff4f0b89a) but can't finde a solution.
Maybe someone has an idea how to do it?
Thank you very much!
You can create in Google Tag Manager a javascript custom variable to measure time and use that value when sending the clic on external link or event you already have.
Take a look to this article with the javascript example

Tracking conversions from another property

I have one website and 2 blogs. Everything is working for years and till recently we were ok with setup.
I am promoting one of the blog pages on Twitter,Facebook,LinkedIn. I can see conversions on main property but I cant tell how many conversions were from each of the sources. I just can see blog page as a source. When i switch to blog property in GA i can see segmented traffic by sources but ofc no conversions (goals are defined only on the main site)
I am reading for tracking goals from multiple properties but it only confuses me more and more. Is this possible to pass data from one property to another and be able to see what I want to see (segmentation by sources and conversions) ?
I am new to Google Analytics, and when I walked through the setup process, there was a lot of explanation about Social settings. I suspect this is new. Google has put in fields for you to track traffic to your blogs that comes in from your other social presence(s).
You'll want to identify your profile URLs for Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook so that it can break it down for you correctly.
They state:
If you leave the Web Property Prefix blank, you'll see Activities data for the domain you are tracking with Google Analytics (e.g. example.com). If you also wish to see Activities data for properties such as your YouTube channel, enter your prefixes here; for example, youtube.com/example. Make your prefix as specific as possible (i.e. do not simply enter youtube.com). Activities data is only shown for properties from which your domain has received hits.
Source: Google Analytics Social Settings: Web Property Prefix Help

Is there anything wrong with the way I'm implementing a Calendar on my site?

I am setting up a website for students of a school, which must include a schedule page which will show a calendar with events populated by feeds from various teachers' calendars. After trying out a variety of scripts and tools made for showing calendars, I finally hit upon a very shoddy, hacked-together way of doing it, and I want to know if theres any specific things wrong with my implementation.
My requirements from this calendar are posted in a previous question
This is how my implementation is gonna work:
The teachers make their schedules in their own calendar programs and make those feeds available in the iCal format. A common Google account for the school subcribes to all these calendars, and so gets read only access to ALL the teacher's schedules in school.
Google Calendar has a feature that lets you select some of your calendars, and then get the html code for an iframe to embed on your website, so that visitors to the site can see what events are coming up. When I experimented around with the options in the Google 'Configurator', I found that by simply including certain codes in the url called for the iframe contents, you could change which calendars were visible. These codes, or calendar ids, are clearly displayed in the settings for each calendar. Thus, my final solution is thus:
For every student, there is a record stating which courses he has taken, and hence which calendars he should be shown. With some SQL magic, I can retrieve the calendar ids from a pre-prepared database of all the calendar ids, and then generate the correct url for the iframe using php, and display it.
I hope that wasn't too convoluted to understand. Now can anyone tell me if there are any inherent security flaws or bad programming practices etc in this. Something about the whole idea of dynamically generating urls, using iframes, using a common google account etc just screams 'Mistake!'. Can someone tell me if this is an ok way to go about it, or is there some problem with it?
Actually, I think your solution has the potential to be very secure. Using a single google account to collect the read-only calendars into one place is just an organizational shortcut. As long as the calendars themselves are read-only, your single account contains nothing that isn't already public.
Generating URLs is perfectly reasonable, as long as you are combining strings that you've sanitized beforehand. Since your database can only get calendar IDs from your aggregation google account, you know that potentially malicious users can't cause arbitrary characters to end up in your synthesized URLs.
The biggest problem you'll probably run into is that the google embedded calendar iframe only allows up to ten calendar feeds.
The most likely security vulnerability you'll face is the security of all of the teachers' google calendars.
By default, google calendars accept "invitations" and post them as events. You might find that anyone can "invite" a teacher's calendar to prank events and those prank events will then show up on student calendars.
