Can't find System.ComponentModel.Composition Deprecated? -

I have found System.ComponentModel.Composition 4.5 online, but I cannot install the package because my ASP.NET project targets Silverlight Version=v5.0 and the package is not compatible with this version of Silverlight. Does anyone have a link to download System.ComponentModel.Composition
I also need System.Windows.Controls, System.Xml, Castle.Core all version
I tried changing the version of Silverlight that would be compatible with the version 4.5 package, but the box is greyed out in my project and won't let me. I also did a project search and couldn't find anywhere in the code that deals with the Silverlight version.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Razor Runtime Compilation

ive been having trouble trying to install razor runtime compilation and i continue to get a fault. i updated the vs2019 community edition and was able to click on the checkbox to add the "runtime compilation". when the project is loading, it doesnt install the "razor runtime compliation" package. it doesnt allow me to search for it via NuGet anymore either.
I tried my best to search around and some made it seem very simple to just install it from the pack manager or NuGet. Im using core 3.1 and vs2019 16.6.1 community edition.
EDIT: HOW CAN I INSTALL ...razor.runtimecompilation.i have not been able to figure out a solution to the error.
This package is from in my visual studio. While from your screenshot, it retrive from http://packagesource. Maybe you should configure your package source:

NuGet Server for .NET Core

The NuGet.Server package is used to create a ASP.NET MVC NuGet server and it works just fine. There is another package NuGet.Server.Core that is expected to do the same when hosted within a ASP.NET Core (perhaps 1.0 or 1.1?).
The first one creates 'Packages' folder right beneath the main folder used as a package repository.
No such things happens after installing the Core version. I tried both root and a dedicated folder. Googling a bit, I found no info about installing the package and integrating it in a ASP.NET Core app.
Has anyone succeeded in installing the Core version? Also, there's another version NuGet.Server.V2 which depends on NuGet.Server.Core, however it requires .NET Framework 4.6.1. This makes me think that NuGet.Server.Core is not targetting .NET Core at all.
If so, the name must be somewhat misleading, I guess...
Yes, this is the answer:
No .NET Core whatsoever! Just .NET Framework 4.6.1. Not a big discovery but a warning to all devs who, like me, were (and, more importantly, will be!) misled by 'Core' in the package's name.
Here's a 3rd party option (free)
Nuget.Server.Core seems to be one of the dependencies of Nuget.Server. So it's not a .NET Core project. Guess that's one of those snags you run into when you call your framework "Core". :)
I think you can use BaGet.
There is my article about that.
Check this :
Create your own NuGet server and package feed

Installing MVC on Core in visual Studio 2015

I created an empty ASP.NET 5 to work with .NET Core. I am trying to add MVC package to the application but I am receiving an Error that the Versions are not compatible, although I tried lots of MVC versions.
Anyone has an idea about the problem? thank you!
You need Nuget packages in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace. You're currently trying to install Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 5.2.3, which is the traditional MVC package and only works with full .NET.
If you're working with .NET Core you should be using Microsoft.AspNetCore.* packages. (Microsoft.AspNet.* packages target the full .NET framework.)
Your screenshot shows a dependency on DNX. You do realize that's a pre-release technology? I don't mean to be rude but I'm curious as to why you would be targeting the pre-release framework rather than RTM (which has been available for several months).
If you do want to work with the prerelease bits, you may need to tweak your NuGet feeds to be able to see the appropriate .NET Core packages (I definitely had to do this when working with .NET Core betas).

System.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust; Not Found

I been beating my head against the wall trying to get this to work. I have a project I did a while ago that used JWT to authenticate users. When I copied the template code from one project to the other, It claimed to be missing a package or libary. I check nuget and apparently I have installed the latest version of the frameworks I need.
Any suggestions for what i am doing wrong?
Check if the assembly is showing any warnings under Project -> References. I've sometimes found that one has a warning. Most commonly this is because there is a mismatch in the .Net version.
I've had a package add a .net 4.5.2 assembly into a project targeting .net 4.5 which exhibited similar behavior.

How to obtain System.Web.Http.Tracing.dll?

I read about Web API having its own TraceWriter implementation with 2012.2, for example here, among other sources.
I am now using VS2013 with .NET 4.5.1 and the EnableSystemDiagnosticsTracing is nowhere to be found. It's meant to be defined in the HttpConfigurationTracingExtensions class which resides in the System.Web.Http.Tracing.dll. However, this assembly is nowhere to be found - not in list of assemblies in the Add Reference dialog, not in GAC.
Where is this assembly supposed to come from? Docs say it's part of .NET Framework 4, which I have installed. Also installed the ASP.NET Web API 2 Tracing 5.0.0 NuGet package. Is there some update? Should I re-install .NET Framework?
I know it's not a big deal to implement ITraceWriter myself but it bothers me not to know what happened with the built-in implementation.
Just install needed NuGet Package
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Tracing -Version 5.0.0
It's a little bit strange, but it is the right package
If you installed the Tracing 5.0.0 NuGet package, it should be correctly included in your project. The moment it is installed, I believe a separate text file should open in VS showing the code you should include in your WebApiConfig.cs file.
I haven't created a Web API 2 project from scratch (only upgraded from pre-5.0 to 5.0 projects), but this is the code that should reside in your WebApiConfig.cs file:
// To disable tracing in your application, please comment out or remove the following line of code
// For more information, refer to:
And that should be it, if the package is installed correctly, tracing should now be used in your project.
