React day picker overlay always on - react-day-picker

I am using DayPickerInput and I have it set up like this (Range with 2 day picker inputs). I want to always display overlay and I don't want to hide it. I am aware of showOverlay prop but it only displays overlay during the initial rendering and the overlay can be closed. Once closed it won't be opened by default again. Is it possible to have overlay always displayed using DayPickerInput or I should use DayPicker with my own input fields?

This question is over 3 years old but in case someone stills looking for a way to do it now you can combine the props showOverlay and hideOnDayClick to have the overlay always on.
By doing something like this:
<DayPickerInput showOverlay hideOnDayClick={false} ... />
source - VERSION 7.4.8

If you're for some reason still looking for an answer, I found another tricky way of how to always show overlay.
What I've done is:
Created measuredRef that replaces default hideDayPicker method with noop:
const measuredRef = useCallback(node => {
if (node !== null) node.hideDayPicker = noop
}, [])
Passed this ref to DayPickerInput together with showOverlay prop:
<DayPickerInput ref={measuredRef} showOverlay ... />
After this manipulations you'll have overlay that is always shown.
Furthermore, if you need to control DayPickerInput state, you can:
Create useState:
const [isDatePickerOpen, setIsDatePickerOpen] = useState(false);
Use setIsDatePickerOpen the way you need (for example you want to hide overlay on day change):
onDayChange={() => setIsDatePickerOpen(false)}
Create custom OverlayComponent, pass it to DayPickerInput and control the way you show overlay:
const OverlayComponent = ({ children, classNames, selectedDay, ...props }) =>
"is-open": isDatePickerOpen,
onDayChange={() => setIsDatePickerOpen(false)}


changing css code and setting focus at the same time (why doesn't it work?)

I tried to make...
There is no input on the screen at the first rendering. When I click the button, input appears. And I want to set focuse on the input at the same time.
Let me explain what i made.
At first, the input is not visible on the screen.
Because the display property of the Box(the div tag), which is the parent component of the input, is none.
But when i click the button, the display property of the Box changes to block.
And here is what i want to do.
i'm going to set focus on the input on the screen.
In the function called when the button is clicked, I wrote a code that changes the css code and sets the focus on the input.
But it didn't work.
Please take a look at the following code.
const [inputDisplay, setInputDisplay] = useState("none");
const refInput = useRef(null);
const HandleShowInput = () => {
return (
<Box theme={inputDisplay}>
<Input ref={refInput}/>
<Button onClick={HandleShowInput}/>
Below is the code that is dynamically changing the css of the Box component.
import styled, { css } from "styled-components";
const Box = ({ children, ...props }) => {
return <StBox {...props}>{children}</StBox>;
const StBox = styled.div`
${({ theme }) => {
switch (theme) {
case "block":
return css`
display: ${theme} !important;
export default Box;
But this below code is worked. I separated the code by putting it in useEffect.
const [inputDisplay, setInputDisplay] = useState("none");
const refInput = useRef(null);
const HandleShowInput = () => {
useEffect(() => {
}, [inputDisplay]);
return (
<Box theme={inputDisplay}>
<Input ref={refInput}/>
<Button onClick={HandleShowInput}/>
I want to know why the upper case not works and the lower case works. I don't know if I have lack react knowledge or css knowledge. I would be very grateful if you could help a beginner in react. Also, please understand if there are any unnatural sentences because i'm not good at English. thank you.
When you are trying to focus on the input element by HandleShowInput this function.Here two things are happening your changing the state and focus of input.It will focus the input but time will be so less that we can't see on the ui.And also due to the state change render will happen and again ref will get the input element. Thus you are not able to see this focussed input
But in case of useEffect this will happen after the render. After this no rendering. So we can see the focussed input
The way of thinking about React is a little different from Javascript.
You may expect the below two run in the same way.
NO~ It's not.
JS block the Dom and then focus it, it works well.
But React works like the code below.
// next react render cycle callback
}, 1000)
While focus method is called, the dom is display as none;
You set state in react, ReactDom will make it as a display block in the next life cycle of function component.
demo here :
useEffect(() => {
}, [inputDisplay]);
is a watching function. While inputDisplay changed, the function inside will be called.
you set state to block
react re-render the component as a newer state
render function called, and dom is block
Effect watching function is called and the focus() called.

Flags inside a React Bootstrap select option renders as [object, object]

I want to display Flags icons inside a React Bootstrap selection Option. I have tried both CSS based and React based libraries to do so and in each case I get only [object object]
I have tried with the CSS library
<Form.Control as="select">
<option><span className="flag-icon flag-icon-gr"></span></option>
Which gives me a warning and the same [Object object]
Warning: Only strings and numbers are supported as <option> children.
I have also attempted with the React wrapper for the same library
<Form.Control as="select">
<option><FlagIcon className="countryIcon" code="us" size="lg"/></option>
Which does not generate a warning but no results either
Does anyone know how I can get something else than string or number in the Option, or another way to include an icon ?
Option HTML tag accepts text only, it can't accept any other HTML, it will strip it. You can check this React issue [bug][16.5.0] option returns [object Object] instead of string and read the comment by Dan Abramov:
I don't think it was strictly a regression. This is kind of a thorny
area. It was never intentionally supported. It accidentally worked on
initial mount but then crashed on updates (#13261). Fixing the crash
was more important, so we fixed it to be treated as text content
(which it should be). Unfortunately this means putting custom
components in the middle is not supported. That's consistent with how
textarea and similar elements work.
I think it's better to show invalid output and warn about something
that breaks on updates, than to let people use it only to discover it
crashes in production. But I can see arguments for why this should be
supported when the custom component returns a string. Unfortunately I
don't know how to fix it in a way that would both solve the update
crashes and support text-only content. I think for now it's reasonable
to say putting custom components into doesn't really work
(and never quite worked correctly), and ask you to manually provide a
string to it.
Alternatively, you can use Bootstrap Dropdowns to create a dropdown button with a list of countries using the code below:
import Dropdown from 'react-bootstrap/Dropdown';
import FlagIcon from './FlagIcon.js'
function App() {
const [countries] = useState([
{ code: 'gr', title: 'Greece'},
{ code: 'gb', title: 'United Kingdom'},
{ code: 'us', title: 'United States'}
const [toggleContents, setToggleContents] = useState("Select a country");
const [selectedCountry, setSelectedCountry] = useState();
return (
<div className="App">
onSelect={eventKey => {
const { code, title } = countries.find(({ code }) => eventKey === code);
setToggleContents(<><FlagIcon code={code}/> {title}</>);
<Dropdown.Toggle variant="secondary" id="dropdown-flags" className="text-left" style={{ width: 300 }}>
{{ code, title }) => (
<Dropdown.Item key={code} eventKey={code}><FlagIcon code={code}/> {title}</Dropdown.Item>
import React from 'react';
import FlagIconFactory from 'react-flag-icon-css';
// const FlagIcon = FlagIconFactory(React);
// If you are not using css modules, write the following:
const FlagIcon = FlagIconFactory(React, { useCssModules: false })
export default FlagIcon;
You'll get a dropdown button like this:
You can also check this working Stackblitz:
Are you closing the tag
<Form.Control as="select">
[object Object] is displayed e.g when you are concatenating a string with an object, for example:

EventRender renders with wrong position

I'm currently building a calendar with the timeline view to get a list of events per teacher. And I want to have a week view of the timeline without showing any time per day. Basically all event of each teacher of that specific day listed on top of each other. Which works if I don't have any custom rendering. It would look like this:
Without eventRender
But, I would like to have a Popover on hover of each event to show more information so I use custom event render to inject Ant Design Popover. And since I'm using react I use ReactDOM to render my custom event.
My code somewhat looks like:
const EventDetail = ({ event, el }) => {
const content = <div>{event.title}<div>{event.description}</div></div>;
<Popover content={content}>
customWeek: {
type: 'resourceTimeline',
duration: { weeks: 1 },
slotDuration: { days: 1 },
eventRender={EventDetail} />
But for some reason, the positioning of the event somehow got messed up due to improper top position. Also, the height of the column itself isn't tall enough for the amount of events rendered. Which looks like this:
With eventRender
My question is: How can I manage to render the custom events properly? Or how can I wrap my around the event element?
Update: Added codesandbox
eventRender={info => { = `event-${}`;
const content = <div>Description of {info.event.title}</div>;
setTimeout(() => {
<Popover content={content}>{info.event.title}</Popover>,
return info.el;

Toggle flip cards in React

I'm trying to create a flip card effect where if I click on a card it flips over. However, if I then click on another card, I'd like the original card to flip back. This means having some sort of global toggle on all of the cards but one that gets overridden by the local toggle. I'm not sure of the most React-y way to do this - I've tried implementing it with the useState hook at both levels, but I'm not having much luck.
I'm using styled-components, with the 'flipped' prop determining the Y-transform.
Here's the flip card component, and you can see what I've tried so far:
const PortfolioItem = props => {
const [flipped, setFlipped] = useState(false)
return (
<PortfolioItemStyles onClick={() => setFlipped(!flipped)}>
// what I'm trying to say here is, if the individual card's 'flipped' is set to true,
use that, otherwise use props.flipped which will be set to false
<PortfolioItemInnerStyle flipped={flipped ? flipped : props.flipped}>
<PortfolioItemFront >
<PortfolioImageCover className="img-cover" />
<h1>Hello there</h1>
function PortfolioStyles() {
const [ allFlipped, setAllFlipped ] = useState(false);
return (
{ => {
return <PortfolioItem image={item.image} flipped={allFlipped} title={item.title} onClick={() => setAllFlipped(false)} />
The logic I'm using is clearly faulty, but I was wondering what would be the 'best practice' way of doing this? In vanilla JS you'd use a single event handler and use on it to make sure you were isolating the element, but I'm not sure how to handle this in React. Any help would be much appreciated.
I would personally manage the state only on the container component. Let's say you will store an index of the flipped card instead of a true/false status. The onClick would then change the current index and the flipped is computed by checking index === currentIndex. Something like this:
const PortfolioItem = props => {
return (
<PortfolioItemInnerStyle flipped={props.flipped}>
<PortfolioItemFront >
<PortfolioImageCover className="img-cover" />
<h1>Hello there</h1>
function PortfolioStyles() {
const [ currentFlippedIndex, setCurrentFlippedIndex ] = useState(-1);
return (
{, index) => {
return <PortfolioItem image={item.image} flipped={index === currentFlippedIndex} title={item.title} onClick={() => setCurrentFlippedIndex(index)} />

react-transition-group transition initial render without props/state

I'm currently implementing a Modal component within my app, using Portals. What I'm trying to achieve is that when the Modal component is rendered, it should fade in and when it's no longer rendered it should fade out.
Looking at the react-transition-group docs it appears that props have to be used in order to achieve this, however I'd like a solution without any form of state or props. Consider:
<Modal />
App should load as normal, however Modal should fade in. When Modal is no longer rendered based on some condition way above these components, it should fade out.
Here's the actual code for
import Fade from "../Fade";
import { TransitionGroup } from "react-transition-group";
const Modal = ({ children, ...other }) => {
return (
And for the Fade component:
import { CSSTransition } from 'react-transition-group';
const Fade = ({ children, ...other }) => (
//my classes here
Any suggestion? I'm sure this used to work, before React 16 and react-css-transitions changed to react-transition-group but I'm having a very hard time figuring this out.
To be clear, I can transition using state/props and have a working example of this but that is not what I'm trying to achieve. I'd like to fade in when it is rendered, and fade out when it is un-rendered...
Seems to fix this for now, although there's no way to animate the reverse (component being un-mounted).
