AppMaker: example of a transaction - google-app-maker

My google search to find an example of a CloudSQL transaction code on AppMaker yielded 0 results.
Could somebody share an example please ?

Here is an example published on AppMaker site:


Firebase analytics duplicated event log

Now i'm trying to use firebase analytics for analyze user data.
To do so, I followed the documented guide from developer site. So now I can recognize the data what I added in my project.
However, I cannot understand some index.
First of all, I made an event which user clicked button."goto_qrscan") {
param("qrscanFrom", this#WalletMainFragment.javaClass.simpleName)
so, I guess that total event count between 30 mins(1370) should be same as parameter value(141), but it doesn't.
I didn't put above code any other place in project.
why this happening? and how can I understand that data?
Thx in advance!

Google calendar API: Copy conference data not working

We are trying to copy conference data from one event to other but it not working for non G-suite accounts. We are using Google.Apis.Calendar.v3 libraries for .net. Following is sample code :
Event firstEvent = service.Events.Get(calendarId, "eventId1").Execute();
secondEvent.ConferenceData = firstEvent.ConferenceData;
The same code works for G-suite accounts. Is there anything special that needs to be done for non Gsuite accounts or its not supported for them? May be we are missing something. Actually issue is instead of copy conference data it gives new conference data i.e new link, new signature even if same object is set to copy. It should give same link, same copy ConferenceData after creation, isn't it?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
References :
This is an intended behavior. New events with attendees create a Conference automatically, so it's not possible to change it with the API. G Suite users don't have this limitation and can disable this option from the Admin console.

Error adding Google Analytics' URL Tracking Parameters to an internal website search query

I'm trying to add Google Analytics' URL tracking parameters to a recently redesigned website
The original URL:
Adding campaign parameters:
You should notice that the appended parameters are affecting the internal site search. In the original search URL, there are two results returned. When the URL/campaign parameters are added, the search result is null.
I've noticed the site's internal search isn't affected until the = is added after "&utm_source="
Still returns the two results for the internal site query and
Does not.
Why might this be the case? Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Empty description in Web Entities of Google Vision API

If you try Google Vision API with follwoing demo-image.jpg
shown in QuickStart, you will get a record with empty description and score of 0.7024 in “Web Entities”. Why!?
I think this is working as intended. If you check the getDescrition() method from Java API libraries, you see that getDescrition() could return value or null for none.

Linkedin - Get companies updates queries

I'm trying to create an app to read company updates, but I have a few queries. Please help...
I'm using LinkedIn api via Oauth authentication in R
Is there anyway to fetch more updates than the restriction (only allow fetch up to 250 updates or updates in the last 20 days whichever comes first) ?
Example code &oauth2_access_token={access_token}
Once I got the updateKey, I'm trying to fetch the comments and likes but it's returning NO return
Example code{access_token}{access_token}
From the company status-update, it's returning FALSE for is-commentable and is-likable? Is that why there are no result from Query 2. If so, is there anyway to change that setting?
'is-commentable' false '/is-commentable'
'is-likable' false '/is-likable'
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Linkedin developer - Reading Company Shares link
Try using the Share and Social Stream end point instead of the Companies end point like this:{access_token}
The documentation is here:
Also you can test different Linkedin API calls here:
