integrating Webform and Mvc -

I have a fully function MVC application and a fully function Webform application in the same solution but I want to publish both applications together by integrating them using the same port and session. Any suggestion will be Appreciated. enter image description here


Integrating mvc with WebForm

There is a problem that I have two applications.
One is used ASP.NET MVC, while the other is used ASP.NET WebForm.
I wonder if there are some ways to integrate two applications.
You can say anything about the idea of the integration or show some links talk about this.
PS: I do know that Webform is out of time,so do not tell why not change the Webform to MVC.
You could have them both as hybrid application. To do this (Visual Studio 2013+):
Click New Project > Web Forms, In the window select template as Web Forms and select options on Web Forms and MVC.
Add your existing files for Web Forms and MVC in the same solution.
Now config your Global.asax for MVC and declare appropriate routes and bind them in code.
Optional: You could also Scaffold to have WebAPI in your solution.
You this link for details of implementation with sample project.

Merge MVC development in existing Application

I want to one help
I have 1 Webform application which is in the Asp.Net and it is working fine and now I want to develop new functionality in Asp.Net MVC and merge in existing application.
So please provide any tutorial or any link which provide information for merging MVC functionality in existing Asp.Net application.
Basically I need to develop application which working with both webform functionality and also MVC functionality.
Combining web forms with MVC is entirely possible. See this blog post by Scott Hanselman for an introduction.
Sharing master pages: see this StackOverflow question
routing: In ASP.Net 4.0, routing has been enabled for web forms page routes (scottgu's blog)

Posting data from mvc view to a webform in the same MVC project

I have an MVC project that needs to use SSRS for reporting. For this reason my MVC project now has a webform that holds the reportviewer control. From my MVC page I now need to pass certain parameters to the webform. What is the recommended way to do this? I’m not sure I want to use sessions for this purpose unless it is the recommended way. How do I post from the mvc view to the web form? I don’t think I can call it by controller name as the web form has no controller.
Please help.
In the past, I have maintained a legacy system that used the webform for report generated and an ASP.NET MVC in the new pages. I found out only one way to do that is using the Session to communicate between the webform and the ASP.NET MVC pages. So any other approaches will be welcome :)

How to create MVC4 wrapper around existing/legacy classic ASP application?

I have a large legacy web application written in a combination of classic asp and webforms. The client has agreed to rewrite the application and we have decided to use MVC4 but of course we don't have the time to stop support on the legacy application to build the new application.
Is there a way to put an new MVC4 wrapper application around the existing/legacy application so that parts of the legacy application can be ported to the new environment piece by piece?
this is pretty old question, but I ran across it so thought I'd try and help out. You can still use the .aspx pages within MVC4 by modifying the routing functionality of MVC. this link should help you get started:

Is it possible to create a Mini ERP solution (Organisation specific) in MVC?

I am a Web Form Developer , I simply want to know that is it possible to develop a mini ERP solution in MVC ?
I have already developed such in Web Forms but our company wants to re-write to whole app from scratch for bigger scale with increased modules and functionalities.
So can we go with MVC this time rather than Web Forms?
Thanks in advance.
Yes it is possible. Everything you could do in WebForms could be done with MVC. After all ASP.NET MVC is based on the ASP.NET engine.
