Warning: Error in <Anonymous>: cannot open file 'Rplots.pdf' - r

After I deploy my R shiny App in web server, it produced such errors. Can anyone help me to solve it? Thanks.
This error is very weird. I can run it in Shiny web server (http://www.shinyapps.io/). But I can not run it on my own web server. I commented out the code which produce pdf. But the error is still existing.
su: ignore --preserve-environment, it's mutually exclusive to --login.
Listening on
Warning: Error in : cannot open file 'Rplots.pdf'
Execution halted

The following code solves my problem:
chown -R shiny:shiny /srv/shiny-server

When generating plots on Shiny server, it automatically tries to create a PDF file.
You can remove this functionality by having the below in your code, before the plotting function.
pdf(file = NULL)

This is probably because your code has a function that generates a plot, and the server is, by default, trying to save it to a pdf file because it's a non-interactive session (that is, it does not display it on the screen).
The fix is to find that statement and remove it.


Vscode-R; permission denied to access request.log file

I am learning R and followed the instructions to program R using Visual Studio Code. I then tried to run the following line of code to learn how to read data.
dat <- read.table("d.data")
where d.data is a data file. I received the following error:
cannot open file '...\.vscode-R/request.log': Permission denied.
I tried using the "Give Access To" command from right-clicking the file in File Explorer, however, I don't think it did anything. How do I grant the program/terminal permission to open the file? It may be significant to note that running the same commands using the radian console works without any issues (I get the data outputted in a separate window).
I found a workaround for this issue by adjusting these settings in VSCode:
"r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal": true,
"r.bracketedPaste": true,
Then, by calling radian in an opened cmd terminal, I was able to load everything without any issues

sh permission denied in exams2pdf

I use R/exams to generate a PDF exam like this:
However, this results in the following error:
Loading required namespace: tinytex
sh: : Permission denied
Doing the same with exams2html() works well.
What is the problem and how can I fix it?
Given that this does not produce an "error" within R but only on the shell (sh), this is probably just a problem of displaying the PDF interactively at the very end. You can check whether
is correctly set to an application for viewing PDFs (e.g., "/usr/bin/evince") and whether you have permission to use that application.
If there are problems with getting a proper PDF viewer called from within R, then simply use
exams2pdf("swisscapital", dir = ".")
which will write the PDF to your current working directory rather than displaying it in the PDF viewer. And then you can manually open the PDF outside of R.

Error in shinytest. Cannot detect my script is a R file

I am trying to test an shiny application with the function shinytest.
I have made an record and get a new file:
The picture show my test file and how I have specified the path to my application
When I try to run the app I get the following error:
Error in is_rmd(path) :
Unknown whether app is a regular Shiny app or .Rmd: C:/Users/LUCBA/Projects/markt_to_marketpricingtool/test/myshinyapp.R
I know the file is an R file, but I get the error anyway.
Why is this happening and what can I do to fix it?
Best Lucas
This was the code that caused an error in Lucas's original question
app <- ShinyDriver$new("C:/Users/LUCBA/Projects/markt_to_marketpricingtool/test/myshinyapp.R")
The problem is that the first (path) argument to shinytest::ShinyDriver$new can only be a directory (containing either an app.R file or a server.R/ui.R pair) or R markdown .Rmd file. Sadly, a Shiny app file cannot be specified directly by name, so it can't be named myshinyapp.R.

gzfile error when publishing Shiny app

I'm trying to publish an R Shiny app. It works when run locally, but once published to shinyapps.io produces the following error.
Warning in gzfile(file, "wb") :
cannot open compressed file '/key.rda', probable reason 'Permission denied'
Error in value[[3L]](cond) : cannot open the connection
Calls: local ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
You can also see the actual page with the error here: https://povertylab.shinyapps.io/ACS-Map-Dashboard/
Though I have tried to reproduce this error it doesn't appear when I publish other apps, and my searches haven't turned up anything. Other things I've tried: publishing from other computers, publishing only global.R, server.R, and ui.R files, and copying files to a new project and publishing from there.
You can find all code for the app here: https://github.com/Poverty-Lab/ACS-Map-Dashboard
I would appreciate any input, even if it's just guidance on what gzfile is and what the error message could mean. Thank you!
Where is the key.rda file supposed to be? I've looked through your repo and I don't see it, which is probably causing the "cannot open the connection" error.
As a side note, you should probably ignore the .Renviron file; right now anyone can use see and use your key. Make sure you remove it from the history as well.
Thanks all. Turns out this was a problem with the way we were handing the api key for the acs package. We were using api.key.install to install the api key inside the app, and one of api.key.install's default arguments is file = "key.rda", and that file apparently could not be found. I'm still not sure why this problem only came up when we published the app, but we got around it by supplying the actual api key to the acs.fetch function in server.R.

Can you make R print more detailed error messages?

I've often been frustrated by R's cryptic error messages. I'm not talking about during an interactive session, I mean when you're running a script. Error messages don't print out line numbers, and it's often hard to trace the offending line, and the reason for the error (even if you can find the location).
Most recently my R script failed with the the incredibly insightful message: "Execution halted." The way I usually trace such errors is by putting a lot of print statements throughout the script -- but this is a pain. I sometimes have to go through the script line by line in an interactive session to find the error.
Does anyone have a better solution for how to make R error output more informative?
EDIT: Many R-debugging things work for interactive sessions. I'm looking for help on command-line scripts run through Rscript. I'm not in the middle of an R session when the error happens, I'm at the bash shell. I can't run "traceback()"
Try some of the suggestions in this post:
General suggestions for debugging in R
Specifically, findLineNum() and traceback()/setBreakpoint().
#Nathan Well add this line sink(stdout(), type="message") at the beginning of the script and you should get in console message both script content and output along with error message so you can see it as in interactive mode in the console. (you can then also redirect to a log file if you prefer keeping the console "clean")
Have a look at my package tryCatchLog (https://github.com/aryoda/tryCatchLog).
While it is impossible to improve the R error messages directly you can save a lot of time by identifying the exact code line of the error and have actual variables at the moment of the error stored in a dump for "post mortem" analysis!
The main advantages of the tryCatchLog function over tryCatch are
easy logging of errors, warnings and messages into a file or console
warnings do not stop the program execution (tryCatch stops the execution if you pass a warning handler function)
identifies the source of errors and warnings by logging a stack trace with a reference to the source file name and line number (since traceback does not contain the full stack trace)
allows post-mortem analysis after errors by creating a dump file with all variables of the global environment (workspace) and each function called (via dump.frames) - very helpful for batch jobs that you cannot debug on the server directly to reproduce the error!
This will show a more detailed traceback, but not the line number:
options(error = function() {traceback(2, max.lines=100); if(!interactive()) quit(save="no", status=1, runLast=T)})
One way inside a script to get more info on where the error occurred is to redirect R message to the same stream as errors :
sink(stdout(), type="message")
This way you get both messages and errors in the same output so you see which line raised the error...
