Running Multiple exe files using Rstudio - r

I have exe file which was built on C++. The exe file needs an input argument.
Now i want to launch multiple exe file from Rstudio by changing the input arguments so that i can run different scenarios in parallel. When i use system/shell/system2 commands, the model starts running inside the Rstudio environment itself, but i want to make it to run outside Rstudio environment, so that i can run multiple models at a time.
system("xyz.exe scenario1")
system("xyz.exe scenario2")
system("xyz.exe scenario3")

Looking at ?system you can see that there is an argument wait. Quoting from the help file:
[wait is] a logical (not NA) indicating whether the R interpreter should wait
for the command to finish, or run it asynchronously. This will be
ignored (and the interpreter will always wait) if intern = TRUE.
So using wait=TRUE would cause the behaviour that you require.


How to debug `attempt to apply non-function` error that only occurs when executing script from cmd line

I have an R script that runs perfectly when copy pasted into an R session.
However, when I try to run the script from the command line (i.e., Rscript mycode.R) I keep getting an error attempt to apply non-function.
The error is coming from a function that uses AzureGraph and AzureAuth to fetch data from a Microsoft cloud directory. I can provide more detail about this function if needed, but my question is really more general.
What could cause this difference in behaviour between executing in an active R session vs. running the script from the command line.
What is the best strategy to debug this? Normally I would step through code in an R session to locate and fix errors, but obviously that will not work in this case.
You have objects (functions, packages) in your interactive R session's environment that are not present in the session spawned by Rscript, for example because you automatically restore your R workspace at startup. Possible check: you can use sessionInfo() to see packages that are loaded and/or attached and ls() to list environment objects.
You have multiple R installations on your system, and the RScript command is somehow mapping to a different one than your interactive session, which is missing some packages or functions. Possible check: the version function.
The defaults of RScript are slightly different from those of an interactive session (for example, "save" and "restore" are typically disabled) and this is somehow affecting your script. Possible solution: try to add the --restore argument to the Rscript call.
How to debug? If you're going blind, good old bisection. Take your script, comment out the bottom half, see if it runs. Repeat iteratively (uncomment half of the commented section if it runs, comment out half of the uncommented section if not) until you find the line where the error is.
You can also run an individual line of code from Rscript using Rscript -e "some code" if you want to quickly check if a specific call is causing problems.

Does shell() in R remember the previous command?

I'm trying to run a batch file via R and I'm trying to use shell() to do so. This is written over two separate instances of shell(), one to set the directory and one to run the file:
shell("cd <file location>")
While troubleshooting I ran shell("dir") and it returns the current working directory of the R and not the directory set via shell().
Is shell() unable to retain memory between different instances of it being used, and if so is it possible to run two terminal commands in R when one relies on the other being run first?

Detect if R Script is Running in Interpreter or from Command Line [duplicate]

Is it possible to determine - from within the script - whether the script is running in the R-GUI (specifically on OS X) or whether it has been called from Terminal/command line (i.e. R --vanilla -f script.R)? If so, how is this possible?
I'm asking because I have a script that can run parallelized (using the doMC library), which should not be used from the GUI. Sometimes I need to further process the data calculated in the script, so I'd like to call the script from the GUI on these occasions.
Perhaps you are looking for interactive()?
In C, you would use the isatty function. If you could find an equivalent function in R (probably in a UNIX or file system library), that should help.

calling Qiime with system call from R

When I try to call QIIME with a system call from R, i.e
R stops responding. It's no problem with other command line programs though.
can certain programs not be called from R via system2() ?
MacQIIME version:
MacQIIME 1.8.0-20140103
Sourcing MacQIIME environment variables...
This is the same as a normal terminal shell, except your default
python is DIFFERENT (/macqiime/bin/python) and there are other new
QIIME-related things in your PATH.
(note that I am primarily interested to call QIIME from R Markdown with engine = "sh" which fails, too. But I strongly suspect the problems are related)
In my experience, when you call Qiime from unix command line, it usually creates a virtual shell of it`s own to run its commands which is different from regular system commands like ls or mv. I suspect you may not be able to run Qiime from within R unless you emulate that same shell or configuration Qiime requires. I tried to run it from a python script and was not successful.

batch process for R gui

I have created a batch file to launch R scripts in Rterm.exe. This works well for regular weekly tasks. The < PBWeeklyMeetingScriptV3.R > is the R script run by Rterm.
set R_TERM="C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.0\bin\x64\Rterm.exe"
%R_TERM% --slave --no-restore --no-save --args 20120401 20110403 01-apr-12 03-apr-11 < PBWeeklyMeetingScriptV3.R > PBWeeklyMeetingScriptV3.batch 2> error.txt
I've tried to modify this to launch the R GUI instead of the background process as I'd like to inspect and potentially manipulate and inspect the data.
If I change my batch file to:
set R_TERM="C:\Program Files\R\R-2.14.0\bin\x64\Rgui.exe"
the batch file will launch the R GUI but doesn't start the script. Is there a way to launch the script too?
Alternatively is there a way to save/load the work space image to access the variables that are created in the script?
You can save and load workspaces by using save.image() and load(). I do this all the time when scripting to pass data sets between two separate script files, tied together using Python or bash. At the end of each R script, just add:
The image will be the workspace that existed whenever the command was run (so, if it's the last command in the file, it's the workspace right before the exist of the file). We also use this at my job to create "snapshots" of input and output data, so we can reproduce the research later. (We use a simple naming convention to get the time of run, and then label the files with that).
Not sure about launching and then running the GUI with specific scripts in it; I don't think that's a feature you'll find in R, simply because the whole point of running a batch file is usually to avoid the GUI. But hopefully, you can just save the image to disk, and then look at it or pass it to other programs as needed. Hope that helps!
