How to check for potential overflow in Ada when dealing with expression? - ada

I am relatively new to Ada and have been using Ada 2005. However, I feel like this question is pertinent to all languages.
I am currently using static analysis tools such as Codepeer to address potential vulnerabilities in my code.
One problem I'm debating is how to handle checks before assigning an expression that may cause overflow to a variable.
This can be explained better with an example. Let's say I have a variable of type unsigned 32-bit integer. I am assigning an expression to this variable CheckMeForOverflow:
CheckMeForOverflow := (Val1 + Val2) * Val3;
My dilemma is how to efficiently check for overflow in cases such as this - which would seem to appear quite often in code. Yes, I could do this:
if ((Val1 + Val2) * Val3) < Unsigned_Int'Size then
CheckMeForOverflow := (Val1 + Val2) * Val3;
end if;
My issue with this is that this seems inefficient to check the expression and then immediately assign that same expression if there is no potential for overflow.
However, when I look online, this seems to be pretty common. Could anyone explain better alternatives or explain why this is a good choice? I don't want this scattered throughout my code.
I also realize I could make another variable of a bigger type to hold the expression, do the evaluation against the new variable, and then assign that variable's value to CheckMeForOverflow, but then again, that would mean making a new variable and using it just to perform a single check and then never using it again. This seems wasteful.
Could someone please provide some insight?
Thanks so much!

Personally I would do something like this
CheckMeForOverflow := (Val1 + Val2) * Val3;
when constraint_error =>
null; -- or log that it overflowed
But take care that your variable couldn't have a usable value.
It's clearer than an if construct and we don't perform the calculation twice.

This is exactly the problem SPARK can help solve. It allows you to prove you won't have runtime errors given certain assumptions about the inputs to your calculations.
If you start with a simple function like No_Overflow in this package:
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
package Show_Runtime_Errors is
type Unsigned_Int is range 0 .. 2**32 - 1;
function No_Overflow (Val1, Val2, Val3 : Unsigned_Int) return Unsigned_Int;
end Show_Runtime_Errors;
package body Show_Runtime_Errors is
function No_Overflow (Val1, Val2, Val3 : Unsigned_Int) return Unsigned_Int is
Result : constant Unsigned_Int := (Val1 + Val2) * Val3;
return Result;
end No_Overflow;
end Show_Runtime_Errors;
Then when you run SPARK on it, you get the following:
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
Phase 2 of 2: flow analysis and proof ...
show_runtime_errors.adb:4:55: medium: range check might fail (e.g. when Result = 10)
show_runtime_errors.adb:4:55: medium: overflow check might fail (e.g. when
Result = 9223372039002259450 and Val1 = 4 and Val2 = 2147483646 and
Val3 = 4294967293)
gnatprove: unproved check messages considered as errors
exit status: 1
Now if you add a simple precondition to No_Overflow like this:
function No_Overflow (Val1, Val2, Val3 : Unsigned_Int) return Unsigned_Int with
Pre => Val1 < 2**15 and Val2 < 2**15 and Val3 < 2**16;
Then SPARK produces the following:
Phase 1 of 2: generation of Global contracts ...
Phase 2 of 2: flow analysis and proof ...
Your actual preconditions on the ranges of the inputs will obviously depend on your application.
The alternatives are the solution you are assuming where you put lots of explicit guards in your code before the expression is evaluated, or to catch runtime errors via exception handling. The advantage of SPARK over these approaches is that you do not need to build your software with runtime checks if you can prove ahead of time there will be no runtime errors.
Note that preconditions are a feature of Ada 2012. You can also use pragma Assert throughout your code which SPARK can take advantage of for doing proofs.
For more on SPARK there is a tutorial here:
To try it yourself, you can paste the above code in the example here:
Incidentally, the code you suggested:
if ((Val1 + Val2) * Val3) < Unsigned_Int'Size then
CheckMeForOverflow := (Val1 + Val2) * Val3;
end if;
won't work for two reasons:
Unsigned_Int'Size is the number of bits needed to represent Unsigned_Int. You likely wanted Unsigned_Int'Last instead.
((Val1 + Val2) * Val3) can overflow before the comparison to Unsigned_Int'Last is even done. Thus you will generate an exception at this point and either crash or handle it in an exception handler.


Does Ada have any idiomatic rules on when to use a function versus a procedure with an output parameter?

You can assign to a variable by having a function return a value to it:
My_Int : Integer := My_Math_Func [(optional params)];
Or you can do it like this with a procedure (assuming My_Int has already been declared):
My_Math_Proc ([optional params;] [in] out My_Int);
Obviously a procedure can't initialize a variable like the function does in the first example, but I'm hoping for some concrete, practical rules on when and why to pick one over the other.
Two to get you started...
When more than one result is to be returned, a procedure with several OUT parameters is often a good choice.
When the size of the object is unknown prior to the subprogram call, an OUT parameter cannot be used because it would have to be declared precisely the right size, but a function return can set the size by initialising the variable in the caller. This is commonly used with a variable declared in a Declare block, which can hold a different sized string each time it is invoked.
This example shows the variable "text" initialised by calling a Read_File function, to hold the contents of a different file on each iteration of the loop. Safe, no "malloc" or "free" or pointers necessary. (Filename is an array of filenames in this example)
for i in 1 .. last_file loop
text : String := Read_File(Filename(i));
-- the size of "text" is determined by the file contents
-- process the text here.
for j in text'range loop
if text(j) = '*' then
end loop;
end loop;
Edit : And I suppose I'd better mention the underlying mathematical principle, since Ada is based more closely on mathematical logic than many other languages.
Functions and procedures are both subprograms, but for different purposes:
a function is an abstraction over an expression : like a mathematical operator (and an operator in Ada is just a function). Ideally, it provides a result from a number of operands and nothing else, leaving them unchanged and having no state and no side effects. This ideal is called a "pure function" (and applying "pragma pure" asks the compiler to check its purity) - similar restrictions apply in functional programming (FP) languages. Pure functions allow a whole bunch of optimisation (because reordering them doesn't change results). In practice Ada is not that strict, allowing impure functions too.
a procedure is an abstraction over a statement. It generally has some physical effect (such as changing state) since it doesn't deliver a result.
So the logical separation between expressions and statements is carried over into subprograms (abstractions) as the separation between functions and procedures.
And this is probably the best way to decide which to use.
Brian Drummond already answered your question directly, but I wanted to add some additional info: If your type has some sort of initializing procedure, in Ada2005/Ada2012 you can convert it to an initializing function using extended return syntax. It will even work for limited types.
Say you have a package with a type like this:
package Example is
type My_Type is limited private;
procedure Initialize(Self : in out My_Type; Value : Integer);
procedure Print(Self : My_Type);
type My_Type is limited record
Value : Integer := 0;
end record;
end Example;
package body Example is
procedure Initialize(Self : in out My_Type; Value : Integer) is
Self.Value := Value;
end Initialize;
procedure Print(Self : My_Type) is
end Print;
end Example;
You can then make your own initializing function out of that procedure doing something like this:
function Make_My_Type (Value : Integer) return Example.My_Type is
return Result : Example.My_Type do
end return;
end Make_My_Type;
and you can initialize variables easily using the procedure hidden in your function underneath:
procedure Test
Thing : Example.My_Type := Make_My_Type(21);
end Test;
This is different than just making a variable and returning it. You are not able to do that with a limited type, but with extended return syntax, you can do it for any type.
Here is some additional info for extended return statements as well.

Xquery result duplicated

I'm not getting the output I want. I don't understand why the result is duplicated. Can someone help me?
for $i in 1 to 2
let $rng:=random-number-generator()
let $rng1:=$rng('permute')(1 to 10)
let $rng:=$rng('next')()
let $rng2:=$rng('permute')(1 to 10)
let $rng:=$rng('next')()
let $rng3:=$rng('permute')(1 to 10)
return (string-join($rng1),string-join($rng2),string-join($rng3),",")
The result is duplicated because of the initial for $i in 1 to 2, and because the variable $i is not actually used anywhere.
I edited the query based on your comment (getting 10 numbers). From what I understand, the difficulty here is to chain the calls (alternating between 'next' and 'permute'). Chaining calls can be done with a tail recursion.
declare function local:multiple-calls(
$rng as function(*),
$number-of-times as xs:integer) as item()* {
if($number-of-times le 0)
then ()
let $rng := $rng('next')
return ($rng('permute')(1 to 10),
local:multiple-calls($rng, $number-of-times - 1))
local:multiple-calls(random-number-generator(), 10)
Note: I am not sure if (1 to 10) is what needs to actually be passed to the call to $rng('permute'), or if it was an attempt to output ten numbers. In doubt, I haven't changed it.
The specification is here:
It says:
Both forms of the function are ·deterministic·: calling the function
twice with the same arguments, within a single ·execution scope·,
produces the same results.
If you supply $i as the $seed argument to random-number-generator then the two sequences should be different.
I think I now understand what confuses you in this original query. One could indeed expect the random numbers to be generated differently for each iteration of $i.
However, XQuery is (to put it simply, with a few exceptions) deterministic. This means that the random generator probably gets initialized in each iteration with the same, default seed.
Thus, I have a second potential answer:
If you have a way to pass a different seed to $rng, you could slightly modify your initial query by constructing a seed based on $i and maybe current-dateTime() in each iteration before generating the numbers. But it will still be the same if you execute the query several times unless you involve the current date/time.

VHDL OR logic with 32 bit vector

zero <= result_i(31) OR result_i(30) OR result_i(29) OR result_i(28)
OR result_i(27) OR result_i(26) OR result_i(25) OR result_i(24)
OR result_i(23) OR result_i(22) OR result_i(21) OR result_i(20)
OR result_i(19) OR result_i(18) OR result_i(17) OR result_i(16)
OR result_i(15) OR result_i(14) OR result_i(13) OR result_i(12)
OR result_i(11) OR result_i(10) OR result_i(9) OR result_i(8)
OR result_i(7) OR result_i(6) OR result_i(5) OR result_i(4)
OR result_i(3) OR result_i(2) OR result_i(1) OR result_i(0);
How can I make this shorter?
I am assuming you are using std_logic/std_logic_vector types.
Then you can use or_reduce from ieee.std_logic_misc.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_misc.or_reduce;
zero <= or_reduce(result_i);
Or write your own function:
function or_reduce(vector : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
variable result : std_logic := '0';
for i in vector'range loop
result := result or vector(i);
end loop
return result;
end function;
A general tip if you are just starting out with VHDL is to not forget about functions and procedures. Unlike Verilog (Without SystemVerilog) VHDL has good support for writing clean and high level code, even for synthesis, using functions and procedures. If you are doing something repetitive it is a sure sign that it should be wrapped in a function/procedure. In this case there already was a standard function ready to be used though.
You might also want to consider pipelining the or-reduction and inserting flip-flops between the stages. Maybe the 32-bit reduction that you use in your example should still run a reasonably high frequency in an FPGA device but if you are going to use more bits or target a really high frequency you might want to use an or-tree where no more than 6-8 bits are or:ed in each pipeline stage. You can still re-use the or_reduce function for the intermediate operations though.
You can achieve it with vhdl revision 2008
VHDL-2008 defines unary operators, like these:
outp <= and "11011";
outp <= xor "11011";
So in your case it would be:
zero <= or result_i;

Associative array element accessing in comb vs sequential

I was trying to write a test-bench code which used an associative array, and was seeing that in one case accessing its values wasn't working as a comb logic, but when moved inside a sequential block it was working fine.
Example code :
Here "value" was getting assigned as "x" always, but once I moved it inside the #posedge block, I was seeing it assigned the right value (1 once "dummy" got assigned).
Can someone explain why this is so ?
logic dummy[logic[3:0]];
logic value;
always # (posedge clk)
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
count <= 0;
end else if ( enable == 1'b1) begin
count <= count + 1;
if(enable) begin
dummy[count] = 1;
$display (" Setting for count = %d ", count);
always_comb begin
if(dummy.exists(count)) begin
value = dummy[count];
$display("Value = %d",value);
end else begin // [Update : 1]
value = 0;
[UPDATE : 1 - code updated to have else block]
The question is a bit misleading, actually the if(dummy.exist(count)) seems to be failing when used inside comb logic, but passes when inside seq logic (and since "value" is never assigned in this module, it goes to "x" in my simulation - so edited with an else block) - but this result was on VCS simulator.
EDA-playground link :
- Here it seems to be working as normally expected i.e if(dummy.exists(count)) is passing irrespective of being inside always_comb or always #(posedge)
Result in VCS :
[when used as comb logic - value never gets printed]
Value = 0
Applying reset Value = 0
Came out of Reset
Setting for count = 0
Setting for count = 1
Setting for count = 2
Setting for count = 3
Setting for count = 4
Terminating simulation
Simulation Result : PASSED
And value gets printed as "1" when the if(dummy.exist(count)) and assignment is moved inside seq block.
Your first always block contains both blocking and non-blocking assignments, which VCS may be allowing because the always keyword used to be able to specify combinational logic in verilog (via always #(*)). This shouldn't account for the error, but is bad style.
Also the first line of your program is strange, what are you trying to specify? Value is a bit, but dummy is not, so if you try doing dummy[count] = 1'b1, you'll also pop out an error (turn linting on with +lint=all). If you're trying to make dummy an array of 4 bit values, your syntax is off, and then value has the wrong size as well.
Try switching the first always to an explicit always_ff, this should give you a warning/error in VCS. Also, you can always look at the waveform, compile with +define+VPD and use gtkwave (freeware). This should let you see exactly what's happening.
Please check your VCS compilation message and see if there is any warning related to SV new always_comb statement. Some simulators might have issues with the construct or do not support that usage when you inferred "dynamic types" in the sensitivity list. I tried with Incisiv (ncverilog) and it is also OK.

The use of IN OUT in Ada

Given below is some code in ada
Package TEST01 is
procedure TEST01
( In_State : IN VECT_B ;
Out_State : IN OUT VECT_B );
function TEST02
( In_State : IN VECT_B ) return Boolean ;
end TEST01;
The TYPE_VECT_B package specification and body is also defined below
Package TYPE_VECT_B is
type VECT_B is array (INTEGER range <>) OF BOOLEAN ;
rounded_data : float ;
count : integer ;
trace : integer ;
What does the variable In_State and Out_State actually mean? I think In_State means input variable. I just get confused to what actually Out_State means?
An in parameter can be read but not written by the subprogram. in is the default. Prior to Ada 2012, functions were only allowed to have in parameters. The actual parameter is an expression.
An out parameter implies that the previous value is of no interest. The subprogram is expected to write to the parameter. After writing to the parameter, the subprogram can read back what it has written. On exit the actual parameter receives the value written to it (there are complications in this area!). The actual parameter must be a variable.
An in out parameter is like an out parameter except that the previous value is of interest and can be read by the subprogram before assignment. For example,
procedure Add (V : Integer; To : in out Integer; Limited_To : Integer)
-- Check that the result wont be too large. This involves reading
-- the initial value of the 'in out' parameter To, which would be
-- wrong if To was a mere 'out' parameter (it would be
-- uninitialized).
if To + V > Limited_To then
To := Limited_To;
To := To + V;
end if;
end Add;
Basically, every parameter to a function or procedure has a direction to it. The options are in, out, in out (both), or access. If you don't see one of those, then it defaults to in.
in means data can go into the subroutine from the caller (via the parameter). You are allowed to read from in parameters inside the routine. out means data can come out of the routine that way, and thus you are allowed to assign values to the parameter inside the routine. In general, how the compiler accomplishes the data passing is up to the compiler, which is in accord with Ada's general philosophy of allowing you to specify what you want done, not how you want it done.
access is a special case, and is roughly like putting a "*" in your parameter definition in Cish languages.
The next question folks usually have is "if I pass something large as an in parameter, is it going to push all that data on the stack or something?" The answer is "no", unless your compiler writers are unconsionably stupid. Every Ada compiler I know of under the hood passes objects larger than fit in a machine register by reference. It is the compiler, not the details of your parameter passing mechanisim, that enforces not writing data back out of the routine. Again, you tell Ada what you want done, it figures out the most efficient way to do it.
