Need to Replace Old URL with New URL in Revolution Slider - wordpress

We have cloned a WordPress site and replaced the urls using Velvet URLs. But the Revolution Slider images url are not replaced yet. Please let me know if any solutions are there.
Thanks in advance.

There is a option in slider settings to change the Replace URL. Please check the screenshot attahced. Hope it helps.

This will work for anybody still looking for this solution. It happened to me that I needed to change the base URL on slider revolution.
Export to PC
Unpack the zip
Open the slider_export.txt in notepad++
find and replace the URL, save and repack
Delete the slider, and import the new one. BINGO!
P.S When changing directory, remember to escape the forward slash "/"
Best regards.

For Slider Revolution 6, the feature has changed place.
You need to get the Domain Switch addon which is available on the main revolution slider page.
Simply browse to addons and look for DS (Domain Switch)
After installing, you'll be able to find/replace the url.

For those who got Revolution Slider as part of a theme and therefore don't have a purchase code.
Use a plugin like Better Search Replace to update the URLs.
Be aware that Revolution Slider escapes certain characters.
Is saved as

PhpMyAdmin can accomplish the same thing and you only need to edit the wp_revslider_slides table fields in the column params and layers. Be careful not to forget the escape characters used. I wish search and replace plugin would have a option for this escape setting.

Install Better Search Replace plugin and activate it.
Then search for and replace with then select all tables.
NOTE: Make sure that you have checked "Run as Dry run" to see number of changes occures before update the database.


How to change text in WooCommerce My Account Downloads area?

In the Downloads tab of the My Account area in WooCommerce, by default the text says "No downloads available yet". I need to change this text to something more specific.
I would rather not do this by copying plugin files to my child theme, but would prefer to do it with code snippet.
If anyone can help, it would be massively appreciated.
Many thanks for your time.
If you have access to ftp you can open the folder of Woocommerce plugin into a text editor.
You can find for the string and replace it by a more specific one directly into the code.
I think it's the cleanest way.
Let me know if it works.
You have different ways of doing this:
1- Copy wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/myaccount/downloads.php to your theme folder inside /woocommerce folder and overwrite the part where the string is outputted -> recommended
2- Edit the woocommerce-[LANG_CODE]_[LANG_CODE].po file inside wp-content/languages/plugins but you would lose this if you update the plugin
3- If you have WPML installed you can do it via string-translation feature
4- Edit it via JS, not so clean but hey, it would work! :D

WordPress responsive menu in chinese language

I am using this plugin in my wordpress website.
But when i translate my website in chinese language menu items not showing. Please can you suggets me how i can translate it?
in this plugins, the folder "lang" is empty... It does not use languages. So you need change php files and i recommend you do not do this.
But if you really need change, use sublimetext or other soft or command line for use best function : "search in folder".
Use WMPL[Multilingual Plugin].
Just install this plugin in your website and just translate each and every menu which has been used in English.{you can even Sync the menus to the selected language}.
When you choose your language the menu gets changed to Chinese language and nothing get affected.
You will most probably need to either change the page encoding or if use an approach like in this answer.
(HTML5) cannot display Chinese characters when using UTF-8

Where could be inline-css in Wordpress

I am working on this webpage: which runs on Wordpress with this theme If you check source code you can see a lot of inline-css and I want to know in which files are actually defined. Only thing what I know about it they are called by function wp_head() in header.php. I have local copy of all files on this web and I can't find any mention about some of that css rules through unix grep. Anyone suspect where these css rules could be located?
check site and let me know.
Run a search in the source code for
As this appears to be the 'handle' designated as the first variable in the function wp_add_inline_style. The "-css" is added automatically. You'll see this on line 79 of the page source.
You want to check your page back-end site where you put content ,
I think are you using any compose or editor to create page on edit page.
check it edit option it has some inline css.

NextGEN Gallery still pointing to local drive

I recently moved a wordpress site from my C: drive to a pre-production environment, linux-based machine. The site works well-ish now.
I am using NextGEN galleries there and am using custom gallery theme. This is the problem: After moving, for some reason the galleries refer to the gallery with absolute path of the C: drive, which is obviously not working since this is another machine. I looked into the database to see if there's any value starting with C:\ and indeed I found out several of them and corrected them from C:\xampp\htdocs/wp-content/themes/subspace\nggallery\gallery-subspace.php to wp-content/themes/subspace\nggallery\gallery-subspace.php. However, after refreshing the page which used the gallery in WYSIWYG editor of WP and checking its settings, it stil referred to the template on the C: drive (namely, this is on the "display galleries tab", under "Customize the display settings", it is the value of the "Template" setting).
I checked the database again and there was no path like this in it. I refreshed the page, no difference. I got irritated and went to get a cup of coffee. When I returned, I ran the database query without any modifications again and found this in the wp_options table, option name "_transient_e4ae686b7454a142b0618b1ff15b38f4":
O:8:"stdClass":17:{s:2:"ID";i:4018;s:13:"post_password";s:0:"";s:10:"menu_order";i:0;s:16:"display_settings";a:20:{s:27:"override_thumbnail_settings";s:1:"0";s:15:"thumbnail_width";s:3:"120";s:16:"thumbnail_height";s:2:"90";s:14:"thumbnail_crop";s:1:"1";s:15:"images_per_page";s:2:"24";s:17:"number_of_columns";s:1:"0";s:15:"ajax_pagination";s:1:"1";s:20:"show_all_in_lightbox";s:1:"0";s:23:"use_imagebrowser_effect";s:1:"0";s:17:"show_piclens_link";s:1:"0";s:17:"piclens_link_text";s:14:"[Show PicLens]";s:19:"show_slideshow_link";s:1:"0";s:19:"slideshow_link_text";s:16:"[Show slideshow]";s:8:"template";s:73:"C:\xampp\htdocs/wp-content/themes/subspace\nggallery\gallery-subspace.php";s:19:"use_lightbox_effect";b:1;s:23:"display_no_images_error";i:1;s:18:"disable_pagination";i:0;s:17:"thumbnail_quality";s:3:"100";s:19:"thumbnail_watermark";s:1:"0";s:20:"ngg_triggers_display";s:5:"never";}s:8:"order_by";s:9:"sortorder";s:15:"order_direction";s:3:"ASC";s:10:"exclusions";a:0:{}s:13:"container_ids";a:1:{i:0;i:37;}s:22:"excluded_container_ids";a:0:{}s:9:"sortorder";a:0:{}s:10:"entity_ids";a:0:{}s:7:"returns";s:8:"included";s:20:"maximum_entity_count";s:3:"500";s:6:"source";s:9:"galleries";s:12:"display_type";s:35:"photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails";s:4:"slug";N;s:8:"id_field";s:2:"ID";}
Which, as you can see contains the C:\ path again. I'm 100% positive this wasn't in the database a while ago and repeated the process with the same result (corrected this, waited a minute and it appeared again). Is it possible that this is pulled e.g. from some file?
You can follow the steps mentioned below:
In the wp-admin, go to "Gallery" -> "Other options" then, Click to "Lightbox effects" tab and Click "Show advanced settings" there, you'll find option to change the stylesheet and javascript urls. Change from 'localhost' to your baseurl or ( ). Then save. Thats all.
Let me see if i can help.
Warning : do not try on production, get a dev or appropriate local version running. Also -- can't remember using NextGen, so my advice comes from a desire to do "best" practice in WP.
Easy try : kill cache if used such as JetPack or similar.
Regrading the _transient - should be able to kill -- this link Can I remove transients in the wp_options table of my WordPress install? seems to be dialed in. So if there is a cached element in the
Next thing is the C:\...stuff rendered in the page source / html? If so, how is it rendered in the page (HTML please)? In other words, what part of the execution is writing C:\... to the page and why? WP has a bad habit of adding the site to the link (grr!). For example image src attribute will have the ``http://``` :
<img src=""
And this is written in the wp_posts table (fun migration issues esp if you change url) - so there is a slim possibility that the gallery info with the C drive ref is in the post or similar.
iD10t check: no config setting you missed in gallery? I hope there is not a 3rd party server/storage as #Hareesh mentioned!
Desperation (done this a few times) : dump the MySQL, get a large text editor and search for the string. Remember that weird stuff could be escaped as a " may turn into \" or the use of alternative "safe" quotes. See what can be learned.
Always an option : reinstall in a new WP site and see what/how things go.
If I think of anything else I will add it, but I just spilled how I would try to dissect the issue. GOOD LUCK.
You can use a search and replace tool to replace all C:/... instances with the correct ones.
But be sure to make a full DB backup beforehand, in case something breaks...

Force path instead of

Is this possible?
I use: WP latest version (3.3.2) and Cpanel Followed this tutorial to accomplish this:
I've just managed to move all my post images in a "cookieless subdomain" and serve them in this format (path) when a user accesses the post: (1)
Now all my old images have this format but everytime I create a new post and upload an image, the image path shown is this: (2)
So what I'm trying to do is to force the site/server to use (1) instead of (2).
I've already tried everything in Media Settings tab, the only thing working is to write in the "Store uploads in this folder" and "Full path to files" fields the subdomain name ("img" that is).
Any suggestions?
I'm thinking is a Cpanel setting I'm doing wrong.
Many thanks!
The instruction posted here is good. I have all my images at instead of
