Javafx Jfoenix Drawer is blocking the nodes behind the Overlay - javafx

I am new to Javafx and after some readings on the subject I decided to start building my first application.
My application has a main page and an hamburgerDrawer on left side panel. The trouble I am having is that when I load the application, the drawer overlay is blocking the nodes beneath it. I tried to use the method SetDefaultDrawerSize() to 0 when I close the drawer, and to a specific size, say SetDefaultDrawerSize(900), with no success, the drawer is still blocking the content beneath.
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
try {
AnchorPane drawerContent = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/materialitemtracker/view/AnchorPaneHamburgerDrawerView.fxml"));
HamburgerBackArrowBasicTransition burgerTask = new HamburgerBackArrowBasicTransition(hamburger);
hamburger.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, (e) -> {
burgerTask.setRate(burgerTask.getRate() * -1);;
if (hamburgerDrawer.isShown()) {
// hamburgerDrawer.setDefaultDrawerSize(0);
} else {;
// hamburgerDrawer.setDefaultDrawerSize(900);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(AnchorPaneMainController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Sample images:
Application Main Page
Drawer content

I had a similar issue to the one you describe. However in my case it wasn't the overlay but the drawer itself. The overlay when visible would encompass the entire UI when visible so I quickly determined that this wasn't my issue since it was only the buttons on the left of the UI which were not receiving events. Instead it seemed the area affected was limited the default drawer size I had set.
There are two solutions i could see:
Move the buttons above the drawer in the UI structure. This didn't work for me since the buttons would then overlap the expanded drawer in my UI.
Give the drawer a negative offset and change the constraints depending on the drawer state at runtime. My drawer resides on the left of the UI inside an AnchorPane so set a negative left anchor value to begin with (-255 for this example). Then depending on the state I do as follows.
drawer.setOnDrawerOpening(event ->
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(drawer, 0.0);
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(drawer, 0.0);
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(drawer, 0.0);
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(drawer, 0.0);
drawer.setOnDrawerClosed(event ->
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(drawer, -255.0);
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(drawer, 0.0);
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(drawer, 0.0);

Try the following code:
if (drawer.isOpened()) {
} else {


JavaFX - "Pointless" (CSS) Shadow Effect, Drastically decrices Graphics Performance

Hello, People [...]
🤔 Summary
Whenever i use Shadow-effect on my BorderPane or any Component/control/Element, the 3D Graphics performance (as seen, in the Preview section below) is getting way too low.
The "confusing" part is that, it even gets low performance when the effect is applied to something that really has nothing to do with my Tab, Subscene or even my moving Button, in a way [...]
I Use jdk-12.0.1.
👁️ Preview
⚠️ Recreating The Issue
Files Needed: | main.fxml | AnchorPane.css | |
📝 General Code
(You can refer to Recreating The Issue Section for more Informations too)
#BorderPane1 {
-fx-effect: dropshadow(three-pass-box, rgb(26, 26, 26), 50, 0.6, 0, 0); /* Comment it*/
public class App extends Application {
public Parent root;
public TabPane TabPane1;
public BorderPane BorderPane1;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("main.fxml"));
root = loader.load();
Scene RootScene = new Scene(root, 1120, 540);
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
//Setting NewButton2
Button NewButton2 = new Button();
// Setting group
Group SubRootGroup = new Group(NewButton2);
// Setting Scene
SubScene SubScene1 = new SubScene(SubRootGroup, 0, 0, true, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);
// Initializing Camera
SimpleFPSCamera SimpleFPSCam = new SimpleFPSCamera();
// Setting Camera To The Scene
// Adding Scene To Stage-TabPane.Tab(0)
TabPane1.getTabs().add(new Tab("Without Shadows"));
// Loading Mouse & Keyboard Events
Things I 've Tried Until Now
javafx animation poor performance consumes all my cpu
(i have tried using it with all components without having any success [it might be my poor javaFX knowledge too , [using it in the wrong way?] ])
💛 Outro
Any Idea? Thanks In Advance, Any help will be highly appreciated, 💛 [...]
Most probably, you will have figured this out by now, but since I was also banging my head about this same issue in the past, here is your answer:
The drop shadow effect is "expensive" and drawing it is slow. If you use it on a node with many descendants and move any of the descendants, it will cause the effect to be re-calculated on the parent, so the whole animation becomes slow (regardless if the parent itself is animated or not).
I solved this by using a StackPane as the top-most container, to which I added a Pane as a first child (which has the css drop-shadow effect) and the normal top-level container for the actual controls as a second child.
This way, the "shadow" pane is not updated when something is animated down the layout tree and, voila, you have a working drop-shadow effect without a performance hit :-)

I want my buttons and BG to stay in one position as the view controller elements transition

I have been working on this for hours(today)/months. I just want my BG to stay permanent in all view controllers as well as the same buttons with the same commands for all of them.
It is only the foreground element that is transitioning around in the center of the viewfinder, from side to side.
I tried using a subclass, it did not effect my view controller at all. When it came to trying to get my buttons to stay, i tried to cheat and use a tab bar, but the tab bar controller is locked at the bottom and I can't move it up the y axis.
Is there an easier way? Is there a way to make a view controller have the main components and every other view controller has sub components that transitions, one from another using the main components controller.
When attempting to make a subclass, I made a touch class file and put..
import UIKit
class WallpaperWindow: UIWindow {
var wallpaper: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "BG.png") {
didSet {
// refresh if the image changed
init() {
super.init(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
//clear the background color of all table views, so we can see the background
UITableView.appearance().backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
// draw the wallper if set, otherwise default behaviour
if let wallpaper = wallpaper {
wallpaper.draw(in: self.bounds);
} else {
and then put
var window: UIWindow? = WallpaperWindow()
into my AppDelegate...
the code was working find, just my background did not change at all...
Related in making the tab bar move up the y axis I had no luck, it was locked....counting even tough the UIcoding..

How to create a transparent Button with JavaFX without decreasing the hitbox?

As soon as I create a new Button in JavaFX and set the background transparent with: myButton.setBackground(Background.EMPTY); or myButton.setStyle("-fx-background-color: transparent;"),
the hitbox will only consist of the text in the button when catching the ActionEvent via :
myButton.setOnAction(newjavafx.event.EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
//handle UI input
So I have to aim on a letter and click it, which is annoying, especially when having changing text and/ or small text.
How can I keep my hitbox the same while having a transparent background?
which means that the layout bounds of the button will be used to determine mouse hits on it, rather than its set of non-transparent pixels.

Scrolling sets to top once new data is appended to wijmo-grid in virtual scrolling

While implementing virtual scrolling with wijmo grid, as per the below code, when the new data is appended to data array (once we scroll and reach to the last record of the grid), the scroll gets reset to the initial position.
Check this JSFiddle
scrollPositionChanged: function(s, e) {
// if we're close to the bottom, add 10 items
if (s.viewRange.bottomRow >= s.rows.length - 1) {
addData(data, 20);
Any idea how can we stop this behaviour? Other grids like slickgrid, ag-grid provides smooth behaviour - once the data is appended, the previous last record stays in the view. Can we achieve similar kind of behaviour for wijmo-grid?
You can save scroll postion before refreshing the grid and restore the same after scroll.
var pos;
var grid = new wijmo.grid.FlexGrid('#flex', {
itemsSource: data,
scrollPositionChanged: function (s, e) {
// if we're close to the bottom, add 10 items
if (s.viewRange.bottomRow >= s.rows.length - 1) {
addData(data, 20);
//save current scroll postion
pos = grid.scrollPosition;
//restore scroll position
if (pos) {
s.scrollPosition = Object.assign({}, pos);
pos = null;
Check the updated fiddle:-
You need to store scroll position before making http request and set back once items have been added to FlexGrid.
Please refer to the following updated fiddle with http service delay simulation:

Restore scrollbar position of QWebView after setHtml()

I constantly generate new HTML pages that I display in a QWebView. Now I have trouble to restore the current position of the vertical scrollbar after the setHtml() call, if the HTML contains images. The scrollbar always jumps back to the top.
The following code works as long as the HTML only contains text:
void MainWindow::htmlResultReady(const QString &html)
// remember scrollbar position
int scrollBarPos = ui->webView->page()->mainFrame()->scrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical);
// restore previous scrollbar position
ui->webView->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical, scrollBarPos);
I also tried to use the signal QWebView::loadFinished() without success:
void MainWindow::setupHtmlPreview()
connect(ui->webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),
this, SLOT(restoreScrollBarPosition()));
void MainWindow::htmlResultReady(const QString &html)
// remember scrollbar position
scrollBarPos = ui->webView->page()->mainFrame()->scrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical);
void MainWindow::restoreScrollBarPosition()
// restore previous scrollbar position
ui->webView->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarValue(Qt::Vertical, scrollBarPos);
Perhaps the size of the page changes. Call setScrollBarValue when contentsSizeChanged is emitted by the frame (typically webView->page()->mainFrame()).
