Wordpress different products category pages with different widgets - wordpress

I am making this wordpress based website ( https://naujas.pacopac.lt/ ), it is for company with multiply product categories and in every category page I want to have filter system by different attributes.
I tried to create page for every category, but the problem is that I can add products of certain category, but I can not filter them then. Also I can only add filtering through widget.
So the way i see to make it is by directing people to product category page, like https://naujas.pacopac.lt/product-category/“name of category”/. For example https://naujas.pacopac.lt/product-category/pakuotes/ , add widget with filtering and then it works. BUT every category has to be filtered with different attributes, and I am only able to add one same widget to all categories pages and I can not find a way in WordPress to edit every each of these category pages, also I can only make one side widget.

So in short the problem is, how can I make different Side widgets and edit every each of product category pages with different widgets? I am using uncode theme with woocommerce and visual composer, would like to avoid coding, but also have basic knowledge in it so something not too complicated could be done.

Thank you very much guys!

Solved with Widget Logic plugin, able to show widgets on certain pages and hide others


Woocommerce products filtering

I have a page created in elementor and I am using the woocommerce products component with a manual selection query
My task is to create filters upon those products, but I am bit stuck how to do it. I have tried filters from woolentor however those are displaying also products for different categories. It is fine if I need to implement it on my own, however I am not sure how could I edit this page. I was thinking to create a filter widget and it to page trough shortcode, however I am not sure how to update the products list based on the selections in the custom widget.

How can i make 3 of my website pages display 3 different woocommerce products?

On my website, I have different pages that can be accessed through the navigation bar at the top of the website(Like every other website), on the pages TX-21, TX-20, and TX-10. I want to show 1 product on each page.
I have tried working with the permalinks, but I can't seem to find a solution through this, because the only possibility is to make a "shop" page, which is what I want to avoid in a sense.
I also can't make one of the three pages my "shop" page, because then all of the products will be displayed on that page.
Many solutions are possible here,
The easy way to do it :
When you create a product on Woocommerce, a single page for the product is automatically created. So you can just go to appearance -> menus and select your product by choosing "product" on the left side. it will create a new menu element and linked to your single product page.
Also, if you to customize every product page as you want, the best way is to create 3 page " TX-21, TX-20, TX-10" and query what you want inside all of them by using a template-file.

wordpress blogs in different pages

I have a page containing a set of images linked to other pages. How can I make each of the linked pages a separate blog?
To give you some more context, each image represents a challenge that I set myself up to and I would like to have a separate 'blog' for each challenge to document my progress. So far I have managed to link pages together and navigate from the page containing all the challenges to the page containing the details about 1 single challenge. However the latter page is not a blog so I cannot add new posts to the page. If I try to write a new blog post it gets added above the challenges(list) page
This is a link to the page that I am refering to.
Thanks in advance for your help
What you need to do is use categories for your posts - like Challenge One and Challenge Two - and then your posts will be automatically organized into category archives. Add a third category - called All Challenges - to all the posts and that category archive will list all posts in all three categories by chronology.
The URLs to the category archive pages will be something like this, depending on your category names and slugs, and how you set up your category base in Settings>>Permalinks.
Link those category archive URLs from your images on your main page that has a gallery of images for each challenge post category.
You can make up custom category templates for each category, so the layout and design can be different.
There are multiple ways you can achieve this in WordPress. Let me tell you the easiest one:-
Using Post Categories
Follow the steps below:
Step1: Break your challenges into different categories, for example Challenge 1, Challenge 2, and so on... You can easily do that by creating and choosing the right category while writing a post.
Step2: Go Settings->Premalinks in your WordPress dashboard and choose "Post Name".
Step3: Now you have to find the new links for your challenge images. You can find these links in Post->Categories tab within your dashboard. Once you are in the categories browse page within your WordPress dashboard, just hover over the category whose link you want and you will see a "View" tab which will take you to that particular category page. This category page will show only the posts that you have published under that particular category.
Step4: Once you have the category link with you just update it in the respective challenge image link.
I hope you will be able to resolve your issue with this.

Drupal dynamic product catalog (without commerce)

So, I work at a web development agency and we recently decided to give our custom CMS up and start developing with Drupal. Currently, I am developing a wholesale product website. What I need to do is to create some product catalogs without using commerce since we do not need the purchase, checkout and payment features and I thought that using the built-in Content, Taxonomy and Views features we can get our job done.
I have created the product categories in Taxonomy. The main (root) categories are main Taxonomy objects and the subcategories are terms.
I created a custom Content type called: products. In this type I have the following form fields: Product Code, Name, Image, Description and a list field to choose the Terms I would like the product to be displayed in.
I would appreciate some help in order to set the whole structure up as I am still heavily influenced by the custom CMS we used to work on that had similar content management with Joomla!
In conclusion, I would like to:
Set a sidebar menu up that contains the categories and the subcategories as a tree. I would also like the menu to be updated if any changes occur in the taxonomy (e.g I add a term in taxonomy and it shows up on the menu).
Set the structure so that when someone clicks on a category that does NOT contain products but subcategories, gets the list of the categories bellow the active one.
I am really looking forward to your answers and I'd like to thank you in advance.
You could give a try to a combination of Taxonomy Menu and Menu Block modules. Taxonomy Menu allows you to easily generate menus from taxonomy vocabularies, and Menu Block creates menus and "menus portion", for instance, from level 2 to 3 from a specific point.
So basically, you can create menus from taxonomy and then create submenus from those menus with Menu Block. It can be tricky but you can do a lot of things with these modules.
Good luck

Magento Styling Products in a Particular Category

In Magento, how would I be able to treat products in a particular category differently?
Lets say, I have one category "Specials" and I want to have a bit different presentation of its products from the rest of the catalog products.
I initially thought about hooking custom styles up to the category class name that gets attached to BODY element. That, however, does not seem to be fool-proof, since if you directly access those products, they dont always show up as in that category (assuming cookies or sessions have a say in this) and custom styling is ignored.
Also though about assigning custom layout template to that category, but I am using those as layouts and not styles and I dont want to mix up the uses to avoid issues in the future.
Anyone had this concern before? Thanks for the help!
You have 2 code oriented solutions :
If the notion of "category" is the fact that you're accessing a product through a category (on your product page, the breadcrumb display the category), you'll be able to cehck (somewhere in your catalog/product/view.phtml) the Mage::registry('current_category') which contains your current_category and compare it with your "particular category" (which could be stored as a configration variable)
Otherwise, if you want your style applied even when you're not accessing your product via the category navigation, you'll have to manually check your product categories ($product->getCategoryIds()) and compare it with your "particular category" (which could be stored as a configration variable)
ps: keep in mind that a product can be assigned to multiple categories
Hops this helps you
If you have particular category like special so Create new theme for Only Special category and assign that theme to special category from backend, you can easily assign different theme to different category from category management page in admin.
Or you can aslo assign different theme to products also from manage products page.
