Style shinyWidget::dropdownButton in shinydashboard::box header - css

I am trying to place a shinyWidget::dropdownButton in the header of a shinydashboard::box. The button should have the look and feel of the button created when using a collapsible box (box(..., collapsible = TRUE).
With the help of some JavaScript I was able to move the dropdown, which seemed to me the easier approach rather than constructing all the HTML myself.
The code below does what I want to do, however I am struggling with the css, because the elements in the dropdown are partly white on white (which makes sense I guess because they are (grand) children of class .box-tools)
What I want
I want that all controls in the dropdown look like as if I put the dropdown in the body of the box:
Goal: Dropdown in the body
Current Situation: Dropdown in the header
How can I achieve this? Which css rules do I have to use, to make sure that any kind of control looks like as if in the body of the box? Could I achieve the same behaviour even easier? (For instance by wrapping all my controls in the dropdown in another element)? I do know my basics in css but here I feel a bit at loss which rules I need to consider to get to the desired result.
makeDropDown <- function(i) {
selectInput(paste0("sel", i), "Select:", LETTERS),
downloadButton(paste0("down", i), "Load"),
circle = FALSE,
icon = icon("cog")
ui <- dashboardPage(
box(solidHeader = TRUE,
status = "info",
title = "Box",
class = "box-tools pull-right",
id = "moveme"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)

You're right, some CSS rules are overwritten, you can use some inline CSS with !important to control appearance :
makeDropDown <- function(i) {
style = "color: black !important;", # for text
selectInput(paste0("sel", i), "Select:", LETTERS),
outputId = paste0("down", i), label = "Load",
style = "background-color: #f4f4f4 !important; color: #444 !important; border: 1px solid #ddd !important;" # for button
circle = FALSE,
icon = icon("cog")
Otherwise, maybe #DivadNojnarg have a better solution in shinydashboardPlus, I'll ask him !


Weird behavior of selectizeInput

In the Shiny App below, I am facing a very strange behavior, where selectInput box slides downwards when I type something in this box. Also, the text inside selectInput box moves towards the right while I type in this box. I have spent a lot of time to find out the reason for this problem but could not figure it out. Can someone point out the mistake I am doing causing this strange behavior?
siderbar <- dashboardSidebar(
selectizeInput(inputId = "select_by", label = "Select by:", choices = NULL, multiple = FALSE, options = NULL)
body <- dashboardBody(
side = "right",
selected = "Tab1",
tabPanel("Tab1", "Tab content 1", highchartOutput("tabset1Selected"))
ui = dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "tabBoxes"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
selectedVal <- reactiveValues()
updateSelectizeInput(session, "select_by", choices = c(as.character(1:10000)), selected = 2, server = TRUE)
output$tabset1Selected <- renderHighchart({
selectedVal <- input$select_by
We were on the right track. It has something to do with selectize.js updating the items from the server. You can verify that by setting the loadThrottle option to 5000. This option determines how long the widget waits "before requesting options from the server" (see the manual). Now you have to wait exactly 5 seconds and then the select widget flickers.
The issue seems to be caused by a CSS conflict. selectize.js adds a CSS class to the widget. If you remove that feature, the flicker goes away.
selectizeInput(inputId = "select_by", label = "Select by:",
choices = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
options = list(loadThrottle=200, loadingClass=""))
loadingClass sets a specific CSS class (default: 'loading') while loading data from the server. Purpose: to change how the widget looks and communicate to users that an update is in progress.
loadThrottle does not need to be set. It's default is 300. You can set it to any value that suits your needs.
highcharter defines it's own CSS class names loading with these specs:
.loading {
margin-top: 10em;
text-align: center;
color: gray;
That is the reason for the CSS conflict. The widget gets a top margin and it's content moved to the center, because the browser does not distinguish the source of the class. It only sees some CSS that fits and uses it. This image shows where you need to look:

How to better position Next/Back button in shiny glide, in order to eliminate large white space?

The Shinyglide package is just what I need, using a carousel for grouped radio buttons giving the user many choices for data parsing.
However, the "Next" (and "Back") button occupies a large white space. I'd like to shift the button in line with the glide row (see image at bottom). Does anyone know how to do this? Is there a CSS trick? Reading through the Glide manual, the only choices are "top" and "bottom".
If moving the Next/Back button isn't possible, a secondary option is to insert (a somewhat superfluous) line of text but in line with the Next/Back buttons, to at least cover up the annoyingly large white space.
The actual panel this is for has much more information presented than in this example, so I'm trying to make the page as clean as possible.
Please see image at bottom that better explains what I'm trying to do.
Reproducible example:
ui <-
fluidRow(div(style = "margin-top:15px"),
strong("Input choices shown in row below, click ´Next´ to see more choices:"),
column(12, glide(
height = "25",
controls_position = "top",
div(style = "margin-top:10px"),
radioButtons(inputId = 'group1',
label = NULL,
choiceNames = c('By period','By MOA'),
choiceValues = c('Period','MOA'),
selected = 'Period',
inline = TRUE
style = "padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 0px;"
div(style = "margin-top:10px"),
radioButtons(inputId = 'group2',
label = NULL,
choiceNames = c('Exclude CT','Include CT'),
choiceValues = c('Exclude','Include'),
selected = 'Exclude',
inline = TRUE
style = "padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 0px;"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plants <- renderDT({iris %>% datatable(rownames = FALSE)})
shinyApp(ui, server)
You could use a custom control element with custom_controls, and then have it hover over the displayed screen on the top right with a container set to absolute positioning. Setting a limited width for the container will ensure that the back button won't fly too far out.
Something along these lines:
glide(custom_controls = div(class = "glide-controls", glideControls()), ...)
# Somewhere in the UI
".glide-controls { position: absolute; top: 18px; right: 15px; width: 160px; }"
Just make sure to also set controls_position = "bottom" so that the controls hover over the screen content, rather than under it.
A minimal example app:
ui <- fixedPage(
h3("Simple shinyglide app"),
".glide-controls { position: absolute; top: 18px; right: 15px; width: 160px; }"
custom_controls = div(class = "glide-controls", glideControls()),
screen(wellPanel(p("First screen."))),
screen(wellPanel(p("Second screen.")))
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)

Change colour of checkbox using shinyWidgets

I am using awesomeCheckboxGroup from the package shinyWidgets to create checkboxes in a shiny app. As default, they have a blue background. I can change the background colour with the argument status = but this is limited to the five status colours.
I believe I should be able to make a custom status using CSS, and pass this through to the argument. However, when I inspect the page, it is totally eluding me which the relevant bit is to change. I can't see the blue colour mentioned anywhere! I've also tried changing the status in case I can see the relevant code change there, but that hasn't helped me either.
I have only ever used CSS in the context of an app like this, so apologies if I am missing something obvious. Also happy with a solution that uses an alternative approach, of course!
EDIT: I have now identified the element, so I can change the colour! The downside is that it also affects another part of the page. In my actual work, this doesn't matter because I am actually changing to the same colour as the header, so this is not noticeable - but is there a way to be more specific and colour only the checkboxes?
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
body <- dashboardBody(
fluidRow(class ="rowhide",
box(width = 12, solidHeader = TRUE,
awesomeCheckboxGroup(inputId = "checkbox",
label = "Filter",
choices = c("A", "B", "C"),
selected = c("A", "B", "C"))
# theme styling ####
:after, :before{
ui <- dashboardPage(dashboardHeader(title = "Example"),
server <- function(input, output) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
Success! By adding the id of the checkbox input, I was able to isolate it to just that one element. However, it me a while to figure this out because the id needs to be added to both the before and after parts.
Here is my working code:
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
body <- dashboardBody(
fluidRow(class ="rowhide",
box(width = 12, solidHeader = TRUE,
awesomeCheckboxGroup(inputId = "checkbox",
label = "Filter",
status = "warning",
choices = c("A", "B", "C"),
selected = c("A", "B", "C"))
# theme styling ####
#checkbox :after, #checkbox :before{
ui <- dashboardPage(dashboardHeader(title = "Example"),
server <- function(input, output) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
Check out this link: How to change the background color on a input checkbox with css? - you'll have to wrap anything within a tag call from shiny though
You can also change the “primary” colors of awesomeCheckbox inputs by adding this to your css file:
tags$style(".checkbox-bs-primary input[type='checkbox']:checked + label::before,
.checkbox-bs-primary input[type='radio']:checked + label::before {
background-color: #FFBB00;
border-color: #FFBB00;
.checkbox-primary input[type='checkbox']:checked + label::before,
.checkbox-primary input[type='radio']:checked + label::before {
background-color: #FFBB00;
border-color: #FFBB00;

Rshiny - Disabling tabs / adding text to tabs

I have a problem with shiny tabs. I want to create a navigation page with two tabs. Right to them, I would like to insert some user's login details. There is no option "text" or other to insert a text in the navbarPage. But I created an additionnal tab instead:
ui = navbarPage(
title="My App",
tabPanel("tab1 title"),
tabPanel("tab2 title"),
tabPanel("User: Madzia")),
server = function(input, output) { }
It is OK like this, but I do not want the third tab to be "selectible": I want it to be disabled, so that we cannot click on it - the same as on "My App" text. Do you have any idea about how to handle this problem?
Thank you! Best, Madzia
You can achieve disabling a tab with a tiny bit of javascript. I have an example of how to hide a tab (not disable) in recent blog post, you can see the code for that here. I modified that code a bit for disabling instead.
This code is hacky because it was done in 2 minutes but will work for a basic use case
jscode <- '
shinyjs.init = function() {
$(".nav").on("click", ".disabled", function (e) {
return false;
css <- '
.disabled {
background: #eee !important;
cursor: default !important;
color: black !important;
ui = fluidPage(
extendShinyjs(text = jscode, functions = "init"),
checkboxInput("foo", "Disable tab2", FALSE),
id = "navbar",
tabPanel(title = "tab1",
value = "tab1",
h1("Tab 1")
tabPanel(title = "tab2",
value = "tab2",
h1("Tab 2")
tabPanel(title = "tab3",
value = "tab3",
h1("Tab 3")
server = function(input, output) {
toggleClass(condition = input$foo,
class = "disabled",
selector = "#navbar li a[data-value=tab2]")
Edit I didn't fully read the question when I posted my answer, I just saw that you wanted a way to disable a tab and that was my answer. Your specific usecase (creating a tab only to show the name of a user) is a bit strange, but I suppose this will still work...
I would like to keep my previous answer in existence because it may be useful for someone in the future who wants to know how to disable a tab.
But for this specific problem, disabling the tab is not the correct approach. It makes more sense to simply add text to the tab (as Valter pointed out in a comment). If you look at the documentation for bootstrap, it says you can add text into the navbar by adding an html element with class navbar-text. I experimented with the HTML a little bit to figure out exactly where this needs to be done, and created a little function that will wrap around navbarPage() to allow you to add text to it.
Here's an example:
navbarPageWithText <- function(..., text) {
navbar <- navbarPage(...)
textEl <- tags$p(class = "navbar-text", text)
navbar[[3]][[1]]$children[[1]] <- htmltools::tagAppendChild(
navbar[[3]][[1]]$children[[1]], textEl)
ui <- navbarPageWithText(
"Test app",
tabPanel("tab1", "tab 1"),
tabPanel("tab2", "tab 2"),
text = "User: Dean"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Changing the style of widgets

I would like to know how to change the style of "radioButton" and "checkboxInput" widgets with css (tag$style() ).
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you!
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
h3("Hi! I would like to know how to change the style of these widgets with css (tag$style)"),
h3("I can change the style of sliders, unfortunately I cannot figure out how to do this with 'radioButtons'
and 'checkboxInput'. I usually inspect HTML-element in my browser and look for the css style, in this case this strategy does not work."),
radioButtons(inputId = "ex_radio", label = "How to change my style?",
choices = c("I want to be red when checked", "I want to be green")),
checkboxInput(inputId = "ex_checkbox", label = "I'd like to look bit different as well",
value = TRUE),
h3("Any help is appreciated :) Thank you!")
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) { })
shinyApp(ui, server)
The text you want to change is in a <span>. You can select the first span after the radio input by using the element+element CSS selector:
color: red;
color: green;
See here for more details. If you have more than one radio button elements, you can specifically apply this CSS to one of them using the #id selector, for ex:
#ex_radio input[type='radio']:checked+span{
color: red;
For the checkboxes, you can do the same thing by replacing type='radio' by type=checkbox.
