Why does my MasterPage UpdatePanel call a Page_Load on my ContentPage? - asp.net

My code in my MasterPage is causing a full page_load on my content pages every 5 seconds. Sadly, that means it is breaking some of my content pages and how they are programmed. My hope was that a separate UpdatePanel would allow only that region to be updated and not refresh the other UpdatePanels and resources on the content pages.
I've attempted moving the Timer out of the UpdatePanel, changing the UpdatePanel to UpdateMode="Conditional" and even using a third party AjaxPanel (Telerik).
All results are the same, the content page reloads every 5 seconds clearing the title template (Shown below) and sometimes breaking some functions on the site.
Until I can figure out a way to ONLY have the literal update without reloading the other resources I have to leave the Timer disabled.
I'll be happy to post more code if needed, but I didn't want to provide information that may not have any importance.
MasterPage - Site.Master
<title><%: Page.Title %> - My ASP.Net Site</title>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelMenu" runat="server">
<span>Tickets<asp:Literal ID="LiteralUnassignedTickets" runat="server"></asp:Literal></span>
<asp:Timer ID="TimerAutoRefreshMenu" runat="server" Interval="5000" Enabled="true"></asp:Timer>

if you have to use update panels make the update panel update conditional and set the timer as an asynchronous trigger(very important).
update panels are even worse when they are on master pages then when they are on the content page
a better option for minimal change is setTimeout to a function that does an ajax call to update the number of unassigned tickets. you can grow this to update a whole bunch of fields/elements using a json object. Plus the techniques can be very useful if you move to MVC.


User control retains focus incorrectly after TextChanged postback when UC is contained within a detailsview control

I reference a previous post: Focus lost on partial postback with UserControls inside UpdatePanel
where an excellent solution works perfectly for web-page controls within a form.
However, I have placed my UC inside a detailsview template-field (for Edit+Insert).
The UC contains an UpdatePanel needed to adjust the text-formatting and control's style(s) following the TextChanged event of the UC-textbox (AutoPostback=True) during the Edit-mode and Insert-modes of the DetailsView.
As such, when the DetailsView-control is in Edit-mode, and user changes Text in the UC, the textchanged event is fired and the user-entered value is validated and when OK, the thousounds-separator (comma) are added to the UC-textbox-text, BUT, the focus moves to the next field in the DetailsView and QUICKLY returns back to the UC-control.
This incorrect focus-move(s) does NOT occur when the UC is wrapped in updatepanels as noted in the referenced post since the focus and tabbing order works perfectly outside of the DetailsView control.
Here is the aspx markup for the template-field-EDIT (only).
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Initial Mileage" SortExpression="IMilage">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updpnlIMilage" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" >
<TGANumeric:GANumeric ID="ucnumIMileage" runat="server"
Caption="Initial Mileage" HideCaption="True" Width="160"
DisplayMask="999,999" InputMask="999999"
Enabled="True" IsRequired="False"
MinNumber="0" MaxNumber="999999"
Text='<%# Bind("IMilage") %>'
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="ucnumIMileage" />
Thanks in advance. Your comments are welcome.
So are you saying your control hierearchy (partial) is:
UpdatePanel > TGANumeric:GANumeric > UpdatePanel > TextBox
This is an awful lot of overhead to just format a number with a comma, which is the only reason I see for your posting back. As far as I can tell there is nothing you need from the server, so why post?
Or is there?
My thoughts, lose the update panels, disable the AutoPostback on the Textbox, handle the formatting client side if it must be seen immediately, or leave the formatting to the DetailsView field DataStringFormat when it posts after save.
I'm betting this will clear up any focus issues.
Based on all the comments in this thread, I want to explain the actual root cause of the tabbing misbehavior.
1) There were no coding issues or event-issues with the user-control.
2) There were no coding issues or event-issues with the layering of Master-page, Content-page, Ajax update-panels / nested update-panels, details-view and template-fields containing the user-control.
3) The real culprit was a small snippet of code where the page adjusts the web-controls on the form based on the "state" (status) of the page/form. I manage the adjusting of visible and/or enabling of web-controls in a single subroutine in the code-behind so that all of this enabling/disabling visible/not-visible occurs in one place under a set of CASE-statements.
The actual erroneous snippet of code inside the 'sbSetFormState()'-method was messing with the class-variable 'm_eFormState' that actually caused the update panel to re-fire and thus the tabbing got thrown out of sequence.
This was discovered by the great suggestion from 'fnostro' to remove or add functionality features until the mis-behavior exposes itself.
I mark this topic as resolved/closed.
Again, thanks to fnostro !!!

Disable page refresh after button click ASP.NET

I have an asp button that looks like this:
<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" Text="clickme" onclick="function" />
protected void function(object sender EventArgs e)
// Do some calculation
However, whenever I press the button, the entire page gets refreshed. I have looked on this site and found many solutions, but none of them really works for my project. Here are some of the suggested solutions:
set onclick="return false;" // but then how do I run the function in the code-behind?
use !IsPostBack in Page_Load // but the page still refreshes completely. I don't want Page_Load to be called at all.
Disable AutoEventWireup. // making this true or false doesn't make a difference.
Does anyone have a solution to this, or is it really impossible?
I would place the control inside of an Update panel.
To do so, you would also need a script manager above it, so something like this:
<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="sm">
<asp:updatepanel runat="server">
<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" Text="clickme" onclick="function" />
if a control inside the update panel does a postback, it will only reload the part of the page inside of the upate panel.Here is a link you may find useful from the MSDN site.
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding here of how ASP.Net works.
When a user first requests your page, an instance of your Page class is created. The ASP.Net framework runs through the page lifecycle with this page instance in order to generate html. The html response is then sent to the user's browser. When the browser receives the response it renders the page for the user. Here's the key: by the time rendering is complete, your page class instance was probably already collected by the .Net garbage collector. It's gone, never to be seen again.
From here on out, everything your page does that needs to run on the server, including your method, is the result of an entirely new http request from the browser. The user clicks the button, a new http request is posted to the web server, the entire page lifecycle runs again, from beginning to end, with a brand new instance of the page class, and an entirely new response is sent to the browser to be re-rendered from scratch. That's how ASP.Net (and pretty much any other web-based technology) works at its core.
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to get around this. One option is to put most of your current Page_Load code into an if (!IsPostBack) { } block. Another option is to set up your method with the [WebMethod] attribute and make an ajax request to the method from the button. Other options include calling web services from custom javascript and ASP.Net UpdatePanel controls.
What works best will depend on what other things are on the page that user might have changed.
That is normal behavior for asp.net, you are actually causing a postback of the the page in order for the associated event to be called on the server.
I would suggest working with update panels but if you just need something to happen on the backend without it causing any major change on the web page, I would use jquery and a web service. The main reason for me is that update panels create huge viewstate objects.
Have a look here for asp.net ajax : http://www.asp.net/ajax
And here for an example of jquery and wcf : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/132809/Calling-WCF-Services-using-jQuery
I have a similar problem. this answer helps me a lot. in your asp button.<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" Text="clickme" OnClientClick="return SomeMethod();" /> and in the SomeMethod which is a js method do your logic like manipulating your page then return false as the mentioned answer suggest.

Gridview inside UpdatePanel, paging/sorting doesn't work ONLY when using MasterPage

Another gridview in updatepanel paging/sorting questions folks.
Gridview looks like this:
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server"
Gridview is bound to linqdatasource using the Selecting event. This code works perfectly without the updatepanel. It also works perfectly if I copy to a page that isn't a Content Page to a Master Page. I've read a lot of posts about gridview issues in update panels with paging and sorting. In fact, there is one where they guy comments at the end that he got it working but it still fails when using a MasterPage. I've tried using a scriptmanager in the same page as the gridview and changing various options of the scriptmanager. To get it working, I just create a new page, copy my gridview, linqdatasource, scriptmanager, and code behind...and boom it works. It makes me wonder if I have something else in the page getting in the way. I do have other updatepanels where I can update content fine. So, this...combined with the post where the same issue is mentioned briefly has me perplexed.
I've also tried explicitly listing the event:
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="gdvPendingReview" EventName="PageIndexChanging" />
Here is the post where it seems like someone is having the same issue (at the very end):
GridView PAGING inside UpdatePanel does not work for second page change, why?
As I continue to test this, it becomes more frustrating and fascinating. I have created two new pages with only the gridview, linqdatasource, scriptmanager, and databinding methods. One page has no master....the other page has a master (but a completely new and clean one to avoid any possible interference). Same results! Paging/Sorting works great asynchronously as long as I'm not referring to a master page. :(
I should admit that I am a liar. The test page I set up (with Master) did have some code left over from a previous test. In fact, when I comment this code out, my GridView paging works inside the UpdatePanel when using a MasterPage. The culprit? A "Response.Write". When I toggle this off an on I can create the issue on demand. Big lesson "Relearned" here about testing and not assuming anything. There is still some mystery, though.
Interestingly, I don't have a Response.Write or anything I can find in my code for the original page with the issue. Does anyone have a thought on why the "Response.Write" would break the gridview sorting/paging in the updatepanel? If so, that may help pinpoint what is happening.
Thanks all!
Well, the answer to this issue is a bit embarrassing.
Lesson 1 - When you test, you isolate your issue as completely as possible and do not assume anything.
Lesson 2 - When troubleshooting AJAX issues, look for javascript errors.
Turns out my code works fine. The issue was other updatepanels on the page set to update "always". I noticed a javascript error in Firebug alerting me that an updatepanel couldn't be found when trying to sort/page the gridview I was having issues with. When I try to page my gridview, any updatepanel set to always also tries to update. Well, there is a "hidden" section of my page (visibility is off) with updatepanels. When attempting to sort/page my gridview, javascript is looking for these, I assume to update them, but cannot find them. There is a javascript error and all progress stops. The solution was to change the updatepanels that are hidden all to conditional (which has other repercussions but its bearable).
Does this seem like the correct behavior by default. If an updatepanel is inside another control whose visibility is turned off, should it be attempting to update?
Thanks all.

How can I refresh a dropdownlist during an event of another dropdownlist without refreshing whole web page?

I am developing my first asp.net website, my requirement is to refresh DropDownListB at SelectedIndexChanged event of DropDownListA, I have set AutoPostBack="True" for DropDownListA. Now the problem is whole web page gets refreshed, its unnecessary for me, is there any other technique that i can use to refresh only that control or only that panel rather than refreshing whole page?
Put the dropdowns inside
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server">
// Dropdowns
and include <asp:ScriptManager ID="sm" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager> at the top
1- You can simply place the dropdown in an UpdatePanel, this will avoid a complete post back.
You can get more details on UpdatePanel here
2- You can use jQuery AJAX to fetch the data in JSON format and bind it to the dropdown list, this approach is more efficient but little complex in comparison to UpdatePanel
You can find so many articles on this if you search this on google , like
You can find a similar implementation here

What is the best way to include content within an AJAX TabContainer?

I didn't want to have a ton of code on one page, but to keep the code modular and simple. So in my TabContainer I have the following where each tab refers to a web page and my code is inside each web page. My TabContainer itself is inside the default.aspx page.
<asp:TabContainer ID="tabTOL" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" CssClass="tol">
<asp:TabPanel ID="tabHome" runat="server" TabIndex="0" HeaderText="Home">
<iframe src="Home.aspx"></iframe>
Of course, the problem is that I cannot refer to other tabs or the TabContainer/default page from within any tab. I'm trying to update a TextBox on the default.aspx page from a tab, but there is no reference to it.
Should I bite the bullet and have one huge web page with all the html and code behind? There are a dozen tabs in my TabContainer. I would think this would slow down processing as well. Or, is there a cleaner way to do this and still retain the ability to reference controls on the main page or other tabs?
I'm working in VS2008 and .Net 3.5 and AJAX 3.5.
I would suggest that you change the structure of Home.Aspx into a Web User Control (*.ascx). The advantage is that you are now running within the context of the parent page. Therefore all it's functionality is within reach. For example, to acces a textbox on the parent page, from the Home.Ascx, you would do this:
((Default)this.Parent).txtMyTextBox.Text = "Hello";
