What's the purpose of .firebase/hosting. ALPHANUM.cache - firebase

Today I deployed firebase hosting. After deployment, I noticed firebase creates file of .firebase/hosting.ALPHANUM.cache, where ALPHANUM is actually some random baseNN ish value.
What is the purpose of this file?
More especially, can I add this to .gitignore?
Or, I should not?

This file is part of a new feature in Firebase Hosting that minimizes the size the time of a hosting deployment by only uploading the files that changed since the last deployment. It's new in CLI version 4.2.0, and you can read about that on GitHub.
As Frank suggested, you should definitely add the .firebase directory to your .gitignore or equivalent file, since it contains information that's not strictly part of your project, and is likely not applicable for everyone sharing and contributing to your project source code.


AWS CodeDeploy: How to stop it from deleting files?

We have a CodePipeline set up which uses CodeDeploy to deploy the latest updates from our repository on GitHub to an EC2 instance. This works fine, except for one issue: everything we have in our .gitignore file is deleted from the server whenever a deployment is performed.
For instance, this is a WordPress site, so we have wp-config.php and wp-content/uploads excluded from the repository. When a deployment runs, it deletes these files rendering the site unusable.
Our desired behavior is for CodeDeploy to overwrite existing files, but also ignore any files/directories not included in the repository so they can remain untouched. By default there seems to be a step that "clears out" the deployment destination before adding the new files, but we need to skip that.
Is there any setting, either in the console or appspec.yml, which will allow us to make deployments without having anything deleted? It seems like this would be a very common use case...if we can't make deployments like this then I'll have to just do all our updates via SFTP, which is pretty lame.
We have a WordPress implementation, and assume CodeDeploy will remove all files and replace them with the deployment package. This is its standard behavior, and I am pretty certain you cannot change that. It will want to sync the local file system with the deployment package you have provided.
For this reason, consider moving the upload directory outside of the document root to account for this. Check out https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/change-default-wordpress-uploads-folder/
Regarding files, we moved the upload folder to /var/files, and mounted that as a EFS volume. This provides you with better durability, and makes the file system independent of any given instance.
Also you should check in all files like wp-config.php on to the repo, for the same reasons - if you do not include it, then it will not be deployed.
With this approach we can easily replace instances via autoscalling. You may only have one instance at this time, but at some point you will want to scale.
But to answer the question directly:
Yes CodeDeploy can be configured so that files are retained the way you require.
You would implement a lifecycle hook script, where beforeInstall the reserved files are moved to /tmp, then the afterinstall hook would move them back. extra overhead for a deploy, which is why I suggest the above approach.
See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/latest/userguide/reference-appspec-file-example.html

How can I work on an existing Firebase (functions) project on a different machine?

I'm relatively new to Firebase and want to work on one Firebase Project from multiple Machines. When setting up a new Project locally via firebase CLI and attaching it to an existing Project in the cloud, there's a full project folder created in my local directory.
Is there any chance of sort of "downloading"/updating an existing project to a second machine?
The workaround I'd have chosen would be to manually copy the whole directory to the new environment and then login firebase.
But this would, given the fact of missing source control, bring the risk of overwriting changes made on machine 1 yesterday, when firebase deploy from machine 2 today, wouldn't it?
Sorry for maybe not expressing myself in a decent it-guy way, but I'm far from being a full-blooded programmer.
You have to manage your source code yourself, typically using a source control mechanism such as git or svn. Firebase does not provide a source control system for the code and configuration that you deploy to Cloud Functions.

firebase deploy not updating html file, not a cache issue

I'm doing a firebase deploy, but my local file does not match my served file. I have quadrupal checked the file that's in the deployed directory, I've disabled cache, I've hard reloaded, I've navigated directly to the file, I've made additional changes to the file, I've deployed from my local dev machine and from a clean CI server.
I navigate to http://localhost:3000/views/tasks.html and see one html result and then to https://[my-firebase-url]/views/tasks.html and see an older html result for the same file.
I've done firebase deploy --debug and everything is reported as successful and the file count is correct. Is there any additional information I can find out myself? Is there a way to look at the build that's uploaded to firebase mentioned in the debug file?
This has worked every time I've ever done it until now with the same project and file structure. Any way to troubleshoot this would be awesome. Thanks!
in my case I forgot to build(ng build --prod) the modified project to update the dist folder, which is uploaded on firebase server when deploy
As the comment by Frank van Puffelencheck mentioned, checking the Firebase status dashboard for the latest information is an additional step to take. If I had done that, I would have seen that the firebase deploy service was having issues at the time.
The issue for me was that I did not save the file. As i was working with bracket and seeing the modification, I forgot it.

Writing an appspec.yml File for Deployment from S3 (and/or Bit Bucket) to AWS CodeDeploy

I'd like to make it so that a commit to our BitBucket repo (or S3 Bucket) automatically deploys code (using CodeDeploy) to our EC2 instances. I'm not clear what to use for the 'source' and 'destination' entry under the 'files' section in the appspec.yml file and also I am not cleared what to mention in BeforeInstall and AfterInstall under 'Hooks' section. I've found some examples on Google and AWs documentation but I am confused what to mention in above fields. The more I am exploring more I am getting confused.
Consider I am new to AWS Code Deploy.
Also it will be very helpful if someone can provide me step y step link how to configure and how to automate the CodeDeploy.
I was wondering if someone could help me out?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Thanks for using CodeDeploy. For new users, I'd like to recommend the following things to do:
Try to run First Run Wizard on console, it will should you the general process how the deployment goes. It also provide a default deployment bundle, also an appspec file included.
Once you want to try a deployment yourself, the Get Started doc is a great place to help you with some pre-requiste settings like IAM role
Then probably try some tutorials for a sample app too, which gives you some idea about deployment groups, deployment configuration, revision and so on.
The next step should be create a bundle for your own use cases, Appspec file doc would be a great place to refer. And for your concerns about BeforeInstall and AfterInstall, if your application doesn't need to do anything, the lifecycle events can be left as empty. BeforeInstall can be used to for for preinstall tasks, such as decrypting files and creating a backup of the current version, while AfterInstall can be used for tasks such as configuring your application or changing file permissions.
Now it comes to the fun part! This blog talks about details about how to integrate with Github(similar for Bitbucket). It's a little long, but really useful, and it also includes how to do automatically deployment once there is a new pushed commit. Currently Jenkins and CodePipline are really popular for auto-triggered deplyoments, but there are always a lot of other ways can achieve the same purpose like Lamda and so on

How to use 51Degrees via NuGet with Azure?

I'm tryign to use 51Degrees in a .NET project that I deploy to Azure. August 2011, they released v1.2.1.3 marked as "Azure Compatible":
Foundation can now be deployed on to the Windows Azure Cloud service.
See the release note for full details on requirements and how to
setup. Azure related changes include: Instead of a log file, log
entries are written to a log table Instead of a devices file, previous
device requests are written to a device table A new conditional
compilation symbol - 'AZURE'. AZURE enabled builds will not work in
traditional ASP.NET.
Since then there have been a dozen releases and they are up to v2.1.4.9. However, their documentaiton is super light on how to use it with Azure. In fact, there was a bug originally because v1.2.1.3 stated
To make use of the changes you must create a storage account called
‘fiftyonedegrees’. The foundation will then create two tables, one for
previous devices, and another for logs.
This isn't possible because Azure storage accounts need to be unique across all instances so everyone can't create ones named fifityonedegrees.
Their response was:
After rereading the blog it seems I've made an oversight in this
regard, and will update shortly.
The storage account that the Foundation looks for can be changed in
the Foundation source code. Go to Foundation/Properties/Constants.cs
and change the string 'AZURE_STORAGE_NAME' to the name of your storage
However, I'm still at a loss at how to utilize it within my project. Here's my issues:
I'm not clear whether v1.2.1.3 is the only Azure compatible release, or every release after is Azure compatible. Their documentation doesn't say.
When I install 51Degrees via NuGet, my project doesn't get an App_Data folder created which contradicts their documentation. The web.config file even has entries in it that reference the App_Data folder such as <log logFile="~/App_Data/Log.txt" logLevel="Info"/>.
Based on the response to the Azure storage account bug I quoted earlier, they are sayign IN need to edit the file Foundation/Properties/Constants.cs. However, since I'm installing via NuGet and it's a DLL, NuGet is presumably the wrong approach? Do I need to download the source and compile it myself and wire it up to my project manually?
I'm generally new to .NET, NuGet, VS, etc so appreciate the help.
All versions are Azure compatible from onwards. I'm assuming this is the blog post you were talking about. After you've created your azure storage account, you'll have to edit the Constants.cs file in the source code and add in your account name. It's my understanding that this means you'll have to get access to the source code and edit it directly. One you have done this you'll need to recompile for the software to work correctly. I'm not sure if there is a way to perform the same task using NuGet, but I'll look into it. Hope this helps.
