About the license for commercial use - google-cloud-vision

I would like to use Google Cloud Vision service in commercial purpose.
But I could not find any clear description about whether it is permitted to use that service for the commercial use without following any license condition.
Briefly my question is 2 points below.
Is there any license which should be followed in order to commercial use?
the condition for commercial use
If there is someone who have answer about them,
it would be highly appreciated that you could give me answers.

The Vision API FAQs documentation mentions that is not permitted to resell the Cloud Vision API service; however, it is still possible to integrate it into applications of independent value.
Based on this, I recommend you to contact to the GCP Sales team in order to get a proper guidance about the conditions for commercial use, as well as the service license requirements that may vary based on your applications and solutions offered.


Not using AdSupport with Firebase

I am working on a project which doesn't allow us to use the AdSupport Framework. We are wondering what data we will lose / won't have access to with Firebase because of that.
The official documentation only states that "Some Analytics features, such as audiences and campaign attribution, and some user properties, such as Age and Interests, require the AdSupport framework to be enabled. Without this framework, Analytics cannot collect information needed for these features to function properly."
I can't find any additional details anywhere (including here).
I would appreciate the feedback from experts who faced the same situation.
Thanks a lot!

Why is Google Firebase not recommended by Google - in their own documentation - for multi-tenant applications?

There is a warning on the Firebase best practices documentation against using Firebase with multi-tenant applications: https://firebase.google.com/docs/projects/learn-more#multi-tenancy
This is what I am most concerned about: "Multi-tenancy can lead to serious configuration and data privacy concerns problems, including unintended issues with analytics aggregation, shared authentication, overly-complex database structures, and difficulties with security rules."
There is also plenty of official Google documentation supporting the use of Firebase for multi-tenancy, for instance: https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/multi-tenancy-authentication .
Do you know why they would have these conflicting recommendations and examples? Does use of Google Identity Platform fix the core security deficits mentioned in the warning?
I am re-posting this question, with additional clarification in the title, and a few edits/removals from the body, to specify that I am only looking for why this widely used product has this particular warning in its official documentation. I have removed most subjective content. I have no opinion on this that is relevant to the question - I am only looking to understand the warning. It seemed there was one good answer before the previous question was closed, so I will link that here for reference: Why is Google Firebase not recommended by Google in their own documentation for multi-tenant applications?
That does make sense if you manage 2 separate applications which have no relation with each other. Let's say you have an app that manages a school's information and other one is a restaurant management app. Now in this case I don't see any event that the school app might need access to restaurant data.
If you use the same project, then all the firebase services (auth, database, analytics, etc) will be shared among them. It'll be hard for you to separate analytics for each of the app. As the database is shared, you'll have to explicitly separate data of both apps by separating the path in db. (/apps/school for school, /apps/restaurant for restaurant).
That being said, any user registered on the school app can login on restaurant app without creating a new account there as you are sharing the same project among them.
Now if your client pays you a the Firebase costs every month, you cannot distinguish between how much should the school client pay. Now even if both the apps are your, the complexity will increase significantly if you go on using it.
https://firebase.google.com/docs/projects/learn-more#multi-tenancy <-- this explains how "Firebase Projects" works and https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/multi-tenancy-authentication explains about "Google Identity Kit" multi-tenant auth. So that's not a Firebase-only thing.

Sage Evolution website integration

A client asked us if it's possible to have the products on their website integrated with Sage Evolution so that when products are purchased online by users the stock values on Sage Evolution will be updated as well. The client would like this to be integrated with their existing WordPress site.
From what I've found so far, I don't think there's anything already available to use with WordPress except the SagePay through WooCommerce plugin. I'm not quite sure if this connects to a Sage client and updates the stock as well.
I found a Sage Evolution SDK that can be used but I doubt the client would buy with that kind of fees. There's also the SData api which I found here: Integrating with Sage Financial Software.
I'm not sure if you can use SData with Sage Evolution.
I would appreciate any help on this, thank in advance :)
As you've already noted, Sage Evolution has its own SDK and does not use the SData standard. Developers need to purchase a developer license and end-customers need to purchase a customer license.
I'd strongly recommend you don't go straight to the database as direct db writes could compromise transactional integrity and the Evolution database tends to change structurally quite frequently.
To use the SDK, you can't avoid the customer license fee but you can get a head start and avoid coding the integration by hand with Flowgear (www.flowgear.net). The Community plan is free and supports low transactional volumes. More about the connector at http://www.flowgear.net/pre-built/sage-evolution and https://developers.flowgear.net/kb/Node:Sage_Evolution
Disclosure: I work at Flowgear.

Spell checker software

I have been assigned a task to find a decent spell checker (UK English) preferably the free one for a project that we are doing.
I have looked at Google AJAX API for this. The project contains some young person's (kids less than 18 years old) data which shouldn't allow exposing or storing outside the application boundaries. Google logs the data for research purpose that means Google owns the data whatever we send over the wire through Google API. Is this right? I fired an email to Google regarding the privacy of data and storage but they haven't come back. If you have some knowledge regarding this please share with me.
At this point our servers might not have access to external entities that means we might not be able to use Web API for this over the wire. But it may change in the future. That means I have to find out some spell checker alternatives that can sit in our environment and do the job or an external APIs.
Would you mind share your findings and knowledge in this regard. I would prefer free services but never know if you have some cracking spell checker for a few quid’s then I don't mind recommending to the project board.
Technology using ASP.NET 3.5/4.0, MVC, jQuery, SQL Sever 2008 etc
GNU aspell might be suitable for your needs.
Yandex provides one. It is mainly targeted to Russian-speaking auditory, but it contains a dictionary for the English as well.

bing maps cost money?

I am building a new web site in asp.net, and im newbie with using maps.
For my web site i will need the following functionality:
display a map of specific location.
display route map between two or more location
calculate distance between 2 locations.
I found most of the functionality at the Bing Maps interactive SDK site:
and it works fine.
My questions are:
does it cost money to use this SDK ?
for the third task, i understand that i will have to use MapPoint Services.
(is there another way??) does it code money to use it?
I will really appreciate it if you dont send me links, cause my english is not the best one...
thanks a lot
It sounds like you're at the decision making stage of your project and weighing up the pros and cons of various frameworks. Due the nature of developing commercial applications using maps (supplied by Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other map provider), it might be an idea to code against a library called MapStraction.
It allows you to easily swap and change map providers depending on commercial and/or customer requirements. It also provides a consistent interface so changing your map provider half way through the project isn't a big deal.
Have a look at using OpenStreeMaps. It's completely free, and so far I have been very impressed with it. In my area, it's more accurate and detailed than Google maps.
In the UK OS maps are also free.
Bing Maps is a good option. If your website is public and the map is publically available, then you can make use Bing Maps for free if you have less than 125,000 page views (similar to a session) of your map page in a year as noted here: http://www.microsoft.com/maps/product/licensing.aspx
If you expect a higher volume of usage then you would need a license. Note that Bing Maps licenses tend to be cheaper the Google licenses. This is pretty neat as Bing Maps has much more data than Google.
Also, MapPoint Web Services are not need, nor do they exist anymore.
Read the licenses carefully, both Bing and Google Maps cost money, if you use it for commercial purpose.
E.g. read this blog post:
However, if you using it for your non-commercial app, it is free.
Another option to consider for those looking at this thread is Azure Maps, Microsoft's newer enterprise mapping platform. It usually costs less than Bing Maps and provides more features and services. It is also a part of Azure which make things a lot easier if you are already developing in Azure. Find more information at https://azure.com/maps
You can do all of that using just Bing Maps. The Bing Maps routing service can b sued to calculate the driving distance between two locations. If you want the straight line (as the crow flies) distance then it's just a simply calculation.
For Bing Maps you will always need a license, however there are free licenses. If you qualify for free usage depends on your use case. There's a good tool available for figuring out if you need an Enterprise license or if you qualify for free usage here: http://www.microsoft.com/maps/Licensing/licensing.aspx
