mailchimp Connecting to url failed - rss

For email campaign based on rss feed, it shows error on clicking next.
My feed is ok but mailchimp doesn't accept that and shows this:
Connecting to url ( failed.
this is error image
Unfortunately, it was due to sanctions, but nothing was mentioned in the error message.

After removing the AAAA / IPV6 records for our domain from our registrar, Mailchimp started accepting the feed. I am using
I was noticing that pinging the domain was timing out sometimes, which shouldn't happen. It should have reverted to IPV4, but didn't.


HTTP error 414 returning from the payment gateway

I have a setback I hope you can help me
the following happens
I'm doing a test of the payment gateway of my website and what happens is that once inside the checking (or about to make the payment) when I go back it sends me back to the page to finalize the purchase (so far so good) .
the problem is that it seems that when doing that some options on the page disappear and when trying to go to the home page
I get an error 414 for URl too long.
and I can not access the page again until I exit the browser clear cache and reopen
I know that this can be solved by modifying the Apache httpd configuration, however it seems to me that it is not correct.
I use Wordpress with Woocommerce and CoinPayments gateway
I do not put my web address because I do not know if it is allowed by the forum, thank you very much in advance.

How do I resolve "ERR CERT COMMON NAME INVALID" page after visiting my Firebase hosting web app (no custom URL)?

I have a personal website: https://www.${DOMAIN-NAME} (advertising my real site may annoy some people)
This web app is working fine on my devices. I sent this link to my friend and it's showing him "ERR CERT COMMON NAME INVALID" error page. He is on a very secure computer.
Here is a screenshot of the error page:
I found one solution to this along with a process to recreate this error page. I went on a new device that has never visited my web app. Then, I wrote http://www.${DOMAIN-NAME} ("http" here) and got this error page. Changing from "http" to "https" here doesn't help. However, I solved this by closing the tab, and writing https://www.${DOMAIN-NAME} on a new tab. This immediately establishes the green secure lock.
However, this didn't help my friend. Is there something that I don't know that's causing this issue? I'll await any helpful answers. Regards,
You cannot add a www. in front of a Firebase Hosting domain. That's why you're seeing invalid cert. Try just https://${DOMAIN-NAME}

Mailchimp - WordPress RSS Feed Not Valid

When trying to create an RSS-driven campaign in Mailchimp, I get the error below. My RSS link is is not a valid RSS feed.
The link seems to work in my browser and a green padlock appears. I think this is due to SSL. If I try to validate my RSS feed, here is what happens:
Server returned [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error [help]
How can I fix that? I'm using Nginx on the Server.
EDIT: It seems that CloudFlare is the problem. See one solution here.

Drupal Commerce - PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning

After a few days we always get this email from paypal when someone is paying with paypal on our onlineshop:
Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment
Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider
that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider
with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be
disabled for your account.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.
We are using Drupal Commerce on Drupal 7. The "funny" thing is: Sometimes this error appear, sometimes not. When this error appear the Drupal-Commerce can not set the Payment status to "Completed" so it costs a lot of time to do this manually ...
I found a "solution" for this here but the *.patch does not removed the problem:
Any other solutions ? :/
When take a look at the drupal recent log messages I can find the error which was tracked.
Here's the information I get:
Type commerce_paypal
Date Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 13:15
User Anonymous (not verified)
Location [URL]/commerce_paypal/ipn/paypal_wps%7Ccommerce_payment_paypal_wps
Message IPN URL accessed with no POST data submitted.
Severity warning
Edit 2:
We found smth ... We have HTTPS. I jsut treid to use the HTTP Url. And ... this works fine. But we want to be at HTTPS isntead of HTTP. But maybe it will help you whats happened here ?
This seems to be an issue with Paypal itself - a user noted that sometimes the Paypal callback is encoded, thus pipe characters ("|") get encoded to "%7C". That user has described your problem - it's very hard to debug this issue, as it only occurs sometimes.
Here is a link to the issue, along with a small patch:
This issue occurs on Paypal itself, although I am wondering why this patch hasn't been included in drupal commerce itself...
You need to check your web server log files to see exactly what error is happening on the failures. You'll be able to see the PHP error that you would typically see on screen when something is failing like that.
That will give you direction on what is going wrong and what you might need to do to fix it.
Another thing you could do is replicate the IPN that failed yourself and POST it directly to your IPN listener in a browser so that you can see the result on screen. This can help with troubleshooting and debugging. Just create an HTML form with the action set to your IPN URL and then add a bunch of hidden fields that match the names/values you got in an order that failed. That would trigger the same error so you can see it.

Content Encoding Error when connecting to LinkedIn oAuth

I have configured 2 providers and used the FOS-Oauth-Bridge. FB works just fine, but when I try connecting to LinkedIn, the browser shows the message
Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an
invalid or unsupported form of compression.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
I tried decoding the generated URL and that seems fine to:
I tried changing the redirect URL to, changing the port to 8X but nothing works
I do not have SSL installed on my Windows / Apache
When I manually change the LinkedIn URL to HTTP (instead of HTTPS), I get this message
Request denied
**Request denied**
Sorry, we are unable to serve your request at this time due to unusual traffic from your network connection.
Reason codes:
Can someone help me figure out the problem?
