Count of days between 2 dates excluding the weekend in R - r

I want to calculate number of days between two dates by excluding the weekends.
enter image description here

You can make a sequence of dates (and days, both with lubrirdate), filter out the weekends and count the number of rows:
df <- data_frame(date = seq(ymd("2018-06-01"), ymd("2018-09-30"), by = "days"))
days <- mutate(df, day = wday(date, label = T)) %>%
filter(day != "Sat", day != "Sun") %>%

You can do it with help of library chron
Sample Code:
number_of_days <- (START_DATE,END_DATE,by=1)
Hope this helps


Using runner package to summarise groups

I have a table of house prices and sale dates. I want to calculate the rolling median price over a time window of 365 days using the runner package. I only want one median price per date.
My problem is when I try the below code, I get more than one median price for a date if that date appears more than once. This isn't what I expected to occur. I thought there'd be one result for each day if I used group_by/summarise.
startDate = as_date("2018-01-01")
endDate = as_date("2020-01-01")
# Create data
soldData <- tibble(
price = round(rnorm(100, mean=500000, sd=100000),-3),
date = sample(seq.Date(startDate,endDate,by="days"),100,replace=T))
# Fill in the missing dates between startDate and endDate
soldData <- bind_rows(soldData,anti_join(tibble(date=seq.Date(startDate,endDate,by="day")),soldData)) %>%
# Find the duplicated dates
duplicatedDates <- soldData[duplicated(soldData$date),]$date
# I thought using group_by/summarise would return one medianPrice per date
results <- soldData %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(medianPrice = runner(
k = "365 days",
idx = date,
f = function(x) {median(x,na.rm=T)}))
# These are the problem rows.
duplicatedResults <- results %>%
filter(date %in% duplicatedDates)
Any idea where I'm going wrong?
From dplyr 1.0.0, you can have output that returns multiple rows from summarise.
First you need to deal with duplicate data which you already have in your data. What do you want to do of dates that have multiple occurrence? One way would be to take median/mean of them.
soldData %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(price = median(price, na.rm = TRUE)) -> df
So now in df we only have one value for each date. You can now apply the runner function.
df %>%
mutate(medianPrice = runner(price,
k = "365 days",
idx = date,
f = function(x) {median(x,na.rm=T)}))
There is also zoo:rollmedianr which helps in calculating rolling median.

Group dates by certain range in R

let's say I have a list of dates from March 1st to July 15th:
daterange ="2020-3-1"), as.Date("2020-7-15"), "days"))
I want to group the dates by 1-15 and 16-30/31 for each month. So the dates in March will be separated into two groups: Mar 1-15 and Mar 16-31. Then keep doing this for every month.
I know the lubridate package can sort by week, but I don't know how to set a custom range.
We can create a logical vector on day as well as a group on yearmon
daterange2 <- daterange %>%
set_names('Date') %>%
group_by(yearmon = as.yearmon(Date),
Daygroup = (day(Date) > 15) + 1) %>%
mutate(Label = str_c(format(Date, '%b'),
str_c(min(day(Date)), max(day(Date)), sep='-'), sep= ' '))
Using base R, you can create two groups in each month by pasting the month value from each date and assign value 1/2 based on the date.
newdaterange <- transform(daterange, group = paste0(format(date, "%b"), '-group-',
ifelse(as.integer(format(date, "%d")) > 15, 1, 2)))

Conversion of daily to standard meteorological week in R

I have seen many questions in SO on converting daily data to weekly using xts, zoo or lubridate packages. None of the answers was found appropriate for my problem. I have tried the following code
#Calculation for multistation
df <- data.frame("date"= seq(from = as.Date("1970-1-1"), to = as.Date("2000-12-31"), by = "day"),
"Station1" = runif(length(seq.Date(as.Date("1970-1-1"), as.Date("2000-12-31"), "days")), 10, 30),
"Station2" = runif(length(seq.Date(as.Date("1970-1-1"), as.Date("2000-12-31"), "days")), 11, 29),
"Station3" = runif(length(seq.Date(as.Date("1970-1-1"), as.Date("2000-12-31"), "days")), 9, 28))
# Aggregate over week
df %>%
mutate(Week = week(ymd(date)),
Year = year(ymd(date))) %>%
pivot_longer(-c(Week, date, Year), values_to = "value", names_to = "Station") %>%
group_by(Year, Week, Station) %>%
summarise(Weekly = mean(value)) %>%
arrange(Station) %>%
print(n = 55)
From the output you can see that 1970 cotains 53 weeks which I don't want. I want to start the week from the first date of every year and the 52nd week should have 8 days in a nonleap year and in case of leap years 9th and 52nd week should have 8 days so that every year contains 52 weeks only. How to do that in R?
Why not just write a function that gives the meteorological week from the definition you gave? Package lubridate will give you the day of the year with yday, which can act as the index for a vector of the correct week labels. These are straightforward to construct with simple modular math and concatenation.
You then only need to figure out if you are in a leap year, which again is possible using lubridate::leap_year. Combine these in an ifelse and you have an easy-to-use function:
met_week <- function(dates)
normal_year <- c((0:363 %/% 7 + 1), 52)
leap_year <- c(normal_year[1:59], 9, normal_year[60:365])
year_day <- lubridate::yday(dates)
return(ifelse(lubridate::leap_year(dates), leap_year[year_day], normal_year[year_day]))
and you can do
df %>% mutate(week = met_week(date))
You could just do it manually on the day of the year, not sure there is a function already built for that.
df %>%
mutate(Week = pmin(52, ceiling(yday(date) / 7)),
Year = year(ymd(date)))

summarize weekly average using daily data in R

How to add one column price.wk.average to the data such that price.wk.average is equal to the average price of last week, and also add one column to the data such that it equals to the average price of last month? The price.wk.average will be the same for the entire week.
Dates Price Demand Price.wk.average
2010-1-1 x x
2010-1-2 x x
2015-1-1 x x
try to post reproducible examples. It will make it easier to help you. you can use dplyr:
df <- data.frame(date = seq(as.Date("2017-1-1"),by="day",length.out = 100), price = round(runif(100)*100+50,0))
df <- df %>%
group_by(week = week(date)) %>%
mutate(Price.wk.average = mean(price)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(month = month(date)) %>%
mutate( = mean(price))
(Since I don't have enough points to comment)
I wanted to point out that Eric's answer will not distinguish average weekly price by year. Therefore, if you are interested in unique weeks (Week 1 of 2012 != Week 1 of 2015 ), you will need to do extra work to group by unique weeks.
df <- data.frame( Dates = c("2010-1-1", "2010-1-2", "2015-01-3"),
Price = c(50, 20, 40) )
Dates Price
1 2010-1-1 50
2 2010-1-2 20
3 2015-01-3 40
Just to keep your data frame tidy, I suggest converting dates to POSIX format then sorting the data frame:
df <- df %>%
mutate(Dates = lubridate::parse_date_time(Dates,"ymd")) %>%
arrange( Dates )
To group by unique weeks:
df <- df %>%
group_by( yw = paste( year(Dates), week(Dates)))
Then mutate and ungroup.
To group by unique months:
df <- df %>%
group_by( ym = paste( year(Dates), month(Dates)))
and mutate and ungroup.

lubridate - select first non-Monday of every week.

Having a tibble of financial data, I would like to filter it by only selecting the first non-Monday of every week. Usually it will be a Tuesday, but sometimes it can be a Wednesday if Tuesday is a Holiday.
Here is my code that works in most cases
XLF <- quantmod::getSymbols("XLF", from = "2000-01-01", auto.assign = FALSE)
xlf <- as_tibble(XLF) %>% rownames_to_column(var = "date") %>%
select(date, XLF.Adjusted)
xlf$date <- ymd(xlf$date)
# We create Month, Week number and Days of the week columns
# Then we remove all the Mondays
xlf <- xlf %>% mutate(Year = year(date), Month = month(date),
IsoWeek = isoweek(date), WDay = wday(date)) %>%
filter(WDay != 2)
# Creating another tibble just for ease of comparison
xlf2 <- xlf %>%
group_by(Year, IsoWeek) %>%
filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
That said, there are some issues that I have not been able to solve so far.
The issue is for instance that it is skipping "2002-12-31" which is a Tuesday because it is considered as part of the first ISO week of 2003.
There are a few similar issues.
My question is how could I select of the first non-Monday of every week without such issues while staying in the tidyverse (ie. not having to use xts / zoo class)?
You can create a consistently increasing week number yourself. Perhaps not the most elegant solution but it works fine for me.
as_tibble(XLF) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "date")%>%
select(date, XLF.Adjusted)%>%
mutate(date = ymd(date),
Year = year(date),
Month = month(date),
WDay = wday(date),
WDay_label = wday(date, label = T))%>%
# if the weekday number is higher in the line above or
# if the date in the previous line is more than 6 days ago
# the week number should be incremented
mutate(week_increment = (WDay < lag(WDay) | difftime(date, lag(date), unit = 'days') > 6))%>%
# the previous line causes the first element to be NA due to
# the fact that the lag function can't find a line above
# we correct this here by setting the first element to TRUE
mutate(week_increment = ifelse(row_number() == 1,
# we can sum the boolean elements in a cumulative way to get a week number
mutate(week_number = cumsum(week_increment))%>%
filter(WDay != 2)%>%
group_by(Year, week_number) %>%
filter(row_number() == 1)
