Is continuously previewing Google App Maker apps the only way to update/debug them? - google-app-maker

I've used App Maker for several small projects since the launch of the EAP. Coming from TDD with PHP and hot reloading with Node, I'm frustrated by how long it takes to see changes and debug. I'm now wondering if I'm missing some critical piece of knowledge, because it seems too tedious.
Here's an example:
I have a form field that's bound to a client-side function. The function returns a calculated number based on the value of other form fields (some of which are also calculated). When I click preview and fill out the form, of course, there's going to be a console error or the calculation will be off. So I tweak the function, hit preview, and try again - repeatedly, until I get the expected output.
Since it takes 10-15 seconds for my preview to render each time, I'm spending a ton of dev time staring at a rotating circle.
I've had some success composing and debugging some of the scripts in another environment (Google Apps Scripts, local IDE, etc), then cutting and pasting them into App Maker. That doesn't work well when the function references App Maker models and widgets though.
Is there something I'm missing here, or is repetitive previewing really the only way to design and debug within App Maker?

A quick and dirty method I use a lot is adding this line to any function I want to look at closely. AppMaker shows a warning for every debugger call so there's no risk of forgetting it in the code as well.
Of course, this only works for client-side scripts.


Karate tests - problem with visiting PDF link from email in headless mode (run from Jenkins) [duplicate]

I want to have an option on the cucumber report to mute/hide scenarios with a given tag from the results and numbers.
We have a bamboo build that runs our karate repository of features and scenarios. At the end it produces nice cucumber html reports. On the "overview-features.html" I would like to have an option added to the top right, which includes "Features", "Tags", "Steps" and "Failures", that says "Excluded Fails" or something like that. That when clicked provides the same exact information that the overview-features.html does, except that any scenario that's tagged with a special tag, for example #bug=abc-12345, is removed from the report and excluded from the numbers.
Why I need this. We have some existing scenarios that fail. They fail due to defects in our own software, that might not get fixed for 6 months to a year. We've tagged them with a specified tag, "#bug=abc-12345". I want them muted/excluded from the cucumber report that's produced at the end of the bamboo build for karate so I can quickly look at the number of passed features/scenarios and see if it's 100% or not. If it is, great that build is good. If not, I need to look into it further as we appear to have some regression. Without these scenarios that are expected to fail, and continue to fail until they're resolved, it is very tedious and time consuming to go through all the individual feature file reports and look at the failing scenarios and then look into why. I don't want them removed completely as when they start to pass I need to know so I can go back and remove the tag from the scenario.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Karate 1.0 has overhauled the reporting system with the following key changes.
after the Runner completes you can massage the results and even re-try some tests
you can inject a custom HTML report renderer
This will require you to get into the details (some of this is not documented yet) and write some Java code. If that is not an option, you have to consider that what you are asking for is not supported by Karate.
If you are willing to go down that path, here are the links you need to get started.
a) Example of how to "post process" result-data before rendering a report: and also see
b) The code responsible for "pluggable" reports, where you can implement a new SuiteReports in theory. And in the Runner, there is a suiteReports() method you can call to provide your implementation.
Also note that there is an experimental "doc" keyword, by which you can inject custom HTML into a test-report:
Also see:

R/Shiny: View full stack/execution log

I'm debugging a Shiny web app, and would like to see the entire control flow/execution path over the course of rendering and updating the generated website.
Is there a way to capture/print/dump-to-file every line of code that is executed in the process of rendering/updating a Shiny app? It would also be good (maybe better?) to see every line of R code parsed by the running R interpreter instance; I'm not concerned about length of this output, and would prefer to get things as verbosely as possible.
I have looked into the stack tracing Shiny functions but these seem to be intended for error catching/handling/reporting. The app is not generating errors/warnings, just setting some variables to NULL at some point when they shouldn't be, so I'm not sure if this is the right approach. These stack tracing functions also seem to be more localized, designed to operate within a given reactive variable/function/render rather than following the control/execution flow across differing reactives/rendering functions in an app.
This app is a large, company-internal app so I cannot give a MRE/MWE.
I finally found the profvis package that does more-or-less exactly what I want by taking a snapshot of the execution stack at a fixed time interval (default 10ms). I'm still working on using this tool to debug, but I believe this will get me there and would also be useful to others debugging Shiny apps that need more than browser() and/or reactlog.
Specifically, I have been doing:
exec_log <- profvis(runApp("myShinyApp"))
...interact with the myShinyApp web page enough to trigger the bug, then interrupt execution...

Website doesn't build, but works correctly in browser

When I build my website project using visual studio 2016 (or any visual studio for that matter), the compiler gives me an error:
However if I go to the code file ResetPassword.aspx the edtEmployeeSurname control is present and it has a runat="server" attribute.
There is also no errors given to me if I open the ResetPassword.aspx.vb code file. (So no red lines under any variable names / Control ID's).
What is really interesting is that the website (Even ResetPassword.aspx) loads correctly from the browser without any issues and I can submit the form.
If I comment out all the code in ResetPassword.aspx.vb then it just finds another control that "Doesn't Exist" and so it carries on with a lot of pages.
All I want to know is:
What causes these issues
How to fix these issues OR how to determine what the issue is.
If this is a common mistake that some developers make then please help me to formulate a search string to use in google, because most of my search results were obscure or off topic.
I've run into this sort of thing before and I believe the errors you are seeing are red herrings. They lead me to believe that one of your lower projects where your user controls are defined, or possibly even lower than that, has a possibly unrelated error in it which is causing it to not be built by visual studio, which in turn makes visual studio think your user controls aren't defined.
What I normally do is build the solution and watch the output window. It will build all of your projects individually, the first error you see pop up in the output window is the source of your problem. Everything else you are seeing is a symptom of that original issue. If you fix the first error that shows up in your output then it will either build correctly or you will have to repeat the process with the next error that pops up.
Visual Studio used to order the errors in the error list in the order that they came up during the build but that has changed, I, personally, really preferred the old sorting(I think there is a setting that you can use to get back to the old sorting but I can't think of it off the top of my head).
From screenshots, it shows you have 50 errors in your project. There is no way an application will run successfully if you have not set to do so.
You could make application run, even if errors.
Check SO post :
Debugging runs even with compiler's errors in Visual Studio
If you have already cleaned and rebuilt solution,
Try running application in other browser or another computer, may be you have data shown from previous successful result.
Based on the wording of the error, I believe it's possible you are referring to some of these controls outside the code behind of ResetPassword.aspx. The latter part of the message says It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. By default, the backing variable for a control you place on a form is Protected and therefore cannot be seen outside the scope of that control or its inheritance chain.

What Happens on Shiny runApp()?

I have a shiny app with a login page. Once the user has logged in, it directs them to the rest of the app.
As I have been developing my shiny app, the time it takes to render the initial login page has been increasing (it is now around 30 seconds).
I have put breakpoints all over my code (including the first lines of ui.R, server.R, and other files which are sourced).
The login screen is similar to that of this great post from Huidong Tian.
What is shiny doing for 30 seconds between me doing runApp(), and
hitting the first breakpoint on the first line of my code?
The console simply prints:
Listening on, and then waits.
I hope the question is generic enough such that code isn't needed - and I'm not sure what code could help answer the question. Let me know if further info is needed. Thanks.
Answer to the original question: (this is as I have observed, please comment / edit if incorrect)
When I do runApp(), RStudio compiles the all the code within the application, and no breakpoints are triggered.
Once the entire code is compiled (ie reactive expressions stored in the memory, packages loaded), breakpoints are triggered on lines of code as they are hit.
Why my code was slow before first breakpoint
Reactive expression wasn't properly used on the big database call, and I have now sourced much of my code to other files which has improved the speed greatly.
I have also discovered the fantastic function reactivePoll() which has helped.

ASP.Net Ajax Javascript function taking too much time

We are using ajax 1.1 (and can't upgrade to latest for internal known reasons). We are having a page where we call ScriptService method through ASP.Net ajax and oncallback of result, we bind that result to Html controls on the page. During testing we observed that this whole process is taking too much time. When we profiled using IE8 developer toolbar, we observed that there is one standard function from Ajax frameworks' own JS. Function name is function$_validateParameterType and it is the one which takes maximum time amongs others.
Is there any way we can reduce the time take by this. Is there any standard practice for such requirements.
Oh, I figured it out.. Basically these functions are used mostly when we are running into debug mode. These checks are not there when running on Release mode. So i recompiled in release mode and then observed the profile output, now these functions do not appear at all..
That was very good to understand ..
