View Google analytics for firebase data in Google Analytics app - google-analytics

Just curious if its possible, since Google analytics and Google analytics for firebase seems to be two different things. It would be convenient to see analytics for all my projects at the same place.

This is not possible at the moment, however you can see data collected by all the Firebase apps present in a project in a single dashboard.
Firebase data can flow into Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager but vice versa is not possible.


Difference between the 3+ Google Analytics APIs

What is the difference between Google Analytics Reporting API, Google Analytics API, and Google Analytics Data API? What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account, but it sounds like all 3 of these APIs are for reporting on data. Could you advise? I've been looking through their docs and they all still sound the same.
Analytics hub is for big query.
Google analytics reporting api - Gives access to extract data from Universal analytics accounts
Google analytics api - is a little harder to nail down. It almost sounds like it gives access to extract data and and configure google analytics data. Which would imply that its management api for for universal analytics Google analytics admin api and possibly the reporting api as well.
Google analytics data api - used to extract data from Google analytics ga4 accounts
What I need is to report on the data for a 3rd party site/account
Im not sure what you mean by this. None of those are for sending data to google analytics. To send data to google analytics. you would use one of the collection options.

How can I get my customers' Google Analytics data?

I want to create a SaaS, for this I need my customers' Google Analytics data. Can I do this? Is something like this possible? I found the Management API, but I don't know if I can do it, I don't even understand it. Thanks
In order to request Google analytics data you need to use serval different apis. But the first thing you need to understand is that there are two versions of google analytics these days Universal analytics and Ga4. They are not interchangeable.
Universal analytics
The management api will give you access to see what universal analytics google analytics accounts that the user has access to. This is just the accounts and users. It is not the data itself within a universal analytics account.
To see the data within a universal analytics account you need to use the Google analytics reporting api. This api will allow you to extract universal analytics data on behalf of your users.
As for the GA4 accounts. you would need to use the Google analytics admin api to access account information. The Google analytics data api will give you access to the data within a GA4 account.
Note: at the time of writing both of the GA4 apis are still in Beta.
All of these systems will require that you have the consent of a user on the account in order to access their data. So you will need to implement Oauth2 authentication and request access with the appropriate google analytics scope.
Management API is irrelevant. If you need the data, you need the Reporting API. It's here:
It requires OAuth 2.0 authentication. Here's more on it:

Retrieve GA3 and GA4 data with same API?

So we are using Reporting V3 API in our custom dashboard to retrieve custom reports from multiple GA properties. Now some of our customers have GA4 properties which doesn't show up in properties list. Question is, to support both versions (GA3 and GA4) the only alternative now is to use Reporting V3 and Data API for different properties or did we miss something and there's one API which can be used for both GA versions?
There are two versions of Google analytics now Universal analytics and GA4 they are completely different and have different APIs designed for each one.
Google analytics reporting api allows you to access data from Universal analytics accounts.
Google Analytics GA4 is a completely different system and is not supported by the reporting api to access data behind a GA4 account you will need to use the Google analytics data api
there is also the Google analytics admin API which is the equivalent for the Management api for GA4. so if you want to be able to list a customers GA4 accounts you will need to use that api as well.
Note: The admin api is currently in alpha, and the data api is currently in beta. Take that into account before developing production applications using these apis.

Difference between Google analytics and Firebase analytics

I've been searching on the internet for the difference between Google Analytics and Firebase Analytics, with little to no success.
Could anyone help me understand how they are connected? Are they even connected or are they absolutely separate services? Is Firebase Analytics based on Google Analytics?
I would really appreciate if someone could help me wrap my head around this. Thanks a lot. ;)
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google. Google analytics requiers that users add a js tracking code to their website in order to send page hits to Google Analytics. Google analytics also supported mobile analytics though android and IOS sdk's which sent Screen hits to google analytics. There was a difference between Mobile and web google analytics accounts.
Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. Firebase introduced Firebase Analytics which would allow for analytics across Firebase applications. Analytics was preformed on the usage of the firebase account and applicatons running on it.
Google analytics GA4 as of writing was very recently released. GA4 allows for analytics across both web and mobile applications. Using again a snippit. Its worth noting that GA4 tracking methods is vastly different from Google analytics even the property types are different, the management api, and the metadata api.
The main difference between Google analytics and Firebase analytics is that they are two different applications. Each application measures difffent things.
Although it is early days it is now possible to link GA4 and Firebase, this blurs the lines between the two systems. This is still alpha and as of writing it has yet to be seen how well this will work.
Found this article super helpful:
My understanding from it is that Firebase Analytics became Google Analytics for Firebase which is now Google Analytics 4. The original Google Analytics was useful for tracking website analytics, but not designed for app analytics. This is where Firebase Analytics came in. Now, the most recently released Google Analytics 4 measures BOTH website traffic and app usage.

Can I get the charts in Dashboards of Customization session?

I am going to export those dashboards into my web using google analytics api.
Does google analytics api have any methods to get the data of the dashboards?
Or I have to create one by one myself using google analytics api?
The Google Analytics API us used for extracting data from Google Analytics. In the case of the Reporting API its dimensions and metric data. In the Case of the management API its information about the account itself.
Dashboards are UI data from the Google Analytics website. There is no way to export that information.
So no you are not going to be extracting dashboard info using any of the Google analytics APIs.
