How to customize Spring Boot admin 2.o UI? - spring-boot-actuator

How to customize Spring Admin 2.0 UI? I want to add some new tabs and delete some of the Info on the Admin screen.

According to this Stack Overflow question to disable tab you should disable specific endpoint.
To add custom view check their reference documentation, you will need to implement Vue.js component:


Did anyone tried to add React UI to KeystoneJS v6 for custom page?

Took a while to lookup the keystone config, seems no way to addon to _app.js for the Admin NextJS app
This is a current limitation of Admin UI customisation - if changes need to be made in _app.tsx or _document.tsx it can’t be done. The team's aware of it and there's been a lot of internal discussion about how the Admin UI could be improved. This all falls under "next-gen Admin UI" mentioned on the roadmap.

Google Signin with Firebase Auth on Android Cordova not working

I spent hours trying to make Google Signin work on Android with Cordova (it was working on iOS / Web). I have followed these instructions:
I was trying to use a custom Dynamic Link ("") and it was not working: after authenticating, the user was redirected to the website INSIDE the popup, instead of closing it and authenticate in the app.
So I decided to create a simple "", but it was not working neither.
Finally, I simply deleted my custom Dynamic Link, and voila, it works!
So you can use a custom domain for the AUTH_DOMAIN, but not for the DYNAMIC_LINK_DOMAIN. Important: if you use a custom AUTH_DOMAIN, you will have to change manually the authDomain attribute in the firebase config of your app.
#Firebase team: I think it could be useful to update the doc to precise that:
you cannot use custom Dynamic Link
you cannot have several Dynamic Link active
And ideally, it would be ideal to explain how the Dynamic Link is used by Firebase Auth: I followed the explanation, thought that any dynamic link would do the trick, but since you do not explain how it works, it's extremely hard to guess that it is not the case, and that having several dynamic links can be an issue.

How to add custom plugin in telerik app builder app

I have needed to add custom plugin into app for refresh gallery while image is download by user.
I have already tried to added above plugin in my telerik app but not add properly.So,please give proper suggestion to how to add custom plugin in telerik app.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
There are full instructions on how to do this in the docs:

SonataAdmin, add a page in the dashboard

I'm working on Symfony2 and SonataAdminBundle.
I need to add a module in my admin for send email to all users.
So, i need a new page with a link in the menu.. How can i do that simply ?
Fow now i have my blocks in my dashboard, so one one page..

Adding multiple facebook page tabs from single facebook application using php

I have created a facebook application.
Now i want that using this application i need to add multiple pagetabs in a page.
and all of this i want to do in php
I have completed following steps
1) Logged in to facebook using my php script and got authenticaticationc code for managing pages.
2) Retrieved the list of pages i have in loged in users profile.
Now i don't know how to add a page tab in facebook programmatically.
I know there is a manual option and that is in applications settings to add a page tab
but I want to add it Programmatic using php.
Any help will be very appreciated.
Applications are allowed to have one Page Tab. So if you need to have multiple tabs for same app on single page where is no way to achieve this.
If you desire to add tabs for other applications you just need to issue POST with page access_token (from accounts connection of user who is admin of that page) request to:
You need either repeat that step for every APPLICATION_ID you want to be added as tab or Batch requests. Read more on page tabs creation in documentation for page object
