PGLS returns an error when referring to variables by their column position in a caper object - r

I am carrying out PGLS between a trait and 21 environmental variables for a clade of plant species. I am using a loop to do this 21 times, once for each of the environmental variables, and extract the p-values and some other values into a results matrix.
When normally carrying each PGLS individually I will refer to the variables by their column names, for example:
pgls(**trait1**~**meanrainfall**, data=caperobject)
But in order to loop this process for multiple environmental variables, I am referring to the variables by their column position in the data frame (which is in the form of the caper object for PGLS) instead of their column name:
pgls(**caperobject[,2]**~**caperobject[,5]**, data=caperobject)
This returns the error:
Error in model.frame.default(formula, data$data, na.action = na.pass) :
invalid type (list) for variable 'caperobject[, 2]'
This is not a problem when running a linear regression using the original data frame -- referring to the variables by their column name only produces this error when using the caper object as the data using PGLS. Does this way of referring to the column names not work for caper objects? Is there another way I could refer to the column names so I can incorporate them into a PGLS loop?

Your solution is to use caperobject$data[,2] ~ caperobject$data[,5], because class is a list with the trait values located in the list data. Here is an example:
# generate random data
seed <- 245937
tr <- rtree(10)
dat <- data.frame(taxa = tr$tip.label,
trait1 = rTraitCont(tr, root.value = 3),
meanrainfall = rnorm(10, 50, 10))
# prepare a structure
caperobject <-, dat, taxa, vcv = TRUE, vcv.dim = 3)
# run PGLS
pgls(trait1 ~ meanrainfall, data = caperobject)
pgls(caperobject$data[, 1] ~ caperobject$data[, 2], data = caperobject)
Both options return identical values for the intercept = 3.13 and slope = -0.003.
A good practice in problems with data format is to check, how the data are stored with str(caperobject).


how to use data matrix in predict function in R

I have data frame with multiple columns and i have to do regression between alternate columns (like between 1&2, 3&4) and predict using a test data set and then find residuals. I do not want to reference each column using column name (like$nifty), hence I am using data matrix.
When i predict using a data matrix, I am getting the following error:
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I know my training data set has 255 rows and test data set has 50 rows but it should be able to predict on test data set and give me 50 predicted values, but it is not.
b is a matrix having training data set of 255 rows and 8 columns and t is a matrix having test data set of 50 rows and 8 columns.
I tried using matrix directly as newdata in predict but it was giving following error:
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : numeric 'envir' arg not of
length one
... so i converted it into a data frame. Please suggest how can I use matrix inside predict.
Here's the code i am using:
t_pred <- matrix(,nrow = 50,ncol = 8)
t_res <- matrix(,nrow = 50,ncol = 8)
for(i in 1:6) {
if (!i %% 2) {
t_model <- lm(b[,i] ~ b[,i])
t_pred[,i] <- predict(t_model, newdata=data.frame(t[,i]), type = 'response')
t_res[,i] <- t_pred[,i] - t[,i]

How to use predict from a model stored in a list in R?

I have a dataframe dfab that contains 2 columns that I used as argument to generate a series of linear models as following:
models = list()
for (i in 1:10){
models[[i]] = lm(fc_ab10 ~ (poly(nUs_ab, i)), data = dfab)
dfab has 32 observations and I want to predict fc_ab10 for only 1 value.
I thought of doing so:
newdf = data.frame(newdf = nUs_ab)
newdf[] = 0
newdf[1,1] = 56
prediction = predict(models[[1]], newdata = newdf)
First I tried writing newdf as a dataframe with only one position, but since there are 32 in the dataset on which the model was built, I thought I had to provide at least 32 points as well. I don't think this is necessary though.
Every time I run that piece of code I am given the following error:
Error: variable 'poly(nUs_ab, i) was fitted with type “nmatrix.1” but type “numeric” was supplied.
In addition: Warning message:
In Z/rep(sqrt(norm2[-1L]), each = length(x)) :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
I thought all I need to use predict was a LM model, predictors (the number 56) given in a column-named dataframe. Obviously, I am mistaken.
How can I fix this issue?
newdf should be a data.frame with column name nUs_ab, otherwise R won't be able to know which column to operate upon (i.e., generate the prediction design matrix). So the following code should work
newdf = data.frame(nUs_ab = 56)
prediction = predict(models[[1]], newdata = newdf)

Getting Error in R when Performing predict function

I am getting the following error whenever I try to predict data against my linear model.
Warning message: 'newdata' had 101 rows but variables found have 296 rows
The following is the code snippet
trainingFrame = data.frame(weeksTrainingConv,bugsTraining)
validateFrame = data.frame(weekTestConv,bugsTest)
model <- lm(totWeekConv ~ totBugs,trainingFrame)
myPrediction <- predict(model,validateFrame)
The calculations for the dataframe and their components are written in a separate sheet. Here is the snippet. I have commented out the blocks according to the nature of the code. The first block represents my training dataset, the second is the dataset which I will use to test my model. Finally the last block is the total dataset.
#training DataSet
weeksTraining = as.Date(c("2003-12-28","2004-01-04","2004-01-11","2004-01-18","2004-01-25","2004-02-01","2004-02-08","2004-02-15","2004-02-22","2004-02-29","2004-03-07","2004-03-14","2004-03-21","2004-03-28","2004-04-04","2004-04-11","2004-04-18","2004-04-25","2004-05-02","2004-05-09","2004-05-16","2004-05-23","2004-05-30","2004-06-06","2004-06-13","2004-06-20","2004-06-27","2004-07-04","2004-07-11","2004-07-18","2004-07-25","2004-08-01","2004-08-08","2004-08-15","2004-08-22","2004-08-29","2004-09-05","2004-09-12","2004-09-19","2004-09-26","2004-10-03","2004-10-10","2004-10-17","2004-10-24","2004-10-31","2004-11-07","2004-11-14","2004-11-21","2004-11-28","2004-12-05","2004-12-12","2004-12-19","2004-12-26","2005-01-02","2005-01-09","2005-01-16","2005-01-23","2005-01-30","2005-02-06","2005-02-13","2005-02-20","2005-02-27","2005-03-06","2005-03-13","2005-03-20","2005-03-27","2005-04-03","2005-04-10","2005-04-17","2005-04-24","2005-05-01","2005-05-08","2005-05-15","2005-05-22","2005-05-29","2005-06-05","2005-06-12","2005-06-19","2005-06-26","2005-07-03","2005-07-10","2005-07-17","2005-07-24","2005-07-31","2005-08-07","2005-08-14","2005-08-21","2005-08-28","2005-09-04","2005-09-11","2005-09-18","2005-09-25","2005-10-02","2005-10-09","2005-10-16","2005-10-23","2005-10-30","2005-11-06","2005-11-13","2005-11-20","2005-11-27","2005-12-04","2005-12-11","2005-12-18","2005-12-25","2006-01-01","2006-01-08","2006-01-15","2006-01-22","2006-01-29","2006-02-05","2006-02-12","2006-02-19","2006-02-26","2006-03-05","2006-03-12","2006-03-19","2006-03-26","2006-04-02","2006-04-09","2006-04-16","2006-04-23","2006-04-30","2006-05-07","2006-05-14","2006-05-21","2006-05-28","2006-06-04","2006-06-11","2006-06-18","2006-06-25","2006-07-02","2006-07-09","2006-07-16","2006-07-23","2006-07-30","2006-08-06","2006-08-13","2006-08-20","2006-08-27","2006-09-03","2006-09-10","2006-09-17","2006-09-24","2006-10-01","2006-10-08","2006-10-15","2006-10-22","2006-10-29","2006-11-05","2006-11-12","2006-11-19","2006-11-26","2006-12-03","2006-12-10","2006-12-17","2006-12-24","2006-12-31","2007-01-07","2007-01-14","2007-01-21","2007-01-28","2007-02-04","2007-02-11","2007-02-18","2007-02-25","2007-03-04","2007-03-11","2007-03-18","2007-03-25","2007-04-01","2007-04-08","2007-04-15","2007-04-22","2007-04-29","2007-05-06","2007-05-13","2007-05-20","2007-05-27","2007-06-03","2007-06-10","2007-06-17","2007-06-24","2007-07-01","2007-07-08","2007-07-15","2007-07-22","2007-07-29","2007-08-05","2007-08-12","2007-08-19","2007-08-26","2007-09-02","2007-09-09","2007-09-16"))
bugsTraining = c(3,18,14,25,21,13,17,25,21,18,20,11,17,19,23,9,7,18,13,17,16,15,16,18,20,12,14,16,19,23,18,10,24,23,11,14,16,19,22,20,15,21,14,9,19,12,18,12,20,10,20,16,14,12,16,11,10,18,20,17,17,20,16,15,20,19,9,11,11,17,10,14,10,16,7,14,11,9,10,9,14,7,13,13,13,16,17,7,17,8,11,11,10,16,9,20,9,13,13,6,11,21,8,10,7,14,16,13,12,9,13,12,17,13,10,12,15,14,8,8,9,13,9,9,18,9,6,10,14,11,5,6,7,4,9,9,9,6,4,5,7,10,12,7,4,13,11,9,6,6,2,8,10,2,7,7,4,1,5,5,10,11,5,11,9,14,5,9,2,6,6,4,4,2,5,7,13,6,4,3,1,5,4,4,2,6,3,5,2,5,5,3,1,5,2)
weeksTrainingConv = numeric();
#converting Dates to numerical Value
for(i in 1:length(weeksTraining)){
val = ymd(weeksTraining[i])
val = as.numeric(val)
weeksTrainingConv[i] = c(val)
#end Training DataSet
#test DataSet
weekTest = as.Date(c("2007-09-23","2007-09-30","2007-10-07","2007-10-14","2007-10-21","2007-10-28","2007-11-04","2007-11-11","2007-11-18","2007-11-25","2007-12-02","2007-12-09","2007-12-16","2007-12-30","2008-01-06","2008-01-13","2008-01-20","2008-01-27","2008-02-03","2008-02-10","2008-02-17","2008-02-24","2008-03-02","2008-03-09","2008-03-16","2008-03-23","2008-03-30","2008-04-06","2008-04-13","2008-04-20","2008-04-27","2008-05-04","2008-05-11","2008-05-18","2008-05-25","2008-06-01","2008-06-08","2008-06-15","2008-06-22","2008-06-29","2008-07-06","2008-07-20","2008-07-27","2008-08-03","2008-08-10","2008-08-17","2008-08-24","2008-08-31","2008-09-07","2008-09-14","2008-09-21","2008-09-28","2008-10-05","2008-10-12","2008-10-19","2008-10-26","2008-11-02","2008-11-09","2008-11-16","2008-11-30","2008-12-07","2008-12-14","2009-01-04","2009-01-11","2009-01-18","2009-01-25","2009-02-01","2009-02-15","2009-02-22","2009-03-15","2009-03-22","2009-03-29","2009-04-05","2009-04-12","2009-04-19","2009-04-26","2009-05-10","2009-05-17","2009-05-24","2009-05-31","2009-06-21","2009-06-28","2009-07-05","2009-07-12","2009-07-19","2009-07-26","2009-08-02","2009-08-09","2009-08-16","2009-08-23","2009-09-06","2009-09-20","2009-09-27","2009-10-04","2009-10-11","2009-10-25","2009-11-01","2009-11-08","2009-11-15","2009-11-29","2009-12-06"));
bugsTest = c(2,4,5,1,4,4,2,4,1,7,2,2,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,4,2,10,1,1,6,3,5,1,4,2,3,2,4,2,1,5,6,3,1,1,2,2,5,1,1,2,1,2,3,3,4,4,3,2,3,1,2,6,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,1,1,2,1,3,4,2,3,1,3,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,4,3,2,2,6,2,4,3,2,2,1)
weekTestConv = numeric()
#converting Dates to numerical Value
for(i in 1:length(weekTest)){
val = ymd(weekTest[i])
val = as.numeric(val)
weekTestConv[i] = c(val)
#end Test DataSet
#total DataSet
totWeek = as.Date(c("2003-12-28","2004-01-04","2004-01-11","2004-01-18","2004-01-25","2004-02-01","2004-02-08","2004-02-15","2004-02-22","2004-02-29","2004-03-07","2004-03-14","2004-03-21","2004-03-28","2004-04-04","2004-04-11","2004-04-18","2004-04-25","2004-05-02","2004-05-09","2004-05-16","2004-05-23","2004-05-30","2004-06-06","2004-06-13","2004-06-20","2004-06-27","2004-07-04","2004-07-11","2004-07-18","2004-07-25","2004-08-01","2004-08-08","2004-08-15","2004-08-22","2004-08-29","2004-09-05","2004-09-12","2004-09-19","2004-09-26","2004-10-03","2004-10-10","2004-10-17","2004-10-24","2004-10-31","2004-11-07","2004-11-14","2004-11-21","2004-11-28","2004-12-05","2004-12-12","2004-12-19","2004-12-26","2005-01-02","2005-01-09","2005-01-16","2005-01-23","2005-01-30","2005-02-06","2005-02-13","2005-02-20","2005-02-27","2005-03-06","2005-03-13","2005-03-20","2005-03-27","2005-04-03","2005-04-10","2005-04-17","2005-04-24","2005-05-01","2005-05-08","2005-05-15","2005-05-22","2005-05-29","2005-06-05","2005-06-12","2005-06-19","2005-06-26","2005-07-03","2005-07-10","2005-07-17","2005-07-24","2005-07-31","2005-08-07","2005-08-14","2005-08-21","2005-08-28","2005-09-04","2005-09-11","2005-09-18","2005-09-25","2005-10-02","2005-10-09","2005-10-16","2005-10-23","2005-10-30","2005-11-06","2005-11-13","2005-11-20","2005-11-27","2005-12-04","2005-12-11","2005-12-18","2005-12-25","2006-01-01","2006-01-08","2006-01-15","2006-01-22","2006-01-29","2006-02-05","2006-02-12","2006-02-19","2006-02-26","2006-03-05","2006-03-12","2006-03-19","2006-03-26","2006-04-02","2006-04-09","2006-04-16","2006-04-23","2006-04-30","2006-05-07","2006-05-14","2006-05-21","2006-05-28","2006-06-04","2006-06-11","2006-06-18","2006-06-25","2006-07-02","2006-07-09","2006-07-16","2006-07-23","2006-07-30","2006-08-06","2006-08-13","2006-08-20","2006-08-27","2006-09-03","2006-09-10","2006-09-17","2006-09-24","2006-10-01","2006-10-08","2006-10-15","2006-10-22","2006-10-29","2006-11-05","2006-11-12","2006-11-19","2006-11-26","2006-12-03","2006-12-10","2006-12-17","2006-12-24","2006-12-31","2007-01-07","2007-01-14","2007-01-21","2007-01-28","2007-02-04","2007-02-11","2007-02-18","2007-02-25","2007-03-04","2007-03-11","2007-03-18","2007-03-25","2007-04-01","2007-04-08","2007-04-15","2007-04-22","2007-04-29","2007-05-06","2007-05-13","2007-05-20","2007-05-27","2007-06-03","2007-06-10","2007-06-17","2007-06-24","2007-07-01","2007-07-08","2007-07-15","2007-07-22","2007-07-29","2007-08-05","2007-08-12","2007-08-19","2007-08-26","2007-09-02","2007-09-09","2007-09-16","2007-09-23","2007-09-30","2007-10-07","2007-10-14","2007-10-21","2007-10-28","2007-11-04","2007-11-11","2007-11-18","2007-11-25","2007-12-02","2007-12-09","2007-12-16","2007-12-30","2008-01-06","2008-01-13","2008-01-20","2008-01-27","2008-02-03","2008-02-10","2008-02-17","2008-02-24","2008-03-02","2008-03-09","2008-03-16","2008-03-23","2008-03-30","2008-04-06","2008-04-13","2008-04-20","2008-04-27","2008-05-04","2008-05-11","2008-05-18","2008-05-25","2008-06-01","2008-06-08","2008-06-15","2008-06-22","2008-06-29","2008-07-06","2008-07-20","2008-07-27","2008-08-03","2008-08-10","2008-08-17","2008-08-24","2008-08-31","2008-09-07","2008-09-14","2008-09-21","2008-09-28","2008-10-05","2008-10-12","2008-10-19","2008-10-26","2008-11-02","2008-11-09","2008-11-16","2008-11-30","2008-12-07","2008-12-14","2009-01-04","2009-01-11","2009-01-18","2009-01-25","2009-02-01","2009-02-15","2009-02-22","2009-03-15","2009-03-22","2009-03-29","2009-04-05","2009-04-12","2009-04-19","2009-04-26","2009-05-10","2009-05-17","2009-05-24","2009-05-31","2009-06-21","2009-06-28","2009-07-05","2009-07-12","2009-07-19","2009-07-26","2009-08-02","2009-08-09","2009-08-16","2009-08-23","2009-09-06","2009-09-20","2009-09-27","2009-10-04","2009-10-11","2009-10-25","2009-11-01","2009-11-08","2009-11-15","2009-11-29","2009-12-06"))
totBugs = c(3,18,14,25,21,13,17,25,21,18,20,11,17,19,23,9,7,18,13,17,16,15,16,18,20,12,14,16,19,23,18,10,24,23,11,14,16,19,22,20,15,21,14,9,19,12,18,12,20,10,20,16,14,12,16,11,10,18,20,17,17,20,16,15,20,19,9,11,11,17,10,14,10,16,7,14,11,9,10,9,14,7,13,13,13,16,17,7,17,8,11,11,10,16,9,20,9,13,13,6,11,21,8,10,7,14,16,13,12,9,13,12,17,13,10,12,15,14,8,8,9,13,9,9,18,9,6,10,14,11,5,6,7,4,9,9,9,6,4,5,7,10,12,7,4,13,11,9,6,6,2,8,10,2,7,7,4,1,5,5,10,11,5,11,9,14,5,9,2,6,6,4,4,2,5,7,13,6,4,3,1,5,4,4,2,6,3,5,2,5,5,3,1,5,2,2,4,5,1,4,4,2,4,1,7,2,2,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,4,2,10,1,1,6,3,5,1,4,2,3,2,4,2,1,5,6,3,1,1,2,2,5,1,1,2,1,2,3,3,4,4,3,2,3,1,2,6,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,1,1,2,1,3,4,2,3,1,3,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,4,3,2,2,6,2,4,3,2,2,1)
totWeekConv = numeric();
#converting Dates to numerical Value
for(i in 1:length(totWeek)){
val = ymd(totWeek[i])
val = as.numeric(val)
totWeekConv[i] = c(val)
#end Total DataSet
I wanted to create a linear model and establish a relationship between weeks vs bugs. I converted the week Dates into a numerical format for easier calculation.
I can create the model using the lm() command and I provided it with a training dataset as shown in the 1st code snippet. Whenever I want to predict against the model using testing data set which in this case is a dataframe named "validateFrame", the program gives me an error stating
Warning message: 'newdata' had 101 rows but variables found have 296
I am new to R and I have already googled regarding this but am failing somewhere.I have googled it already but the solution I found doesn't seem to work for me.
The problem is in your initial code snippet.
trainingFrame = data.frame(weeksTrainingConv,bugsTraining)
validateFrame = data.frame(weekTestConv,bugsTest)
model <- lm(totWeekConv ~ totBugs, trainingFrame)
myPrediction <- predict(model,validateFrame)
First, you create the model using totWeekConv and totBugs from trainingFrame. But trainingFrame does not have variables with those names. It has columns named weeksTrainingConv and bugsTraining. Then you try to evaluate the model on validateFrame where the variables have yet different names - weekTestConv and bugsTest. You must use the same variable names throughout.
I am not quite sure how you meant to use totWeekConv and totBugs but I believe that what you wanted was:
trainingFrame = data.frame(weeksConv = weeksTrainingConv,bugs = bugsTraining)
validateFrame = data.frame(weeksConv = weekTestConv,bugs = bugsTest)
model <- lm(weeksConv ~ bugs,trainingFrame)
myPrediction <- predict(model,validateFrame)
Here, you are training on the training data and testing on the test data but the column names are the same in both places.

R caret nnet package

I have two R objects as below.
matrix "datamatrix" - 200 rows and 494 columns: these are my x variables
dataframe Y. Y$V1 is my Y variable. I have converted column V1 to a factor I am building a classification model.
I want to build a neural network and I ran below command.
model <- train(Y$V1 ~ datamatrix, method='nnet', linout=TRUE, trace = FALSE,
#Grid of tuning parameters to try:
I got an error - " argument "data" is missing, with no default"
Is there a way for caret package to understand that I have my X variables in one R object and Y variable in other? I dont want to combined two data objects and then write a formula as the formula will be too long
The argument "data" is missing error is addressed by adding a data = datamatrix argument to the train call. The way I would do it would be something like:
datafr <-
# V1 is the first column name if dimnames aren't specified
datafr$V1 <- as.factor(datafr$V1)
model <- train(V1 ~ ., data = datafr, method='nnet',
linout=TRUE, trace = FALSE,
Now you don't have to pull your response variable out separately.
The . identifier allows inclusion of all variables from datafr (see here for details).

How to use one variable in regression with many independent variables in lm()

I need to reproduce this code using all of these variables.
composite <- read.csv("file.csv", header = T, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
composite <- subset(composite, select = -Date)
model1 <- lm(indepvariable ~., data = composite, na.action = na.exclude)
composite is a data frame with 82 variables.
What I have done is found a way to create an object that contains only the significantly correlated variables, to narrow the number of independent variables down.
I have a variable now: sigvars, which is the names of an object that sorted a correlation matrix and picked out only the variables with correlation coefficients >0.5 and <-0.5. Here is the code:
sortedcor <- sort(cor(composite)[,1])
regvar = NULL
k = 1
for(i in 1:length(sortedcor)){
if(sortedcor[i] > .5 | sortedcor[i] < -.5){
regvar[k] = i
k = k+1
sigvars <- names(sortedcor[regvar])
However, it is not working in my lm() function:
model1 <- lm(data.matrix(composite[1]) ~ sigvars, data = composite)
Error: Error in model.frame.default(formula = data.matrix(composite[1]) ~ sigvars, : variable lengths differ (found for 'sigvars')
Think about what sigvars is for a minute...?
After sigvars <- names(sortedcor[regvar]), sigvars is a character vector of column names. Say your data have 100 rows and 5 variables come out as significant using the method you've chosen (which doesn't sound overly defensible to be). The model formula you are using will result in composite[, 1] being a vector of length 100 (100 rows) and sigvars being a character vector of length 5.
Assuming you have the variables you want to include in the model, then you could do:
form <- reformulate(sigvars, response = names(composite)[1])
model1 <- lm(form, data = composite)
model1 <- lm(composite[,1] ~ ., data = composite[, sigvars])
In the latter case, do yourself a favour and write the name of the dependent variable into the formula instead of composite[,1].
Also, you don't seem to have appreciated the difference between [i] and [i,j] for data frames, hence you are doing data.matrix(composite[1]) which is taking the first component of composite, leaving it as a data frame, then converting that to a matrix via the data.matrix() function. All you really need is just the name of the dependent variable on the LHS of the formula.
The error is here:
model1 <- lm(data.matrix(composite[1]) ~ sigvars, data = composite)
The sigvars is names(data). The equation is usually of the form lm(var1 ~ var2+var3+var4), you however have it as lm(var1 ~ var2 var3 var4).
Hopefully that helps.
