Why doesn't R throw an error when I use only the initial part of my column name in a data frame? - r

I have a data frame containing various columns along with sender_bank_flag. I ran the below two queries on my data frame.
sum(s_50k_sample$sender_bank_flag, na.rm=TRUE)
sum(s_50k_sample$sender_bank, na.rm=TRUE)
I got the same output from both the queries even though there is no such column as sender_bank in my data frame. I expected to get an error for the second code. Didn't know R has such a functionality! Does anyone know what exactly is this functionality & how can it be better utilized?

Probably worthwhile to augment all comments into an answer.
Both my comment and BenBolker's point to doc page ?Extract:
Under Recursive (list-like) objects:
Both "[[" and "$" select a single element of the list. The main difference is that "$" does not allow computed indices, whereas "[[" does. x$name is equivalent to x[["name", exact = FALSE]]. Also, the partial matching behavior of "[[" can be controlled using the exact argument.
Under Character indices:
Character indices can in some circumstances be partially matched (see ?pmatch) to the names or dimnames of the object being subsetted (but never for subassignment). Unlike S (Becker et al p. 358), R never uses partial matching when extracting by "[", and partial matching is not by default used by "[[" (see argument exact).
Thus the default behaviour is to use partial matching only when extracting from recursive objects (except environments) by "$". Even in that case, warnings can be switched on by options(warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE).
Note, the manual has rich information, and make sure you fully digest them. I formatted the content, adding Stack Overflow threads behind where relevant.
Links provided by phiver's comment are worth reading in a long term.


Splitting strings into elements from a list

A function in a package gives me a character, where the original strings are merged together. I need to separate them, in other words I have to find the original elements. Here is an example and what I have tried:
What I need as an outcome is:
I have tried to split() result, but there is no string to base it on, especially that I have no former knowledge of what the answers will be.
I have tried to match() the result to the orig, but I would need to do that with all substrings.
There has to be an easy solution, but I haven't found it.
index <- gregexpr(paste(orig,collapse='|'),result)[[1]]
starts <- as.numeric(index)
stops <- starts + attributes(index)$match.length - 1 )
substring(result, starts, stops)
This should work for well defined and reversible inputs. Alternatively, is it possible to append some strings to the input of the function, such that it can be easily separated afterwards?
What you're describing seems to be exactly string matching, and for your strings, grepl seems to be just the thing, in particular:
FindSubstrings <- function(orig, result){
orig[sapply(orig, grepl, result)]
In more detail: grepl takes a pattern argument and looks whether it occurs in your string (result in our case), and returns a TRUE/FALSE value. We subset the original values by the logical vector - does the value occur in the string?
Possible improvements:
fixed=TRUE may be a bright idea, because you don't need the full regex power for simple strings matching
some match patterns may contain others, for example, "answer10" contains "answer1"
stringi may be faster for such tasks (just rumors floating around, haven't rigorously tested), so you may want to look into it if you do this a lot.

How to use apply() with my function

bmi(70,177) it can work
but with apply() it does't work
Error in match.fun(FUN) :
'bmi(Student$weight, Student$height)' is not a function, character or symbol
It's a bit unclear what the goal is. If it's just to get an answer, then the comments do answer it. If on the other hand, the goal is to understand what you are doing wrong, then read on. I'd say the first error going from left to right is passing the whole dataframe. I would have only passed the 'height' and 'weight' columns.
The next error, again going from left to right, is the use of 1:2 as the second argument to apply. You obviously want to do this "by rows" which mean you should use only 1, i.e. the first dimension of the dataframe.
And the third error is using a function call rather than the function name. Functions with arguments in parentheses don't work when an R function (meaning apply in this case) is expecting a function name or an anonymous function as illustrated in comments.
Fourth error is not assigning the value to a column in your dataframe. So this probably would have succeeded in making the desired extra column via the apply method. But, as noted in comments this is not the most efficient method.:
Student$bmi_val <- apply(Student[ ,c("weight", "height")], bmi)
# didn't want my column name to be the same as the function name
The apply function was actually designed to work with matrices and arrays, so for many purposes it is ill-suited when used with dataframes. In this case where all the arguments to the bmi function are numeric and you can control the order of argument in the first argument to match the x and y positions, it's arguably an acceptable strategy, but not most R-ish method. When working with dates or factor variables, you should definitely avoid apply.

Selecting non existent columns in data.table

Here is my small example:
What I do not understand, why I do not get an error (i.e. there is no column x_2dig in my data).
This would be great if somebody could elaborate on this.
This happens with lists as well which is one of the very basic data structure type in R. $ is a shorthand operator, where x$y is equivalent to x[["y", exact = FALSE]]. It’s often used to access variables in a data frame.
If you want to receive a warning for partial matching then you can do :
options(warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE)
From R documenation:
x[[i, exact = TRUE]]
exact Controls possible partial matching of [[ when extracting by a
character vector (for most objects, but see under ‘Environments’). The
default is no partial matching. Value NA allows partial matching but
issues a warning when it occurs. Value FALSE allows partial matching
without any warning.
Both [[ and $ select a single element of the list. The main difference
is that $ does not allow computed indices, whereas [[ does. x$name is
equivalent to x[["name", exact = FALSE]]. Also, the partial matching
behavior of [[ can be controlled using the exact argument.
This is also explained in Advanced R book of Hadley Wickham's subsetting chapter. You can find it here
This goes back to the old days of R being overly helpful and trying to guess what you meant. Data frames (upon which data tables are built) have this functionality, while tibbles (data_frame) intentionally leave this out to prevent the problem you're seeing! Hadley talks about this sometimes in his talks.
Because data.table knows that you have gotten a unique identifier of the column. Example below demonstrates that once it isn't unique, it fails.
Edit: Per Joy, this maybe an R thing, and not a data.table per se'.

Function argument matching: by name vs by position

What is the difference between this lines of code?
mean(x = some_argument)
The output is the same, but has the explicit mention of x any advantages?
People typically don't add argument names for commonly used arguments, such as the x in mean, but almost always refer to the na.rm arguments when removing missing values.
While neglecting the argument name makes for compact code, here are four (related) reasons for including the names of arguments rather than relying on their position.
Re-order arguments as needed. When you refer to the arguments by name, you can arbitrarily re-order the arguments and still produce the desired result. Sometimes it is useful to re-order your arguments. For example, when running a loop over one of the arguments, you might prefer to put the looped argument in the front of the function.
It is typically safer / more future-proof. As an example, if some user-written function or package re-orders the arguments in an update, and you relied on the positions of the arguments, this would break your code. In the best scenario, you would get an error. In the worst scenario the function would run, but would an incorrect result. Including the argument names greatly reduces the chances of running into either case.
For greater code clarity. If an argument is rarely used or you want to be explicit for future readers of your code (including you 2 months from now), adding the names can make for easier reading.
Ability to skip arguments. If you want to only change the third argument, then referring to it by name is probably preferable.
See also the R Language Definition: 4.3.2 Argument matching

Faster R code for fuzzy name matching using agrep() for multiple patterns...?

I'm a bit of an R novice and have been trying to experiment a bit using the agrep function in R. I have a large data base of customers (1.5 million rows) of which I'm sure there are many duplicates. Many of the duplicates though are not revealed using the table() to get the frequency of repeated exact names. Just eyeballing some of the rows, I have noticed many duplicates that are "unique" because there was a minor miss-key in the spelling of the name.
So far, to find all of the duplicates in my data set, I have been using agrep() to accomplish the fuzzy name matching. I have been playing around with the max.distance argument in agrep() to return different approximate matches. I think I have found a happy medium between returning false positives and missing out on true matches. As the agrep() is limited to matching a single pattern at a time, I was able to find an entry on stack overflow to help me write a sapply code that would allow me to match the data set against numerous patterns. Here is the code I am using to loop over numerous patterns as it combs through my data sets for "duplicates".
unique$name= this is the unique index I developed that has all of the "patterns" I wish to hunt for in my data set.
vf$name= is the column in my data frame that contains all of my customer names.
This coding works well on a small scale of a sample of 600 or so customers and the agrep works fine. My problem is when I attempt to use a unique index of 250K+ names and agrep it against my 1.5 million customers. As I type out this question, the code is still running in R and has not yet stopped (we are going on 20 minutes at this point).
Does anyone have any suggestions to speed this up or improve the code that I have used? I have not yet tried anything out of the plyr package. Perhaps this might be faster... I am a little unfamiliar though with using the ddply or llply functions.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm so sorry, I missed this last request to post a solution. Here is how I solved my agrep, multiple pattern problem, and then sped things up using parallel processing.
What I am essentially doing is taking a a whole vector of character strings and then fuzzy matching them against themselves to find out if there are any fuzzy matched duplicate records in the vector.
Here I create clusters (twenty of them) that I wish to use in a parallel process created by parSapply
So let's start with the innermost nesting of the code parSapply. This is what allows me to run the agrep() in a paralleled process. The first argument is "cl", which is the number of clusters I have specified to parallel process across ,as specified above.
The 2nd argument is the specific vector of patterns I wish to match against. The third argument is the actual function I wish to use to do the matching (in this case agrep). The next subsequent arguments are all arguments related to the agrep() that I am using. I have specified that I want the actual character strings returned (not the position of the strings) using value=T. I have also specified my max.distance I am willing to accept in a fuzzy match... in this case a cost of 2. The last argument is the full list of patterns I wish to be matched against the first list of patterns (argument 2). As it so happens, I am looking to identify duplicates, hence I match the vector against itself. The final output is a list, so I use unlist() and then data frame it to basically get a table of matches. From there, I can easily run a frequency table of the table I just created to find out, what fuzzy matched character strings have a frequency greater than 1, ultimately telling me that such a pattern match against itself and one other pattern in the vector.
I hope this helps.
