Image with multiple choice grid in google forms - google-forms

Can I put an image on left side and multiple-choice grid on right side of a question.If it is possible please explain me ASAP.I tried but it's representing like up and down,But I need on a page with landscape screen.

There is no direct way to do it with the wizard tool of Google Form, fortunately, a nice way to generate the form through HTML, and when you use HTML to generate Google Form, that will make you do whatever you like: adjust the layout the way you love, you may use your own CSS, anything can be doable.
Please follow instruction on this link below:
website >
also, you may check the add-ons on Google Form and select the one that suites your requirements, there is a lot of tools which can help you, but I think the one I posted up is the best option to customize the way you like.


How to divide a page into several parts

I really wonder how such websites like (on the home page) divide the page according to tags or the order is like : header, some news, some articles in same shaped boxes,video, then some more content and then footer... so in one page they are able to show many things.. is that done by dividing page with HTML div tags or is there something else used ? I am a newbie trying to learn Django. I appreciate any help
I think there is more than just div-tags, but in the end it is (only) html, css and javascript that creates the visual webside on the clients' side.
Frameworks like the "960 Grid System" or Bootstraps Grid System can help you to keep content in a common order. Create templates for your CMS to achive a common design (Ahhhh: Use a CMS). Maybe use Less, Saas, etc. instead of writing plain old css-files.
Short answer: Look at their code. Of course you can't see their server-side code, but you can look at the HTML and it clearly shows that medium uses divs, while qz uses sections.
Now as to what you can use, there really isn't anything else. Simply because there isn't any need for it. You might want to add an uniform height for each of those "sections", but you don't need to.
Now to the serverside part: they certainly didn't hardcode every single section, but created a template for it. Depending on what technology they use that will look different, but it will always have
A template (often called function, template or module depending on the technology used) that has everything ready as to the HTML and CSS. This designs the layout and design of those 'sections'. It also accepts content that it will then insert into that structure.
A 'main-page' that uses that template repeatedly, but gives it different information. For Medium this might be something like: MakeStreamItem("Audio", GetFirstFourAudioItems())

Google Form Header Size

I'm currently embedding a Google Form on my website and am noticing the header image has an incredibly tall height. Does anyone know if there is a way to change this in CSS? or am I stuck with Google's design?
There is no direct way to do it with the wizard tool of Google Form, fortunately, a nice way to generate the form through HTML, and when you use HTML to generate Google Form, that will make you do whatever you like: adjust the layout the way you love, you may use your own CSS, anything can be doable.
Please follow instruction on this link below:
also, you may check the add-ons on Google Form and select the one that suites your requirements, there is a lot of tools which can help you, but I think the one I posted up is the best option to customize the way you like.

customizing bootstrap-wysihtml5 text editor with more features

i am using bootstrap-wysihtml5 as per the recommendation & suggestion of most of the people world wide. but i am finding many of the features missing in its tool bar,like adding table,smiles, changing font name, view as a code etc.
how to add and customize the toolbar so that i my it up and customize the toolbar with additional features up to my requirement.
Wysihtml5 is kept simple on purpose, to keep it lightweight. For example, as of now there is no plan to add HTML table support (See this Github issue for Wysihtml5 itself).
It is possible to include a View as HTML option, see this StackOverflow question and answer.
As mentioned in another answer, if you need more sophisticated options, you might want to look at a different editor.

Is this possible to achieve absolute position functionality without using position attribute through css?

I am creating outlook email. I have created an email system. I have check in all email giants like Gmail, yahoo etc it work perfectly but suddenly when I saw same email in outlook it was shocking that outlook not supports position attribute.
Now, what I want is to achieve same functionality, I have searched on Google but not found a good source to solve issue except this platform to ask question.
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
Note: I don’t want to do this by placing one div inside other. This not suits my application at all i want things to positioned with respect to corners (width/height).
outlook does not support position:, so perhaps use a table-based solution?
check out these links;
Whether you choose to code your HTML email by yourself (my personal preference) or to use an existing template, there are two fundamental concepts to keep in mind when creating HTML email:
Use HTML tables to control the design layout and some presentation.
You may be used to using pure CSS layouts for your web pages, but
that approach just won’t hold up in an email environment.
Use inline CSS to control other presentation elements within your
email, such as background colors and fonts.
Keeping css 1.0 standards in mind will help you a lot when it comes to outlook. For some other details click here. Have fun!

dropdown list - show image options to select

I'd be greatful if you can help.
I would like to have a drop downlist that can have a view list of images rather than text content.
many thanks
This is a poor question as you dont give much detail, however if you're working in classic-asp you can easily include jquery (client-side javascript library) and make use of the many plugins that offer this functionality, for example, one of the better ones (only in my opinion of course): - note the examples - very easy to use, example:
