GetReservation returning Viewership is restricted for the PNR - sabre

I'm currently using the sabre web service TravelItineraryReadLLSRQ (version 2.2.0) and I can successfully retrieve all on the PNR data. Now I'm trying to implement GetReservation but I'm getting the error below.
Not finding any further detail from the dev sabre portal - has anybody seen this and know what the 'fix' is?
"Viewership is restricted for the PNR, caused by [Viewership is restricted for the PNR (Unsupported security check), code: 700102, severity: MODERATE]"
<GetReservationRS xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Errors xmlns="">
<Message>Viewership is restricted for the PNR, caused by [Viewership is restricted for the PNR (Unsupported security check), code: 700102, severity: MODERATE]</Message>

You may want to try using "Stateful" since "Stateless" is only intended for airline customers. You can use Stateful together with a locator or without it, makes no difference.
You may also may want to be aware that the service can be called with the Full, Default and Simple View Names. Only Simple will return more updated data which you can obtain by using the required subject areas in the payload. Full and Default will ignore the subject areas you use.


Sabre: GetReservation equivalent to TravelItineraryRead

I'm implementing GetReservation because TravelItineraryRead will soon be deprecated.
When creating a PNR, I get successful responses of GetReservation, but when I try to query the previously created PNR, Sabre WS rejects with "Viewership is restricted for the PNR, caused by [Viewership is restricted for the PNR (Unsupported security check), code: 700102, severity: MODERATE"
I'm connecting to Sabre WS via SOAP, in test endpoint
The RQ I'm sending is:
<GetReservationRQ xmlns="" Version="1.19.0">
<ReturnOptions PriceQuoteServiceVersion="3.2.0">
I've tried with others Views and SubjectAreas, but I always get that response, what am I doing wrong?
The problem was that I needed to send RequestType: Stateful instead of Stateless
<GetReservationRQ xmlns="" Version="1.19.0">
<ReturnOptions PriceQuoteServiceVersion="3.2.0">

Error response with Sabre SOAP API - StructureFareRulesRQ

When trying to perform a StructureFareRulesRQ using Sabre SOAP API i keep getting the below response. Is this because the airline doesn't support structured fare rules or something else? thank you
<StructureFareRulesRS xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" Version="1.0.4">
<Error ErrorCode="005106" ErrorMessage="FORMAT FARE BASIS NOT AVAILABLE"/>
This is mostly related to the way the service is built. Remember that fare components o not necessarily reflect segments, and check the directionality of the fare. If you are using BFM, the service will return fare directionality and the actual cities you have to use. Sometimes fares are loaded as full in ATPCO, not only by segments, so that means that the city pair you will have to use in your request will be what you can see in FareComponentBeginAirport and FareComponentEndAirport in BFM's response. I would advise to check with the helpdesk, as you can send them your full payloads and they can check in your PCC as well.

Get All Sales Order from Quick Book via QuickBook WebConnector using

I am using QuicBook Premier Edition UK , I have a company file open inside QuickBook. Build a sample WebService provided in samples and host in IIS. Added that application in WebConnector by using qwc file in samples.
I understood the callback methods required by WebConnector in soap service.
• authenticate
• clientVersion
• closeConnection
• connectionError
• getLastError
• receiveResponseXML
• sendRequestXML
I have tested web service by using WebConnector by using Update Selected button and it gives response 'OK' . But I am still confused how to get started with soap service , samples include 3 Xml request
InvoiceQuery and
BillQuery .
How I test these request and see the response by using service . Can anyone explain the steps required to get me started with my own request of Get all Sales Order.
Here is the screenshot
Here is the Last Output.
Via closeConnection(): CloseConnection called to application.
Response received from application = OK
After calling authenticate(...), the Web Connector will call the sendRequestXML(...) method.
The sendRequestXML(...) method is essentially the Web Connector's way of saying "Hey, what do you want me to do?"
You should respond with a qbXML request telling QuickBooks/the Web Connector to do something. For example, if you are trying to get sales orders from QuickBooks, you could respond with a SalesOrderQuery qbXML request, something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="8.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<SalesOrderQueryRq requestID="2">
The Web Connector will then send that request to QuickBooks, it will be processed, and the Web Connector will then call your receiveResponseXML(...) method.
The receiveResponseXML(...) method is essentially the Web Connector's way of saying "Hey, you told me to do something, I did it, and here's all of the data I got back: ... (big blob of XML from QuickBooks here)".
Return a qbXML request from the sendRequestXML method. A qbXML response will be sent to you in the receiveResponseXML method.
More notes:
Bigger explanation of the Web Connector here:
Lots of qbXML examples here:
Hundreds of pages of documentation in the QuickBooks SDK:

Error During PingFederate Agentless Sequence

Some of our users are encountering the following error page during the sequence of redirects after authenticating at their IdP.
"Unexpected exception occurred in Response Handling: null"
Partner: ...
Target: ...
This is what I believe is the corresponding info from the the server log.
2015-07-16 07:48:53,458 DEBUG [com.pingidentity.jgroups.MuxInvocationHandler] invocation of saveState on InterReqStateMgmtMapImpl state map size:215 attributes map size4 w/args: [ZkyN3LwNSjurZyfIewu1Kgjbgl7HrB, State(1437050933419){
XML: <samlp:AuthnRequest Version="2.0" ID="E6_0yldGrt0iqNKfUpArog6DG8G" IssueInstant="2015-07-16T12:48:53.419Z" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<saml:Issuer xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion">#issuer%</saml:Issuer>
<samlp:NameIDPolicy AllowCreate="true"/>
entityId: <Id> (IDP)
Binding: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect
relayState: ZkyN3LwNSjurZyfIewu1Kgjbgl7HrB
Endpoint: <endpoint>
SignaturePolicy: DO_NOT_SIGN
parameters=null}] returned null
Is there an obvious place to look for more details? This happens for around 10% of our users and seems to follow them from device to device.
I figured out what the issue was. We are using account linking using the SAML Subject from the IdP. It turned out that a number of accounts at the IdP didn't have the LDAP attribute mapped to the NameID populated. So we were receiving SAML assertions without any data in the Subject.
Understanding where to look is the key. The audit.log file shows a general "failure". Then you look up corresponding activity details in the server.log file. Then you examine the corresponding SAML assertion in the log to determine what the problem was. The difficult part is noticing omissions in the data. That's harder for the eye/brain to catch imho.
It would be useful if we had an option for directing users to a custom page rather than a Ping-specific error page when this occurs.

'Try it now' in the Quick Start never returns

I have installed the API Mgr 1.7.0 in Win 7 64. I have been through the Quick Start guide and all appeared to work as described. However, when I get to the point of trying the subscribed-to cdyne api, the 'moving dots' graphic stays there forever. I can't find a way to stop it, other than a browser refresh. I can't see an entry in the API Mgr system logs.
I have removed the parameters and the auth info, which is supposed to return a 401, but it doesn't and the moving dots continue. I'm using Firefox 31, with AdBlock+ and Noscript. There are no blocked scripts as far as I can see.
[edit 1] I get the same problem with the first sample (YouTube). I wonder if the problem is caused by port values? As I have the ESB installed, I increased all the ports for API Mgr by 1. Maybe I missed one, or there is one that hasn't been documented.[/edit 1]
[edit 2] I have reinstalled the API Mgr. I stopped the ESB and left the APIM ports as default. I have recreated the Phone Verify service and I still have same problem with 'Try it now'. I set the global log level to DEBUG, but there is too much detail to be of use. I don't know what package names to set for this problem.
There was an entry in the Application Logs as follows, which might be relevant. The first few lines are shown:
System Error Occurred
Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getApplicationNames
The following error details are available. Please refer logs for more details.
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getApplicationNames
at org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getInboundFaultFromMessageContext(
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.handleResponse(
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(
at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl(
at org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute(
at org.wso2.carbon.logging.view.stub.LogViewerStub.getApplicationNames(
at org.wso2.carbon.logging.view.ui.LogViewerClient.getApplicationNames(
[/edit 2]
Regards, John
You may not have configured CORS. CORS is cross-origin resource sharing [1] and it is used by the try-it feature in the store.
The CORS configuration is stored in [API Manager Home]/reposotiry/conf/api-manager.xml . The header must include the Host name used by the CORS request. The host name being used by the try-it service is shown in gray at the bottom-left hand corner of the API-Console / try-it screen. It should show up as 'base url'. For example: [ base url: , api version: 1.0 ]
You may also be having trouble with the default APIs - please make sure that the APIs in [API Manager Home]/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api/ are updated with your port offset. This may be preventing basic authentication. It is documented here [2]
Hope that helps.
