google analytics with power bi extraction - google-analytics

I connected to google analytics api and have difference in numbers, but i connected from data studio and have the same numbers than google analytics. Metrics like users, new users, sessions etc.

This is one of the cases where sampling just kicks in without the user knowing.
Sampling occurs when fetching data from GA API, this is how Power BI connects to the API.
Sampling usually occurs when your timeframe is larger in size or would result in too many dimensions being called.
If you have acces to GA premium, you can have access to unsampled reports or else you can divide the timeframe in shorter timeframes.

So Power bi's connector for google analytics has a sampling issue and an API Calls limit.
Queries per day: 1,500,000 Queries per 100 seconds: 4,000
Might be better to connect Google analytics to a data warehouse such as Google BigQuery, which will help you get access to historical data that you won't be able to get with Power bi's connector. I'd suggest using a third-party connector.


Discrepant Google Analytics Data In PowerBI When Using Built In Connector

I was tasked with creating multiple PowerBI reports and dashboards that encompass our website data from Google Analytics (GA). I started with our primary website, and used the built in custom connector from PowerBI to consume this data. This connector, however, is "supported" by Google, and I'm having some issues with the data.
Google Analytics Data
PowerBI Data
As you can see in these two screenshots, some of the data matches, and some of it does not. The time frame for both screenshots show for Nov. 2019. I understand there may be a little bit of data discrepancy; however, the custom connector in PowerBI does not allow for me to show the unique users. This is one of the most important attributes to any websites as it is more accurate showing how many individuals are actually visiting your website due to the cookies on their machine. Another big data issue I noticed is the bounce rate is almost twice as much as the actual bounce rate in GA.
Is there any way to bring in the Unique User and Bounce Rate metric accurately? The marketing team currently uses DashThis, and it shows this data, so I know it's possible- I just don't know how it's being done.
So Power bi's connector for google analytics has a sampling issue and an API Calls limit. The standard limitations and quotas for Google Analytics API requests are documented in Limits and Quotas on API Requests. However, Power BI Desktop and Power BI service allow you to use the following enhanced number of queries.
Queries per day: 1,500,000, Queries per 100 seconds: 4,000
Might be better to connect Google analytics to a data warehouse such as Google BigQuery, which will help you get access to historical data that you won't be able to get with Power bi's connector. I'd suggest using a third-party connector.

Understanding the Google Analytics real-time API 50,000 call limit per project

I am trying to build an application using Google Analytics real-time API. So, I see this quota limit at 50,000/project. I am aware of 10,000/Google Analytics View limit. So, based on these values, my application can handle only 5 users/day.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there any workaround for this?
Its 50,000 API calls per day to query your data, not for collecting data.
What is this 10,000 Google Analytics View limit you refer to? It is not listed on the GA quotas and limits page
There is a 10million hits per month limit per web property, if you go over that then they ask you pay for GA360

Google analytics with Power BI

I am trying to integrate Google Analytics data with Microsoft Power BI, however, the results are different in Power BI from the actual Google Analytics report. Why is this happening? Is there any other API that helps you integrate Google Analytics data with Power BI data?
When you use the standard GA connector in the PBI, if you put a period longer than 30 days, it applies an algorithm on the data, and brings false data to periods longer than 30 days, use the GA APIS.

Level of detail of the google analytics extract in TABLEAU

Wondering if someone knows what is the level of detail of an GA extract in TABLEAU
It brings the data by user id or aggregates the data by date?
It depends on how you are connecting to Google Analytics.
If you are connecting directly from Tableau to Google Analytics, you will be able to filter the data to keep under the 10k row limits, as described in How to Connect Tableau and Google Analytics
If you use a premium version of Google Analytics along with BigQuery before Tableau, there are no limits and you receive each event at the lowest grain

How to retreive session data from Google Analytics Real-time API?

I am looking for a way to get the most up to date possible sessions from Google Analytics.
The standard Google Analytics API as you are probably aware can be hours out of date. I had a look at the realtime dashboard and can't seem to find an rt:sessions/visits. rt:pageviews is close but doesn't give me quite what I need, has anyone found a combination of dimensions/metrics to get realtime sessions from the realtime api?
Google analytics standard reports can take between 24 and 48 hours to complete processing the Google Analytics API (reporting v4 and core v3) are reading from the same data as the Google Analytics standards reports. If the data has not completed processing there is no way for you to get the data. The google analytics api v4 does have a new field in the response called isgolden which will tell you if the data you have requested is done processing or not.
isDataGolden boolean Indicates if response to this request is golden
or not. Data is golden when the exact same request will not produce
any new results if asked at a later point in time.
The Realtime api is very limited in the data that you can get. As you have already stated is a limited number of dimensions and metrics available (Session count is not available only active users). This is due to the fact that these are the ones that processing is not needed on so the data is available for the API to return you. There is also a limitation that I think the Realtime api only contains data over the last five minutes.
There is no other way of getting the data out any faster
