Using caching instead of memoization to speedup a function - julia

While memoization of a function is a good idea, it could cause a program to crash because the program could potentially run out of memory.
Therefore it is NOT A SAFE OPTION to be used in a production program.
Instead I have developed caching with a fixed memory slots below with a soft limit and hard limit. When the cache slots is above the hard limit, it will have the least used slots deleted until the number of slots is reduced to the soft limit.
struct cacheType
cacheType(soft::Int,hard::Int) = new(soft,hard,Dict(),Dict())
function tidycache!(c::cacheType)
if memory_slots > c.hardlimit
num_to_delete = memory_slots - c.softlimit
# Now sort the freq dictionary into array of key => AccessFrequency
# where the first few items have the lowest AccessFrequency
for item in sort(collect(c.freq),by = x -> x[2])[1:num_to_delete]
delete!(c.freq, item[1])
delete!(c.memory, item[1])
# Fibonacci function
function cachefib!(cache::cacheType,x)
if haskey(cache.memory,x)
# Increment the number of times this key has been accessed
cache.freq[x] += 1
return cache.memory[x]
# perform housekeeping and remove cache entries if over the hardlimit
if x < 3
cache.freq[x] = 1
return cache.memory[x] = 1
result = cachefib!(cache,x-2) + cachefib!(cache,x-1)
cache.freq[x] = 1
cache.memory[x] = result
return result
c = cacheType(3,4)
println("c.memory is ",c.memory)
println("c.freq is ",c.freq)
I think this would be most useful in a production environment than just using memorization with no limits of memory consumption which could result in a program crashing.
In Python language, they have
#functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False)
Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves up to the maxsize most recent calls. It can save time when an expensive or I/O bound function is periodically called with the same arguments.
Since a dictionary is used to cache results, the positional and keyword arguments to the function must be hashable.
Is there an equivalent in Julia language?

There is LRUCache.jl, which provides an LRU type which basically acts like a Dict. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work with the Memoize.jl package, but you can use my answer to your other question:
using LRUCache
const fibmem = LRU{Int,Int}(3) # store only 3 values
function fib(n)
get!(fibmem, n) do
n < 3 ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)


Hiding a System.Random instance by returning a function

The following code comes from Stylish F# 6: Crafting Elegant Functional Code for .NET 6 listing 9-13:
let randomByte =
let r = System.Random()
fun () ->
r.Next(0, 255) |> byte
// E.g. A3-52-31-D2-90-E6-6F-45-1C-3F-F2-9B-7F-58-34-44-
for _ in 0..15 do
printf "%X-" (randomByte())
printfn ""
The author states, "Although we call randomByte() multiple times, only one System.Random() instance is created."
I understand randomByte returns a function that does not create a System.Random() instance, but it seems to me multiple System.Random() instances would be created each time through the for-do-loop anyway.
I would appreciate an explanation of how multiple instances of System.Random() are not created in this case.
The key point is that randomByte is not a function. It's a value with some complex initialization logic. Like, for example, I could write:
let x = 5
Or I could write:
let x =
let fourtyTwo = 42
let thirtySeven = 37
fourtyTwo - thirtySeven
And these would be equivalent. Both declare a value named x and equal to 5. I hope you can see how the expression fourtyTwo - thirtySeven is evaluated only once, not every time somebody gets the value of x.
And so it works with randomByte too: it's a value with non-trivial initialization logic. During that value's initialization, first it creates an instance of System.Random, and then it creates an anonymous function that closes over that instance, and this anonymous function becomes the value of randomByte.

read null terminated string from byte vector in julia

I have a vector of type UInt8 and fixed length 10. I think it contains a null-terminated string but when I do String(v) it shows the string + all of the zeros of the rest of the vector.
v = zeros(UInt8, 10)
v[1:5] = Vector{UInt8}("hello")
the output is "hello\0\0\0\0\0".
Either I'm packing it wrong or reading it wrong. Any thoughts?
I use this snippet:
Interpret a vector as null terminated string.
nullstring(x::Vector{UInt8}) = String(x[1:findfirst(==(0), x) - 1])
Although I bet there are faster ways to do this.
You can use unsafe_string: unsafe_string(pointer(v)), this does it without a copy, so is very fast. But #laborg's solution is better in almost all cases, because it's safe.
If you want both safety and maximal performance, you have to write a manual function yourself:
function get_string(v::Vector{UInt8})
# Find first zero
zeropos = 0
#inbounds for i in eachindex(v)
iszero(v[i]) && (zeropos = i; break)
iszero(zeropos) && error("Not null-terminated")
GC.#preserve v unsafe_string(pointer(v), zeropos - 1)
But eh, what are the odds you REALLY need it to be that fast.
You can avoid copying bytes and preserve safety with the following code:
function nullstring!(x::Vector{UInt8})
i = findfirst(iszero, x)
Note that after calling it x will be empty and the returned value is Substring rather than String but in many scenarios it does not matter. This code makes half allocations than code by #laborg and is slightly faster (around 10-20%). The code by Jacob is still unbeatable though.

time_ns() result not saved by writedlm() in julia

I am working with a program which includes many function calls inside a for loop. For short, it is something like this:
function something()
timer = zeros(NSTEP);
for it = 1:NSTEP # time steps
tic = time_ns();
Threads.#threads for p in 1:2 # Star parallel of two sigma functions
arg_in_sig[p] = func_sig[p](arg_in_sig[p]);
Threads.#threads for p in 1:2
arg_in_vel[p] = func_vel[p](arg_in_vel[p])
timer[i] = toc-tic;
end # time loop
What I am trying to do, is to meassure the time that takes to perform on each loop iteration, saving the result in an output file called "timer.txt". The thing is that it doesn't work.
It saves a file with all zeros on it (except two or three values, which is more confusing).
I made a toy example like:
using DelimitedFiles;
function test()
for i=1:1000
tic = time_ns();
C = rand(20,20)*rand(20,20);
toc = time_ns();
a[i] = toc-tic;
return a;
and these actually works (it saves fine!). Is there something to do with the fact that I am implementing Threads.#threads?. What can be happening between writedlm() and time_ns() in my program?
Any help would be much apreciated!
You are iterating over it but try to save by:
timer[i] = toc-tic;
while it should be
timer[it] = toc-tic;
Perhaps you have some i in global scope and hence the code still works.
Additionally locking the thread and immediately unlocking does not seem to make much sense. Moreover, when you iterate over p which happens to be also index of the Vector cell where you save the results there is no need to use the locking mechanism at all (unless you are calling some functions that depend on a global state).

Efficient-yet-terse way to add all the arrays in a composite type?

I came up with 2 ways to add all the arrays in a pair of composite types. The first way (add_structs_1) takes 4 seconds to run and the second way (add_structs_2) takes 0.15 seconds. But the second way requires a lot more code...I have to explicitly mention each field in the composite type. Is there a way to get the efficiency of add_structs_2, without explicitly listing each field?
type SampleStruct
function add_structs_1(tgt::SampleStruct, src::SampleStruct)
for n in names(SampleStruct)
for i in 1:length(tgt.(n))
tgt.(n)[i] += src.(n)[i]
function add_structs_2(tgt::SampleStruct, src::SampleStruct)
for i in 1:length(tgt.a)
tgt.a[i] += src.a[i]
for i in 1:length(tgt.k)
tgt.k[i] += src.k[i]
for i in 1:length(tgt.e_axis)
tgt.e_axis[i] += src.e_axis[i]
for i in 1:length(tgt.e_dev)
tgt.e_dev[i] += src.e_dev[i]
for i in 1:length(tgt.e_scale)
tgt.e_scale[i] += src.e_scale[i]
function time_add_structs(f::Function)
src = SampleStruct(ones(3), ones(3,3), [1.], [1.], [1.])
tgt = SampleStruct(ones(3), ones(3,3), [1.], [1.], [1.])
#time for i in 1:1000000
f(tgt, src)
A more julian approach to add_structs_1 is to make the inner loop a separate function, this allows the compiler to specialize the function on each type in the SampleStruct and gives quite a speedup.
By profiling the code it was visible that the time to execute names(SampleStruct) were quite significant, and this should be done in each iteration of your benchmark, by making it a global constant some time is gained and the function now looks like:
function add_array(a::AbstractArray,b::AbstractArray)
for i in 1:length(a)
a[i] += b[i]
const names_in_struct = names(SampleStruct)
function add_structs_3(tgt::SampleStruct, src::SampleStruct)
for n in names_in_struct
The function is now within a factor of four of add_structs_2
The metaprogramming approach is more complicated but gives the same performance as add_structs_2
ex = Any[]
for n in names(SampleStruct)
t = Expr(:.,:tgt, QuoteNode(n))
s = Expr(:.,:src, QuoteNode(n))
for i in 1:length($t)
$t[i] += $s[i]
eval(quote function add_structs_4(tgt::SampleStruct, src::SampleStruct)
Each of those for loops could be replaced with a one-liner, making the long version just this:
function add_structs_3(tgt::SampleStruct, src::SampleStruct)
tgt.a[:] += src.a
tgt.k[:,:] += src.k
tgt.e_axis[:] += src.e_axis
tgt.e_dev[:] += src.e_dev
tgt.e_scale[:] += src.e_scale
This is the same length as add_structs_1 but slower because it actually builds a temporary array and then does the assignment. You could also use some metaprogramming to generate the longer code.
An approach that should get all the performance of the best case is to combine Daniel's and Stefan's answers: define addition as a separate function just like in Daniel's solution, instead of iterating over the names list each field manually like in Stefan's answer.

OCaml: Does storing some values to be used later introduce "side effects"?

For a homework assignment, we've been instructed to complete a task without introducing any "side-effects". I've looked up "side-effects" on Wikipedia, and though I get that in theory it means "modifies a state or has an observable interaction with calling functions", I'm having trouble figuring out specifics.
For example, would creating a value that holds a non-compile time result be introducing side effects?
Say I had (might not be syntactically perfect):
val myList = (someFunction x y);;
if List.exists ((=) 7) myList then true else false;;
Would this introduce side-effects? I guess maybe I'm confused on what "modifies a state" means in the definition of side-effects.
No; a side-effect refers to e.g. mutating a ref cell with the assignment operator :=, or other things where the value referred to by a name changes over time. In this case, myList is an immutable value that never changes during the program, thus it is effect-free.
See also
A good way to think about it is "have I changed anything which any later code (including running this same function again later) could ever possibly see other than the value I'm returning?" If so, that's a side effect. If not, then you can know that there isn't one.
So, something like:
let inc_nosf v = v+1
has no side effects because it just returns a new value which is one more than an integer v. So if you run the following code in the ocaml toplevel, you get the corresponding results:
# let x = 5;;
val x : int = 5
# inc_nosf x;;
- : int = 6
# x;;
- : int = 5
As you can see, the value of x didn't change. So, since we didn't save the return value, then nothing really got incremented. Our function itself only modifies the return value, not x itself. So to save it into x, we'd have to do:
# let x = inc_nosf x;;
val x : int = 6
# x;;
- : int = 6
Since the inc_nosf function has no side effects (that is, it only communicates with the outside world using its return value, not by making any other changes).
But something like:
let inc_sf r = r := !r+1
has side effects because it changes the value stored in the reference represented by r. So if you run similar code in the top level, you get this, instead:
# let y = ref 5;;
val y : int ref = {contents = 5}
# inc_sf y;;
- : unit = ()
# y;;
- : int ref = {contents = 6}
So, in this case, even though we still don't save the return value, it got incremented anyway. That means there must have been changes to something other than the return value. In this case, that change was the assignment using := which changed the stored value of the ref.
As a good rule of thumb, in Ocaml, if you avoid using refs, records, classes, strings, arrays, and hash tables, then you will avoid any risk of side effects. Although you can safely use string literals as long as you avoid modifying the string in place using functions like String.set or String.fill. Basically, any function which can modify a data type in place will cause a side effect.
