Want to show and hide wordpress page from google search engine - wordpress

I have multiple pages on a daily base offers.
On offer expire I want that offer page to hide (or not show in google search engine) to other users. I Mean when user search my website for the page or offer in search engine then why should not show expired page link on the search result
Sometimes I also want to show that page when offer reopen
My website is on WordPress.
DO find a proper explanation :
We have a WordPress coupon, contest, and free samples websites. We post new offers every day. Those offers have an expiration date. This expiration date is a WordPress custom field. We would like to no-index from search engines all expired offers.
Sometimes we re-publish expired offers and they become available again. In this case, those offers should be re-indexed.

For that you will have to tell search engine to de-index your indexed pages & and you can follow these steps:
Go to the GOOGLE WEBMASTER then go with google index in that Remove URL.
Webmaster -> Google Index ->Remove URL -> Click on Temporary Hide
Follow the above steps and remove the URL from sites.
This way you can deindex your URL. If you need to cancel your 90-day block from search results, you can visit the status page of the tool and click Reinclude next to a successful request. Requests take a few days to be process.
Google has complete guide regarding this too >> https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1663419?hl=en


NopCommerce google bot and facebook crawl redirected through login page

I have nopCommerce website and when testing in Facebook Sharing Debugger, it shows canonical url as "/login?ReturnUrl=%2F". Also Google Search Console says that my sitemap is not valid XML but a HTML page - I think google bots are also redirected to login page.
Facebook Sharing debugger screenshot here
Google Search Console screenshot here
My ACL Public Store rules are all set to enabled for customers and as you can see, you can visit all the pages without loging in.
Why are google and facebook bots redirected through login page? How can I fix this?
Solution is to make sure that table [Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping] has two records:
Customer_Id | CustomerRole_Id
2 | 4
3 | 4
These represent permissions for search engine crawlers and etc.
So these records give them same permissions as Guest.
You should check your Search engine friendly page name filed in all pages that included in your sitemap.xml
there's always a missed SEname filed in pages like content management, products, manufacturers, blogs and etc.
if you have plenty of URLs inside your sitemap and it's hard to find it you can disable/enable below options in https://yoursitename.com/Admin/Setting/GeneralCommon
Sitemap includes categories
Sitemap includes manufacturers
Sitemap includes products
To find which of these pages have a missed SEname filed.
If this solution does not help you, you should use a query to find which pages does not have SEname field.

Telling Google to index a new page, without using Webmaster Tools

I have a WordPress site that generates a single page site for users from some fields they enter into a form and some images they upload. I want to get Google to come out and index the page but my users will not be technical enough to set their page up with Webmaster Tools. What can I do from WordPress when I build the page to tell Google a new page is up and to please come out and index it when they have a chance?
Well you don't have to do anything actually, you could just sit back and wait for it to happen naturally. However there are things you could do to speed up the indexing process.
Here's a suggested way that does not involve having your users do anything:
Create one or more (quality) links pointing to their single page site from other websites that you know are already indexed in Google (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LsB19wTt0Q for more information). Ideally on blogs that get updated frequently because then then it is likely google crawls them more frequently.
Use a site:domain.com search in Google to see whether google has already found your new pages.
Here is how google crawling and indexing works:
Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and
updated pages to be added to the Google index.
We use a huge set of computers to fetch (or "crawl") billions of pages
on the web. The program that does the fetching is called Googlebot
(also known as a robot, bot, or spider). Googlebot uses an algorithmic
process: computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often,
and how many pages to fetch from each site.
Google's crawl process begins with a list of web page URLs, generated
from previous crawl processes, and augmented with Sitemap data
provided by webmasters. As Googlebot visits each of these websites it
detects links on each page and adds them to its list of pages to
crawl. New sites, changes to existing sites, and dead links are noted
and used to update the Google index.
Google doesn't accept payment to crawl a site more frequently, and we
keep the search side of our business separate from our
revenue-generating AdWords service.
Googlebot processes each of the pages it crawls in order to
compile a massive index of all the words it sees and their location on
each page. In addition, we process information included in key content
tags and attributes, such as Title tags and ALT attributes. Googlebot
can process many, but not all, content types. For example, we cannot
process the content of some rich media files or dynamic pages
Source: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/70897?hl=en

Changed content type leading to wrong crawls by google

In our website built on WordPress, we changed name of one of our Custom Post type from 'A' to 'B' and also changed hierarchy of few categories.
Now, the problem is that google is indexing/crawling the old 'A' CPT Name and also old catgeory structure, which is leading to either random pages (because WordPress makes guess and shows page with those keywords in URL) or 404 errors.
What can we do (via Webmaster Tools) to make google re-index our whole site and start honoring our new structure? Thanks.
Here is the brief explanation of the Google's indexing policy:
The process
The crawl process begins with a list of web addresses from past crawls and sitemaps provided by website owners. As Google crawlers visit these websites, they look for links for other pages to visit. The software pays special attention to new sites, changes to existing sites and dead links.
Computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often and how many pages to fetch from each site. Google doesn't accept payment to crawl a site more frequently for your web search results. They care more about having the best possible results because in the long run that's what's best for users and, therefore, their business.
Choice for website owners
Most websites don't need to set up restrictions for crawling, indexing or serving, so their pages are eligible to appear in search results without having to do any extra work.
That said, site owners have many choices about how Google crawls and indexes their sites through Webmaster Tools and a file called “robots.txt”. With the robots.txt file, site owners can choose not to be crawled by Google bot or they can provide more specific instructions about how to process pages on their sites.
Site owners have granular choices and can choose how content is indexed on a page-by-page basis. For example, they can opt to have their pages appear without a snippet (the summary of the page shown below the title in search results) or a cached version (an alternate version stored on Google's servers in case the live page is unavailable). Web-masters can also choose to integrate search into their own pages with Custom Search.
Read more here and here.

Google cached url for specific site and parmanent url redirection

first i like know how can i see what are the pages are cached of my web site. say my web site is www.mysite.com
i am going to change few urls of my site but there is one problem that i may loose SEO. suppose google cached this page of my url like
www.mysite.com/detailproduct.aspx?id=200 now i have change the location and name of the page. say now detail product name change to product and url looks like
www.mysite.com/catalog/products.aspx?id=200 so when people search google and if this link www.mysite.com/detailproduct.aspx?id=200 comes in google search and if user click on this link then no relevant page will display. so first of all i need to know what are the different pages has been cached of my web site by google if i know then i can write permanent redirection logic as a result google cache pages url will be change..i guess.
if anyone know any best practice to handle this situation then please discuss in details. the situation is few page name and location has been change and if user search google and if old page url comes then no page will display when user click on those link. i want to handle this situation in best way....what is all of your suggestion. thanks

AdSense: How to keep Ads updated with logged in user content

I want my Ads to work like Gmail, so it will show Ads according to the content of the user. All the users on my site have to login to insert content.
I use AdSense site authentication and it works fine, I can see the crawler reading the pages.
I configured my site the following way:
Every time the user redirects to a page I added his ID so the request is : X?id=123
And when the crawler user entered the same page, it shows a list of links to the same page with different IDs (each link shows different user content according to the ID) :
X?id=3 ….
It worked great !! If for example the user entered cars content he got cars Ads.
But after a while it stopped working, Even though the crawler keeps reading the pages the Ads aren’t relevant to the user content.
Is there a way to keep updating the Ads? (The content the crawler sees keep updating)
Is there a better way of doing this?
I use: ASP.NET MSSQL 2005
Can a non-authenticated, non-javascript-running Bot that google is running see the context on these pages? Use Google Webmaster Tools (tutorial) to learn exactly what the googlebot sees on your site.
