Tableau Server hourly google analytics updates - google-analytics

I'm setting up a Dashboard on Tableau Server and with a data source extract from Google Analytics.
I need it to refresh hourly.
When publishing the data source I have selected Fixed start and incremental refresh, and i can see that the end date is hardcoded to yesterday and I can only schedule update once a day.
This means that my Dashboard will only have data for the previous day. Is this a known limitation? Is there a way to achieve hourly automated data refreshes?
I thought of three possible solutions:
1) Using command line data extract update, but I don't see any parameter that allows me to control date range, so the end date would always be hardcoded to yesterday (?)
2) Using Tableau API. But again, my extract will only refresh to latest day yesterday.
3) Setting up a separate process to download the data into a database and then connect to it with Tableau. Not sure if in this case I will be able to incrementally update the extract or if I have to reload the entire extract all the time.
Any help would be much appreciated!!


GA report API v4, I want to update data every minute. How to update data if there is no identifier?

I have some criteria for the report and I want to add them to postresql and update for example every minute.Should i have to call reporting api for the current day and overwrite all the data for the current day?
calling reporting API every second for today's data has a little sense since Analytics data processing lag is 24-48 hours and most probably your data won't be updated with 1-sec frequency.
Also, the only convenient way to export data to own storage from API is scheduled calling reporting API for a dynamically generated date range (like last seven days) and overwriting the existing data in the storage.
You might add ga:date to your reported dimensions to get your report data date-wise so you'll be able to track what needs to be updated.

Google Analytics export setup to Bigquery

I was able to setup the GA360 to bigquery and I also got an email that export is complete. But I dont see anything when I click on the dataset. Will it take time for the tables to show up or do I need to create tables once I setup the dataset in bigquery?
If you successfully connected GA360, you don't need to anything else additional for it to work. Make sure you're using the correct account for the Big Query project.
It will take time for the day-of data to show up as well as a few days for the 13 months of data to show up.

Use measurement protocol to create transaction/item for a specific date

I am using the following URL to generate an item for the transaction.
After a few days I will need to change it, because any data in it will be not correct. Is there a way to specify date on this URL so that the modification of the transaction was the day it was created?
No. While there is the queue time parameter that allows for a few hours offset there is not way to specify a date in a hit (that would force Google to reprocess a lot of data to integrate hits for previous dates in the reports).

Google Analytics Single Daily Report

Is there a way to send a daily report with the current date's traffic only (not the whole month)? For example, if the report is sent 2015/01/25, I'd like to see traffic from 2015/01/25. I know I can manually select the data range but I'm looking for something that will automatically send daily PDF email report for current day only.
In the Email dialog of the Custom Reporting section, you can select a frequency of Daily and that will send your report every day for the previous day's data. Usually this is what you want since data for today will not always be current or accurate.
If you really need today's data, you can use the Core Reporting API and set the value for the start-date and end-date parameters to 'today'.
If you want to automate this process without too much effort, I'd recommend checking out the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on, which uses the Core Reporting API behind the scenes. It won't email you reports, but you can do everything else you're asking.

Manually adding e-commerce transactions in Google Analytics

we've had some problems with the tracking of the transactions in Google Analytics in our e-commerce website, and now we've lost a couple of months of data due to a configuration error.
Is it possible to bulk import in some way these transactions, along with their additional parameters (date of event, transaction code, money amount)?
We know when every one of these events has taken place, but we would like to import it back into Analytics to have the complete statistics.
Thank you for the help
If the data is in MySQL say for example.
Run a MySQL command which pulls all the orders from the date_you_want_start_from and then limit it till the date_you_want_to_end_from
With this data, then create a MySQL view call it "import_table"
Create a PHP and XML script which loads all the data from import_table, it then writes and fills the XML feed
Just run that XML feed now inside your analytic loop JavaScript and it will loop and basically add data into the past for you.
Note: PHP, XML and MySQL is just a scenario to give you a head on to do it.
