Mixed Content Error in ejabberd/XMPP chat server - http

My site is protected With SSL when i try to call XMPP Chat server is showing this error.
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://localhost:44300/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
how to add ssl to ejabberd/XMPP chat server
pls Help Me am new to this

how to add ssl to ejabberd/XMPP chat server
I think you need the option tls: true and the option certfile: ... Try something like this:
port: 5280
module: ejabberd_http
"/ws": ejabberd_http_ws
"/bosh": mod_bosh
"/api": mod_http_api
"/presence": mod_webpresence
web_admin: true
tls: true
certfile: "/etc/ejabberd/server.pem"

The reason why you have Mixed Content issue is not only because you did not setup ssl on your ejabberd server.
Actually it says about other issue:
You site is up and running on HTTPS (https://localhost:44300/)
From this HTTPS page you are trying to access not secure resource. By "not secure" I mean HTTP endpoint of your ejabberd server (')
So that's why you see this issue.
How to fix?
You need to access your ejabberd server by secure endpoint (HTTPS), so you should have this url in your JS app code.
I'm not familiar with jsxc, but I found this getting started guide https://github.com/jsxc/jsxc/wiki/Install-jsxc#2-configure
so your config should have HTTPS instead of HTTP, e.g:
xmpp: {
url: 'https://localhost:5280/http-bind/',
After this, your Mixed Content issue should be resolved.
Probably, after it, you will face another issue that you did not setup SSL for your ejabberd server, but it relates to your ejabberd server config and not to your JS app.


Trouble making http request from lighttpd server to pm2 server

I have my personal website running on a lighttpd server on my raspberry pi. I have that server’s port (80) forwarded so it can be accessed publicly.
I’m in the process of making a project, and I want a node.js service to make requests to from the lighttpd server. I set up pm2 so the node.js server is always running. I have that port forwarded too (5000). I've verified that this server is working via postman and the browser
I'm receiving the following error when making requests:
has been blocked by CORS policy: The request client is not a secure context and the resource is in more-private address space private.
Of note; I have Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network:true in the response header and Access-Control-Request-Private-Network:true in the request header. The only other solution I've found that might fix this is getting an SSL cert for the lighttpd server and using https for it, however I'm struggling setting that up to see if it would work
Would getting an SSL cert for lighttpd allow me to make requests to my pm2 server?
Is there a different solution?
How secure is this setup? I don't expect a lot of traffic...

asp.net header forwarding not working for external Identity provider

I use asp.net Identity with AzureAD as an external Identity provider in my Balzor server side app. In development environment (localhost) logging in works fine. When I deploy the app to an on premise server in a docker image behind Nginx, it does not. Microsoft sends the error message AADSTS50011: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application. I have added the proper reply URL to Azure portal. As far as I can tell, the request uses http, while https should be used, which causes the error.
Since Nginx handles secure transport, the headers need to be forwarded, so I configured Nginx and enabled Header forwarding in Startup.ConfigureServices:
services.Configure<ForwardedHeadersOptions>(options =>
options.ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto;
options.ForwardLimit = 1;
and at the very beginning of Startup.Configure:
// should not be necessary but I tried with and without
When I enable logging, I think I see that the correct header is forwarded from Nginx:
Header: X-Forwarded-For: 123.xxx.xxx.xxx
Header: X-Forwarded-Proto: https
To me it looks like ChallengeResult() in ExternalLogin.Post is not using the forwarded headers and sends http://my.domain.ch/signin-oidc instead of https:// as reply URL, which causes the error.
I ran out of ideas what else I could try, any suggestions please?
After some digging I found the mistake: I did add the wrong proxy IP. Since my asp.net app is hosted on docker, I had to add the IP address of the docker image as proxy, not the IP of the server which hosts nginx and docker. In fact, I added the default network used by docker
options.KnownNetworks.Add(new IPNetwork(IPAddress.Parse(""), 16));

Discord OAUTH on Quart recieving InsecureTransportError even with an SSL certificate

Recently I have been working on a website project that allows users to login with their Discord accounts to browse the website with their account.
The website utilizes the Flask-Discord library, Quart as my WSGI web framework, Hypercorn as my production server and Nginx as a proxy to pass web requests to my Hypercorn socket. I have set up an SSL certificate using Certbot-Nginx with Let Encrypt as the Certificate Issuer. However, after users are redirected to the Discord login page, the user logs into Discord and the callback is requested to my Quart Server I am receiving the following error:
oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.errors.InsecureTransportError: (insecure_transport) OAuth 2 MUST utilize https.
The website is set up and working correctly with a domain setup with noip temporarily and the SSL certificate valid, making all requests redirect to HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Is it possible that because the SSL certificate is set up with Nginx that the Python OAuth2 library is just unaware of the SSL certificate? It seems unlikely considering all requests are being redirected to HTTPS.
I've found plenty of people recommending to prevent such an error to just change the OAuth environment variables to allow for insecure transport but I don't want to compromise the security of the website.
Any ideas as to why this might be happening would be extremely helpful.
This is happening because requests coming from Nginx reverse proxy is in HTTP form. Since you're running Quart app locally at say http://127..0.0.1:5000 and when Nginx makes requests to this URL, its starts with http. So insecure transport is done only from Nginx to your Quart app. You can supress this by setting "OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT" = "true". More highlight on this: https://github.com/thec0sm0s/Flask-Discord/issues/3#issuecomment-676567390

Https communication on localhost in IIS using self-signed certificate

I have 2 sites running on the same machine, a client and an API.
Let's say the computer's IP is
The API has a default page when you browse to it, the rest of the API is under
The API has HTTP binding to port 80, and HTTPS binding to port 443.
The client has HTTP binding to port 8080, and HTTPS binding to port 64300.
Both HTTPS bindings use a self signed certificate I created via IIS manager.
Both sites have a HTTP to HTTPS redirect using "URL Rewrite".
When I try to browse either one of the apps, it works fine (gives the warning in the browser that you can skip).
When I do some action in the client which involves a HTTP request to the api using one of the following calls I get an error:
The exception includes this error:
"The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure"
I tried using the method described in this link (add the self-signed certificate to the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities folder) but it won't work.
Help please :D
found the answer.. posting if anyone else will get stuck on it.
It's pretty weird but the only thing that worked was to make the localhost http(s) request using the HOST NAME.

How to handle https request if ssl is not installed on server using codeigniter

I just tried with http ans https to fetch data in the for of json from server, while I try with http its working fine but when I try with https getting error. Is there any way to handle "https" request if server is not cofigured with SSL.
no, there isn't any way if the server isn't configured to user SSL. However if you want TLS encryption you could use a SSH tunnel. If you can't configure your application to use SSL you could configure a http server like Apache or nginx to act as an SSL Proxy.
