Problem in making chart with Chart.js in wix? - iframe

I am having a problem in building a pie chart with chart.js ..I am working in ..The problem i am facing is with 2 postmessage()..
Here is the page code....
import wixData from 'wix-data';
import { session } from 'wix-storage';
var name = session.getItem('name');
var platformName = session.getItem('platform');
import { getchampionranks } from 'backend/pcprofile.jsw';
$w.onReady(function () {
getchampionranks('pronil07').then(res => {
var data = [];
var labels = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= res.length - 1; i++) {
console.log("Data length: " + data.length);
console.log("Label length: " + labels.length);
Here is the iframe code...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src =""></script>
<body onLoad="ready()">
<canvas id="myChart" width="146" height="149"></canvas>
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
label: 'wins/loss',
data: [],
backgroundColor: [
borderWidth: 1
options: {
cutoutPercentage : 0,
rotation: Math.PI * 0.8,
display: false,
position: 'bottom',
animation: {
easing: 'easeOutElastic',
Steps: 100,
animateRotate : true,
animateScale : true
window.onmessage = function(event){[0].data =;
function ready(){
window.parent.postMessage({"type":"ready"}, "*");
On doing this..i am getting the result like this..
I am getting the chart with the data array..but the labels is undefined..
And if i unquote the postmessage(labels) and send both data and labels via 2 postmessage()..the chart don't form...
I need to send both data and labels array to the iframe from page code...
Any solution?????

This is easiest done by sending both the data and the labels from your page code in one object. Then in the HTML element, you can set the chart's data and labels using that object.
In your case, that would look something like this:
Page Code:
let info = {data:data, labels:labels};
HTML Element Code:
window.onmessage = function(event){[0].data =; =;

You are right! This is the easiest way.
Here is the page code...
var data = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
var _temp = Math.log10(i);
var labels = ["September", "October", "Novemver", "December", "January", "February"];
$w.onReady(() => {
console.log("Data length: " + data.length);
console.log("Label length: " + labels.length);
$w("#html1").onMessage((event) => {
let info = { data: data, labels: labels };
if ( === 'ready') {
Here is the html code...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src ="">
<body onLoad="ready()">
<canvas id="myChart" width="250" height="200"></canvas>
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
label: 'Our activity',
data: []
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
window.onmessage = function(event){[0].data =; =;
function ready(){
window.parent.postMessage({"type":"ready"}, "*");


Unable to draw a Curved Polyline using Here Maps JS Api

Unable to Draw a curved polyline using Here Maps JS API.
Trying to add the logic based on my previous findings.
It throws an error "Uncaught TypeError: arc.GreatCircle is not a constructor"
Any Suggestions on how to fix this ?
My Earlier Querstion
Here is my working JSFiddle which is trying to draw a curve to multiple spots.
//Step 1: initialize communication with the platform
// In your own code, replace variable window.apikey with your own apikey
var platform = new H.service.Platform({
apikey: window.apikey
var defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers();
//Step 2: initialize a map - this map is centered over Europe
var map = new H.Map(document.getElementById('map'),,{
center: {lat:52, lng:5},
zoom: 5,
pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1
// add a resize listener to make sure that the map occupies the whole container
window.addEventListener('resize', () => map.getViewPort().resize());
//Step 3: make the map interactive
// MapEvents enables the event system
// Behavior implements default interactions for pan/zoom (also on mobile touch environments)
var behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map));
// Create the default UI components
var ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, defaultLayers);
window.addEventListener('resize', function() { map.getViewPort().resize(); });
var npoints = 100,
offset = 20;
// Now use the map as required...
// Berlin -> Chicago0
add([52.51607,13.37699],[41.88425,-87.63245], { style: { strokeColor : "#00FF00", lineWidth : 5, lineDash: [3], lineHeadCap: "arrow-head", lineTailCap: "arrow-tail"} });
// Tokyo -> san Francisco
add([35.68019,139.81194],[37.77712,-122.41964], {style: { strokeColor: "rgba(0,0,255,0.7)", lineWidth: 15, lineDash: [1], lineHeadCap: "arrow-head", lineTailCap: "arrow-tail"} });
// Berlin -> Melbourne
add([52.51607,13.37699],[-37.81753,144.96715], { style: { strokeColor : "rgba(255,0,255,0.7)", lineWidth : 5, lineDash: [3], lineHeadCap: "arrow-head", lineTailCap: "arrow-tail"} });
// Berlin -> Paris -> Paris -> London
add([52.51607,13.37699],[48.85721, 2.34144], { style: { strokeColor : "rgba(0,255,0,0.7)", lineWidth : 5, lineDash: [3], lineHeadCap: "arrow-head", lineTailCap: "arrow-tail"} });
add([48.85721, 2.34144],[51.50643,-0.12721], { style: { strokeColor : "rgba(255,255,0,0.7)", lineWidth : 5, lineDash: [3], lineHeadCap: "arrow-head", lineTailCap: "arrow-tail"} });
function add(s,e,options) {
var arc = {};
arc.Coord = Coord;
arc.Arc = Arc;
arc.GreatCircle = GreatCircle;
var start_ll = new H.geo.Point(s[0],s[1]),
end_ll = new H.geo.Point(e[0],e[1]),
start_coord = {x: start_ll.lng,},
end_coord = {x:end_ll.lng,};
description = ''+s[0]+','+s[1]+'=>'+e[0]+','+e[1]+'',
gc0 = new arc.GreatCircle(start_coord,end_coord, {'name': 'line', 'color':'#ff7200','description':description}),
line0 = gc0.Arc(npoints,{offset:offset}),
strip = line0.strip();
map.addObject(new, options));
var D2R = Math.PI / 180;
var R2D = 180 / Math.PI;
var Coord = function(lon, lat) {
this.lon = lon; = lat;
this.x = D2R * lon;
this.y = D2R * lat;
Coord.prototype.view = function() {
return String(this.lon).slice(0, 4) + ',' + String(, 4);
Coord.prototype.antipode = function() {
var anti_lat = -1 *;
var anti_lon = (this.lon < 0) ? 180 + this.lon : (180 - this.lon) * -1;
return new Coord(anti_lon, anti_lat);
var LineString = function() {
this.coords = [];
this.length = 0;
LineString.prototype.move_to = function(coord) {
var Arc = function(properties) { = properties || {};
this.geometries = [];
Arc.prototype.json = function() {
if (this.geometries.length <= 0) {
return { 'geometry': { 'type': 'LineString', 'coordinates': null }, 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': };
} else if (this.geometries.length == 1) {
return { 'geometry': { 'type': 'LineString', 'coordinates': this.geometries[0].coords }, 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': };
} else {
var multiline = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.geometries.length; i++) {
return { 'geometry': { 'type': 'MultiLineString', 'coordinates': multiline }, 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': };
Arc.prototype.strip = function() {
var s = H.geo.Strip ? new H.geo.Strip() : new H.geo.LineString();
for (var i = 0; i < this.geometries.length; i++) {
if (this.geometries[i].coords.lenght !== 0) {
var coords = this.geometries[i].coords;
for (var j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) {
var p = new H.geo.Point(coords[j][1], coords[j][0]);
return s;
var GreatCircle = function(start, end, properties) {
if (!start || start.x === undefined || start.y === undefined) {
throw new Error("GreatCircle constructor expects two args: start and end objects with x and y properties");
if (!end || end.x === undefined || end.y === undefined) {
throw new Error("GreatCircle constructor expects two args: start and end objects with x and y properties");
this.start = new Coord(start.x, start.y);
this.end = new Coord(end.x, end.y); = properties || {};
var w = this.start.x - this.end.x;
var h = this.start.y - this.end.y;
var z = Math.pow(Math.sin(h / 2.0), 2) + Math.cos(this.start.y) * Math.cos(this.end.y) * Math.pow(Math.sin(w / 2.0), 2);
this.g = 2.0 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(z));
if (this.g == Math.PI) {
throw new Error('it appears ' + start.view() + ' and ' + end.view() + " are 'antipodal', e.g diametrically opposite, thus there is no single route but rather infinite");
} else if (isNaN(this.g)) {
throw new Error('could not calculate great circle between ' + start + ' and ' + end);
#map {
width: 95%;
height: 450px;
background: grey;
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<title>Polyline on the Map</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="demo.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../template.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src='../test-credentials.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<body id="markers-on-the-map">
<div id="map"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src='demo.js'></script>
this is simple: the var GreatCircle is not defined yet but program code invoke GreatCircle
We moved some parts of code through each together
but any way there is error GreatCircle doesn't have 'arc' property defined.
there is this module
but you needs Bézier curve:
I found some implementation on this - (but in russian) - there a curve consists from lines based on 100 points (step 0.01)
flow = getBezierCurve(new Array(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3]), 0.01);
drawLines(ctx, flow, 10);
In JS API wasn't implemented functionality of like Bézier curve
but search in google on "bezier curve javascript example code" - if you get points of curve you can use in JS API map.screenToGeo every point and plot it on the map

CharJs Using Razor

My web app is about an Online Poll that manages Question's and answers, I can also vote on answers, so now I only need to show on a graphic the number of votes for each answer, I saw this Chart.js api so i'm trying to implement it to my app but having issues on Converting the Json objects the right way.
<div id="chart_container">
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar', data: {
labels: #Html.Raw(ViewBag.DataPoints)
datasets: [{
label: 'Numero de respostas',
data: #Html.Raw(ViewBag.DataPoints)
borderWidth: 1,
options: {scales: {yAxes: [{ticks: {beginAtZero: true}}]}}});
Here is my controller code:
List<DataPoint> dataPoints = new List<DataPoint>();
foreach (var resposta in poolDbContext.Answers)
dataPoints.Add(new DataPoint(resposta.Text, answer.Votes.Count()));
ViewBag.DataPoints = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPoints);
ViewBag.Data = question.Answers;
ViewBag.ObjectName = question.Text;
And here is my DataPoint Model:
public class DataPoint
public DataPoint(string labels, double data)
this.Label = labels;
this.Y = data;
//Explicitly setting the name to be used while serializing to JSON.
[DataMember(Name = "labels")]
public string Label = "";
//Explicitly setting the name to be used while serializing to JSON.
[DataMember(Name = "data")]
public Nullable<double> Y = null;
I have managed to make it display the right number of bars but they don't have a value or an answer Text
EmptyBars Image
I would advice reading stack overflows help section on how to ask questions, if you want more responses at How to ask questions
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart_container">
<canvas id="myChart" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
var arrayOfAnswers = JSON.parse('#Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.Answers.ToList()))');
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d');
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: arrayOfAnswers,
datasets: [{
label: '# of Answers',
data: [//Enter data for all answers labels, corresponding to bars],
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
This should work and also you can't do a foreach loop inside a javascript array

Error in syncing data from google calendar to Jquery Full calendar

I have a task that, need to sync my websites's full calendar with google calendar private data. I could able to extract data from google, but while trying to display that to the Jquery full calendar, it shows an error that TypeError: $(...).fullCalendar is not a function, but when page loads full calender is loading properly. I'm getting this error only when refreshing the calendar after fetching data from google.
Here is the code i'm using:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Google Calendar API Quickstart</title>
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' />
<button id="authorize-button" style="display: none;">Authorize</button>
<button id="signout-button" style="display: none;">Sign Out</button>
<pre id="content"></pre>
<div id='calendar'></div>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var events = [];
eventSources: [
// your event source
events: events,
color: 'black', // an option!
textColor: 'yellow' // an option!
// any other event sources...
var CLIENT_ID = 'My Id';
var DISCOVERY_DOCS = [""];
var SCOPES = "";
var authorizeButton = document.getElementById('authorize-button');
var signoutButton = document.getElementById('signout-button');
function handleClientLoad() {
gapi.load('client:auth2', initClient);
function initClient() {
discoveryDocs: DISCOVERY_DOCS,
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
scope: SCOPES
}).then(function () {
authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick;
signoutButton.onclick = handleSignoutClick;
function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) {
if (isSignedIn) { = 'none'; = 'block';
} else { = 'block'; = 'none';
function handleAuthClick(event) {
function handleSignoutClick(event) {
function appendPre(message) {
var pre = document.getElementById('content');
var textContent = document.createTextNode(message + '\n');
function refreshCalander(eventData) {
eventSources: [
// your event source
events: eventData,
color: 'black', // an option!
textColor: 'yellow' // an option!
// any other event sources..
function listUpcomingEvents() {{
'calendarId': 'primary',
'timeMin': (new Date()).toISOString(),
'showDeleted': false,
'singleEvents': true,
'maxResults': 10,
'orderBy': 'startTime'
}).then(function (response) {
var googleEvents = response.result.items;
if (googleEvents.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < googleEvents.length; i++) {
var event = googleEvents[i];
var when = event.start.dateTime;
if (!when) {
when =;
events.push({ "title": event.summary, "start": when });
<script async defer src=""
onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState === 'complete') this.onload()">

Custom tooltip in Chart.js

I'm trying to display custom tool tips with Chart.js depending on the data classification. I want to display:
1: Tooltip1
2: Tooltip2
3: Tooltip2
Following is the code.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var pieData = [
value: parseInt(document.getElementById("<%= txtPendingCount.ClientID %>").value, 0),
color: "#f5170a",
highlight: "#f85248",
label: "1"
value: parseInt(document.getElementById("<%= txtCompletedCount.ClientID %>").value, 0),
color: "#ce5e0c",
highlight: "#cf7d40",
label: "2"
value: parseInt(document.getElementById("<%= txtWithheldCount.ClientID %>").value, 0),
color: "#f4cd0c",
highlight: "#f7de62",
label: "3"
window.onload = function () {
var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d");
window.myPie = new Chart(ctx).Pie(pieData);
Can anyone please suggest how to do this?
In the example you can see how to do this, you can note that i use doughut but is the same idea to do this with pie chart:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="chart-area" style="display:inline;"></canvas>
var doughnutData = [
value: 200,
color: "#FFF",
value: 200,
color: "#bb2028",
value: 80,
color: "#d97128" ,
value: 40,
color: "#fada09",
value: 100,
color: "#6bb345",
label:"Light Green",
value: 60,
color: "#b4aea7",
value: 200,
window.onload = function(){
var helpers = Chart.helpers;
var canvas= document.getElementById("chart-area");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var globalChartConfig = {
responsive : true,
tooltipTemplate: "<%if (label){%>Label Color: <%=label%>: <%}%> <%= value %>",
window.myDoughnut = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(doughnutData, globalChartConfig);

Google Analytics Embed API demo not showing at all

I am replicating Google Analytics Embed API demos, which you can find here. So far, I have been able to replicate the basic dashboard, multiple date ranges, multiple views and interactive charts using my clientid
The one that is giving me trouble is the Third Party Visualizations and I am following the steps according to what is posted.
By the way for step 3 I am using the full path ""
Once I log in with my Google Account, all I get is the embed-api-auth-container but not the charts. I am using the following code:
(Apologies, I am new to StackOverflow)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Thirtd Party Visualizations</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<div id="embed-api-auth-container"></div>
<div id="view-selector-container"></div>
<div id="active-users-container"></div>
<div id="chart-1-container"></div>
<div id="legend-1-container"></div>
<div id="chart-2-container"></div>
<div id="legend-2-container"></div>
<div id="chart-3-container"></div>
<div id="legend-3-container"></div>
<div id="chart-4-container"></div>
<div id="legend-4-container"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script> {{
container: 'embed-api-auth-container',
clientid: 'XXXX',
var activeUsers = new{
container: 'active-users-container',
pollingInterval: 5
activeUsers.once('success', function() {
var element = this.container.firstChild;
var timeout;
this.on('change', function(data) {
var element = this.container.firstChild;
var animationClass = > 0 ? 'is-increasing' : 'is-decreasing';
element.className += (' ' + animationClass);
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
element.className =
element.className.replace(/ is-(increasing|decreasing)/g, '');
}, 3000);
var viewSelector = new{
container: 'view-selector-container',
viewSelector.on('viewChange', function(data) {
var title = document.getElementById('view-name');
title.innerHTML = + ' (' + + ')';
function renderWeekOverWeekChart(ids) {
// Adjust `now` to experiment with different days, for testing only...
var now = moment(); // .subtract(3, 'day');
var thisWeek = query({
'ids': ids,
'dimensions': 'ga:date,ga:nthDay',
'metrics': 'ga:sessions',
'start-date': moment(now).subtract(1, 'day').day(0).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
'end-date': moment(now).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
var lastWeek = query({
'ids': ids,
'dimensions': 'ga:date,ga:nthDay',
'metrics': 'ga:sessions',
'start-date': moment(now).subtract(1, 'day').day(0).subtract(1, 'week')
'end-date': moment(now).subtract(1, 'day').day(6).subtract(1, 'week')
Promise.all([thisWeek, lastWeek]).then(function(results) {
var data1 = results[0] { return +row[2]; });
var data2 = results[1] { return +row[2]; });
var labels = results[1] { return +row[0]; });
labels = {
return moment(label, 'YYYYMMDD').format('ddd');
var data = {
labels : labels,
datasets : [
label: 'Last Week',
fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : data2
label: 'This Week',
fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
data : data1
new Chart(makeCanvas('chart-1-container')).Line(data);
generateLegend('legend-1-container', data.datasets);
function renderYearOverYearChart(ids) {
// Adjust `now` to experiment with different days, for testing only...
var now = moment(); // .subtract(3, 'day');
var thisYear = query({
'ids': ids,
'dimensions': 'ga:month,ga:nthMonth',
'metrics': 'ga:users',
'start-date': moment(now).date(1).month(0).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
'end-date': moment(now).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
var lastYear = query({
'ids': ids,
'dimensions': 'ga:month,ga:nthMonth',
'metrics': 'ga:users',
'start-date': moment(now).subtract(1, 'year').date(1).month(0)
'end-date': moment(now).date(1).month(0).subtract(1, 'day')
Promise.all([thisYear, lastYear]).then(function(results) {
var data1 = results[0] { return +row[2]; });
var data2 = results[1] { return +row[2]; });
var labels = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
for (var i = 0, len = labels.length; i < len; i++) {
if (data1[i] === undefined) data1[i] = null;
if (data2[i] === undefined) data2[i] = null;
var data = {
labels : labels,
datasets : [
label: 'Last Year',
fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
data : data2
label: 'This Year',
fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
data : data1
new Chart(makeCanvas('chart-2-container')).Bar(data);
generateLegend('legend-2-container', data.datasets);
.catch(function(err) {
function renderTopBrowsersChart(ids) {
'ids': ids,
'dimensions': 'ga:browser',
'metrics': 'ga:pageviews',
'sort': '-ga:pageviews',
'max-results': 5
.then(function(response) {
var data = [];
var colors = ['#4D5360','#949FB1','#D4CCC5','#E2EAE9','#F7464A'];
response.rows.forEach(function(row, i) {
data.push({ value: +row[1], color: colors[i], label: row[0] });
new Chart(makeCanvas('chart-3-container')).Doughnut(data);
generateLegend('legend-3-container', data);
function renderTopCountriesChart(ids) {
'ids': ids,
'dimensions': 'ga:country',
'metrics': 'ga:sessions',
'sort': '-ga:sessions',
'max-results': 5
.then(function(response) {
var data = [];
var colors = ['#4D5360','#949FB1','#D4CCC5','#E2EAE9','#F7464A'];
response.rows.forEach(function(row, i) {
label: row[0],
value: +row[1],
color: colors[i]
new Chart(makeCanvas('chart-4-container')).Doughnut(data);
generateLegend('legend-4-container', data);
function query(params) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var data = new{query: params});
data.once('success', function(response) { resolve(response); })
.once('error', function(response) { reject(response); })
function makeCanvas(id) {
var container = document.getElementById(id);
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
container.innerHTML = '';
canvas.width = container.offsetWidth;
canvas.height = container.offsetHeight;
return ctx;
function generateLegend(id, items) {
var legend = document.getElementById(id);
legend.innerHTML = {
var color = item.color || item.fillColor;
var label = item.label;
return '<li><i style="background:' + color + '"></i>' + label + '</li>';
} = 60; = 'easeInOutQuart'; = true; = false;
The example code you linked to is missing some elements and needs to be updated.
Check out this bug on Github which has a workaround and allows you to track the progress of the fix:
