Remove "home title" from front page while copy and paste site link to social media - wordpress

I created a Wordpress site using Divi Builder
Whenever I share link to Linkedin
I need to remove or edit "Home" title while sharing on LinkedIn as changing front page title didn't work.

That is because of your page name. LinkedIn is taking page name as Title on the post. You can change the page name as if you want other title at the post. You can keep a title matching name any thing by changing the page name.
Go to pages inside admin of wordpress site than edit home page title. Automatically the change will be visible on linkedin post as you put url there.

For this you have to make sure your code complies with Open Graph Protocol(OGP).
And for that you'll have to add some of the following meta tags:
<meta property='og:title' content='Title of the article"/>
<meta property='og:image' content='// 1234567.jpg"/>
<meta property='og:description' content='Description that will show in the preview"/>
<meta property='og:url' content='// of the article" />
And whatever value you add in meta property='og:title', will appear as the title on linkedin.
More info available here:


Want to change title name while posting my WordPress Site URL when sharing on LinkedIn

I have created this site in WordPress ( and installed Yoast SEO Plugin.
I have properly implemented meta and OG tags, but when I am posting the above site URL on LinkedIn, the 'Home_main_latest' dummy title is showing.
you can use theses meta tags for LinkedIn, you can even set the website title, description or image.
<meta property='og:title' content='Title of the article'/>
<meta property='og:image' content='// 1234567.jpg'/>
<meta property='og:description' content='Description that will show in the preview'/>
<meta property='og:url' content='// of the article'/>
here is the reference from LinkedIn website
Also use wp-head wordpress hook to add this code in the website.
Happy Wordpress
Please use below URL to get updated title and description from your site in linked share:
you have another option apart from the above one: you can add '?latest' after your site URL
Also, please don't forget to include below code in your header file:

Microdata tags for Facebook catalogues

I am trying to setup FB Catalogue using the FB pixel. When I try to select my pixel (already installed on the website), the error I get states
To use this pixel, you need to install required microdata tags on your website
On the FB documentation the suggestion is to use the protocols OpenGraph or
Here are the required tags for OpenGraph:
og:title: The title of the item.
og:description: A description of the item.
og:url: The complete URL for the product page.
og:image: A link to the image used on the product page.
product:brand: The brand name of the item.
product:availability: The current availability of the item. You can choose "in stock", "out of stock", "preorder", "available for order" or "discontinued".
product:condition: The current condition of the item. You can choose "new", "refurbished" or "used".
product:price:amount: The current price of the item. The current price of the item. Don't include symbols like "£" in the price.
product:price:currency: The currency for the price. The currency for the price, in ISO format (for example, GBP).
product:retailer_item_id: The retailer's ID for the item.
<!-- Open Graph Metadata -->
<meta property="og:title" content="Facebook T-Shirt">
<meta property="og:description" content="Unisex Facebook T-shirt, Small">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
<meta property="product:brand" content="Facebook">
<meta property="product:availability" content="in stock">
<meta property="product:condition" content="new">
<meta property="product:price:amount" content="9.99">
<meta property="product:price:currency" content="USD">
<meta property="product:retailer_item_id" content="facebook_tshirt_001">
<!-- End Open Graph Metadata -->
What I don't understand is if I have to manually add this information to each and every product I have on the website?
How do I setup this?
Yes you have to include all those necessary metadata tags to each page dynamically or if you have less than 50 pages then you can go with static implementation for each page, But it will be good to insert all these necessary metadata dynamically. OR you can include those into your product catalog feed sheet.
To add the microdata, you can use 2 different communication systems: OpenGraph or You can visit the Facebook for Developers website to learn how to set microdata tags for catalogs.

Wordpress featured image with ACF

I use Advanced Custom Fields on Wordpress to set an featured image that i host on flickr, this way i can query it perfectly in the template i am building.
But this image isn't in the content(text) of the post, so for example Facebook or Twitter or any social media to share posts to don't see this image.
So in posts wherefore i only have one image. Which i show on top of the post as background for the title won't be shown inside the content and therefore social media don't recognize it.
Bullet points:
Wordpress Advanced Custom Fields plugin to add a field to a post where in i paste the url of the picture on flickr.
I can perfectly query the URL and implement it in the template i am building.
But this means that this picture isn't in the post content(text). Therefore social media don't seem to see this picture and don't show a picture if users want to share a article from my website.
I really don't know how to solve this and i hope that somebody has a solution.
English isn't my first language so excuse me in case of any spelling or grammar errors.
I don't really get why you want to host your featured image outside WP or, more specifically, on Flickr... but if you can get its URL via ACF (I guess you're using an URL field) and the issue is Facebook or Twitter doesn't retrieve your image when you share your page, maybe you should implement Open Graph and Twitter Card meta tags.
That's, in your header.php inside <head>:
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
<meta name="twitter:site" content="#youraccount" />
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="#youraccount" />
<meta property="og:title" content="The title" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Content description..." />

Difficulty with OpenGraph for Facebook embedded video

I am having some difficulty implementing a solution that I found via my research here (the actual accepted answer is not helpful and has been downvoted to Bolivian).
Problem: Facebook doesn't seem to recognize the OpenGraph meta tags that I have added to my Header.
What I know (or think I know): It is my understanding that by adding some appropriate opengraph meta tags, the content, such as YouTube video, should appear in the body of the "post" on Facebook.
What I have tried so far: Referring to the solution linked above, I have tried to implement this method.
In my examples, I'm embedding this video in the following page I
would like Facebook to show the YouTube video whenever anyone shares
my page on Facebook.
Option 1: setting the og:video to
The meta tag will look like
<meta property='og:video' content='' />
Further, I have attempted to disable plugins which may conflict with this -- any plugins which appear to add OG meta tags.
On the code side: I have hard-coded the following meta tags in the Header (this will eventually become a PHP function or something, but not until/unless I can make it work on a single post):
<meta property='og:image' content='' />
<meta property='og:video' content='' />
<meta property="og:video:height" content="854" />
<meta property="og:video:width" content="510" />
<meta property="og:type" content="video">
Observed behavior:
All I see is the post's featured image. When I schedule or submit this link to my facebook page, Facebook does not recognize the OpenGraph tags and does not render the embedded video as part of the content of this Facebook post:
Desired behavior:
This is at odds with the suggested method, which if I use the URL provided in that answer, I can see the embedded video player:

Featured image and og meta not showing up in Facebook

I'm having an issue with the thumbnail / featured image, headline and og meta not showing up if I paste a link in FB with one specific post but not others. (Flushing the cache on FB doesn't work).
The site's on WordPress and the Yoast SEO plug-in should sort out the OG meta tags if you correctly enter your FB settings in the right section and I believe I have. I have also just pasted the code in my theme's functions.php
Here is my most recent blog post where it has no image nor headline:
– however it works on other posts
On the Debug tool it says: Must: "The 'og:type' property is required, but not present". But it's there : <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
It also says: Should: "The 'og:url' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags." And it's there:
<meta property="og:url" content="link here" />
The OG Meta is exactly the same on this post (as far as I can see) as all other posts that have featured image and other meta info displaying properly in FB.
I would really appreciate if someone know why this is happening
