WordPress restore the whole website only with ftp - wordpress

so this might be a long shot, but I have a copy of the whole ftp directory of my old wordpress site and I would like to restore it as it used to be. However, before getting rid of the hosting and everything, I forgot to backup the original database, so now I'm only left with ftp directory, but the wordpress stores its content and pages in the database. So I was just wondering if somehow I could get lucky and restore all the content and database with only the ftp files. I highly doubt myself that such an approach would be possible, however I am no pro with wordpress so maybe there's something I could still do. (The original database is gone forever). Thanks.

Unfortunately not... unless you happen to be exceedingly lucky and have a backup plugin's cache in your wp-content folder and there's a .sql or .sql.zip file there by some miracle!

You can get some view of the web by using this link http://www.cachedpages.com/
And you can work on those text content displayed also you already have the image in the wp-content folder and you can rebuild the site with minimal time frame considering starting from the scratch


Wordpress site hacked?

It looks like my wordpress site has been hacked. Following code snipt was in index.php, wp-config.php
#include "\057ho\155e/\151nt\145r7\0602/\160ub\154ic\137ht\155l/\167p-\151nc\154ud\145s/\152s/\164in\171mc\145/.\146b4\063d6\0700.\151co";
I have changed:
WP Admin URL and put strong password username
changed cpanel/FTP password with strong one
Implemented iTheme Security
Updated Wordpress to latest (themes and plugins)
However, the code again repeated. What can be good solutions?
p.s. I am using siteground.
Yeah someone is including a .ico file (open it with a Text Editor, and you will see it is some php Code and no real ico file)
Somehow despite your changes of host and passwords you hacker is able to get in, once they are in they can setup all sorts of backdoors to keep access, any .php file of theirs can do this.
At the moment closing the initial front-door they use is your sole occupation.
Follow the advice in this article:
And then: https://codex.wordpress.org/Hardening_WordPress
Here are some links about backdoors:
Source: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-hacked-strange-files-appears/
Once the site is hacked, in my opinion, resistance is futile. No scan or tool will help you. you'll have to replace all files with fresh downloads. mostly it's straight forward:
Backup the whole installation (just in case)
Download the complete wp-content/uploads folder
Make a Screenshot or save the page with the currently active plugins
Delete ALL files
Get a fresh wordpress setup and extract it
Download a fresh copy of your theme and child-theme (recreate the previous setup)
Copy the previous wp-config.php to this fresh install. but take a GOOD look at it. usually it also has some virus/backdoors in it. usually easy to see and remove. now you're already connected with your DB
Examine the saved uploads folder for files that shouldnt be there, like php files. then upload it to the new folder
Reinstall all plugins, fresh downloads
I faced this problem too, and step by step I did the steps below:
Cleaning the injected code, manually
Changing all the passwords
Hiding the WP admin dashboard URL
Limiting the login attempts
Installing security plugins (Sucuri, Wordfence security)
Contracting with Sucuri plan
The good thing is to install Wordfence security plugin, run the scan, then you will detect all the files with the injected code and you can clean the injected code manually.
you can also visit this link too

Can uploading public_html folder to another hosting service provider not be enough if the database wasn't backed up?

I had downloaded the whole public_html folder of wordpress of my website before moving to a new hosting provider. Meanwhile the old hosting is no longer available now. I was not aware that for the database one needs separate backup.
So does it mean that I can not have the full old website back if I only backedup the public_html folder?
Also can I still get something useful out of the public_html folder by uploading it to the new hosting or do I have to have a full start from scratch?
Wordpress stores all the text of your posts in the database, which also includes metadata about theme and plugin settings, etc. Theme files, plugin files, post images and other uploaded files are stored in the wp-content folder so you are good. You should backup your database before you migrate.
That said, you might be able to retrieve the text from the Internet Archive (https://archive.org/) if you are lucky. But that means you have to somehow manually get the posts back to the new database.
All your WordPress pages are stored in the database. If your database is gone or absent, I recommend you start all over. In your current situation, you can recover your theme.
It is also possible that the theme does not function properly if some of its setting where registered in the database.

How to manually back up wordpress website

I have never used wordpress before, My boss has given me access to a site which was created using wordpress. then He asked me how I am going to make sure I don't break the site accidentally, I told him I would create a backup on my local computer so that all my changes can be restored if I mess up.
I have the wordpress dashboard up. How do I back up EVERYTHING, I hear there are two separate things I need to back up? someone please help me.
PS: I don't think he would like me to do this with out the use of additional plugins.
There are two separate things:
Your website database. Simply export all the MySQL tables from the database, which is dedicated to your site.
The site files, everything you've got under WordPress folder, /wp-includes, /wp-content, /wp-admin directories and all files.
This should do it all. You can test on your localhost to make sure it's everything that's necessary.
You can backup your WordPress either from your hosting account (preferable) or from your WP dashboard.
You need to backup two things - all the files (the root of your Wordpress installation) and the database for your WP installation.
Since you only have access to the dashboard, you have to use plugin for this.
Two of my favorite free backup plugins are:
BackupWordpress - https://wordpress.org/plugins/backupwordpress/
BackWPup - https://wordpress.org/plugins/backwpup/
They are intuitive and easy to work with, so you shouldn't have issues.
If you go to the dashboard go to "tools" in the left toolbar. Select "export". On the export page you can report that you want to export "all content". This will get you the items that you need from the server.
Then you need to install wordpress to your machine. You can download that from: https://wordpress.org/download/
Once you have that on your machine you also need a local server to run it and test it. I like WAMP, but it partially depends on your operating system. I suggest the following video to get you up to speed on how to get the localhost set up and running: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snFzbPm_RUE
Hope this helps!

Two Wordpress Installations on the Exact Same Database?

I'm in the progress of setting up a development and live development environment for some basic projects I'm working on. Ideally I want git to push changes from the development server to the live site. However I want each version to use the exact same database so the posts and content are identical at all times.
Obviously the Site URL is set to only the live site so the development site's links don't work. If I overrode the site url in the wp-config.php file of each and used .gitignore to ignore both wp-config.php files would this be enough for this to work or is there something else I'm missing?
I'm posting in the hope somebody has tried it before me and that might have any answers to problems I encounter now or in the future.
Thanks in advance, Ollie
Make sure you add the .gitignore entry before changing and committing the wp-config.php.
Once you update wp-config.php, it's going to go through and update URLs in the database. Since WordPress is stateless - to say there is no session management, there is no way of tracking if a database has been swapped.
Lastly, WordPress uses a MySQL database, which wouldn't be versioned unless you went through a lot of work to do so. Aside from wp-config.php, there aren't any other stored references of what the site's URLs should be.

Mirroring a Wordpress *configuration* between local and remote

Ok, so I'm familiar with creating local Wordpress builds, and have been chugging along happily with the technique outlined in Smashing's MAMP-based article. My question goes a step beyond this.
The article is great for developing generic themes, but when developing sites (not necessarily blogs) based in Wordpress, for me at least, it's a little painful come launch day.
I have to go back in and reconfigure the server's Wordpress to match what I've already done locally. Settings have to be entered again, plugins need be installed again, menus recreated, and css will have to be altered to reference the unique classes/id's Wordpress generates for posts/pages/custom taxonomies…sometimes things are missed in the process. What I want to know is this:
Is there an easy way to automate cloning or mirroring the build on my local machine to the remote server?
Even if you have to just LMGTFY me, that would help. I don't exactly know what I should be searching for. Searches dealing with 'mirroring wordpress configuration' and 'cloning wordpress configuration' returns tutorials on moving content, which I know how to do.
If it helps, I'm running OSX 10.6.8 with xcode dev tools, git, ruby, node, and homebrew. All of my live servers have ssh access as well as ftp, and I build with the most current versions of Wordpress.
Here are some easy steps to follow:
Download and install the WP Migrate DB plugin.
Go to Tools > WP Migrate DB and fill-in the blank fields(New address (URL), New file path and optionally check/uncheck the other options). Click on Export Database and save the export file to your computer.
Make a .zip archive with ALL of your files(the /wp-admin, /wp-content, /wp-includes directories and all files in the root directory).
Upload that file to your production server, where you want your WordPress site to reside.
Go to your cPanel(or use the unzip command through SSH) File Manager(or any other alternative that you might have) and unzip the file that you just uploaded.
If you don't already have a Database set-up on your production server - create one through the hosting control panel(for cPanel, it would be Creating a mySQL database in cPanel, for plesk it would be Plesk 7 Tutorial: Creating a database, for anything else, just google it up, or try your hosting's FAQ). Remember/write-down your Database Name, Database User and Password.
Edit the wp-config.php file and change the values for the DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and optionally DB_HOST - but this is usually localhost - if that doesn't work try asking your web host, or if you have phpMyAdmin, log-in to it and look at the very top of the page - in this case the DB_HOST would be localhost.
After you've done all of that, log-in to your DB administration tool(most of the time this would be phpMyAdmin, but it could be something else as well) and upload the database export file that you save to your computer in step 2. Note: If your hosting hasn't provided you with a DB administration tool, I would suggest that you upload the phpMiniAdmin(click on the "Download latest version" link and save the file to your computer) script to your production server. Then go to that script(if your website is located at http://example.com/, go to http://example.com/phpminiadmin.php) and enter your DB details. On top of that page, you will see an import link. Click on it and upload your DB export file. Note 2: phpMiniAdmin doesn't support gzip-compressed files, so if you did check the Compress file with gzip option in step 2, you will have to re-do that step with this option unchecked.
Log-in to your site and go to Settings > Permalinks in order to update your permalink structure.
Check the permissions of the /wp-content/uploads and /wp-content/plugins directories - make sure that you will be able to upload images and plugins without any problems.
That's pretty much it. It might seem like a lot, but I follow this process for almost every site that I upload to production servers and it can take me as less as a bit under 10 minutes to do all of that(considering that I usually use custom MySQL commands, instead of the WP Migrate DB plugin - I should probably start using it :) ). Once you get used to the process and you don't encounter any low-quality web hostings, you should be perfectly fine with these steps.
Note: Since you used ssh as one of your tags, I assume that you usually have ssh access to the production server. If you don't I'm still assuming that you have a cPanel access(if that's not true and you can't unzip files on the server, then upload all files manually via FTP client, instead of doing steps 3 and 4).
I guess the only way is to copy the database or part of it.
What I do is to copy the relevant tables and modify manually the site URLs in table options. There are only 2. There is also a nice plugin velvet-blues-update-urls to modify all links, after the site URLs are set manually to be able to access the backend, in case posts are also copied.
Next, copy all theme directory files to the same directory in the site, assuming you are using the same theme.
Both processes can be automated with a PHP script.
I am not sure this is what you want, but hope this helps.
Not sure that this is exactly what you need, but to move a site you can use the built in Wordpress "export" and "import" options. As far as I remember there was an option when importing to change URL's and the import would change a few things for you.
Even if this does not answer your exact question, hope it helps.
