Godaddy Custom Domain | Firebase Website | Site can't be reached - firebase

I have purchased a domain from Godaddy let's say
I have created a project and deployed a web page in FireBase -
I have linked a custom domain in the project console
In GoDaddy the A records and TXT Records are also updated.
The site was up for a while. I could access my website using as well as
But now I keep getting Site can't be reached error. [I am however able to reach the site through firebase URL]
Even ping requests fail.
Please advice on what could be wrong and how to avoid this error.

Take out the www and the .com and use # or your sub host
Type: A, Value:#, IP: x.y.z.a
Type: A, Name:subdomain, IP: x.y.z.a


NGINX authentication with role based access

So first of all, I'm very new to NGINX, Docker etc..
But here is my scenario:
I've created a 2 docker images which display a simple website, website1 and website2.
Both of them are created in a dockerfile, using the nginx image.
I put them in 2 seperate containers.
By visiting localhost:8080 I got website1.
By visiting localhost:8081 I got website2.
Then I wanted just 1 entrypoint (localhost) and by using a /, going to my websites.
So I created a new container, called reverseproxy.
I used default.conf of NGINX to proxy pass to my containers.
I did the following:
in default.conf, I have 3 locations. localhost (which shows the default NGINX page)
localhost/website1, which proxy passes this to my website1
localhost/webiste2, which proxy passes this to my website2
I put all of this is a docker-compose.yaml file and it runs just fine.
Then for website1, I wanted basic authentication. With using apache-utils and adding basic authentication to my /webiste1 and /website2 end points, it works great.
But now I want to restrict access to my endpoints (website 1 and website 2) based on specific roles.
So when I visit website1, enter credentials using basic_auth, I want to be able to check whether this user has the role of user for example.
And when visiting /website2, I want to be able to login, but then restrict access because this user may not access this website, only with the "admin" role for example.
I've been stuck on this for a few days now...
Anyone have any idea?
Just some extra information: I don't want to use Kubernetes. I know this has RBAC (Role based Access Control) but I'd like to keep it more simple.
Thanks for your input in advance :)
Completely stuck..
You can use and leverage the OAuth-proxy :
Here is the demo on Github if you are looking for same :
You can also use the ngx_openresty

Firebase Hosting Redirect to Sub-Folder

I have a project that use as primary domain, but I also want to redirect: > >
When I try this in firebase hosting interface, I get an error that this is not an valid URL:
This is ofc just an example domain to explain my problem. So... How I can solve this?

DotNetNuke website migration to Azure fails with nx domain DNS error

I am currently working on a DotNetNuke website (07.03.02) and I am trying to migrate it to Azure. The website is working on my local machine with IIS.
I followed this tutorial to migrate the website :
So I created a new web application on Azure that will host the website files. I also created a new database on Azure, and I imported my DNN backup database.
I changed the connection strings in my web.config to use my Azure database, I uploaded the website folder on Azure.
Now if I try to browse my webapp using the link [sitename], I get the following error :
DNN Error Domain Name Does Not Exist In The Database
DotNetNuke supports multiple websites from a single database/codebase.
It accomplishes this by converting the URL of the client browser
Request to a valid PortalID in the Portals database table. The
following steps describe the process:
Web Server Processing When a web server receives a Request from a
client browser, it compares the file name extension on the target URL
resource to its Application Extension Mappings defined in IIS. Based
on the corresponding match, IIS then sends the Request to the defined
Executable Path ( aspnet_asapi.dll in the case of ASP.NET Requests ).
The aspnet_isapi.dll engine processes the Request in an ordered series
of events beginning with Application_BeginRequest.
HttpModule.URLRewrite OnBeginRequest ( UrlRewriteModule.vb ) The
Request URL is parsed based on the "/" character A Domain Name is
constructed using each of the relevant parsed URL segments.
URL: = Domain Name:
URL: = Domain Name:
URL: http://localhost/DotNetNuke/default.aspx = Domain Name:
localhost/DotNetNuke URL: = Domain Name: URL: = Domain Name:
Using the Domain Name, the application queries the database ( Portals
table - PortalAlias field ) to locate a matching record.
Note: If there are multiple URLs which correspond to the same website
then the website alias field must contain each valid Domain Name in a
comma separated list.
URL: http://localhost/DotNetNuke/default.aspx URL:
http://MACHINENAME/DotNetNuke/default.aspx URL: PortalAlias:
Note: If you are installing the application to a remote server you
must modify the PortalAlias field value for the default record in the
Portals table according to the rules defined above.
So I inserted the Site Alias ([sitename] record into the PortalAlias table as mentioned in the turorial.
Now when I try to reach the website [sitename], I don't have the previous DNN error but it loads for a long time and then I got the following error :
www.[sitename]’s server DNS address could not be
After the load end, the URL curiously become https://www.[sitename] and the DNS error occur.
Is there something I need to change in Azure or in my web.config file ? Maybe there is something to configure in DotNetNuke or in the ASP version?
I don't get why my browser change the url and why this dns error occur (I have no issues with my local IIS server).
(I also tried by using the automatic portal alias transfer as mentioned in the tutorial but I got the same result : the alias is inserted in the database but I still have the NXdomain error)
Thank you for your help !
In your original post you have:
www.[sitename]’s server DNS address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Try to manually put the . (The full, http with colons, etc.) Sometimes the web browser will add the WWW automatically, thinking you wanted it (I hate when they do that). Azure doesn't know about the www subdomain, so that is why you are probably getting that error.
Edit: Oh, and the long load time is good - it means that azure compiled your site and you didn't get a compile error.
The fact that you get an error that comes from DNN is good news, and means that you have (probably) done the major work correctly.
Now, you need to get into your database and modify the PortalAlias table so that there is an alias for (I'm assuming that the brackets around sitename are incorrect and "[sitename]" eeds to be replaced by the actual domain name for your site.)

How do I configure my DNS record? - MeteorJS

How do i configure my DNS record to point to galaxy?
I bought a domain with the following attributes:
Type: CNAME Record
Host: www
I am kinda lost here, I don't know where I should actually configure my DNS. In my project, or the website I registered my domain in? and how?
The following is my host records:
In Galaxy
Log into galaxy
Click on your app.
Click on settings.
In domains, click add new domain and enter your domain
In the description for the Domains and Encryption section you will see an address that looks something like Copy this down.
On your host
Create a new custom resource record Name: *, Type: CNAME, Data: (or paste yours if it differs in galaxy).
Create a new custom resource record Name: www, Type: CNAME, Data: (or paste yours if it differs in galaxy).
Let me know if you have any questions! There is a bit more to a full deployment, the docs on go in depth on how to setup everything else.

mvc3 routing with 2 different domains

I've developed a multi-culture app in mvc3. I have a table that holds a domain list (currently 2 records): -> en-US -> pl-PL
My app dynamically checks which domain you're coming from and then sets the CurrentCultureUI depending on the domain. This works fine on my localhost as I've also added these domains to my host file, however i'm not sure how I would handle this on the live envirenment?? (yes i did purchase both domains already) any ideas?
I've purchased a '.com' domain AND Hosting from godaddy AND another '.pl' domain from a different registrar ( I've uploaded my site to the godaddy but the 'pl' version doesn't work. Now, when i go to my domain mngr for '.pl' domain i have an option to "use other host" and text boxes for "DNS" and "IP". Is this what i need to do? what would i need to get from godaddy? to '' domain configuration??
I'm not see any problem if it's work locally with hosts file.
In real life no difference because host file replace DNS records in real world.
Point your real domains to same IP address.
Easy for support future domains point .com to IP address and in other domains add CNAME to .com domain. In this case if your IP address was changed you need change only DNS records in .com domain.
First, you need to get the public IP address of your hosted GoDaddy server. Next, you need to select 'Use other host' and enter that public IP address as the IP address for your 'pl' domain name.
After you have done this, you must go into your hosted GoDaddy server, and run IIS Manager. How you proceed will depend on whether the hosted server is running IIS 6, or IIS 7+.
For IIS6, you would select your site, right-click and choose 'Properties', make sure the 'Web Site' tab is selected, then you would click the 'Advanced' button next to the 'IP address' box. In the 'Advanced Web Site Identification' window, in the 'Multiple identities for this Web site' section, you would click 'Add', enter 80 for the TCP port, and enter your .pl domain name in the 'Host header value' box. Click 'OK' to close each window, until you are back at the main IIS Manager window.
For IIS7+, you can follow the directions at
Once you have added the binding for your 'pl' domain name on the hosted server, and after the DNS change to point your 'pl' domain name to the hosted server propagates, everything should work as it did on your development server.
You need to point the .pl name to your site at .com.
You do this with a CNAME record at pointing to
Don't forget the period at the end. It's important in CNAME-records.
Ok, finally got it working. this is my solution (counsellorben pointed me in the right direction to get this solved)
1) Log on to your godaddy account -> my products -> domain manager -> DNS manager ->
you will get a list of your domains.
On top you will notice 3 buttons: "Renew", "Upgrade", "Offsite". Click "Offsite" -> Add new Off-site -> for domain name enter your domain name purchased at third party domain service (in my case it was: ""). DO NOT check off "This domain will be transferred if you do not want it transferred (currently godaddy doesn't support European domains).
In the popup box you will also notice two nameservers listed. Write these down for later step.
Once you've created an off-site domain click on "Edit zone" link below it. Once there enter the following info:
A (Host): Host: # | Points to: IP address of your .COM domain/hosted by godaddy (
CNAME (Alias): Host: www | Points to: #
2) While still on godaddys website go to "My products" -> Hosting -> click on your '.COM' hosting service -> Launch -> You should be in "Hosting dashboard":
Click on "settings" -> Domain Management -> click "Add Domain" and enter your european domain name (in my case it was ""). So now in domain manager I would see two domains listed: (newly added domain)
3) Now log in to your third party domain service and point your domain (in
my case '') to godaddy's default hosting nameservers. In my case
I had to log in to -> configure domain -> "Use external DNS
server". Enter the following for DNS1 and DNS2:
The change should propagate within 24 hours.
